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A Totally Normal Summer Picnic (Or Else)
Date of Scene: 24 July 2023
Location: Radiant Heart Academy
Synopsis: Usagi Tsukino is hosting a picnic, and everyone who happens to walk by is invited. Oh, sorry, not invited - everyone who walks by is attending. Lucky, Ikiko, Niji, Himeko, Molly, and Hotaru are all in a mood to join in! And if anything weird happens - no it didn't. <3
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, Ikiko Hisakata, Niji Dasshu, Pyrite, 25, Hotaru Tomoe

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
The day after all of that - after the fighting downtown, after the emergence of their new enemy, after the destruction of her tiara, after the first major injury she'd taken as a magical girl - well, on the day after all of that, Usagi needs a break. The campus is probably as safe as anywhere else on campus, maybe more so with all the magical people just existing alongside her, and even more importantly...

There's plenty of things to DO! Usagi has a swimsuit on (a striped one piece under a cute sundress), but she's not married to the idea of swimming - she's also got a frisbee, a soccer ball, a blanket, and a picnic basket loaded with snacks from the nearest conbeni, plus taiyaki from the cart just outside of campus. Yes, all of this is just for being here on campus. She is PREPARED to have fun. She is DETERMINED to have fun, even and especially if she has to make it herself.

"This going to be a great day!" She declares to herself, the world, and anyone who happens to be passing nearby.

Never mind the literally dozens of sparkly Hello Kitty bandaids all over her shoulders, neck, and upper arms. Never mind the exhaustion and ache in her muscles. This, this is going to be a GOOD day!

"Now, I just need people to picnic with!"

Ikiko Hisakata has posed:
Early sun makes for an easy early wakeup, and with nothing major on the schedule that means that Ikiko was able to pay an early visit to some of her canine friends. Now, it's late morning, she's returning back to campus, and...

    ...there's Usagi declaring for a picnic? Sounds like a good idea!

"Hi, Usagi-chan!" Ikiko waves as she approaches the older girl. For a moment it looks like she's about to hug Usagi, but the panoply of bandages makes her think twice. "I take it you're in the mood for a picnic?"

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Usagi is not the only one in a swimsuit today. Niji is as well, though the fact that she's dripping wet from head to toe probably indicates she has been a little bit early to start that versus Usagi. A one peice with a rainbow design on the right half of it and blue on the other half, it clashes with her hair (which is dyed in a different order of rainbow) but she really doesn't care.

    What she does care about, though, as she's walking up to where Usagi and Ikiko are and hears a familiar voice. "Oh, is that Hisakata-san?" she asks, jogging over. "I keep meaning to come and see the animals and... oh, who's your cute friend and also what happened to her." she says, pointing a finger at Usagi. "Nobody should need that many bandages." It's not said in a mean way, more of a concerned way. "Did you get in an accident or something?" she asks, tilting her head.

    It's only after all of that when she realizes she's being more than a little rude, and she blinks, and clasps her hands in front of her and makes a slight bow. "Sorry, sorry. That was rude of me. Just I've been meaning to talk to Hisakata-san and... also wow, that's a lot of stuff." her eyes rest on the soccer ball for a bit. "Are you... going to play something?" she asks, her urge to get involved in things that look even vaguely like friendly competition winning out over her desire to stop just being rude and yammery.

Pyrite has posed:
    A productive board meeting at Obsidian Tower concluded... And it had nothing at all to do with Himeko Soryuu! She is trudging along across campus, struggling to deal with living grass, and paved pathways, and sunlight like it's all just such a huge inconvenience and >how dare< the weather impose on her like this. But the girl in the black school uniform can't hang out in her room every day, first of all because Darien isn't there, and second because things start to become... Wrong the longer she lingers somewhere. Noticeably wrong. Maybe it would be a good idea for Koji to do one of his cleansings to fix her room, but >right now< she is >determined< to walk across the campus without stopping.
    It's practice you see.
    Unlike usual, where she practically floats over the terrain, making no sound with her footsteps, she is struggling greatly with her very physical, very gravity-bound new body. It's only half-complete but it's normal-ISH enough to be affected by things like... Physics. And flimsy-butt ten-year-old girl muscles. She must practice, so she can be with Darien more. If people just see her as Darien's little sister, she will not have to be left alone as frequently. And normal people walk on grass, and pavement, and burn in the sun, and breathe the disgustingly dustless air, and don't capture the singing birds in the trees and twist their little heads until they pop right off or--
    What was she doing again?
    Oh. Yes.
    The pure >drudgery< known as >walking places.
    She wasn't going to stop, but then she sees >a blanket<. And a >basket<. There are also other, even more dubious items of some eldritch importance that Himeko cannot fathom with her limited experience, but she thinks she probably hates them on sight. Who she doesn't hate on sight? The blonde girl in the dress. You know? The one with the face? Himeko lifts her knees high to make it over the tops of the grass, half-marching, half-stomping, half-lava-floor-walking to approach her and all those terrible, awful, colorful Forbidden Items.
    --She stops and stares with wide red eyes at the Grave Offense that is Niji's colorful hair. The treachery of approaching the Girl With The Face becomes ever more evident the closer Himeko gets. But standing in the sun another moment is going to make her catch fire, possibly literally, so she resumes her trudging. The things she does for love.
    "Dance girl." she calls out in her quiet monotone voice when she's still like 10 meters away. "Dance girl, who did not give directions to my brother and instead ran away. We meet again."
    Don't even get her started on the others present. She can only handle so much effort at once.

Molly Skyline (25) has posed:
Who's out and about today? The new girl, of course. How obvious is it that she's the new girl? Well, she's wearing a black denim jacket with a Union Jack proudly emblazoned on the back of it. Three guesses where she's from.

Molly picks her way through the grass, the path, the grass, and wherever else she ends up going. She hasn't bothered with her backpack, since she doesn't need any books today, but totally has not come with any sort of plan for what to do. She's just in comfortable clothes, with the jacket she bought at the last minute before moving here, because it seemed like a raelly good idea.

"Oh!" By way of not paying attention to where she was going, she finds herself standing right at the edge of the picnic, where another step would have had her trampling right through it. She stumbles, and winds up flailing her arms around all over the place as if she were doing her best hummingbird impression, as she struggles to stay upright and not faceplant in the middle of everything.

She manages it, luckily.

"I..." she ahems, her face turning about the same red as is represented in the flag on her back. "I... I..." She stops, and hangs her head. "I forgot the word for 'sorry'," she mutters, all in perfectly serviceable Japanese, except for the last word that she throws out in English.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe was... was not happy. She was sad, in fact. Her eyes lowered, head hanging. Concerned. She was concerned. She was incredibly, horribly concerned. That... plan... it couldn't work. Could it? It'd take years to do something like that, right? So... so they couldn't.

But what if they could? Worse, what did it say about Takashi's friend if that was the kind of thing... he wanted to do?

So once they'd left the meeting, she'd left Takashi to make plans. While she? She left. She went to the school, it'd be... quiet, there. At least, she thought it would be. Even Obsidian struggled to do too much there and, frankly, she didn't know when or where the youma might strike.

So instead, she walked. Donning a simple yellow sundress, a sunhat, she just... walked. Aimless, eyes lowered, the child looking to all the world like a child who just had their parents slap the ice cream cone out of her hand before telling her to stop being such a bother. Then they were disappointed in her.So she'd just... walked. Intending to avoid people.

She didn't know why she ended up here. What she did know, however, was suddenly *people*. A LOT of people. She glanced up and saw a rainbow spray painted on someone's head, two blonde ropes attached to another head, someone with hair like her own (poor thing), someone with purple hair that... well, that couldn't have been easy. And then another with... well... she didn't have a lot to say about that one. She just seemed... slightly rugged.

