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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Latest revision as of 17:50, 29 July 2023

Girl's Night Out
Date of Scene: 28 July 2023
Location: OSA-P Jewelers
Synopsis: Hosshiwa and Scorn have a teaparty to bond over defeats at the hands of Cures and Magical Girls. Magical Girls and Cures defeat them! (Cure Wukong, Cure Daybreak, Yellow Pearl Voice, The Red Princess and Snow Angel Mou Fubuki!)
Cast of Characters: Scorn, Cho Konishi, Runealy Waldia, Coco Kiumi, Mio Morita, Laisa Samuiko

Scorn has posed:


That was fifteen minutes ago as a kindabad, dressed as a butler attends to two figures sitting at a table on top of OSA-P Jewelers and the world around has become cake, candy and other delights. The two figures at the table at Hosshiwa, a woman with light blue hair, and a fancy pink dress, and Scorn- a younger girl in an elegant black dress sit at the table, sipping tea. Hosshiwa has a large piece of cake. In fact it's a whole cake. Just a cake. Scorn has a smaller sliver of cake and is enjoying it with the tea as Hosshiwa sips.

Corvus has a plate of birdseed on the table.

"I really needed this." says Scorn. "Do you always deal with the same people, too Miss Hosshiwa?"

"All the time." says Hosshiwa. "It is so vexxing, but don't worry, you must continue!" she says. "BUTLER MORE TEA!" The butler kindabad jumps and pours more tea for the two.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong had been... well... she had some new candied peaches she'd wanted to try. The recipe hadn't been... she'd made a mistake. And so they had to open a window to get the smell out of burning sugar.

Of course, she was trying to fan it out the window when suddenly Wuwu came running in. "Trouble. It's... pretty far off, though. Thataway."

Of course, from there, it wasn't that hard, right? Best part about being a precure? Being able to leap tall buildings in one or two bounds!

But, alas, Yellow Pearl Voice was not a precure. While she could sing like an angel pop idol, leaping that far wasn't really her ability set...

So Wuwu had a simple suggestion.

Which was why poor Yellow Pearl Voice was being princess carried by Cure Wukong when they arrived, having leaped across the city to finally land... on one of the cakes. "Listen here, you--mmph!" And she then fell into the cake as it gave out. Fortunately for Yellow, she held her up, over her head, so there was just a suspended magical girl and Wukong's hands sticking out from the cake.

Mmmmm, chocolate. Not terrible, but really needed more cream. She... was going to need a moment. But Yellow could at least jump off easily enough.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
Rune has been exploring Tokyo once more, and a jewelry store is interesting. At least, that is what she was told to expect.

Instead, she finds a bizarre mix of jewelry store and 'cake world.' She freezes in place, going tense as she notices the terrain. "Her? Would that mean she is present?" A question to herself.

She hesitantly walks closer to the store, getting a better look at the figures on the roof. Most of them, Rune does not recognize. However, one with blue hair causes her to freeze again - this time with a gasp. Even as Cure Wukong arrives to confront Hosshiwa and Scorn, Runealy stares.

Her throat tightens, as her mind comes up with her mother's voice - what she thinks her mother would say to her about this: 'A proper Queen or Princess is neither reckless nor foolish, yet she is not a coward. Refusing to confront a demon out of fear or some supposed strategy means you are responsible for anyone they slay!'

This rebuke plays in her mind over and over... and prompts her to act. "Summoning Princess' Tiara!" Jeweled headwear appears in hand, a pulsing 'energy hum' coming from it. "The Line of Succession..." She passes it to her other hand, which brings it to her forehead in the same motion, "Transform!"

Rune is engulfed in a flash of red light, and when it fades she stands in full magical dress with staff in hand. She breathes heavily, aiming at the distant Hosshiwa... tense, but not firing yet.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Yellow Pearl Voice didn't miss the irony of a princess being princess carried by a King, Monkey or otherwise, but she did consent to it. At its best, her Live Stage was probably a snail in comparison to what Cure Wukong could accomplish.

Her stomach starts protesting her decision, as Cure Wukong's leaping movements threaten to cause a disturbance. Luckily, she avoids causing a disaster over her roommate by the time she landed.

'Cho?' she thinks, looking around at all the sweets. One second she is clinging tightly to her roommate, the next Cure Wukong has raised her higher up.

'What has happened?' she wonders, taking a second to recover from her friend's speedy leaps. She is quick to intervene however once she realises where Cure Wukong has landed, jumping off her stretched hands with an unsteady balance.

"All you all right, Cure Wukong?" she asks, proceeding to slowly extract her friend out of the sweet mass. Of all the weird corruptive forces Yellow Pearl Voice could expect, sweets were the last on her lists. "Is this seriously supposed to be a threat to people?" she wonders out loud perplexed.

The landscape is completely littered with sweets, which probably was an annoyance, but it was kind of banal?. "That's kinda underwhelming as far as evil grand plans go."

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio had been minding her own business. She was at her father's house, bagging sandwiches for the weekend. She wouldn't have even known there was trouble if not for Pin getting her attention. Thankfully her father was in another room when that happened. Pin poked Mio and told her that she felt the presence of a terribad.

Mio quickly got up and put away the sandwich stuff and ran out the door. Her father went to the door, "MIO! Where are you going! Don't you have more sandwiches to make!?" He calls out, not liking that his daughter just took off like that.

"Urgent Club Business, Dad!" She calls back and takes off running. Is this going to go over well? Probably not. As she runs, she finds herself a quiet alleyway and ducks down it. Quickly she transforms, becoming Cure Daybreak. She takes off flying making her way to the scene of the trouble. Flying beside her is Pin, telling her which way to go.

As the Cure flies, the landscape changes from a bustling city to a mountain of cakes and other sweets. "Well this is different." She quickly lands, getting icing on her shoes. "Aww come on! I just transformed!" She comments before turning her attention to Scorn and Hosshiwa.

"Hey! If you wanted cake and stuff you could have just bought it at the patisserie. You didn't need to hurt anyone!" She snaps seeing the a bunch of coffin shaped mirrors which are holding innocent people inside.

