The Best Kind Of Quest
From Radiant Heart MUSH
A plan to secure the school requires a powerful artifact and that means that the pieces will need to be escorted to the school grounds - lest a certain someone steal them all.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
The Best Kind Of Quest I | August 6th, 2024 | Riventon tries to steal one part of a relic bound for RHA. |
The Best Kind Of Quest II | October 23rd, 2024 | Riventon and Ember arrive as another piece of Radiant Heart's defense network arrives, but Kyouka has brought Mamoru, Usagi, and Jadeite to ensure protect it! |
The Best Kind Of Quest III | November 13th, 2024 | Having been attacked twice, the mysterious group moving pieces of a defense system to the Academy decide to go it alone - and their disguise of a donut truck tricks Riventon and La Crima into chasing after them. Luckily, despite the late (or early) hour, Rashmi, Amy, Laura, and Usagi are around to save Cure Break (and the object). |
boxing day | November 20th, 2024 | Usagi got the box back to campus, with the prize inside, even though no one expected it. In return? She gets a meeting with the principal, who finally lets her in on just what it is they're protecting. |
The Best Kind Of Quest IV | November 21st, 2024 | Another box, another attempt to steal it. This one looks like it's going his way until a small unforced error pops up. |
Texts: Why Couldn't You Have One Brother | November 21st, 2024 | Usagi and Mamoru text following Best Quest IV. Mostly about Riventon, partially about wedding bells, but also, about the looming threat that is the Fade. |
Expository Ramen | November 22nd, 2024 | Right after Best Kind of Quest IV, Usagi and Molly decide to grab a meal at Ramen Okujoo. Glimmer did leave them plenty of gift cards, after all. Usagi has information, Molly has questions - it's a good time. |
An Exposition Lunch | November 24th, 2024 | It's that time of year, when everything is chaos and the Mahou have questions. Sometimes, people have answers. Usagi Tsukino decides to don her hosting cap, and gathers a group of her friends and allies to share the word on what's going on. Rashmi, Amy, Bow, Ahmya, and Mamoru all have news to share too. Aren't business lunches supposed to start after you're getting paid?! |
The Best Kind Of Quest V | November 25th, 2024 | This time Riventon has thought of it all, from collaborating with Clarthas Anode to find where the box will be delivered in advance to preparing a legion of youma beasts - but even that isn't enough to stop the combined forces of Nanoha, Molly, Koji, Takuto, Wako, and Sugata. The final piece of the Crystal Heart is safe in the hands of the Mahou! |