1857/A Cute-able Replacement

From Radiant Heart MUSH

A Cute-able Replacement
Date of Scene: 02 August 2024
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: Dianora comes home to the dorm room only to discover her roommate is back, and she's a tiny alicorn! It's adorable. It's cute. It's a affirmation of their love. But most importantly, it's the therapy Hinoiri needs.
Cast of Characters: Double Trouble, Hinoiri Kirara

Double Trouble has posed:
It had been several days since Hinoiri had been home. It had been several days since Hinoiri had texted. Dianora had no idea where her Oneechan was, and had no idea when she'd be back. It was just like most Tuesdays. The young Italian girl went about her days as usual. With the big shakeup at Obsidian, it was more important than ever for her to cultivate the relationships she made as Dianora.

Which is what she'd been doing today. She'd had drama club. It was her favorite thing to do at school, of course. Some of those kids were real, genuine thespians. She always had a good time and came home in high spirits. Today had been a session all about improv, which was ironically, not Dianora's strong suit. But she yes-anded her way through and was practically skipping as she crossed the threshold into their room.

"Oneechan, I'm home!" She said as she burst into the room. "We did improv today in Drama Club it was so much fun! We did a whole sketch where I was a walrus that wanted an ice cream cone, but couldn't hold it because I didn't have hands." She giggles, and runs over and leaps up onto Hinoiri's bed and grabs her pillow and hugs it. "I think improv would be really good for you."

She squeezes the pillow really tight and then starts to cry just a little. There's a sniffle. "Maybe when your life settles down and you're around more," she says, sniffling more. "If it settles down." Then she sighs. "Who am I kidding? As if my life is any better."

She lets go of the pillow and just lies there on Hinoiri's bed staring up at the ceiling. "I hope you find your way home soon, Oneechan," she sniffles.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
"Well, this is awkward..." a voice called out from the pile of stuffies. The adorable pile of stuffies. And then... one of them started to move. And then sprung free from the pile.

... Oh my gosh it was a tiny lil Hinoiri Kirara, the pony form. With wings. She posed dramatically and then... "Do you talk to me all the time if I'm not here, or did you just know I was back?" the voice was... adorable. Squeaky. Like having cotton candy to the ears. NOT Hinoiri's voice. But... close. Almost there, if she had a like... cuter version. Then... "But I'm not sure improv is really for me. I've never been a good actor. Though I do suppose I think well on my hooves."

"... So, Dia-chan, I assume you're going to have soooo many questions. Which... well. I'll explain, because you're bound to hear about it eventually."

"... But first, I'll wait for you to get it out of your system." Oh. Ohhhhh she knew SOMETHING was coming. She was going to be lucky to just get laughed out of the country. Or snugged. Or both. "And I don't know, I think my life is relatively settled now. I don't have any powers... ish. I'm mostly theoretical at this point." Pause. "Well, except this."

And now, she waited.

Double Trouble has posed:
Dianora practically leapt up to sit on Hinoiri's bed. She stared as the little alicorn wiggled free of her pile of stuffies. She didn't have an alicorn stuffie. She had a unicorn. But she recognized that alicorn anyway. Well, except for the last time she'd seen her with hooves, she didn't have wings. She had wings. She was an alicorn.

The small Italian girl leapt off the bed and darted across the room to snatch little Hinoiri off the bed and clutch her to her chest and give her a tight hug. "ONEECHAN!" Then she held the little alicorn up like a prize in both hands and just beamed up at her. "YOU DID IT!!"

She hugs Hinoiri close again and then bounds over to jump up onto her bed, letting the poor little alicorn go so she can be comfortable how she wants. Dianora does her part and snuggles into her pile of stuffies like it's a little throne. "You have to tell me everything. What happened? Is this permanent? And if you call this settled, I'd hate to see what you think chaotic looks like."

She laughs and shakes her head. "I didn't used to talk to an empty room because you used to be here, Oneechan. I..." She sniffles again. "It was so quiet. I had to fill the silence."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara yeeps when she's snatched up and hugged. "C-careful. Still small and squishy. A-and... not... quite... this isn't a real alicorn. This? Is... an experiment gone wrong. It should, hopefully, fade in a few more days. I was experimenting with some of the stuff I stole from home and well... apparently, if you mix the magic from back home with music and some other stuff... yeah. This." She motioned to herself with a hoof.

"Sadly, it's not quite... actual alicorn-ness. I can do *some* magic, but nothing really... I'm basically one of those mascots. I can teleport, but only if there's no disruptions and the like. And I'm sorry I wasn't here. I uhhhh..."

And then her cheeks were burning and she looked up at her. "First, uhhhh... I told people that you weren't magic and I knew how to get around without you knowing, so ummmm. I'll let you decide if you're magic or not like this. As for where I was... well..."

"Remember when I was... really mopey all the time? With all the dark energy? Then I got kidnapped? I uhhh... for a little bit, like, a few hours, I got really grouchy and.... certain that, ummmmm. If I got kidnapped, alone? Nobody would have come for me. I got over it! But I'd started to make a youma to... kidnap 'Hinoiri'... so they'd HAVE to rescue me... and release me after a week if they didn't."

"... I never finished the youma... I put it into stasis to rework it into something later. It... got released... apparently... when I became... this. And kidnapped me."