Scorn has posed:
The landscape is cake, yes. But then Wukong falls into the cake and Hosshiwa gets upset. "HEY, WHO SAID YOU COULD HAVE ANY OF MY CAKE!?" Scorn raises her sliver. "I got a slice!"

"A SMALL SLICE!" Hosshiwa says. "WITH MY BLESSING!" she says dramatically.

"TERRIBAD!" she calls out, splaying her hand to the sky as she opens her parasol, a Terribad decked out in bling, all over, a necklace with a 'terribad logo' necklace and bracelets and a crown jumps over the building and lands in front of Runealy.

Scorn ughs and sips from her cup. "It's..it's the others I talked about!" she says pointing at the others. She looks around. There's no left for her to mirror, so she can't help by summoning a youma.

"It's all you again!? Go away! Leave, leave me alone! We're having a tea party you know and you weren't invited!" commands Scorn. Throwing her own arm out as she starts summoning up high winds in the local area.

Hosshiwa meanwhile commands her Terribad to swing a blinged out hand down towards Runealy at first while the others arrive.

Laisa Samuiko has posed:
    Laisa might be new in town, and she may not understand everything that's going on yet, but she has enough sense to know that turning a jewelry store into cake-and-candy land is probably a bad thing. At best, it is deeply irresponsible. That's someone's livelihood!

    Laisa was standing a ways down the street when she first saw the cake-tastrophe. She frowns at it, then turns down a back alley, gets ambushed by some guy trying to mug her, beats him up, waits for him to flee, and then when the coast is clear she reaches for her necklace to pull the Rime Rosary out from beneath her collar.

    A flash of blue and a burst of cold later, Snow Angel Mou Fubuki leaps out of the alleyway and onto a rooftop. She leaps from roof to roof as she draws closer to Scorn and Hosshiwa, using bursts of cold wind to gain speed.

    The air around the jewelry store grows cold, and there is a soft whispering on the winds that Scorn, Hosshiwa, and anyone nearby could hear. "Couldn't you have your tea party somewhere else?"

    Snow Angel is lagging a bit behind relative to everyone else, but she's coming.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
Rune continues to aim at Hosshiwa, breathing in and out... trying to work up the nerve to pick a fight with someone who seems to be much stronger. She's not sure whether the chill running through her is fear, genuine physical cold from Mou Fubuki's arrival, or both. "Take all due caution," she warns Daybreak, "At least one among their number is a dire threat to any of us! I... hnn?!"

Anything else she might say is cut off, as a massive Terribad approaches. Her boot-wings glow with a blue-silver light, launching her sideways to avoid the Terribad's fist as the cake-ground she stood at is gouged by the blow!

Heart pounding, she lands and aims at the Terribad's chest. A simultaneously frightened, stressed out, and aggressive "eyyy...!" shout follows, as she launches a staff orb at it. If the orb makes contact, it explodes into a 'smoke' of emerald mist!

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong coughs and hacks as he's tugged out of the cake. She then glared down at Hossiwa. "Listen here, you... you.... sugar addled floozy!" she yelled. Then looked back to Yellow and said, much softer. "Oh, yeah. I heard about them. They're a real bunch of trouble makers. The one in the pretty dress is... uhhhh... actually..." She yelled the next part. "YOU! Loud lady! What's your name?" then motioned to Scorn. "And that's Scorn. Her bird is dangerous. Right. Anyway... Ahem. I'll distract them, you sing."

Then she leaped up, landing ahead of the two and pointing at the two. "Listen here! You aren't even using the GOOD chocolate! How can you call this a proper tea party if you use cruddy, sub par ingredients? Second of all, it was rude of you NOT to invite us if you're going to go ahead and just take over an entire section of the city! Third of all... Actually, your dress is pretty cute, where did you get stockings like that? Oh, right. And FOURTH of all! Stop attaking people! It's RUDE!" she then lifted a hand up by her ear, pulling the toothpick from behind it... before it grew in her grasp. "YA! Monkey fist!" It was neither a monkey, nor a fist. It was a growing magic staff that she swung down at the terribad's head. It... would probably only hurt the head a little more than her justice speech likely did.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Just as well that the enemy actually had a plan. 'I shouldn't have spoken so soon', she thinks, recognising the towering figure of the Terribad, though it was very different from the last one she faced. 'It still has a scarf, at least, even if the color is different' she mentally comments, taking note the scarf was pink rather than purple this time.

"I don't think anybody here wants your cake, you two. All that evil energy probably ruins your teeth so fast you would need three dental appointments." Yellow Pearl Voice starts looking around for the person (or people?) caught in misfortune this time.

Cure Wukong starts coordinating a strategy with her, before jumping to the assault. "I had the displeasure of meeting Scorn already. Please, be careful with her. She is not actually herself currently. And aim for the bird while you are at it", she tells Cure Wukong pointing at Corvus on the table, remembering how its teleportation messed up their tentatives to rescue Aki's sister.

Yellow Pearl Voice does a double take when Cure Wukong starts complimenting their dresses. 'I mean, she is right: they are rather pretty', she thinks, letting herself get distracted. 'This isn't the time to talk about fashion, let's get back on track!", Yellow Pearl Voice reprimands herself.

"If you are so set on having your tea party, why don't you free whoever you caught and dispatch your puny Terribad?" Yellow Pearl Voice declares, pointing her E-Pitch at the two Generals. With how big the other Terribad was, anything else was puny in comparison.

The Live Stage starts forming around her, its white light encapsulating the Mermaid Princess in a sphere. "While you take the decision, this tea party is missing some music to liven up the atmosphere, so allow me to do the honours with Legend of Mermaid! Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!"

The rainbow wind blows at a far off coast
Before dawn, there was a melody I heard
It's a very nostalgic song

The birds that fly towards the eastern sky
now escape to the treasure island using this shortcut.

