Runealy Waldia

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Runealy Waldia (Scenesys ID: 42)
"Summoning Princess' Tiara! The Line of Succession.... transform!"
Name: Runealy Waldia AKA: The Red Princess
Gender: Female Series: (OC) Guardian Princess Runealy
Origin: Waldian Princess Grade: 9
Clubs: None Age: 15
Group Information
Groups Radiant Heart Academy


Princess of a world similar to medieval Europe, Runealy expected to inherit the throne and spend her days keeping people safe from Demon attacks. Instead, the Princess found her mother murdered shortly before a magical ritual that sustains their world's Barrier that seals the bulk of a Demon army. Unable to restore the Barrier herself, Rune has ventured to Earth in search of enough power to make up for her shortcomings. Confused by modern society and still grieving over her mother's recent death, the Princess is nonetheless determined to save her world. What lengths will she need to go to in order to succeed?


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Vital Trivia

Height: 5'0 or 152cm
Blood Type: Unknown
Birthday: June 19
Likes: Unknown
Dislikes: Unknown
Favorite Food: Unknown
Least Favorite Food: Unknown
Favorite Subject: Unknown
Least Favorite Subject: Unknown
Online Tag(s): Unknown





Interaction/Knowledge Chart (Credit for Chart: Ikiko Hisakata)

ExpandWho she knows, to what degree, and in which kind of circumstances (Note: Rune does not benefit from a secret identity. Knowing her in one form means recognizing her in the other even if she does not share her name):

Animation Gallery

Click a picture to see the actual animation.

Image Credits: Rune's main artwork (at top of page) was drawn by an anonymous friend, which Rune's player then cleaned and colored. The three smaller wands on the lower left of that image were outright traced from artwork by Mamoru Nagano, then edited and colored by Rune's player.

Every single animation here is laughably bad, and done by Rune's player to show off how Runealy's movement and attacks more or less look when done to something that sorta-kinda looks like a Demon. Feel free to point and snicker, but they do get the idea across.