Hotaru froze for a long few moments before quickly averting her eyes. Right. As long as she didn't make eye contact, they'd ignore her and she wouldn't bother anyone. They seemed... nice. Friendly. Kind. Not the kind of people who'd want to associate with her...

... What was that weird, painful feeling in her heart? There it was again. Something about them... triggered it. That old, deep sense of... longing. To be there... And that painful acceptance of just... never... being welcome. Wanted. invited...

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Ikiko-chan! I am in the mood for a picnic, thanks so much for joining me! We're going to have so much fun today!" Usagi laughs. It might be a little manic. Maybe a little hysterical. But it's fine! Everything is fine! Because today, she is having a nice day. A normal day. A regular, completely normal idea, where nothing will go wrong, and after - after - after, she will have to talk to Ikiko alone, because she has to be the one to tell her, because she can't not know about what's going on.

"And - oh! Hi! Do you want to join us for a picnic too?" Yeah, Ikiko is already committed to the picnic now. There's no escaping it. "I'm fine! Totally, utterly, fine. Don't worry about it. We're having a picnic! I brought a frisbee. And a soccer ball! And a swimsuit, I am ready for any kind of picnic games possible, becuase today, we are having fun. And you're joining us!"

Remember when you were asked if you were joining, Niji? You're not being asked anymore!

And then - there's another girl, dark hair, red eyes, somber? Intense, maybe. Someone who needs a p i c n i c. That's for sure!

"I'm not sure if you mean me, or Ikiko-chan, or - Rainbow-chan, sorry, I'm Tsukino Usagi, grade 9, I don't know you but we're going to be great friends - but if you're looking for one of us, we're happy to help! I'm sure! We're having a picnic! Want to come?" It's great! Everything is going to be fine!

And then there's someone else - someone who's struggling with Japanese, which is not great, because Usagi is not great at any language but Japanese, but she is willing and ready and happy to try -

"Do you want to join the picnic too? And you too, hey, little girl!" Little girls don't usually like to be called little girl, but she doesn't know the name of that little girl, but the one in yellow. "We're having a picnic, do you want to join us? If you're lost, I bet someone could find you if you stay at school!"

Ikiko Hisakata has posed:
Well, whatever caused Usagi to wind up with all of those bandages, it doesn't seem to have dampened her spirits much! And while Ikiko is silently in agreement with Niji on being curious about why all the bandages, she at least has a categorical suspicion -- fighting youmas and the like can easily be a hazardous activity, after all! And it's not like Ikiko can 'talk shop' with Usagi while there's all these other people around...

"Usagi-chan, this is Niji Dasshu, also grade 9," she says, covering the introduction (because if the other day at Korma Chameleon was anything to go by, trying to get Niji to introduce herself is like trying to walk a dog through a forest of squirrels). "She's mentioned that she'd love to visit the Animal Care club, which I think is the reason she wanted to talk to me?" That last is said more towards Niji than Usagi, checking to make sure she understands.

Himeko's verbal glaring is met with a glance of 'what is she talking about?' towards Usagi and Niji, as Ikiko wasn't near the relevant incident at the Summer Dance to see Himeko, much less know what happened between Usagi and Himeko.

"Vocab can take a while to learn," Ikiko remarks to Molly. "Your accent reminds me of my friend Tori-chan... are you from England?"

Usagi's invitation to the little girl in the yellow dress is noted, and Ikiko gives Hotaru a warm smile and a welcoming wave.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji tilts her head the other direction, slowly. She gets the feeling that yeah, she's uh... not being asked anymore, if she's having fun. But, she shrugs. What else was she doing, anyways. A picnic with people sounds good. It sounds like it had better, anyways.

    "Sure." she says, leaning down and doing the thing she's been wanting to do since she got here but was patiently putting off. Oh so patiently. She picks up the soccer ball and starts bouncing it in the air on her knee, switching occasionally from one to the other. Ah, movement. Now she can actually think.

    "Most of that was actually pretty good - I'm gonna guess that last word was falling?" she asks to Molly. The last word was not falling. "Also Hi Tsukino-san. Niji Dasshu, grade 9 also. I would have expected to remember passing by your hair, at least, but I haven't been here very long either." Also, Niji is one to tell anybody about -hair-. At least Usagi's is only one color at a time.

    "I wasn't even here for the dance." she adds. "But yeah. I mean it's not my picnic but you should totally come because the person who's picnic it is just invited you both." she looks at Hotaru and debates kicking the ball over towards her, but something about the girls demeanor makes Niji think it's actually not the greatest idea, so she just keeps playing with it solo, for now. Anybody who gets too close to Niji, however, is in danger of having the ball kicked towards them with minimal warning. She's not trying to hog it, after all.

Pyrite has posed:
    Himeko continues high-stepping until she is a bit closer, then stops at a respectable range that is hopefully not too close. She is still uncertain about how to judge personal boundaries and territorial bubbles. "Yes. You. With the face. At the dance, the girl with the pink dress ran away. I turned and asked if you had seen my brother, and then you ran too, and then I turned to the girl in the red dress and she tried to help me but she was my >sworn enemy<, and then my brother appeared so I found him in the end, and thus I have no enmity towards you."
    "I am Himeko Soryuu. Grade..." What was it again. "...5?" she asks uncertainly.
    Then she tilts her head to the side a bit. Hm. It's very peculiar. She was approaching Usagi because... She wanted out of the sun and she thought she might use her for shade. Oh, and there's a tree, that could work too. But now there's something... Different. Special. >Familiar< even. She sniffs a bit. Is that the smell of big brother on this girl? Oh, or maybe it's the traces of blood? She does tend to wander over to whatever smells like blood. That must be it.
    With her arms still out in the air a bit, like she's unsure whether or not to flap them, she eventually lets them fall and says, "What is picnic." She tolerates the offense of bright colors in her perception for now, and focuses on the girl who looks kind of like her, but taller, with shorter hair, and differently colored eyes, and a totally different outfit, and--
    "I understand your pain." she says in what is meant to be consoling, as she assumes that Hotaru is likewise plagued by the cruel Daystar and the fresh air straight from Hades. Why else would she be so out of breath and tired?
    She has no idea what English is so she just waits for someone to explain Molly's problem to her. She has no reference point to diagnose it otherwise, and Ikiko smells like dogs, so she's not getting any closer. She prefers cats.

Molly Skyline (25) has posed:
"I... Thank you," Molly responds to the invite, breathing out a big sigh of relief. She finishes regaining her balance, and lets her shoulders slump. She takes the time to adjust her glasses, as a means to cover up her embarassment at least a little bit.

"Err-- no," she ahems, "The last word wasn't falling, it was," she pauses, pulling a Japanese-English dictionary out of her pocket and flipping through it, "Sorry," She pronounces at last, "It was sorry." She mutters as an aside, mostly to herself, "Of course the British chick would forget how to say sorry, wouldn't she..."

Molly pauses, adjusting her glasses again. "I'm Molly Skyline," she adds, as there are introductions going around. "And, yes, I'm from England, I guess that's painfully obvious, isn't it? One of my Moms has been teaching me Japanese but I'm still solidly new at speaking it, like, all the time." She pauses again, "Oh, and uhm, I'm in Grade 10."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe blinked when 'little girl' was called out. WOW. RUDE! I mean, yes, she was a little girl, but... GEEZ. Still... she couldn't help but cringe then. 'Hey you, little girl!' tended to mean she was about to get yelled at. "Sorry," she said instinctively. "I... I mean... I'm not lost. I was just... I was walking. If I needed my parents... parent... I have a cell phone. I-I could call him." Not that she would. At best, she'd interrupt his work.

