Sharing the Good Ne- WHY WAS THAT YOUR FIRST QUESTION? (Usagi Tsukino)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Sharing the Good Ne- WHY WAS THAT YOUR FIRST QUESTION? (Usagi Tsukino)
Date of Cutscene: 03 July 2024
Location: Tsukino Residence
Synopsis: A few weeks ago, Mamoru Chiba asked Usagi Tsukino to marry her. In this flashback, we see what happened when she told her parents.
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino

[Several Weeks Ago]

There came a time in every woman's life when she had to sit her family down for the hard conversations, the joyful truths, the sharing of secrets, all that stuff. In most cases, those women were older than Usagi, but, when you think about it, she'd made it to fifteen twice, which was basically the same thing as being an adult.

Oh, she was totally going to try that line on Kyouka-sensei sometime.

Today, Usagi is sitting her parents down to talk about a good thing. A great thing, even. A truly wondrous, magical and momentous decision, a change in her life that they're definitely going to love and not at all going to say she's too young for.

That's right, today, Usagi Tsukino is going to tell her parents that she's engaged.

She's set the stage perfectly: it's just her, Mama, and Papa in the house, Shingo successfully bribed to both keep his mouth SHUT (he just had to watch her stream!) and get out for a while so she could break the news. A pot of tea, just the kind Sakai-ojisan suggested to match with the box of sweets she's brought, tea cups set out, and now -

"Mama, Papa, come in, we're having tea, I have something to talk to you about!"

The house is quiet - she hasn't been home in a little while, not since shortly after they'd made it back from the time bubble, when everything had been fresh and grim and she'd needed to go home, needed to hug her Mama and Papa, even if they wouldn't understand why. Now, it's just the three of them, and she's sitting up straight, and the snacks are prepared on a nice plate, and once her parents come in - exchanging looks with each other, glances from her to the table to the chairs to each - and take their seats, she reaches out and picks up the full, and still hot tea put, starting to pour for her mother, first.

Carefully, so as not to spill.

Carefully, with her engagement ring right there on her hand, on display.

Naturally, it's Ikuko who notices first, eyes going wide at the sight of the diamond ring on her daughter's finger. She grabs at Kenji, who looks bewildered until he follows her gaze, at which point he too looks poleaxed.

Usagi smiles, and continues pouring tea, and maybe she's a little smugly satisfied that the ring is so beautiful it's struck both her parents silent. It's into that silence, that she decides to start.

"So, Mamochan asked me to marry him! I said yes of cour-"

"Are you pregnant?" Her parents ask at the same time, her mother sounding horrified, her father sounding worried. Usagi's jaw drops, indignant. Her train of thought scatters. "No!"

"Is he pregnant?" is Ikuko's follow-up question, frowning with concern, and Usagi is glad that her parents are so accepting and loving, but really, did this have to be their first response?!

"No! He's not pregnant either! No one is pregnant!" She was so, so, so smart to get Shingo out of the house before she sat them down. He would never let her live this down! "No one is pregnant," she repeats, putting the teapot down a little bit harder than necessary and scowling. "I can't believe that was the first thing you sai-"

"You're fifteen and he's sixteen," Ikuko says firmly, "And you're telling us you're engaged! What else are we supposed to think?!"

"Not that! I mean, how rude! Mamochan doesn't need me to be pregnant to ask me to marry him!"

"Well, of course you don't need to be pregnant for him to want to marry you, Usagi-chan, but you're both so young! Getting married is a huge commitment! Even if you didn't change your mind, there's a lot that goes into marriage, and you're both minors -" Kenji was making every effort to sound reasonable and comforting, while also eyeing Usagi in a way that made it very clear what he was actually worried about.

Which, rude. As if they needed to be engaged to be doing stuff and things!

They weren't, but he was literally her dad, he did not need to know.

"We're not going to get married right away!" She bursts out, crossing her arms. "He's just had the ring all year and it was our anniversary and -"

There's an obvious loss of tension, from the room, Kenji and Ikuko Tsukino both settling a bit at this news, though they both, promptly, immediately - frown, a little, in confusion.

"A year?" Ikuko asks, eyeing her daughter with suspicion. "You haven't been dating Mamoru-kun for a year, have you?"

"No, Mama, I haven't, but we met last year, when Naru-chan's mama had that sale at Osa-P, and he bought the ring I was looking at, and we had an argument, and - well. He ended up keeping the ring."

"And he gave it to you a year later?" Her father sighs, sounding very pleased about the romanticism of that. "You're going to keep wearing it, aren't you? I want to get my camera and take a few pictures, that's going to be such a sweet story to tell at your wedding, when you're at least twenty years old."
