1245/My Corn isn't angry NOW!

From Radiant Heart MUSH

My Corn isn't angry NOW!
Date of Scene: 07 March 2024
Location: Obsidian Tower - Board Room
Synopsis: Sunbreaker has a 'talk' with La Crima after their recent... kidnapping incident. It goes as well as you'd expect for a girl with anger issues and another girl with... issues.
Cast of Characters: Norie Okana, Hinoiri Kirara

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana was doing paperwork in an empty office today, doing work for Takashi perhaps, or perhaps herself. She had a tiny, baby Capsicorn in a specimen tube next to her and she was taking notes about it. She looked dour, and wrote on the paper.

> Pops in extreme heat.

Norie Okana continued to write on the paper, as a pile of donuts near her slowly receded one by one. It was nice, quiet.

Just the sound of pen to paper.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker was... angry. To say the least. Now she'd outed herself to Usagi and Chiyo, before long they'd all know. Every. Single. One. Of those STUPID SPARKLES! Would know who she was. Everything she'd done to hide herself was ruined.

She'd spent a week eating granola bars and being La Crima's little... captive. For what? THIS? Just to lose it all in the end?

And she was pissed. She was furious. And she was hurting.

So when she passed the room, she saw Norie in there and... stepped back a few steps to look inside. She then took a slow, deep breath. She walked into the room and closed the door behind herself.

"Hello, La Crima. Working hard?" she asked in a very, very tight voice. So tight you could play it like a violin...

Norie Okana has posed:
The tiny Caspicorn looks at Sunbreaker and plops up against it's glass trying to get her. It can't because it's in it's specimen tube. Sunbreaker arrives and she picks up the tube and is like "Awwww it's trying to get at you, isn't it cute?" she says in her usual monotone, before setting the tube down.

"I'm doing paperwork." she says. Not understanding the tightness of Sunbreaker's voice. "I have to get it all done by tonight. I think I can do it." she said, dramatically.

"How is your project going? I tried to find you for a week to offer my assistance, but no one knew where you went!"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker eye twitched a little. Ah. Of course. She walked over and put a palm on top of the tube, leaning on it and lightly rocking it a little as she looked inside. "I was a little... tied up. Actually, that's what I wanted to talk with you about."

The flames around her, however, wre fairly large.

"Tell me. La Crima. Would you say I am... good to you? I've been... generally pretty kind? I helped you get your familiar, I've been searching for a way to see if I could fix you?" Pause. "Permanently?"

She moved her hand off the jar, placing her palm on the table. The heat was a little intense, but nothing was burning... yet.

"Tell me, what do you know about a girl named Hinoiri Kirara?" she asked in a fake, sweet voice.

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana does notice the change in ambient temperature, Also, Sunbreaker has a fiery aura. These are things she notices as she nods.

"Ah. Yes?" she asks curiously. "You have been it's true. Why is something wrong?" she asks with some concern.

Then Sunbreaker brings up Hinoiri Kirara and she grows suddenly dour. "Yes. She's a rotten bully and needs to be taught a lesson to." she says cooly. "I tried to teach her this lesson but fricken Naru Osaka complicated matters. No one would have come if she wasn't involved!" she says angrily, suddenly.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker gave a small nod. "I see. I see." She moved the hand up, pressing her index finger on the tube again.

"Yes, Osaka-san certainly did complicate matters, didn't see? Say... did you tell anyone else about this plan? Say... Riventon? Catra? Mami?" Slowly swirling a finger along the top of the jar.

"And yes, a terrible bully, her... She... teased you about your voice once, right? Did she do it often? Did she shove you into a locket? Maybe... knock your food out of your hands at lunch? Do anything else? Or was it just... the tone... once?" Slow, leisurely swirls, her anger billing. "That you decided to kidnap her... to jam her full of dark energy... to... kill... her?"

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana frowns. "Naru-chan always makes things so difficult sometimes!" she says. "I didn't plan for her so I had to fix things on the fly." she says a little angrily.

Then Sunbreaker starts 'questioning her' and she gets a little defensive. "It was the tone thing, it's always the $%^#*ing tone thing!" she says, swearing.

"Everyone thinks they're so clever when they make fun of me, but no more!" she says. "I'm tired of it Sunbreaker. So so so tired. SOMEONE has to be taught a lesson!" she says.

"I was going to snuff out her emotions and see how she liked it." she snaps.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker nodded. "I see. Yes, she does make things very difficult. Did you know? I learned something from all of this."

"For example, when wrapped up in vines of dark energy, it's very hard to henshin. When trying to *hide* your *identity* from the *sparkle skirts*, it's *very hard to henshin* when you're *trapped in the same room* AS ONE OF THEIR FRIENDS!" she yelled, slamming her fist down, fire turning the tube and the youma into a charred smudge on the desk... which now had a large dent in the middle, which her palm was on.

"And no. I would *not* have liked having my emotions *torn out*. Tell me. La. Cri. Ma. Did it *ever* occur to you that, maybe, you should have discussed this plan of yours with *anyone*? Because *any* of a *long list* of people here would have told you how *utterly* stupid it was."

Her gaze on Norie was intense and furious. "But, for the record. I didn't remember you then. The only Norie I knew was that little dark energy kid who got a raw deal. But you know what? Now I am *never* going to forget the vicious little bitch who kept me locked up for a week and caused my *identity* to get out to all of the *bucking* sparkle skirts."

