Misfortune's arrival(Melona Mizu)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Misfortune's arrival(Melona Mizu)
Date of Cutscene: 04 January 2025
Location: An upper-class hotel
Synopsis: The arrival of a german songstress in japan, and a quiet meeting that spells misfortune for a certain miserable melon.
Cast of Characters: Melona Mizu, Kyubey

A private jet arrives in the tokyo airport, one that had been quietly anticipated when rumors that a german songstress would be coming to japan on an exchange program to take some classes in japan as well as host several concerts in various different areas of Tokyo. In spite of being from germany, she is wearing a pair of cowboy boots and a cowboy hat to go with her white pleather-jacketed outfit with skirt and black tanktop underneath. A relatively downplayed outfit for her as she steps off the plane.

When her bodyguards try to usher her off to a car posthaste she rolls her eyes, blowing a bubble in her gum. "Right, right, straight to the hotel, of course~! You'd best let me have some privacy when we get there, though! I have a call to an old friend I need to make, as well as I'll need to freshen up."

Upon arrival at the hotel, she gives a soft sigh, closing the door and locking her guards out. They would stay outside the door, and there's no doubt they'd overhear... but they knew better than to say anything. They knew what happened to the last ones. She walks over to a window and opens it, and a pair of familiar pale red eyes are there almost immediately, as Kyubey promptly jumps in through the edge of the window; not that he'd been there before.

Weird dimension-hopping rabbit-thing. "Hi~." She says cheerfully, none-the-less, reaching a hand to absently scritch the being as she smiles down at it with a false fondness. "And you're /sure/ she's here~?"

Kyubey looks up towards Misfortune Mary as she barely-conceals the mad grin while he responds.

"Yes, and I'm sure she could use her old senpai to bring her back to how things should be. And even if you can't help her, I'm sure you'll see something fun."

Misfortune Mary's barely-concealed mad grin grows into a wicked one, as she gives an almost-deliriously malicious giggle.

"Excellent. I look forward to seeing my little Misery Melon soon~."