At worst, Kaolinite would answer.

Then she gets a warm smile, an inviting wave... and she gulps. They *were* nice. This... this was bad. What if she hurt them? What if...

She glanced back to Usagi again. Normally she'd... turn and leave, scamper off. Not to mention the girl had been kind of... rude. 'Little girl, lost' all of that... not that it was rude. She was just trying to help.

But... there was another... urge within her. One that desperately wanted to accept the invite. As if she had been waiting *millenia* for such an invite. To be welcomed. And... something about hearing it from this weirdo... made it... feel really, really nice.

"Okay..." she said gently. "If you... don't... mind..."

She blinked at Himeko and then... stared slightly. Understood her pain? Did she... "O-oh... I'm... I'm sorry..." It was best left to the imagination how she was interpretting Himeko's statement... "My condolences." DEFINITELY best to not think on it.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Niji-chan!" Yeah, she's jumping right to the more intimate name useage, "It's good to meet you! I'm - new to school too, honestly, I only transferred here about a month ago. We must be in different classes, but I'm glad we're meeting now! Welcome to the picnic. I also met Ikiko-chan through Animal Care Club!"

As the ball is taken away - which has absolutely no objections too - she looks enviously on Niji's easy bouncing off the ball. She doesn't have the coordination to do that herself, or anything like that. Still though, with the ball gone, she can put her picnic basket down, kicking her spreadout blanket a little bit so that it spreads out even more, makes room for all of the people who have come to join her picnic.

This gives plenty of time for her to think about what the girl - Himeko - says. Because she really hadn't remembered... "I'm sorry. The dance was - really busy, and I was so distracted, I didn't mean to ignore you, Himeko-chan! I'm glad you're not mad at me. Do you want a snack? I brought snacks, in the picnic basket."

The little girl is strange, but she's little. Little kids are weird. She remembers when Shingo was little - he was weird. When she starts talking to the other little girl, she's happy to let her go her way, except, aha, it was probably rude to call a little kid a little kid, because the girl does look a little offended... "Of course I don't mind. Come and join us. I didn't mean to be rude. You can have a snack too; I bought taiyaki, a lot of it."

But with the little kids talking amongst themselves, she can turn back to the other kids their age, and she smiles gently at Molly. "You speak Japanese really well! My English is really bad, you shouldn't be embarrassed."

She really does not have any shame. She fully admitted that huh.

Ikiko Hisakata has posed:
Probably not as bad as my Feline, Ikiko thinks to herself with a wry grin at Usagi's confession about English. Niji's ball juggling skills get a smattering of applause and a nod with raised eyebrows; the rainbow-haired girl definitely has skills to back up her enthusiasm!

Himeko's introduction is noted with a head-tilted quizzical expression; probably a student in one of the other classes, then, or possibly even a visitor from off-campus -- just because one child from a family attends RHA doesn't automatically mean the other children from that family do, after all.

"I take it you moved here recently, Skyline-san?" Ikiko inquires. "The mom teaching you Japanese has been doing a really good job, then!" Yup, the phrasing Molly had used had been noted, so best to specify which mom is being talking about!

Her smile softens a bit more towards Hotaru. The violet-eyed girl reminds Ikiko of dogs that had been frequently beaten by humans, and had turned shy and skittish as a result. Whatever had happened to cause Hotaru to act like this, it was certain that what she needed was welcoming patience and honest caring.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji turns to Molly. "That's neat though, I haven't ever met anybody that's from England. I haven't been here very long myself - I'm from Aomori, way up north..." she begins, and then Usagi tackles her verbally with 'Niji-chan'. She blinks, but something about Usagi in general and her jump to use the name like that makes her feel... comfortable. "Yeah... yeah, I met Ikiko at the Korma Chameleon... And I kept meaning to get over to see all of the animals because who doesn't like animals, but I also keep myself like, wayyyy too busy..." she knees the ball up a little higher and catches it in her hands. Before she accidentally ends up dumping it on someone's head.

    Niji looks around. "So are you from the area then, Ikiko?" she asks, curious. "Because it sounds like Skyline-san and Tsukino-san and myself have only just gotten here. Kind of the same boat, right?" she asks, looking amongst the two girls. She doesn't shift to Usagi-chan yet. The girl's comfortable, oddly so, but maybe not that comfortable. Yet. She does add "I love your hair, Tsukino-san. That must take forever to do right." Niji notes.

    She can see kind of the same thing with one of the girls as Ikiko, but she's not really sure how to make that better. People who are skitish do not usually respond well to her, she's found, and especially now, while she's trying not to step on any social landmines while getting to know people... she keeps her focus on the one that already called her Niji-chan. She likes that. It sounds nice.

Pyrite has posed:
    Himeko nods sadly in response to Hotaru. Through the sharing of pain, they have now bonded. +1 Relationship get.
    When Usagi addresses her, she turns. "Yes. Much light, noise, people. Too many shadows." That last one is a weird thing to say, but little kids are weird, and Himeko is, like, ten. Even younger than Hotaru. "It is forgiven. Maybe you will meet Onii-san someday." She then says in a Very Serious Little Girl Voice, even if the words are not usually how Little Girls speak, "But do not get too close, because he is >my< Onii-san. Only for me. Not enough time with only him and me already." Awww, a protective little sister. How cute. That's definitely the situation, and there is no other interpretation of her words. She toddles over finally to get in the shade of the tree and be closer to Usagi and Ikiko. She has decided she will tolerate the dog smell. It is less offensive than Bright Vibrant Colors. "The Niji's athletics are acceptable." she mutters once she sits down on the newly-unfurled blanket like it was being laid out for her. "They will compensate for her lack of camouflage." Kids say the darndest things, don't they?
    Himeko still has no idea what English is, so she allows it to pass over her head. Japanese is Language. Who doesn't speak Language? Only dogs, according to Himeko! And also this girl maybe.
    "No snacks. Just ate." She pauses. "Thank you." It's important to thank people who help you, she was told. It's polite. She does not know what 'polite' means, but it is desirable, so she obeys.
    "Are your wounds fresh?" she asks directly. So much for people avoiding talking about it!

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe looked very much on the edge for that, like she shouldn't... but kind of wanted to... But, well, she was still a kid. Her eyes lit up when she was told there was taiyaki. Welp, at least Usagi knew one way to get the little girl to come over and out of her shell. "W-well, okay. J-just for... a little bit..." she said sheepishly, before walking towards them and, nervously, taking a seat.

Then, after a moment, she just... inched a little closer towards Usagi. She didn't know why. Oh. Right. Taiyaki. That was clearly the only reason. Yup. "I'm... Hotaru Tomoe. A pleasure to meet you," she said gently. Then... glanced up to Niji and... asked... the, probably dumbest queastion... "Is... your hair... dyed? Did... you do it yourself?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Oh, I'm from Juuban," Usagi corrects, "But I got transferred here last month, so if you need recommendations for stuff in the area, I can share about shopping, food, arcades."

Tsukino-san is accepted, if not acceptable. Some people are a bit more reserved, and she gets it. Usagi is usually - occasionally - sometimes - more respectful in efforts to not be overly intimate, but today especially, she is being her most exuberant self. She is having fun. And she smiles at the comment about her hair, "I'm used to it now; I've styled it like this for years. But your hair is really cool! It's so colorful!"

She's very impressed...

Which, that energy is needed for talking to Himeko-chan, who is... "Who's your onii-san? If he's your onii-san, of course he has to be yours first, because you're his imouto-chan, and the only one he has," this is an assumption, but she bets she's right! "So even if we hang out, I can't take him from you."

The irony of that statement cannot be ignored.