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana remains non-pulsed through the start of this tirade, she doesn't understand what has transpired until it's too late and Sunbreaker kills the little Capsicorn and it's tube into a fiery huff and she's about to complain heavily about this in utter confusion.

Then it clicks.

Sunbreaker is Hinoiri Kirara? Whhhhhat?

"W..what!? You're!?" she says with shock and horror. Then her expression suddenly changes into one of upset. "If I had known.... I would had gone about my revenge differently, y....you witch!" she says angrily.

"I don't need to ask anyone to handle my own problems for the record!" she says. "Like I need permission." she says.

"The only dumb reason you we're rescued was because they we're there to save Naru-chan!" she says, throwing the chair back, standing and stamping her foot.

"I didn't see anyone from our side there to rescue you!?" she sputters.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker turned her furious gaze on her, eyes narrowed...

And then Norie doubled down. Just like she would. She wasn't apologetic. Wasn't begging forgiveness.

She said she'd do it again. How she'd challenge her differently. Sunbreaked slammed her palm down again. Incinerating the papers on the desk. Her anger growing. It didn't help that Norie had, once again, hit it on the head. Nobody on her side came for her...

"Norie... La Crima... I know you think you can't feel anything. Apparently you can, though. You can feel anger. You can feel upset."

"And now? You're going to feel my wrath." Fire formed in her right hand. "You are a pathetic, insignificant tool. A toy, at best. Do you think Riventon cares about you? Do you think his care for you goes past how useful you are to him? Do you think anybody would come for you if the tables were reversed?"

"You're nothing but a stupid, insignificant, pathetic insect. Lashing out at things that are more competent than you. I didn't remember mocking you because, frankly, you weren't worth it. You weren't even *worth* wasting my *time* on disdain. But now? You've earned it. Naru didn't keep me safe from you... she was keeping you safe from *me*," she said, her voice cold and furious.

"I didn't see you then... but I sure as tartarus see you now. If you're smart, which you're not... you'll stay out of my way and make sure I don't see you again. You'll melt into the background like the bland, boring, inconsiquential wisp you are... and everyone will forget you because they have better things to do. Stay out of my way, youma. Or you won't need to worry about ever feeling *anything* again... are we clear?"

And if Norie had henshined by now... Sunbreaker would hold her hand up and blast her with a blast of fire so powerful it'd destroy the windows and... part of the wall to the outside. Otherwise... if she was still Norie? The blast would just go over her shoulder.

She wasn't a killer, after all. "I know you may think there's no way to *destroy* you, bug... but I already know three to make your miserable existence even more *pathetic*."

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana makes a face. "No. Riventon would come for me. And my Sister would come for me." she says. Does she believe that: Maybe, maybe not, it hard to tell, bit her voice does waver near the end. -Oneesan would come for her right?

Still, Sunbreaker waxes on and then she calls her the 'Y-word'.

She does transform, because she senses something coming, and she's right, about it, the blast smacking her right at the exact moment she transforms.

This sends her careening into the wall with the blast and windows explode around her. She slumps to the ground as part of her turns into a black mist.

Then all of her turns into a black, vaguely humanoid shape.

She hovers back up on the ground as she speaks. "I see your brilliant light....!" she says, coldly.

"I'm going to snuff it out." she says angrily, launching herself forward, trying to grab, claw, hang onto Sunbreaker, just touch her to start a heavily on purpose energy drain.

"You better run, witch...!" she says, angry monotone.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker gave a light snort. "Your sister? Who'd be the *sister* to a little *monster* like you?" she asked.

She felt better, though, flinging the girl across the room. Good. Now she'd hopefully learned her lesson and--


Suddenly the shade was ON her! And she was grabbed, the shadowy creature grabbing on and draining her!

However, the flames around Sunbreaker only grew in response, burning at the other girl while she growled and grabbed her as well.

"I don't run from ANYTHING! You may be the darkness but the shadows always run and HIDE!" she yelled. Erupting into MORE fire and gripping the other girl, trying to slam her right back into that wall in a fury!

That energy drain was a problem, certainly. But Sunbreaker was on fire for a reason. So she wondered which would happen first. Would La Crima give up her grip, or would the burning fire be snuffed out?

Norie Okana has posed:
La Crima holds and grasps onto Sunbreaker and there's a strong energy drain involved with this. Indeed, those flames might even recede a bit as she screams angrily out, screeching out like a youma as she finally lets go, hands smoking and painful.

She angrily yells. "I HATE you, Hinoiri Kirara!" she yells angrily, a little sadly into the air. Not calling her Sunbreaker right now.

"I won't rest until you're sorry about what you've done!" you know, making fun of her that one time.

With that, she retreats into the Dusk Zone, not wanting to continue on this pointless fight.

She's in enough trouble as it is now, with the destroyed office.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker stood there, panting for a few minutes. Slow, deep breath. She was... tired. Not as tired as she would have been, once, but she was far, far stronger now than she had initially been. She leaned back against the table and sighed. "Stupid fucking bitch. Fine. FINE. You want to play this game? We'll play this game. I'll destroy *everything* that makes you *happy*. Starting with donuts."

The next time a portal opened up on her, well... Let's see how La Crima handles trying the world's greatest donut, better than any other could ever be... and then find out that they literally couldn't be acquired in this dimension.

... Well. The next time, if ever, she found another Kirakirafantastica portal. And if nothing else came up. Ugh... now she was tired... Stupid energy draining!