"... It didn't believe I was Sunbreaker. After all. Sunbreaker was a 'unicorn'... and he kept calling *me* a pegasus. And ummm... so... the sparkles... saved me..." Hinoiri muttered, her face burning. "And that. That may have been the most *humiliating* experience of my life. Because ohhhh, it would NOT shut up about how Sunbreaker made it and it was the GREATEST creation of hers and ohhhhh, he didn't even have any real attacks!"

"... And I'm sorry I wasn't around. I've... usually been around more often, haven't I? Since... no more Obsidian on my side? Doesn't that help?" she asked, giving a sheepish smile. With big, adorable green eyes that seemed to be *made* of adorable. How did her eyes get that big? And was she REALLY trying to out 'cutie face' DIANORA?

"... Also, I would have texted and let you know I was coming home... but I figured you'd prefer the surprise."

Double Trouble has posed:
To be entirely fair to Hinoiri, she had the size factor in favor. As a small, stuffie-sized animal, she was just inherently cuter than a twelve-year-old girl. Though, Dianora had the advantage of practice and skill. The dark-haired girl just listens and then giggles.

"You figured right. If I'd known you were gonna be here, I would have been ready," she says with a mischievous grin. "This way you got to see just how adorable I am when you're gone, and I'm sure it tugged on your heart strings just a little." She reaches out and taps little Hinoiri on her chest. "Way better."

She sits back and folds her arms and looks at Hinoiri then and sighs. "Well, it's probably for the best that it's temporary. Shiori would probably rather kiss your human lips," she says, sneering the other girl's name just a little. They don't get along. It's good they're never in the same room. "Even if you'd be my most prized stuffie."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "Yes... I will admit... you were *incredibly* adorable. I almost planned to play the 'You're a magical girl, Dianora' card... but I felt you'd see through it in no time. Or worse, feel bad when I turned out to just be me. It's... kind of... nice, admittedly," Hinoiri said, her cheeks going red even under all that orange fur. "Knowing you feel this way about me even when I'm not here."

... Was it weird that seeing Dianora sneer over Shiori made her love her even more? The fact her theyfriend could get so into her roles, at all times... "And probably. Shiori has never expressed any desires to kiss a pony. I don't imagine it'd be much different, but the size factor would make it awkward. I really do think you and Shiori would get along if you just spent some more time together. She really is a sweety, deep down. And she's got that passion and drive for drama that you do. Her school isn't RHA, but it's not that bad a place, either."

"I wonder if the other stuffies could get jealous. They are *oddly* cuddly at this size."

Double Trouble has posed:
Dianora lifts her necklace up over her head and her body melts into an inky blob of potential and resolidifies into Double Trouble. They stuff the necklace in its pocket on their bodysuit and then reach out to grab hold of the tiny little alicorn, pulling her in for another, much more careful hug.

"Hinoiri, darling, I feel this way about you always," they say, their big yellow eyes looking at her as they offer a grin full of sharp teeth. They're the only teeth they have. "I gave you my heart a long time ago, and now you're stuck with me. No returns or exchanges."

They think of the other stuffies being jealous and laugh. "If they're jealous, it's only because they know you're better, darling."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara squeaks and nestles into the hug, letting the warmth and affection roll over her. She... needed this. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the reptile hugging her. Her wings ruggling slightly to rub against them.

"I... know that logically. If that makes sense? But there's always that... feeling. Just.... this little voice in my head that tells me it's not real. That nobody could ever really.... and... I know it doesn't make sense. That it's... unreasonable and silly and nonsensicle. But no matter how hard I try? I can never get that voice to be quiet. Sorry. I know it's probably... weird to have that. Most people probably don't have anything like that at all."

... Ah. Ha ha ha ha ha BWA HA HA HA HA HA!

"True. I guess being your favorite stuffy for a few days is only natural. I'm your favorite everything else, why not this?" she asked in an amused, happy tone.

Double Trouble has posed:
Double Trouble needed this too. They always needed affection from Hinoiri, but especially after the last few days. They'd missed her. They always missed her. They just hugged her and rocked a little in place as they listened.

Then they held her up again so they could look her right in the eyes. "Hinoiri Kirara, you are brilliant, but sometimes you are the dumbest alicorn I've ever met," they say. "Everybody has that little voice. It's not so loud for most people. But for some people it is very loud." Especially people with lots of trauma, they don't say.

If it had been anybody else, they'd have had a field day. Left them feeling awful. That nothing is real and that she should be questioning everything. But Double Trouble has never been able to bring themselves to be anything but good to Hinoiri. They love her too much. Maybe now that she's laid off the dark energy, she'll actually hear Double Trouble for once.

"If you ever have any doubts about us, darling, you just let me know, and I'll make sure to remove them as quickly as I can," they say, and then they bring that little alicorn in and give her a tiny kiss right on her tiny little alicorn lips. Or, you know, as close as they can manage.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times, her mouth opening. "Wait, EVERYONE? I mean, I know Catra has it, but I didn't think... huh. Oh. Wow. That would explain a lot," she mumbled gently, rubbing the back of her head. "I... didn't realize. Oh..."

She then squeaked, when she was kissed on the lips. Her lil hoofs went over her mouth in an embarrassed squeak, cheeks bright red, wings spreading out and... "O-oh. R-really? You'd.... do that for me?" Then she lowered her hooves and reached out with her lil nose. And she rubbed her snoot against Double Trouble's Snoot.

"I'm so happy we fell in love rather than betraying each other... you're so much funner than a knife in the back."