Where the paradise of the seven seas lies
After the stormy night, to tell you my love I will be born again
Even if there comes a day where everyone...
Is to journey away from here, as long as we sing the melody of the seven countries
I'll never forget.

Clouds slowly float away, vanishing away as they aim for the rainbow's end
And then the stars, like pearls
can start releasing a powerful, wondrous light.

From the southern sky, a whistling sound could be heard
Yes, this is the time that's finally come, the time for me to become an adult.

While embracing the kind mother's wishes in her heart

She wished that everyone would journey on a miracle-filled adventure
With overflowing tears and prayers, I just don't know anymore
But their still remains a fantasy of a night where stars fall for the shining future!

To the paradise of the seven seas!
After the stormy night, to tell you my love I will be born again
Even if there comes a day where everyone...
Is to journey away from here, as long as we sing the melody of the seven countries
I'll never forget!

Mio Morita has posed:
"Rude!" Daybreak snaps Scorn and Hosshiwa before turning her attention to the terribad. She can see Cure Wukong already attacking the monster. She calls out, "Hiya, Dunno who you are but nice to meet ya!" She states to Wukong before rushing the Terribad, unleashing a barrage of punches at its head.

"You call this a tea Party? Tea parties are supposed to be fun and carefree. Not trapping a bunch of innocent people in mirrors. All for what? So you can have an overgrown waiter?" She mouths off trying to annoy Scorn and Hosshiwa.

When she hears the familiar song, she smiles and gives a quick wave to Yellow. Its always a good thing when the singing magical girl is about.

Scorn has posed:
Hosshiwa and Scorn both close their ears at the singing. "Ugh it's.. it's the singing again!" Scorn mutters. "I didn't order entertainment!" she says to the butler kindabad, as she points around. Kindabads, dressed as butlers (and maids!?) bust out from around the area, trying to flail at the whole affair of magical girls. What's a group of magical girls called anyways? (Feel free to just throw these guys about. They are cannon fodder!)

"A KERFLUFFLE!" screams Scorn as if answering the meta question. "That's what this is!" she calls out as she uses her invading winds to try to blow high winds into Yellow's direction.

Cure Daybreak and Cure Wukong plow into the terribad and it takes multiple hits to the head, sending it's crown flying, which it catches..... before throwing it at the two like some sort of crown boomerang! It's sharp!

The Terribad is sent flying backwards however, but Runealy's hit, skidding on the ground of cake as it passes by some mirrors, standing with people sleeping away in them.

"L..leave us alone." says Scorn. Hosswiha. says. "Dear, not like that." she clears her throat. "LEAVE US ALONE AT ONCE!" she commands.

As Scorns winds grow colder, she looks down to the Snow Angel and blinks. "NN-no? This place is really nice" she says.

Laisa Samuiko has posed:
    Snow Angel takes stock of who she does and does not recognize. Cure Daybreak and Yellow Pearl Voice she saw the other day. Everyone else is new to her, including the swarm of Kindabads and the Terribad.

    "Well it was nice," responds Mou Fubuki's voice on the wind, "but then someone put evil cake all over it!" Snow Angel makes a grumpy face at Scorn.

    As Snow Angel gets closer to the Kindabads, ice and snow start to appear around her. A small round buckler of ice appears on her left arm, while a long icicle-tipped spear forms in her right. She charges into the Kindabads, spearing one and then shield bashing another. Her ice weapon breaks after a few hits, but a new one forms in its place and her assault continues while Kindabads start to swarm around her.

    "Come on! I'll take you all on! I'm not afraid of you or your bad shades!" she shouts. Once in a while she's able to glance at the Terribad, but for now the Kindabads have her attention.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong couldn't help it. It was almost like... they were... bonding? Awwww. Were the bad guys bonding? "Awwww! Okay, you know what? I could ALMOST forgive this just because the fact you're all bonding and being friends to each other is very adorable, but--"

Aaaaand then the crown hit her in the back. She was... sliced in half... Buuuut, there was no gore or anything, in fact, there was a surge of red energy and, a moment later, she was fine. "O-ow. Right. Right. Terribad, first! THEN focus on the bad guys being adorable. So, lady Kerfluffle!" she yelled at Hosshiwa... well, she asked for a name. And Kerfluffle was close enough to being a name that she could just assume. "I get that you want to show your friend a nice time! BUT!" She ran at the terribad... "But I think you'll find this wasn't your CROWNING achievement!"

That would have been ALMOST clever... if the youma had thrown the crown then. But this time? She waited for it... And the moment it launched the crown the next time, she'd leap into the air and make her staff GROW again! This time, not just in length, but in width... And then slam it down ON the crown, intending to pin it!

"Secret monkey art, tree versus discus! Ha!"

Runealy Waldia has posed:
Rune boost-leaps away from the incoming kindabads, the gems on her tiara lighting up to spray tiny emerald sparkles at them and repel those who get close!

She isn't immediately sure what to think about Scorn... but Hosshiwa's demand sends a chill through Rune once more. The princess remembers the last time Hosshiwa began talking anything even remotely like this - it was a prelude to very quickly defeating Rune.

Even as another frightened chill rushes through her - this time definitely due to Hosshiwa, rather than Mou Fubuki's involvement - the late queen's voice runs through her head again: 'Hesitation will lead to someone's demise - an innocent person's, or your own!'

She stares at the coffin-mirrors spread through the area, envisioning herself trapped within one. Her mother's advice repeats itself, and Rune aims at Hosshiwa once more.

Hand shaking, convinced she is about to pick a fight she has no hope of winning, the princess launches a staff orb at Hosshiwa. It flies through the air, and detonates in mid-flight to send a wide spray of emerald 'pellets' at her!

There are no witty remarks, no shows of defiance - just fear, and an attempt to strike first before Hosshiwa makes a move.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Yellow Pearl Voice waves back at Cure Daybreak as the Precure enters her field of view. 'We reliably meet a lot when it comes to these incidents', she smiles, appreciating having her around for these kinds of situations. She also takes note of the Snow Angel having taken a part in the fight, smiling appreciatively in her direction.

