Riverside Path

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Allied Faction: Neutral
Allied Groups: Civilian
Location Type: Public Space
Grid Locale: Pikarigaoka Ward
A walking path and athletic park along the river that connects Juuban and Pikarigaoka wards, that's enjoyed by tourists and citizens alike. There are two bridges that connect the two wards, one for foot traffic, and one for cars. Along both sides is plenty of greenery, with the path marked by sloping hills of grass and cherry blossom trees. On the Juuban side, there's a baseball court, where children practice alongside the river. In the afternoon, the air is often filled with their voices calling out for fellow pedestrians to watch out for stray balls.

The water of the river is very clean, though people aren't encouraged to swim in it - instead, small boats often take people on river rides where they can travel between the wards connected by the river. In the summer, there are several popular dining boats that promise to show people the riverside sights during their meal.

Associated Logs

Title Date Scene Summary
A Purrfect Opportunity to Talk August 28th, 2024 Sailor Moon and Sailor Neptune ran into each on a patrol just in time to take down a youma. With the dark energy purged, the creature is nothing more than a little calico cat, that captures Sailor Neptune's heart, while she and Sailor Moon talk. A walk back to Casa del Outers is the first chance they've had to talk - even a little - in quite a while.
Solutions Unasked For September 6th, 2024 Young Stellar and Lacuna stress over their powers malfunctioning, until Corona arrives to offer a solution... which may be more stressful than the problem.