"Okay, if you're sure Himeko-chan! And -" ahaha. ahahaha. "Nope! It's fine."

They're a day old, but much more healed than they should be, thanks to Koji-senpai, and definitely Fine. This is a Normal Picnic, you see, and Normal Picnics cannot be held by gravely injured people.

At least there's Hotaru, being a sweet child, too good for this world, wanting a snack. Usagi crouches down beside the picnic basket and fishes out a trio of taiyaki - chocolate filled, cream filled, and red bean filled. She offers this smorgasbord of treats to Hotaru, partly as reward for finally sharing a name. "It's good to meet you Hotaru-chan!"

Ikiko Hisakata has posed:
"I'm a relatively recent transfer as well," Ikiko adds. "My family is from the outskirts of Pikarigaoaka Ward, so I'm likewise familiar with Tokyo." So many transfer students on campus, though!

Himeko's unusually focused brusqueness draws another quizzical look from Ikiko, but she lets that side of it pass without mention. Usagi's response, though, definitely prompts an 'are you really, though?' expression aimed at the twin-tailed girl. At some point, the two magical friends are going to have to talk, and preferrably sooner instead of later.

But there is something else that can be talked about, though! "Nice to meet you, Tomoe-chan! I'm Ikiko Hisakata, grade 5 here at Radiant Heart Academy," Ikiko beams at Hotaru. Shy girls get welcoming encouragement; oddly rude ones merely get overheard data.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji ends up sitting down on the blanket next to Usagi - on the far side of Hotaru, so that spot is still open for the other girl. But even there it seems like some part of her just exists in motion. Hands emotive when she talks, legs kind of restlessly moving, constantly changing positions.

     She grins at Hotaru. And nods emphatically. And talks to both Usagi and Hotaru-chan. "I'm so used to much smaller schools - you could fit most of my hometown in the Academy grounds, I think. And there's so many people here, picked for some reason, smart and pretty or talented, and I... I'm used to standing out and I kind of... well, I'm pretty awesome... but, I wanted to make sure that when people saw me they didn't lose track of me in the crowd or something..." she says, almost half mumbling, and unsure why it's so easy for her to open up to this girl, to these girls, like there's something that just makes her keep going when she should have stopped. "So I looked in the rules and there was nothing about hair color - even though most schools in Japan are super-strict on it. I dunno if they'll let me keep it, but for right now... 'till they make me stop. I hope they don't." she says. "I really kind of like the way it looks on me." she admits, looking down and blushing just a bit, fiddling with her hands. It only lasts a moment but it is there.

    She physically shakes it off and she's back to smiling. "Oooh, taiyaki." she says. "I'd like some too." The Taiyaki is totally not a blantant distraction. She just keeps talking so much - she hasn't quite processed this is the feeling of nervousness.

    She leans towards the taiyaki before stopping herself - clearly they're being offered to Hotaru and she can wait... she -can- wait, can't she. Yes. Probably.

    She's stuck in her own head and while on some level she's heard Himeko's words, she's not sure what to do with them - she's pretty far occupied in her own shell, though it manifests far differently, to try and guess about the other girl's shell. But she does smile at Himeko and at least give her a little comment. "Don't worry, it's like Tsukino-san says, the bonds between family are special. Strong." At least, when your family is as supportive as Niji's is. Not all of the families around here necessarily have the same strong bonds but, she only has hers to speak of.

Pyrite has posed:
    Himeko watches the retrieval and distribution of taiyaki with interest, even if she has no actual desire for the things themselves. So not fresh wounds. Definitely not anything Himeko caused then. She thinks she would remember doing that. Maybe. Her scissors go 'snip' an awful lot sometimes. Oh, she was asked a question, wasn't she? "My Onii-san is Darien-Onii-san." she just says matter-of-factly. He said to call him that at school. And after she had just gotten used to calling him 'senpai' in a different environment too...
    Her attention drifts to Ikiko briefly. Dog smell. But no dogs. Is Ikiko a dog? "Are you a dog?" she asks out of the blue. Wait, no, that isn't a normal question ask. Uhh... Uhh... "...Owner?" she adds on very tactfully. Nailed it! She's getting the hang of it, she's sure! "You seem very..." One of the polite words she learned now. Pick a good one. "...Punctual." Yes, she's on a roll!
    Her attention has already moved on before she gets an answer, like something spasming each time it is electrocuted, just responding reflexively to sensory input. With an attention span like that, no wonder the dance was overwhelming! Now she finds herself staring at Hotaru. Tomoe. Tomoe. Tomoe. Has she heard that recently?
    Also, those violet eyes remind her of... Who was it... The girl at the dance. The one who tried to help her but who was her Enemy. Is Hotaru that enemy? It's so hard to remember, and differentiate her current environment from something a long time ago. When one is unstuck in time, time tends to lose meaning.
    Memories. Memories. Memories. Ghosts are memories. But Himeko is a human right now. Ish. She can't remember. She'll ask Darien-onii-san later. Oh, speaking of which, The Usagi wishes to meet him, does she not? With both her reassurances and The Niji's, it seems she has nothing to worry about!
    "Yes." she says, nodding solemnly to Niji. "Strong bonds hold us together. Difficult to break." So The Usagi wants to be her friend. She must be like her Onii-san's friends, the ones who do not try to take him from her, even though they all >beam< malevolence and loathing at her. It makes her feel so welcome and at home around them! Maybe The Usagi is like that. She will not worry then.
    Everything is fine.
    She still doesn't know what a picnic is, or a friend (it's someone who is around a lot, she assumes), but this is fine.
    She even has a fellow long-sufferer of Sunny Days to sympathize with.
    Perfectly. Fine.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe gave a soft squeek, like a mouse, when three were offered. Was... was she supposed to take all three of them? Please no. Too much sugar... But... she slowly reached out and took the chocolate one. But then she looked up at the girl again.

And for a moment, she could hear that voice inside her again. But... it was new. When she looked at those bandaids, the voice said... not to destroy them. Not to wipe them out. For once, that voice that called for a quiet, eternal silence...

Said to help. To heal. Hotaru hadn't heard it say that in a while. If ever. And she stared into Usagi's eyes. And when she took the taiyaki, her hands... gripped Usagi's. Before she could stop herself... purple light washed out from her hands, over Usagi. Within a few moments, all of those bruises, those little cuts, were gone.

And then Hotaru's eyes went wide as she realized what she had done. She jerked her hands back, dropping the taiyaki on the ground, a panicked look on her face. No no no no. Now she was going to think she was weird. Because she was weird. And those without magical inclinations would likely... not even remember what they saw. Just this innate... feeling... that Hotaru had done something *weird* right then. Weird and creepy.

Hotaru, meanwhile, stared at Usagi, already tears starting to form in her eyes. No no no no. Now Usagi-senpai was going to think she was weird, too. Just like everyone else did. She normally didn't like people calling her Hotaru-chan... At least, not so quickly. But Usagi... she felt a warm glow when she called her that. And now she'd ruined it. Shattered it. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't... I didn't mean to... I didn't do anything!" she said, quickly trying to change her story. But it was a biiiiit too late for that.

Honestly... it had her so anxious, so confused, that in that moment? She didn't... even notice the others. While the comment from Himeko might have triggered something, mentioning Takashi's 'brother'... Or she would have handed over one of the taiyaki to Niji.... Or she would have at least smiled at Ikiko...

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
If not for Naru being a new transfer too, Usagi would be tempted to think every transfer to Radiant Heart Academy was a magical girl. What were the odds, of both her and Ikiko transferring, and both of them being magical girls, and the school specifically working to find people like them? But Naru-chan is here, and just as new as Usagi, and she's not a magical girl.

Usagi is pretty positive.

