1375/The perfect gift

From Radiant Heart MUSH

The perfect gift
Date of Scene: 02 April 2024
Location: Obsidian Tower - Dark Laboratory
Synopsis: Sunbreaker gives Norie a little gift... one that has rather cruel consequences. Surely nothing bad will come of this choice.
Cast of Characters: Norie Okana, Hinoiri Kirara

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana is taking notes on a strange creature in a cage. It has tentacles and is slimy and back and she huhs and writes down her notes. She moves back to the table and gathers her notes. She sighs and hangs her head as she shakes her head. "Useless." she says as she groans a little and rubs her face in the late night. She draws her hand across a box of donuts from the cafeteria and takes a simple cake donut from the box and takes a bite as she looks down at her notes. "Just another tentacle creature." she says as she writes down the notes.

"I outta. Get a Dictaphone.." she says.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker was humming to herself. In her hands was a small... donut box. Labeled 'Pastry Patty's'. And she looked... well...

She looked normal. Not at all like the vengeful, vicious creature she was. She walked into the room with Norie and took a slow, deep breath. "Hey," Sunbreaker said. "Before you say anything, I'm here to apologize."

No. No she wasn't.

"After spending time... in Beryl's office, I realize I've kind of made some enemies and, frankly, it likely isn't something I should just leave to fester. More than that, I really hurt you and, well... it was cruel and wrong of me. So, I want to make it up to you."

She'd walk forward slowly and then hold out the small box. She'd open it and within...

Were four donuts. One chocolate with sprinkles, one with cherry glaze, one normal and just glazed and the last a positively golden maple bar.

"I know you really like donuts and so I managed to acquire these. Donuts from my home world, the best we have. We can share them if you like, or they're all yours if you'd prefer. But... well... this is just my way of saying sorry."

... And the donuts were magnificent. They were practically the *essence* of what a donut could be. As if Makoto herself had created them, but created in a world MADE for donuts. Where all things good and light and right just filtered into the ingredients themselves.

They were like eating purification, without the actual purification as they had no magic in them. They were just... well...

The kind of donuts you'd expect to find in a fairy tale world of light and good.

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana eyes Sunbreaker entering. "You know what." she says. "Leave."

She says this coolly and looks back to her work as she says as she continues to write notes. She doesn't look at Sunbreaker again and ignores everything she says as she eats her plain cake donut. Then she sniffs the air.

And she looks towards Sunbreaker as she raises her brow a moment. She hears her words finally as eyes the box she's carrying, but frowns. "What is. That smell?" she asks as she reaches her hands to the box carefully. Is this. A trap? She blinks a little and grabs the Chocolate and Sprinkled one as she puts down her cafeteria donut. She blinks a little and touched it, and no trap.

She gently places it to her mouth and takes a bite and eats it. Right in front of Sunbreaker and she gasps.

It's Amazing. The Donut is divine, it makes her feel like purification, but without the fall after. She gssps and...

Her lips curl a little at the edges. Like someone trying to smile, as she does so. Like it hurts to do so. After so much time. She mutters. "Amazing. I..I can feel again!" she says as she suddenly slips her arms out and grabs Sunbreaker's shoulders. There's no drain. "I feel...normal!" she says with bright, wide eyes.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker nodded and then slid the box onto the counter, an amused smile on her lips. "Of course. I do NOT say 'sorry' very often, but when I do? I do it right. These donuts are all but impossible to get... but... considering how much I hurt you before? I figured it was worth the effort to get you something truly perfect. Can I take this to mean you accept my apology?"

Oh, she was a terribly vengeful person. Reveling in this. Here she was, telling Norie everything...

And the girl didn't even realize. Special. Unique. Rare donuts.

And then, eventually... they'd be gone. And as far as she knew? There was *nothing* like them on this planet... yet.

First came the rise, then the fall. This'd teach the bitch to kidnap her!

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana eyes are still alight with wonder and feeling. She's looking directly into yours as she blinks and suddenly almost pounces the box for another donut. This one is eaten more greedily than the first. She starts writing frantically on her note book for a few moment as she suddenly looks up and stares into the middle distance. "Oh my god." she suddenly lunges at Sunbreaker.

"I...I kidnapped you!? Why be...because you called me a name or something...?" she asks. Her eyes are wide, apologetic. "I'm so sorry!" she says dramatically. "I don't know what I was thinking! I can think so clearer now." she says.

"Please. Quickly. Tell me what  I can do to make it right. Quickly. If this isn't permanent..." she knows. "...I can write it down now! For me when this...if it wears off." she says frantically.

She squeezes Sunbreaker's shoulders. A light energy drain, it's fading. She needs another donut!

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker felt... maybe... a hint of guilt. Why was she reacting like this? They weren't... that good, were they? Sure, they tasted amazing, but...

Ehhh, it was probably just an over reaction. Everyone reacted like this to them.

She patted Norie on the shoulders and started to pull away. "Just no more attacking me or causing me problems and we'll call it even, okay? Mmkay," Sunbreaker said with a grin. "I'm happy we can let this feud die. Just enjoy the treat, okay?" she said, trying to make her escape. She didn't want to be here when the donuts ran out...

Pastry Patty really was an artist... But she'd be so furious to know her donuts were used for evil.

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana blinks a little rapidly as she quickly takes notes. "So no attacking, no kidnapping...I mean yeah on that last one. I'll try to...to .." but the energy of the special donut is waning. Her expression darkens, the donut wears off and Norie Okana looks at her hands.

The world is so dark again.

She looks to the two remaining donuts and quickly closes the box. She has two cures left. She'll save this.

Then it sets in. The apology, the donuts. The packaging of the donuts. This is...

Limited. A potential cure for her missing feelings and this was some sick joke. From Hinoiri, from Sunbreaker. She flexes her hands and balls them into fists as she screams. "SUNBREAKER I HATE YOU!" she says angrily as Sunbreaker makes a... break for it. She's gone before she can say more. You better run you witch..!