The pause is short lived, however as her attention is brought back to the fight by Scorn's wind currents, throwing her off her rhythm and forcing her to order the Live Stage to move away from their path.

To top it all off, the girl with azure hair orders them to leave them alone, as if they didn't instigate the attack. Fortunately, the Kindabads aren't able to fly and the Terribad isn't focused on her, so just moving the Live Stage slightly higher up allows Yellow Pearl Voice to completely avoid their assault, leaving her with a pause of relief.

She smirks as she hears Scorn and Hosshiwa's exchange. "Oh, you are giving each other tone lessons now? That's kinda nice, too bad your shrieks don't accompany your intention well", Yellow Pearl Voice says, taking a brief pause to make her words stick.

"Since we are playing with authority, how about this: by the authority of Aqua Regina, my mother and goddess of the seas, free these people!", she declares, making a wide gesture with her right arm towards the victims locked into misfortune. "In the meantime, I will mellow you out with my song!", resuming her singing assault with Legend of Mermaid.

Mio Morita has posed:
On the upside, Daybreak dodges the terribad tiara action. In fact she leans herself backwards and down, narrowly avoiding the nasty attack. This gives the kindabads a very big opening. SHe is rapidly swarmed by a mass of them. Its brutal. Daybreak takes more than a few hits before all is said and done.

Thankfully she gets an idea. She punches the heck out of one of the kindabads knocking it down. Grabbing its legs, she starts spinning in circles, the kindabad is swung round and around and around, slamming into a whole bunch of kindabads. Within moments there is a clearing in the sea of kindabads. Then there is the release. The scrambled kindabad is now a projectile and it goes flying at the terribad.

Now that she has a little breathing room, Daybreak turns her attention to the terribad. Its crown is pinned thanks to Cure Wukong. Daybreak quickly turns the dial on her prebrace, "MORNING SUN BEAM!" She throws her hands forward and an orange energy beam goes flying at the terribad.

Scorn has posed:
The singing is weakening the Terribad heavily, as it's crown is pinned into the cakey ground. Candy explodes out as it smacks into a giant candy cane, as Snow Angel Mou Fubuki sends Kindabads flying, they ignore the insults but still come all the same, they're easy to fight, but there's a lot of them, but they're thinning out slowly.

Scorn blushes. "We're girls, we gotta stick together!". "Yeah." says Hosshiwa as Princess Runealy smacks her with a variety of magical pellets that send her flying backwards into cake. Oh that.. that was bad. Scorn flails at this and quickly helps the woman up. She tries to dust off Hosshiwa but she's angry. "Scorn...!" she says. "That..that girl hit me. Can you believe it!?" she says, pointing, her parasol closing as she fires off a laser beam from her closed Parasol at Runealy, like last time at the mall, trying to smack her out of the fight like last time.

Still, the Terribad gets smacks with a beam but it raises it's arms, the shiny bracelets reflecting the beam off into the sky as it screams "TERRIBAD!" and attempts to swing it's bracleted arm down on Daybreak!

Scorn angrily starts summoning wind up. "Ho--Hosshiwa..." she says worriedly. "I have an idea..." she trails off.

Hosshiwa scoffs, covered in cake and frosting. "I'm the only ruler here! GET OUT!" she yells angrily.

Laisa Samuiko has posed:
    Mou Fubuki notices that the Terribad's crown has been pinned down, but the swarm of Kindabads keeps her from taking advantage of it. Once the crowd starts thinning, Mou raises her shielded hand and summons a flurry of snow and ice, creating a pair of walls which make a protected corridor towards the crown, allowing Mou an escape from the thinning hoard. The ground of the corridor turns to ice, and blades of ice appear on Mou Fubuki's feet.

    As she skates towards the pinned crown, a swarm of icicles forms around her, one after the next, following closely behind her and leaving a trail of snowflakes in their wake. Wings of ice grow out of Mou's back as she channels more of her curse, and when she gets close enough the wings shatter. She thrusts both of her hands forward, palms outward. All of her gathered icicles, along with the shards of her wings, fly ahead of her, aiming for the crown.

    Wave after wave of the chilly barrange assaults the pinned crown, and might things a bit uncomfortably cold for Cure Wukong if she's still holding it down.

    "Sorry!" she shouts.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
Fear can do wonderful things for your reaction times, if you apply it correctly. Heart pounding, Rune is very much on-guard for Hosshiwa's attacks. So when Hosshiwa launches a red beam at her, the princess leaps up and aside from it as her boot-wings light up once more.

Rune herself evades the beam. However, the end of her wand gets clipped and begins to melt in her hand. She hastily tosses it away, and the damaged staff explodes - with white sparkles replacing what would be a normal detonation's fire and smoke - mere feet from the princess' face!

"Ch...!" A stressed and gasping shout acknowledges what just happened, even as Rune reaches into her dress bow and materializes a smaller, red-tipped wand. "Do not under...estimate me! Th... there is more than one monarch present!" It's an attempt to taunt the surprised Hosshiwa, though Rune's voice repeatedly falters mid-sentence and instead just betrays her fear.

Rune makes a gliding descent, even as she aims her new wand at Hosshiwa. Only her mother's extensive training keeps the princess from giving in to the urge to 'panic fire'. Her hand is wavering, but she is consciously lining up a shot. After a second, she thinks she has it. "...There!" The wand tip lights up, firing a thin, ruby-sparkling beam of her own toward Hosshiwa!

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong grinned. From her vantage on top of the staff, she could see a lot. And it looked like they were winning this! "Oh, right!" she yelled after Cure Daybreak. "I'm Cure Wukong, the Monkey King! Nice to meet you!"

And no sooner does she introduce herself, that things go poorly. Hossiwa gets out of the cake and launches a beam of light at Runealy. The terribad deflects the purifying blast and worst of all? Scorn had a plan.

However, Hosshiwa, well. She was RUDE! "HEY! You're like, the fourth ruler here, AT BEST! I'm a KING! And Yellow Pearl Voice is a PRINCESS! And she DOESN'T need to like, beat people up to make them say that she's one! Which... actually probably means she beats me out anyway. And then there's her, the... the red princess girl! So like, fourth best!"