And she's avoiding Ikiko's gaze, because if she's not fine - that's not the problem of the her who exists right now, at this picnic. Those are Sailor Moon's problems.

Usagi Tsukino's problems are listening to her friends, and being there for them. "You're awesome, Niji-chan. I saw you with the soccer ball, you're so talented. And your hair is cool - and you know, you don't have to tell them it's dyed. If anyone gets mad, just tell them it grows like that. My hair grows blond, your hair grows a rainbow - none of our teachers have the time to care about trying to prove your hair isn't naturally like that."

Usagi's other problems are making sure that everyone has access to snacks! Upon seeing (and relating to) Niji-chan's desire for a snack, she nudges the picnic basket. She can - she can relate, a bit, to those worries, and she can equally relate to the desire to just, have a snack, and share it with friends. "I've got more taiyaki in here; and onigiri, and sandwiches, and cookies, and some candies, plus lemonade and soda and sports drinks."

She spent her entire allowance of the week - and half of her saved up funds - on this. She needed a break, okay?

Maybe they all needed a break.

And then there's Himiko. Who is - "You're.. Darien's little sister?" All of this is starting to make sense to her. (It's not, but she thinks it is.) He did mention that his sister was a little strange. "That makes sense."

Does it though??? At least Himeko-chan can be sure that she won't take Darien from her.

And then - finally, a taiyaki is selected, the chocolate one, and there's a moment where Usagi's hands brushes Hotaru's. Usagi doesn't think anything of it - at least, not until Hotaru grips her hand. "Hotaru-chan?"

But she doesn't get an answer. Instead, she gets - light, washing out over her hands, and she feels - her exhaustion lift away. The sting of her remaining burns, lift away. The pain of it all just - gone. And Hotaru was staring at her, and then Hotaru was - making space, running away, emotionally at least, if not physically, and -

"Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't realize the flash was on my phone," the lies fall from her hand. "Hotaru-chan, are your eyes okay? I didn't mean for that to happen, look, your poor taiyaki!"

Who knows if anyone believes her lies. Usagi doesn't know if she would believe her lie. The point is that, even if this picnic isn't normal, even if Usagi isn't normal, even if Hotaru-chan isn't normal, today can be as close to normal as possible. "It wasn't your fault, Hotaru-chan. We all drop things, sometimes. Do you want another taiyaki?"

This isn't the place to acknowledge what happened. And Hotaru-chan - she wants to thank her for what she did, but she's not sure she can, not without bringing her to everyone's attention, and... later. Another day. This too, might be a Sailor Moon problem. Usagi Tsukino's problem is comforting Hotaru.

Ikiko Hisakata has posed:
Ikiko nods in agreement with Niji's point: a family you can trust makes for solid bonds. Having a secret that's somewhat in opposition to them, though, can put a bit of stress on them, although having some physical distance helps with that.

Himeko's initial question draws a slight pause from Ikiko; Usagi might recognize it as a smaller cousin to the paralytic 'oh crap' she had inflicted on Ikiko the other day in the dorms. The modification to the question, however, breaks the tension. "I have a lot of canine friends, and I visited some earlier today," she explains with a slightly relieved smile. "I don't actually own any of them, though." Nor does anyone else, for that matter.

The flash of purple light definitely catches her attention, as does the sudden absence of Usagi's injuries, followed by Hotaru's panic and Usagi's attempted misdirection. While the words should help calm the situation down, and the fact that hands are still gripped seem to be preventing an immediate retreat, Hotaru still looks like she's about ready to flee with a dust cloud in her wake.

So, Ikiko stands up, walks over to Hotaru, and gives the dark-haired girl a big hug. "Don't worry, Tomoe-chan" she whispers, just loud enough for Usagi to hear as well. "If you want to keep it a secret, we'll keep it with our secrets."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji thinks she sees ... something happened, right? Oh, Usagi dropped her phone. That's what happened... yeah. Sure. That makes enough sense. More sense than... what did she even see? Nothing. Or maybe something. Her hand idly goes to play with the geode that hangs around her neck. Just a nervous action, right?

    So, instead of focusing on what she didn't see, Niji looks into the basket to look at something she can. "Wow, you really did go all out, didn't you, Tsukino-san?" she asks. "See, no worries Tomoe-san. She's got plenty of stuff, that one you dropped is like. Suuuper Minor, really!" she agrees, trying to comfort Hotaru even though it's not at all what she's actually worried about. She manages to not overhear Ikiko, but Niji gives Hotaru a big grin and a thumbs up if she looks her way, though. So at least Niji isn't treating her as weird or strange or somehow broken.

    "Yeah, I could tell them it's normal, except I didn't exactly do my first few days with it like this..." she admits, rubbing the back of her head. "So I think they might figure it out." she says, laughing uneasily. "But maybe it won't come to that anyways!"

Pyrite has posed:
    Himeko confirms that Darien is her brother with a nod and a 'Mm!' noise, but any other communication from her is swallowed up in watching Hotaru. She doesn't know what's happening, but she feels... Something. Something that is in opposition to her. Is she the Enemy from the dance after all? No, that was... A shrine maiden. Hotaru isn't, probably.
    When the purple light flashes, Usagi's wounds are gone, and people attempt to comfort and cover for the one who produced said light. It's a light of restoration. Healing. Life. Remaking something broken.
    With everyone's attention on that, it would be easy to miss that, just like Usagi's injuries, Himeko Soryuu appears to have disappeared as well.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe stared at her, the panic almost making her miss it. Then... Her phone? The panic gave way to confusion. Was her phone even... out? No... maybe... but... Then, relief.

Then a warm glow. In her heart. The other girl... didn't... hate her. Didn't freak out, or recoil from her. Or act like she was a freak. She looked up at the other girl with rosy red cheeks. "I... I would, thank you... Usagi-senpai," she said gently.

She was such a beautiful, kind woman. She... she hoped they could be friends forever. She relaxed and... moved a little closer again.

She went a little rigid when Ikiko said said she knew. She saw. She... would keep it. More relief. More kindness. Hotaru... wasn't used to this. But she liked it. And then... she smiled. Not the weak, forced smile. But a genuine, almost glowing smile. "Thank you." She'd then take a small bite of the new taiyaki. Giving the gentlest, happiest little girl. It was... Hmm? Where'd that other girl go?

Then paused. "Wait... Darien-san?" she asked. "Did she say..." then trailed off. "No, probably not the same one." It totally was. She then... did the unthinkable... she tried... to *socialize*. "So... um. Were you two... swimming?" she asked, looking to USagi and Niji.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Thank goodness there's Ikiko-chan, who's maybe not a better liar, but definitely is a great comforter. Hotaru-chan looks scared, nervous, but she calms down, between the two of them, and probably helped a little too by the fact that Niji-chan is having a normal conversation, offering snacks and sharing with everyone, not worried at all by what she might or might not have seen.

"Of course I did! Summer's finally here, I wanted to make something fun happen. And! Ahhh, am I a senpai?"

The idea is a little baffling, but a lot pleasing. Usagi grins, picking up her own taiyaki snack and biting the head, chewing happily. She takes that newfound confidence and thinks about Niji-chan's problem. "Maybe. But, I think this school has real problems you know? Your hair is something pretty. Something lovely, even. Why make a problem out of that?"

But then -

"Oh hey, where did Himeko-chan go? I hope she didn't - well, okay, I don't think she could get lost. She seems really confident for someone so young..." She's probably fine, right? Considering she got away so quickly.

"Oh, not yet! I wasn't sure if the picnic would take me to the pool or the soccer field, or maybe throwing the frisbe? So I dressed for all occasions!"

