Preparations for a Departure (Coco Kiumi)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Preparations for a Departure (Coco Kiumi)
Date of Cutscene: 14 July 2024
Location: Dorms
Synopsis: Coco sends a few texts and a letter in preparations for the fights about to occur in Paris.
Cast of Characters: Coco Kiumi
Tinyplot: Dark Kingdom Finale

Hi, Yuuto.

I will be away for a bit the following days. Sorry you are learning it this way, but it was a last minute matter. Beryl has a backer named Metallia, a powerful demon that has been hiding in the catacombs of Paris, and we are going to fight her there. It will probably take a while for us to return, but I will make sure to bring you a souvenir for when I return. I have arranged for some of my attendants to help you reach my kingdom in case you want to spend time there. Stay safe, and please take care of Cora.

Forever yours,



thanks to your work we have discovered Metallia has been hiding in the catacombs of Paris. We are heading there right now, and it will probably take a while for us to return. Please, keep working on our project. I think you have been doing admirably, and I hope you too enjoy this new work situation. If something happens to me, I know my successor will honour our deal.

Try not to get into danger,


Dear Maya Panchal,

thanks a lot for your offer, but I have been unexpectedly called for an important matter abroad, and I may not get to be back. I am sorry for the problems this may cause In that case, I have a recommendation for your idol group, a girl who while a lot younger than me, is just as much a passionate singer. You will be able to recognise her because she carries a pendant just like mine. I will call you in case I am able to make it back.

Best regards,

Coco Kiumi

She had also written a letter to Sara, entrusted to Eriru, with a promise of a month's worth of meals to her favourite restaurant if she had it given it to her.


I hope you are doing well these days, and your heartbreak has abated somehow. I am about to do something really dangerous, and this may be the last time I get to talk with you. In that case, try not to be too rough with my successor after she is born, and if you can, please give her a moment of respite, to get used to things. I still want to be the one to help you see the light again, but she will have to be the one to carry on in my stead. Your best friend,