She hopped up onto her feet, using her staff as a stage. It was tall, flat and it was unlikely anything was going to be getting it off the crown anytime soon. So what if it meant she had to fight without a staff for a bit? How much did she need a staff any-- oh. Right. Yes. It was kind of her BEST tool for fighting. Eh. Oh well. Monkey gotta do what a monkey gotta do.

She reached up and yanked out a handful of hair, and threw them into the air. They poofed! Turning into clones of her! Leh gasp! One of them joins Yellow on stage to help provide background music for her song! And one starts offering up ice cream! "Okay, clones, get... get..." And then trailed off.

The rest of them were UTTERLY USELESS and started lazying around the battlefield, eating the sugary treats and ignoring the battle. "OH COME ON!" she yelled at them.

And then... she looked down at the frozen base of her staff. Well. It wasn't like she was intending to move it anyway... still... "Uhhhh, it's cool! Heh, pun. Right. RIGHT!" Clones weren't working. Staff was in use. What did she have other than that?

Right. ANNOYANCE! Her best tool! She leaped down, this time landing...

Not in front of Hossiwa. Not in front of Scorn. Instead, landing on all fours directly in front of their tea party setup. DIRECTLY by the table.

And the mischievous monkey grin on her face was clear to see. As she looked directly at Hossiwa...

And her tail went out, tipping it over to scatter her tea and pastries *all* over the floor.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Yellow Pearl Voice is having to hold back a laugh when confronted with the imagine of Hosshiwa thoroughly covered in her own sweets trying to assert some semblance of authority. She is a bit surprised when Scorn doesn't choose to renew her air current assault, since that or a beam from Hosshiwa is the only thing that can threaten her up there with the Terribad as busy as it is.

'Better for me', she thinks, just before getting quickly approached by a rapid figure. 'What... Oh', she breathes in relief as she realises it's one of Cure Wukong's clones. Smiling at her and giving a wave, she keeps singing, moving to the additional beats provided by her friend's clone.

The original Cure Wukong meanwhile is contributing to further ruin Hosshiwa's image as the Precure sends the table with her precious tea party, which spurs the Mermaid Princess to give the clone a thumbs up.

'Can she see what her clones see, though? Hmm, I guess I will congratulate myself later on if she doesn't', she wonders, focusing back her attention on the rhythm and leaving Yellow Pearl Voice with only the worries about Scorn.

'Is she out of it already? That can't have been all she had, right?' There isn't much she can do with that weird detail however, so she instead focuses on continuing to sing Legend of Mermaid as her allies keep kicking the Terribad's butt and making easy work of the Kindabads.

Mio Morita has posed:
"Nice to meet you! I'm Cure Daybreak!" Daybreak responds to Wukong. Sadly this is about the point that the terribad comes down with a braceleted attack. The precure got distracted and it takes everything she has to prevent herself from being pummeled. She quickly crosses her arms in front of her as she gets bashed by the terribad. She tanks the hit but good grief does it hurt.

She quickly Jumps back. "Okay Lets do this," She quickly turns the dial on her prebrace again. "RISING SUN FLARE!" She winds up and throws a gout of flames at the terribad. She hopes beyond hope that this time it connects.

Scorn has posed:
Everything is getting ruined! The Terribad's crown is pinned and destroyed heavily by cold and staff, it isn't going back to the Terribad, it's lost one of it's main weapons- and even if it picks it back up, it wouldn't be the same. Still, the Terribad is still wrecking havoc but it's weakened considerably. It may be ready to purify it!

Meanwhile, as Hosshiwa gets assault by Runealy, she's ready for it this time, opening her parasol quickly and using it as a shield as she oujo laughs. "You caught me unaware! Huh?.." she goes as Scron suddenly bother Hosshiwa and whispers something. Oh that's devilish. Scorn starts by blasting a torrent of wind at Runealy, trying to contain her AND Send her upwarfs, if she can.

IF she can, Hosshiwa uses Runealy's prone state to aim a sure, strong hit from her Parasol laser again, trying to go for a two hit combo attack from the two. This may smart a lot if it hits.

The Terribad gets smacked by the Rising Sun Flare, trying to block it again but the flames just heat up the bracelets, causing it to flail and try to get them off. Which succeeds, but now it's lost it's defense! "Terribad!" goes the prone Terribad, left only with it's fists! Yup. Purification time.

"If..if we can take them out one by one like this..." Scorn trails off. "Q..Quickly...!"

The Tea Party is also ruined by Cure Wukong, but the two are too busy trying to combo attack Runealy to notice. They'll notice soon enough!

Runealy Waldia has posed:
Rune points her feet in another direction as her boot wings continue to pulse their blue-silver light. She jukes in mid-air, trying to throw Hosshiwa's aim off... and it might have worked. Maybe. Being caught in a sudden wind-surge prevents her from finding out, though. "What...?! Eyy...!" Unable to descend, unable to continue mid-air evasions, Rune is wide open.

She manages to break free at the very last possible moment, starting to glide away from the beam, but this is not enough. All it does is prevent Hosshiwa from landing an 'exact dead center' hit on the princess. It is still a clean hit, and it has the same effect it did when they fought at the mall: Rune screams in pain, head rocking back as her vision explodes into blackness with silvery 'stars' rippling through it!

She falls, crashing into the icing-laced ground hard enough to bounce off it. Rune twitches in mid-air, but this time when she hits the ground again... she does not move.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong cringed when the parasol was used to deflect the girl's attack. Oh dear. And then a COMBO assault! She started to move towards Red, but was too slow! She froze for a moment when she saw the other girl crash. She... she was okay, right? She was going to be okay. It wasn't like... that didn't... she WAS okay. She had to be. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the terribad loses it bracelets.

So, maybe they were doing better? Hopefully. Still, two generals were bad. And, unlike her, the girls weren't immortal. She hoped flipping the table would get more of their attention, but alas it did not!