Ikiko Hisakata has posed:
Ikiko smiles warmly in response to Hotaru, then sits next to her, patting her on the back. That moment of tenseness was noted; not surprising, given the situation and the context -- not as familiar as friends, but also not a direct-hit question, either.

"Usagi-chan is very energetic," Ikiko nods to Niji. "Plenty of enthusiasm, and the personality to make it cheerfully contagious!"

...possibly too enthusiastic for certain dour types, though, she thinks to herself when she notices that Himeko has made herself scarce. At least that means more for the rest of them!

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji smiles. "I was, but I came over on the way back and Tsukino-san ambushed me. It sounds like she was really... in the mood for a party." Niji says, being charitable. She can be nice! She's got a manners! Like one!

    "Well, I have a ton of energy too." Niji says, rolling her arm in circles. "I bet I have more than you." she adds with a grin. Not a mean grin, though. Just a cheeky sort of challenging grin. "What's your favorite outsidey-thing to do, Tsukino-san? Swimming or soccer or frisbee?" she asks. "Or something you didn't bring?"

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe blinked a few times. She swam, played soccer and threw fresbees? The girl was athletic AND kind AND generous. No wonder being around her made her feel so... good. Like a small, warm, glowing star given human form. She then glanced to Niji. It was making more sense now, too. Both seemed to be very active. Hyper. Excited. "I can see why you two are friends," she said after a moment. Maybe... just a hint jealous.

Why? They were both so... bright. So dazzling. It was good that they cared so deeply for each other. "Is... that how you got hurt? All your outdoor activites?" she asked, then cringed. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to pry. I was just..." Then trailed off. And took a bite of the taiyaki. She can't make an idiot of herself if she can't talk.

Besides, she just met the girl. There was no reason for her to be protective or anything. That'd just be... stupid.

Pyrite has posed:
    The tree they are all under very slowly grows a head with long black hair and suspicious red eyes from its trunk. Wait, no, that's just Himeko peeking out from around it. Is the Worrying Stuff done yet? She is unsure, so she waits a little bit longer.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I'm taking all of that as compliments," Usagi says with a grin. It's nice to just - have something normal to do, after all that Stuff She Isn't Thinking About. "Oh, we just became friends, Hotaru-chan. If Niji-chan wants, anyway! Same for you. We're having a picnic together, so we're hanging out, so therefore, we are friends, that's how I see it, anyway."

It's very simple. Friends are people you like, who you hang out with. So far, Usagi likes all the new people she's met - even if Himeko-chan has disappeared - and of course, she likes Ikiko-chan, so. As far as she's concerned, this is a gathering of friends.

"Of all these choices... I like swimming best. I'm not super great, but it's the most fun. But I wanted to hangout with people, not just go to the pool, you know? And I bet you do have more energy than me for, Niji-chan, because I love napping most of all, but you can't nap with your friends."

Well, you could, but it's not fun. And again, there's a level of confidence you have to have, to declare your favorite activity is napping, and Usagi has it in spades.

And then - ah. Right, that... well - "No, that was my cat," Usagi says, wincing. Luna was not going to be pleased, but - "I tried to take one of my hair ties from her, and she had, objections. No worries, it's reasonably to ask. I'm kinda covered in the sparkliest bandaids I could fin- Himeko-chan?!" Her squeaks up in an octave as she sees a head through - no, besides - that tree. "Did you get scared, or are you playing hide and seek?"

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji grins. "Well, then we are." she says, crossing her arms and nodding firmly before reaching in and grabbing another fish-pastry-thingie. "Well, we don't have to swim. You're probably better at napping than me, though! But I'm a little too charged up right now to try to test that." she admits. It is... hard to tell if she is serious or not about the idea of competitve napping.

    "Maybe you should get your cat her own hair ties, then. It seems much safer. You have a lot more yen in bandages on you than a hair tie is worth I think..." she says before putting another bit of pastry in her mouth. And then, Himeko appears and for just a moment Niji has to cough and hit herself in the stomach because she startled her. "Oh!" *cough* "We... we thought you left. Glad you stayed." she says, her eyes still just a smidge wide.

Ikiko Hisakata has posed:
"Frisbee does sound like fun," Ikiko muses, then shakes her head with a grin. "But I think snacking and chatting with friends is more enjoyable right now."

Usagi's little bluff draws a wince from Ikiko. Sure, it's decently plausible, but throwing your mentor under the metaphorical bus rarely turns out good, even if it was to hide certain things--

    --which means the injuries were definitely related to magical girl stuff. Right.

Himeko's sudden reappearance -- and the startled reactions -- cause Ikiko to look up. "Wow, Soryuu-san, you have really quiet footsteps!" she blinks, applauding slightly. Sure, Ikiko doesn't have as sharp of hearing as Tsukiko does, and she had been distracted by comforting Hotaru, but stepping that far without a major sound is still pretty impressive!

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe nodded. "O-oh! You... you should go swimming, then, if you want. I can, um, watch your things," she said. Before taking another small bite of the yaiyaki. Just because she couldn't swim didn't mean she didn't want others to enjoy it while they could.

She did pause when the girl mentioned being her friend. "That's--" Then stopped herself. The girl knew she could heal. And wasn't freaked out. So... maybe... she wouldn't... be scared off by her after all. "That... that'd be nice..." She'd argue the 'can't nap with your friends' bit. I mean, sure, she'd never done it. But she had stuffed animals she considered her friends and napped with them. And Yochu! Actually... "You... can nap with your friends... sometimes that's an even nicer nap," she said softly. Yochu... was her friend, after all. She jumped when Usagi jumped, before glancing towards the girl. Had she scared her off? With her weirdness? And, once again, there was that fear. Was this girl going to yell at her, call her a freak, a weirdo, a... She gulped and shook her head. No. No she wasn't. Maybe. The... nice girls wouldn't listen anyway, right?

"I... think you shouldn't fight your cat anymore... it sounds like she is a much fiercer warrior. Dasshu-san is right..." she said gently. "A-and of course you're a senpai, Usagi-senpai. Y-you're obviously a very bright, strong, noble person. A good upperclassman." ... Oh, there was something that showed how little she knew her.

Pyrite has posed:
    "Uncertain... Concerned." Himeko replies. She pauses before coming out from behind the tree and 'sneaking' in long, exagerated strides like she's Bugs Bunny or something. She must reclaim her space on the Blanket of Solitude. Which she is sharing. Who decided to call it the Blanket of Solitude, anyway? A clown, that's who!
    "...Camera flash?" she asks tentatively once she is seated again. "Usagi was alarmed by the Camera Flash. Did not want--Hime--I did not want to be close to something worrisome to you." No honorifics? Yes, apparently they are that familiar with each other now that she just calls Usagi by her given name like that. Kids, I tells ya.
    "It might cause harm when least expected." Her paranoia about Camera Flashes is very understandable. How many lives have been ruined by unanticipated selfies? Such tragedies. Tragedies and also hilarity. Focusing back on Ikiko, and Niji, Himeko just nods her head solemnly in response. Perhaps she expects to communicate just by looking into each other's eyes, like she and Hotaru can do now. That is a real thing and not something she has imagined out of a misunderstanding.
    I am thou, thou art I.
    "What is a Camera Flash?" Oh, poor baby. Just how sheltered >is< she? It's a good thing she has a loving big brother like Darien to take care of her now. Whoever was doing so before was clearly not doing a very good job.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"We could still swim, if everyone wanted to. I don't mind not being the best, because we'd all still have fun. But... if you ever did want to competitively nap, I'd give it a shot!" It's a silly idea, utterly ridiculous. Usagi kind of loves it. How would they even decide who won? Whoever slept longest? Moved the least? The most?

But, then, well, there's all the reactions to lying about what happened, and haha, maybe this was why Darien said it was best to lie as close to the truth as possible.

