Sliding into DMs (Bow)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Sliding into DMs (Bow)
Date of Cutscene: 15 July 2024
Location: Bow's Dorm Room
Synopsis: As the battle approaches, Bow connects to Glimmer's DMs and sends her a possibly final message.
Cast of Characters: Bow
Tinyplot: Dark Kingdom Finale

After watching Hinoiri's stream, Bow sat at his computer for several minutes, staring at the screen blankly. What will he say? What should he say? Finally, he decided to speak from his heart. Searching his friends list, he found her and after clicking 'Direct Message', he started to type. Even if it was well past midnight, he needed to say something.

@GlimmerSparkleDazzle: Hey Glim, it's Bow. I need to talk (I guess type, lol). A lot of us are gearing up for a big last battle against someone really powerful, even worse than Sunbreaker. There's a non-zero chance I'll come back alive. So I need you to know this.

You are my first best friend. Way before we added Adora, you and I have always been thick as... thieves, I think the saying goes. We did everything together.

I guess it's my fault. I experimented on the portals without telling you, encouraged by Light Hope. I came to Earth without you. That's on me.

I know why you chose to be with Obsidian. I know that your Moonstone has to be there and you can't move it. But this isn't the time to be make-believe evil.

I'm heading out to possibly die. I can't reach Adora, and you're there. I can't tell you where I'm going or what we're fighting because you are there. I don't even know who to ask to contact you if I die.

I hate this. I hate this feeling. I hate feeling like the two people on Etheria I cared most for are not with me. I don't hate you. I never could.

Glimmer, I love you. As my best friend, as practically a sister. I grew up under your castle's tutelage. They taught me to be a hero. You gave me someone to protect and taught me to be a friend.

So as your best friend and someone that loves you, please please, for the love of Brightmoon, we need to find a way to get you out of Obsidian. If I live through this, we can talk about it. No if you want. We will talk face to face. Because I don't like the only way I get the true you is this way.

Love you and always your friend, Bow