She'd need to up her game. Red was... Red was going to be fine, she was sure. She... she was going to be fine. Wukong looked towards her, then gulped.

Right. Time to put that immortality to the test. She could take a direct hit... well... a few... and not be knocked out. So maybe if she could distract them long enough?

And she RAN AWAY! ... Truly, the most noble of souls. Of course, it became pretty clear why a moment later. When sheran behind one of the massive cakes... and after a moment it began to rumble. Then...

It went hurtling at the two generals! She didn't think it would hurt them. But she was HOPING it would explode when they blocked it... and annoy them when they got covered in cake. One of her clones even half heartedly chucked a cupcake at Hosshiwa. And while a lot of them were being poofed by the kindabads, as they were too busy eating pastries and stuff to really fight back, at least there were more targets to draw their fire?

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Yellow Pearl Voice gets worried as the teamwork between Scorn and Hosshiwa scores a direct hit on the red princess. She is unable to get her Live Stage moving in time, as the girl crashes against the ground. 'I hope she is fine', she worries, continuing to sing with a heavy heart.

At least she can find solace in the fact Cure Wukong is doing great. 'This should be over soon, then we can all check Runealy's condition'.

Mio Morita has posed:
There are two things that Daybreak notices, The first is the most prominent to her. The weakened Terribad. The second is potentially the most important. The injured Magical girl. She winces. "Oh shoot, What should I do. What should I do!" She winces.

Her mind goes to the nurse cards. They could help but if she tries to do anything she will be a target. No the Terribad goes and so do the generals. Thats how it usually works right?

She turns her attention to the terribad. Rapidly she turns the dial on her prebrace. "Light of Hope, become sacred power! Pretty Cure FIRST LIGHT SHOOT!" A sun forms and drops in front of her. She winds up and punches it towards the terribad.

Scorn has posed:
Scorn and Hosshiwa appear to take Runealy out of the fight. "Amazing! Is this... this.. teamwork!?" Hosshiwa mutters. "Amazing!" she says again. Scorn laughs. "We did it now let's....."

Yes, let us, get covered in cake. The cake topples down on the two and covers them completely with a 'thunk'. Their heads poke out of the top of the cake and they both blink. Scorn starts crying. Hosshiwa looks angry. "My cake!" she says. "You touched it!" she says dramatically.

The terribad gets purified. "So Relaxxxxing!" it says as it turns into nothingness. The mirrors fade, and release the people inside. and the cake, candy world vanishes slowly, turning the world back to normal, including the cake that was containing Scorn and Hosshiwa.

"WHY I NEVER!" says Hosshiwa as she vanishes in a duskport.

Scorn sniffs, and is still crying. She hasn't left yet. Why!?

"I won't.. I won't forget this!" she says with a sob. Before she finally leaves in her own duskport.

Both we're still covered in cake when they left, at least!

Runealy Waldia has posed:
Despite Rune having bounced off the ground, Mou Fubuki's snow layer may have cushioned the impact. When the Snow Angel checks on the fallen princess, one thing is immediately obvious: Rune still breathes, and the ice seems to be making the breaths deeper - clearer.

She is still not moving, but at the very least Cure Wukong is witnessing a princess. Yellow Pearl Voice witnesses a princess. Cure Daybreak likewise. The Snow Angel is tending to a princess.

Not an ex-princess, nor one trapped in a coffin-mirror. Merely one swiftly defeated by the power of teamwork.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong stared at the generals. They... they left. They'd been defeated. they... this would have been a time for celebration. Excitement.

Except one of them was hurt. She ran by her staff, shrinking it down to a toothpick sized, and then raced to besides them. She skidded and then knelt down. "Is... is she okay? Is she going to be okay? Does anyone have healing magic? I-I don't have healing magic. I'm only good at like. Punching things! I don't have healing magic! One of you have healing magic, right? She's going to be alright, right? I-I tried to help, I, I wasn't fast enough, I didn't notice until it was too late. B-but it's going to be okay, right?"

Okay, so maybe Cure Wukong was... a little panicked about this. Sure, her dying was one thing. That was just a Wukong thing. But someone... else getting hurt? That... that was a lot... more... difficult to handle.

Laisa Samuiko has posed:
    The fight is over, and Mou is left behind her own ice wall next to the fallen princess. She's still panicking over what to do, still holding her ice over Runealy's wound. When she hears the Terribad's deathcry and Scorn crying, she mutters, "Serves you right."

    Turning her attention back to the wounded, Mou Fubuki tries to hold back panic. The jaded cold of her henshin and curse helps her a bit, but doesn't calm her nerves completely. While one hand holds the ice close to the princess, her other hand starts frantically patting her henshin clothes searching for something. When she finds her phone, she pulls it out and starts googling "first aid".

    Oh good. Putting ice on the wound immediately is one of the suggested practices, so she's not the total idiot she currently feels like. She sets a timer and resolves to wait here and watch Rune until... either something happens or someone else comes to help. Sadly, 'what to do when someone gets lasered' doesn't really give back any useful hits.

    Why doesn't she just call an ambulance? Well, if she was thinking clearly she might.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Cure Daybreak successfully purifies the Terribad in front of Scorn and Hosshiwa's eyes, who must have realised their defeat at the two of them hightail it out of there. 'We couldn't stop Scorn from running away again', she thinks displeased. 'Not that there was any way we could have gotten through to her without Aki', she adds.

Now that the fight is over, Yellow Pearl Voice floats down to the ground with her Live Stage, before letting it dissolve once she and Cure Wukong's clone are safely on the ground.

"Uhm, so I'm going to talk with your original, I guess?" She says awkwardly to the clone, not even knowing if she can actually communicate with her. "Cure Daybreak, Cure Wukong!" she calls out rushing to the two of them. "You were amazing! Are you all right?" she says, checking out their condition.

After hearing out their reply, Yellow Pearl Voice tells them about Runealy. "Runealy, the red girl, got hit by a joint attack from the two generals! We need to move her somewhere she can heal." At least the Snow Angel is already at her side, taking care of the Red Princess. "How is she doing?" Yellow Pearl Voice asks after moving there.