"Luna is a fiercer warrior than me," Usagi has to agree, and rubs the back of her head sheepishly. "I just couldn't give up, you know?"

That, at least, is the truth. And she smiles at Hotaru-chan, who is - very young, sweet, and very right. "Maybe you're right about that. I don't think that I've napped with anyone since Naru-chan and I were kids."

Maybe she'd try it again someday. With more friends.

And. Ah. Well.

Good job, Usagi! Your first accomplishment as an upperclassman: lying to children and scaring them. Is she going to have to explain this to Darien? Himeko doesn't seem trauamtized though, not with cutesy strides, her exaggerated sneak motion.

"When your phone takes a picture, it flashes a bright light," she says, answering the easiest question first. "I dropped mine when I gave Hotaru-chan the snacks, and the flash scared me, but it's not dangerous."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji isn't sure how one would score competitve napping either. Whether she was thinking about it before or not, she is now. Even if it's ridiculous. She can't not.

    "Well yes, she's a cat, right. Even I don't try to compete with them when they're doing more than just laying around. Actually, scratch that. I wouldn't try to compete with a cat at laying around either." she notes, crossing her arms again. Very serious, she is not.

    She follows up by adding to Usagi's explanation. "It's only dangerous if you look right at it while running past it and it blinds you and then you stumble into something." That is... oddly specific. Suspiciously, in fact...

    But she doesn't elaborate. "Aaaanyways, I'd rather do something we can all enjoy. It doesn't seem right to make you sit on the sidelines. And this has been fun, too. But, can you not swim, Tomoe-san? I could teach you. I'm good at teaching things."

Ikiko Hisakata has posed:
Ikiko patpats Hotaru. "Someone that soft-footed can definitely catch people off-guard," she notes, agreeing with a misinterpretation of the cause of the startlement.

Himeko's unawareness of what a camera flash is draws a quizzical blink of the eyes from Ikiko, but Usagi's doing a good job with the explanation: simple enough to be understood, thorough enough to be accurate.

Ikiko gives Niji a dubious glance at the prismatic girl's declaration of skill at teaching, but figures that Niji is probably best suited for teaching enthusiastic, hyper students. "You probably could teach more styles of swimming than I could, Dasshu-san," she admits. "I'm okay at swimming, but I'm only particularly good at dogpaddling."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe just looked at Himeko. She... it... she was... Was... was it possible she was the sister of... Takashi's friend? If so, some of what she saw today was making even more sense.

She quickly shook her head at the notion of swimming herself. "I-it's not that I can't... that I don't know how to swim, I just... can't. I-I didn't bring my bathing suit," she said quickly. "It's... back home..." The last thing she wanted to do was admit that she wasn't bearing water proof grade... limbs.

Then again, her henshin let her be... extra safe. She could even have her arms exposed when she did it, without anyone seeing that they were robotic. Could she... swim in henshin? Her eyes lit up, she looked EXCITED for a moment, before her cheeks went scarlet and she lowered her eyes. "A-another time, maybe?" she said gently. "I-I don't mind if you do, though. I can just watch. I've never been a strong swimmer, anyway. But I don't want to ruin anyone else's fun again."

Pyrite has posed:
    Himeko looks at the phone dubiously after that explanation, especially after having been told by Niji it can be dangerous after all. She hasn't acknowledged any flash of light, or Hotaru's healing, so maybe she couldn't see it. So she, at least, may be oblivious to magic. Whew! One less person to potentially be bothered! She also hasn't mentioned Usagi's healed injuries at all. After all, Usagi still has bandaids on. The bunny can't be healed if she's wearing bandaids. That's just not how it works! She learned this from the One Piece when she was trying to crawl through a television.
    The Ring-style TV teleportation is apparently not something she can do.
    "Phone is the thing Darien-onii-san is looking at instead of me." It's said a little bit accusatorily, not that Himeko knows who is on the other end of those calls and messages. "Unpleasant." she states as though her opinion on them needs to be made clear.
    "What is a bathing suit?" she asks of Hotaru, her tone back to clueless, demanding, and fierce. Her legs are then pulled up to her chest and her arms hug them, in the first actual... Human girl body language she has shown so far. Not that anything before this was >in<human, but this is a less... What's the term... Deliberate choice. It's something she's doing for comfort, instinctrively, because she is not feeling safe, rather than attempting to seem... Normal. And failing. "Swimming," she says. "I..." A pause that lasts several seconds.
    "...Are there ducks swimming too?" she asks with the smallest sliver of a hopeful child, her voice trembling the tiniest bit with fear that the answer will be unfavorable.
    Red eyes slide over to Ikiko. Himeko can't swim. Like Hotaru, there are reasons. Right? That isn't something she's allowed. Or wasn't. But maybe it would be better just to watch some ducks swim instead. But maybe she can learn to swim with them? She has already learned so much since leaving home.
    Even if she would much rather Darien be the one teaching her.
    But maybe when she tells him she learned something on her own, he will praise her.
    That would be pleasant.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Another time works, that just means we have to have another picnic," Usagi says smugly. Yeah, she's pleased at this conclusion. Never mind that that's not exactly what those words have to mean - it's what she wants them to mean, and, she doesn't think any of her friends will object. "Maybe next time we can figure out competitive napping, after we go swimming. I think the one will lead to the other."

A swim in the pool and then a nap in the shade - that was practically a perfect summer afternoon right there.

"Besides, maybe Niji-chan could teach all of us, because I only know how to doggy paddle too."

Yep! She's a flail around and doggy paddle style swimmer, which, in her opinion, is the best sort to be. She heard the question about bathing suits, but it was directed to Hotaru-chan, and she thinks it's a good idea to let the younger kids bond. Official senpai opinion!

"And...hm. You know, there aren't any ducks at the pool, I think, but there's a pond at one of parks that I see ducks at a lot. We'd have to leave school though, so we'd have to plan a day trip out of it..." yes, she sees those two pleading faces, and Himeko, curling up as she is, clutching herself, she looks small and - it kind of makes her miss Shingo. He's never this cute though. "I could use my phone for good pictures, and then you could be the one showing Darien-kun something on a phone."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji doesn't get how amusing the dogpaddling comment from Ikiko is. One day she will. Then she will randomly accuse Ikiko of something she doesn't remember. And then she turns to Hotaru and shakes her head. "No, no. There's plenty of things we can all do together. Even if those things are just being around each other - well, I don't want to do -nothing- but we could kick the ball or toss the frisbee or whatever. Or even just sit and talk. I'd rather do stuff with everybody than be a little bit more active but leave some of you out!" She says, and this time there's no silliness in her tone, only a fierce truthfulness.

    "Oh, oh!" She begins when Usagi makes the suggestion. "I'd love to take you swimming and teach you all. But I'd also love to go see the ducks with you all. We can do both, right? Like... obviously different days, because there's only so much time in a day, but I would be all over both of those."

Ikiko Hisakata has posed:
"Both, on different days, does sound great!" Ikiko agrees as she takes one of the snacks from Usagi's basket and starts munching it. "And a nap after swimming would definitely be enjoyable, too."

Himeko's comments draw a thoughtful expression from Ikiko. "I think your brother should help you find a swimsuit," Ikiko finally states. "That way, you can have more time where he's focusing on hanging out with you instead of being busy on his phone."

She pats Hotaru's back. "Knowing your limits is a good first step towards improving them," Ikiko points out. "By carefully pushing just a bit further than you were able to go today, then you'll be able to go a step farther than that tomorrow."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe looked to Himeko. What is a... "It's... a ummm. A special... outfit you wear, that doesn't get damaged by the water when you swim. It's water proof. Also called a swim suit, or beachwear." However... the mention of 'ducks' made her light up. No, she couldn't swim... but she COULD feed the ducks. "Are there ducks?" And then... she was heartbroken. How could you, Usagi? How could the one of radiance and light, who made her heart beat faster with such calming affection, betray her in such a way? "A... day trip? To the park? I... I could probably do that," she said softly. It wasn't that far, right? Not so far as to worry her daddy. "I-I like the ducks. They're fun to feed oats and rice to..."

She gave a sheepish smile to Ikiko. "I... I'll try. But my limits are a bit more--" and then, as if on cue from being called out... they struck up. And she began to cough, covering her mouth with her hands as she felt that burning pain in her chest. It lasted only about ten seconds or so, but while it happened, the girl sat there, panting, breaking out in sweat and struggling to keep herself from crying out... too much.

Pyrite has posed:
    The pale, black-haired girl seems to mull the suggestion over. It's not an immediate appeasement. Which is disappointing. But, after a bit of hesitation, she nods her assent. "Acceptable. Another day we will see the ducks and swim, and the Niji will teach me, and the Ikiko will not bring her dog, of which she has none, and the Usagi will swim, but like a dog, even though she does not have one. I will ask my cat if he wishes to come." That verbal assault only continues as she concludes with, "For now, I will watch you play. The heat is unpleasant." She isn't used to being so... Room temperature. And >moist<. What is with all this >moisture<? Do the people around her really have to deal with all of these fluids? What a terrible, sad, pitiable, smelly lot! Humidity is the enemy of all those who prefer the indoors!
    Though she feels like she used to spend a lot of time outdoors too... Before... Something. Hm. "The bathing suit." The explanation removes any interest in remembering things from her mind. "I will have Onii-san take me, and he will obtain the bathing suit for me. Then, I will swim, and see the ducks, and Hotaru can feed them, and they will live and fly away and not--" Bob up and down lifelessly as they decay in a rain puddle just for happening to choose Her shrine to rest and bathe at. "Stop coming back."
    She hates being left alone. Especially when whomever she's waiting for never comes back.
    Hotaru's coughing is of slightly greater interest than dwelling on unpleasant things, so she waves her arms excitedly around, unsure who to address, as she offers the wise and helpful command, "Quickly! The Camera Flash! The Hotaru requires it!"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
There's no denying how disappointed both girls are, and Usagi does feel bad about it - but there's no ducks here, at least none that she's seen, and she's not bold enough to take two kids with her on a trip off school grounds without permission, especially when one of those kids is her friend's slightly bizarre little sister.

"That's right. On another day, we'll see the ducks, and another one Niji-chan will teach you to swim. And yep, Ikiko-chan and I will not swim with dogs, just like dogs. We can havre fun all throughout the summer." Himeko-chan is very, very cute. Strange, but cute. "That's fine. Do you want a drink? It might help you cool down. I've got lemonades in different flavors in the basket!"

She's reaching in for a lemonade to offer Himeko when Hotaru starts to cough, heavy, racking coughs that shake her whole body. The bottle of lemonade falls to the wayside as Usagi reaches for Hotaru's shoulder, nervous about grabbing her too hard - "Hotaru-chan, Hotaru-chan, are you okay? Do you need to drink something? We can help you get home, if you need that!"

She is wincing at the camera flash request. She's not entirely sure what she's accidentally convinced Himeko-chan of, but it's definitely her fault.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji stops what she's doing when Hotaru doesn't stop coughing - when it's clear there's more going on than just a little bit of a cough, when the girl clutches her chest and looks... unwell. She doesn't, however, panic. She's there, quickly, at Hotaru's side. "What's going on - how can we help?" she asks. She hears Himeko ask for a camera flash and at some point later she'll shake her head at the kid's weirdness, but right now her focus is on the one that seems to need the help.

    "If you need to leave, I'll go with you." she says, generally. "Don't worry, if she needs someone to carry her, I've got her." Ikiko and Himeko are - respectfully - younger girls, and Usagi still looks like she lost a fight with a bandage packaging machine, even if she's healed underneath them, Niji can't tell. "Hotaru, do you need to have someone see you, go somewhere now?" she asks, looking the girl firmly in the eyes. Either way - Niji is staying with her. If Hotaru goes, so will Niji - if she stays, Niji will stay relatively close to her.

    "Maybe it's just a bit too hot out, ne?" she says, putting the back of her hand to Hotaru's forehead. "Overheating?"

Ikiko Hisakata has posed:
Ikiko gives Hotaru another hug! (Albeit a gentle one, and one-armed to make sure there's room for the others.) "Oof, yeah, lung trouble definitely complicates physical activity, especially when it hits that hard," she nods. "We can always make sure you have a life vest on while in the pool to keep you afloat, and I've heard that water exercises can help with endurance, so it'll still be good."

She gives a rueful look towards Himeko; now is not the time for pictures, but trying to explain it to the eccentric girl might take a few minutes.

And unravel a few misdirects.


(yeah, that's a definite NOPE on that idea.)

Instead, Ikiko nods to Niji. "We'll lend help as needed," she declares. "Even if it's just providing an extra set of hands if yours wind up full." Just in case Niji has to carry Hotaru with both arms, y'know.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe calmed down after a few moments, her hand on her chest, lightly panting as the pain died down. "S-sorry," she said softly. "That just... happens... sometimes. It's... it's a..." She was quiet again. Well, they weren't freaking out or trying to get rid of her, so that was nice. Though... "O-oh, there's no need for that, I..." And trailed off.

What was she going to tell them? That she was constantly being monitored now? That if she had any serious reaction, she'd have likely had Takashi dusk-porting in to grab her? "I just have... seizures from time to time. I've had them for years, I'm used to them," Hotaru said gently, wiping some sweat from her brow. Used to them? To THAT? "I... I should probably go, though. My daddy will worry if I'm gone too long."

Unfortunately, it seemed... leaving alone was not something she'd be allowed to do. Her cheeks burned a little, but she nodded. "O-okay. I... I guess that's okay. It's not that far, though. My daddy is likely at work right now, at Obsidian Tower. I... I can walk myself, though. It's no big deal..."

But, alas, her desires to not interrupt their excursion were denied and she had no choice... but to accept that others were worried about her. How terrible. But at least the commute wasn't that far... and once she was at the tower, she'd be able to go off on her own without worrying anyone else. Let alone interrupting her daddy's work.

Pyrite has posed:
    Is the Camera Flash not the thing that heals injuries? Maybe it was the thing that makes people get injured while trying to take a picture in the process of running past it. So confusing! Why are things so complicated!? Himeko stays well clear of Hotaru. There is little she can do to ease the other girl's suffering, if that was a thing she would have even thought of. She could certainly try to >end< Hotaru's suffering, which she is very very very good at, but it would make Darien upset, and then he would not praise her, so she does not.
    But then! The matter of getting back to Obsidian Tower! Himeko perks up at that, rising from the blanket like a mighty sea creature preparing to rain radioactive death on Tokyo itself! "I know the way, and also a 'Shortcut'." She says this in the conspiratorial, 'I am about to perform what is known as a Pro-Gamer Move'-please-be-impressed-by-me tone that implies her knowledge of the word 'shortcut' alone is enough to secure her place among the imoutos and kohais who deserve to be praised.
    "Darien-onii-san goes to the tower for work. The path is familiar. You may leave this to me!" Then she starts big-stepping over the grass, towards Hotaru, like she expects it to swallow her whole if she stays on it for too long. Yes, the shortcut she has in mind will be very fast and definitely not agitate Hotaru's delicate condition further.
    After all, they will finally be out of the sunlight.
    She will definitely be praised by Darien for this.