Mio Morita has posed:
"Pin!" Daybreak quickly calls out. She quickly rushes somewhere out of sight. There she powers down. "I need the Nurse Cards!" Pin quickly gets them for Mio who loads them into her prechan Mirror. "N-n-n-nurse, time to change!" Her clothing quickly changes to resemble that of a candy strip nurse.

From there she rushes back out, hoping she didn't just reveal her identity... again. She runs out of her hiding place, where she had just transformed. From there she rushes to the Red Princess. "What happened to her?" She asks, pretending to have just arrived on the scene. She kneels down beside the Red Princess and, courtesy of the cure card skills, begins treating her 'patient.'

Runealy Waldia has posed:
Ultimately, advanced care might not be necessary. As Hosshiwa and Scorn retreat, Rune eventually stirs. Her eyes blink several times, head moving slightly. "Mhn...? I..." Glassy vision takes in the sights, and she figures out enough to understand what has happened as she nods to the Snow Angel, Wukong, Daybreak, and Yellow Pearl Voice as they gather around her. "...My thanks." Another nod is given to the Snow Angel in particular - Rune has noticed the ice and snow treatment.

She looks down at herself after that, voice lowering to a whisper as Daybreak begins to help her. It's a whisper, because her next words are not directed at anyone tending to her. "Pathetic. ...Unacceptable."

Daybreak presses the topic, prompting the princess to hold still for the treatment and offer a more audible answer: "I received precisely what I should have, for that performance. I can only hope this illustrates the danger and threat they pose to any of us. Regardless... that was a splendid effort on your part. On all of your parts, sparing who knows how many innocents...!"

Laisa Samuiko has posed:
    Mou Fubuki gives Yellow Pearl a helpless look in response to her question. "You're asking me?! I don't know! She's breathing I guess?!"

    Then, thankfully, a totally non suspicious nurse shows up to help. Quietly desperate for help, Snow Angel just starts talking. "She got hit by... um... something, and then she fell down." Oh gosh, how does Mou explain this to a normie nurse that just showed up? This is so bad.

    "Look I don't... really know what I'm doing here. I just--"

    Then Runealy stirs, and Mou leans back a little. She lets out a sigh of relief and says, "Well, as long as you're okay."

    Mou still seems a bit unsure of herself, looking to the nurse for instruction or at least the sign to back away. She keeps the ice wall up just in case something nasty is hiding nearby.

    "I don't know what those two were up to, but they're gone for now."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong nodded to Yellow. "Y-yeah. I'm... I'm fine. I uhhh. Didn't really get hit much. Well, I mean, aside from the early death. But once I started paying attention I was fine. I just... she got... she..."

And then... there was a nurse. She blinked a few times. Well. THAT was convenient. and then Rune started to wake up. She let out a sigh of relief. "O-oh. Oh. I totally wasn't worried. I didn't--"

And then Red princess said she DESERVED that. That the blast, the combo attack, was what she DESERVED. Her eye twitched a little. She should leave. She should really leave. That voice in her head said that. Don't say it. Stopstopstop! STOP! Let it go LET IT GO!

"What do you mean you 'should have' for that 'performance'? Are you saying you DESERVED to get blasted when they ganged up on you? Because THAT'S what it sounds like you're saying," Her voice was getting higher, her tail was twitching and her hand was digging into the ground. She seemed a tiny bit agitated over something.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Thankfully Runealy was fine. What she says next however... "Uh, why do you feel that way, Runealy. I think you did great. It could have been anyone of us getting focused on." Her own experiences makes her wonder what it's behind that sentiment: guilt, regret, shame?

Cure Daybreak disappears before she can get a reply on how she is doing, but she is soon back, or at least Mio is. Thankfully she is here to take care of Runealy's physical health, at least, judging by the nurse costume she is wearing. 'Those Precards of hers are amazing.'

Mio Morita has posed:
Mio smiles as she continues checking vitals and making sure she The Red Princess is okay. "Well you seem to be alright. I would suggest not falling down and not doing whatever you did to get into this situation again. It may not be a healthy way spend your time." She smiles and stands up. "You will be okay."

With that Mio starts walking away. She didn't need more attention. Pin catches up with her as she ducks down an alleyway. Once clear of the stirring people who are now out of mirrors, she breathes a sigh of relief. "We are going to have to fight those generals at some point. They are causing too much trouble." She comments as they walk.

Pin flies in front of Mio, "I feel the sensation of a Fun dance! OOH!!" She sticks her nose out. "Rub it pleaaaase!!" Mio rubs her nose and she laughs then sneezes. A Pair of cards pop out and she promptly puts them in her precard decor. "You're one step closer to your grand wish!"

Mio smiles to the Fairy and takes hold of her and carries her like a plushie. All is well. And now, back to her dad's house.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
Mio's advice causes Rune to glance down and aside, voice 'darkening.' Lower, still audible. "Indeed. I, also, suggest precisely that."

In light of everyone's help, Rune is able to stand up. Her head turns somewhat in Wukong's direction, but the princess avoids eye contact. "Very perceptive. That is precisely what I stated, and it is correct." This is not how to calm down Wukong. Rune is only somewhat trying to do so, and targeting the wrong topic in the attempt.

Even as Pin celebrates with Mio, Rune's words are sharp as she addresses Wukong: "I faltered. Rather, I outright failed. Fortunately, for their sakes," Rune gestures with an open palm at people emerging from the energy-draining and battle as she finishes the thought: "You, all of you, were present. You averted what doubtlessly would have been a disaster."

Then Yellow Pearl Voice is the voice of reason. This causes Rune's gaze to snap up to her, a sudden, forceful change in posture. Rune's tone matches it, scornful and angry. "Spare me your consolation. It is true, any among us could have been subject to that assault. I am hardly 'anyone', and am not subject to those standards!"

Rune then spins on a heel to turn her back to the group, stomp-stepping away. She seems to be stable enough, though there is an obvious lean to her upper body's posture - a testament to how powerful a single beam from Hosshiwa can be.

Laisa Samuiko has posed:
    Mou Fubuki winces at Rune's words, and considers them. The Red Princess is the kind to be hard on herself when she loses, is the conclusion that Mou draws. It's not something that she judges her for, though something could be said for not pulling unnecessary aggro.

    Mou sits there on her knees for a moment and lets Runealy walk away. She doesn't really notice much else happening right now. "I... need to go. Thank you, everyone." She stands up and, with all of the ice around, she simply starts skating away. Without her magic or curse around, the ice will likely vanish soon. The summer heat will deal with it pretty quickly.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong blinked. Eye twitch. The voice, once again, said 'let it go. Let. It. Go.' It said that it wasn't her business. That trying to butt in would just cause everyone grief. That everyone would hate you.

That voice was why she spent most of her life, up to this point, hating herself. So she ignored it. Instead, she leaped up, over the princess... And then landed in front of her, turned around and DASHED in. Her nose nearly touching red's.

"Listen here. Red Princess. Do you remember the first time we met? In the mall. I had just died like. Three times. I was getting my butt handed to me. And you know what happened? A bunch of people, LIKE YOU, came and saved my butt. Then we kicked their butts. That's the whole point. You got hit. Hard. It happens. I die all the time, because I suck. I've honestly never succeeded alone. But you know what? I'm an immortal king with an immortal king mentor monkey to teach me these things and I STILL suck alone. If you're going to be frustrated you got hit? Fine. If you want to be upset you got targeted? Go right ahead. If you're going to let it drive you to be better? Good. But if the only thing you're taking from this is that 'Oh, boo hoo, I should be good enough to do all this alone, I'm just not good enough'... then just stop. Give it up. You're NEVER going to be good enough. That voice in your head? Telling you 'How dare I not meet these impossible expectations!'? It's only ever going to make this whole magical girl thing harder and harder and harder! You're going to hate yourself more and more every day until you finally snap out of it and get over yourself!"

"So just... stop. Stop helping people. Stop fighting. Stop trying to appease that stupid measure you're forcing yourself to listen to. Because until you do, you're just going to keep falling on your face and crying yourself to sleep because you'll never, ever, ever let yourself be what you are so long as you're focusing on what you think you have to be to, I don't know. Make whoever you're considering happy!"

She... kind of lost the lead there near the end. "Also. You have a cute nose," she said. "Not... related to the rest of that. But I just got a lot of time to look at it from here."

Runealy Waldia has posed:
When Wukong vaults over her, the princess stops. She coils back a step, tense. "You perish? Yet you stand here? I..." Rune cuts her own response off, deciding to just listen.

Wukong lashes out, and Rune gasps in wide-eyed astonishment... then begins 'seeing red.' Wukong tells her to stop, and Rune begins reaching into her dress' bow. In the end, Rune does stop. She does not stop doing what Wukong is rebuking her for, but the princess stops herself from doing something vile, her hand moving away from her dress bow before she could pull another wand from it.

"The only truth in your words is that I shall, indeed, strive to improve. Beyond that? You mean well, and I acknowledge the intent. However? You have scant little idea what you speak of, what circumstances are involved... nor who, precisely, I dedicate my efforts to!"

She makes a pivoting step to try to go around Wukong, even while snapping another retort in the face of what should have been a suitably 'disarming' comment to make the argument less severe. Instead, Rune seems offended as she addresses it without even facing Wukong: "And moreover, I have precious little time to be concerned whether my nose pleases you. Good day."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong nodded. "Immortal. Just because I don't stay dead doesn't mean I can't die." Okay, that VERY much did NOT make any sense. And also, wasn't the truth. But she couldn't just say the truth.

But watching the princess run off just made her grow more and more angry. How dare her carefully (not at all) chosen words not get through to her. "Fine. FINE! I don't know what you're about. But you know what? Next time I meet you I'm going to SAVE YOU! And I'm going to KEEP SAVING YOU and never let you do ANY saving until you get it through your STUPID head to not listen to that dumb VOICE!" she yelled after her... Why... why did she say that like it was a threat?

She didn't stop the other girl from going past her, instead going to Yellow. "Come on, let's go. I'm going to go practice with Wuwu." Of course, before she left... well... "And you know what? A GOOD princess knows WHEN to accept help!" With those words, she would leap away. Rather than allowing a rebuttal. Because she was, first and foremost, childish. I mean, Cure Wukong. Eh, same thing.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
"A fascinating talent..." Rune's voice loses its edge for just a moment, genuinely curious and interested in Wukong's immortality.

Wukong ends up winning the shouting match, as the alien princess withdraws from it - she simply keeps walking off, even as Wukong also leaves.

Rune lowers her voice, speaking to herself: "Perceptive, even if she is mostly incorrect. 'A good princess'... indeed. That is precisely where I do not measure up." A princess inadequate to an impossible task. Despite Rune's insistence that Wukong is more wrong than right, the opposite is true. Cooperation would be the better lesson to learn. It is not one that is readily accepted by someone who has been taught - unfairly or not - for her entire life that she, personally is responsible for protecting her entire world from a demon apocalypse.

...And preventing the same from befalling this strange new world, Rune silently realizes. After all, Earth and her home are connected, now.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
'Oh, so it was pride' Yellow Pearl Voice thinks as she realises her misunderstanding of Runealy's motive. She doesn't have much time to dwell on it after that, as her friend gives the Red Princess a piece of her mind and suddenly is back at the Mermaid Princess's side, offering her to go back.

She quickly accepts Cure Wukong's offer, quite speechless after the Monkey King has done that impressive jump in front of Runealy, getting uncerimoniously picked up and receiving a second round of the Wukong express, the travel quite as pleasing as it was at the departure.

That was the end of the day's adventure, though it wouldn't be the biggest obstacle maybe, as Yellow Pearl Voice still had a lot of questions to answer once Cure Wukong calmed down.