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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Revision as of 22:19, 8 August 2023

Two Senshi for Dinner
Date of Scene: 04 August 2023
Location: Cafeteria Plaza
Synopsis: Makoro and Ami meet up in the cafeteria, and make friends with one another. Red bean buns are exchanged, and plans for baking are made.
Cast of Characters: Ami Mizuno, Makoto Kino

Ami Mizuno has posed:
It's a typical Friday dinnertime at the Radiant Heart Academy Cafeteria Plaza. Fridays are always filled with more enthusiastic students than the rest of the week, with school having just let out for the weekend for most students. Ami Mizuno, study fiend, is sitting at a small booth near a window with her meal and a textbook. She has a test in her advanced chemistry class in the morning, so she's brushing up on it.

    Beside her textbook is a cookbook, for a little "light reading" for the bluenette. It's more specifically a book about baking--cakes, pies, cookies, quickbreads... Mostly yummy sweet stuff! She occasionally looks at it, longingly, and then gets back to chemistry with a sigh.

Makoto Kino has posed:
Makoto is only here still because she's chatting with some people, and hasn't left to head back to her apartment yet. She's chatting with a couple of people she knows; just basic classmates, and they're just finishing up their conversation. She smiles, and nods in farewell to them, but it's not until she gets out of the conversation that her path happens to take her on a course not far from a certain bluenette.

It's almost like fate, huh?

She catches sight of the book, and then smiles, before looking over to Ami. "It's Friday, don't you know you're supposed to take a break from classwork?" the tall girl asks, as she nods towards Ami's textbook.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami looks up, startled. After a moment, she gives a sheepish grin, putting her hand behind her head with a chuckle. "I have an organic chemistry class in the morning," she says, with a shrug. But she puts a bookmark in place and closes the textbook, piling the baking book on top of it. "My roommate has a late class today, so I'm just trying to find something to do while I eat." Seems like she's lonely or her other friends are busy.

"Oh," she says after a moment, with a small smile. "I'm Ami Mizuno." She looks at the tall stranger a little expectantly. "Grade 9," she adds after a quick moment.

Makoto Kino has posed:
"On Saturday? Do your parents have you taking extra cram classes?" Makoto asks, curiously. "And there's got to be something better to do than just burying yourself in more schoolwork." She nods towards the book that's now on top of the stack.

"Are you interested in baking? I could always help you with that if you wanted to practice something. And I'm Makoto Kino. Also Grade 9." It's a surprising claim from the startlingly tall girl; it would be easy to guess her as an older student, just given her height.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami shakes her head, a little embarrassed. "I just like to study," she says with a shrug. "Though, maybe..." She looks thoughtful for a moment.

"Baking? Yes, I think I am," Ami says to the question. "I think edible chemistry would be a very neat thing to learn." Her smile is broad. This poor, mousy girl is absolutely a huge nerd.

"Would you like to sit or are you on your way somewhere?" she asks, gesturing to the empty spot across from her. The grade makes her blink a bit, true, but she ignores it and just smiles at Makoto kindly.

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Huh. Edible chemistry. I guess I'd never really thought of it that way." Makoto admits. She can't help but feel a soft spot for the bluenette, sitting here without a friend in the world, nose crammed in a book.

"Well, I was going to head back home; I don't live here at the school. But, we could always use the club's room here at school if you'd like to give a try at baking something. I'm pretty good at that.

She slides a hand into her bag, and comes up with a small wrapped bundle, offering it out towards Ami. She does move to sit in the offered chair across from her, though. Something about Mako's natural protective instincts have her wanting to look out for the poor nerdy girl.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami smiles up at Makoto, nodding happily. "I mean, isn't everything chemistry? Or physics, really. It all boils down to physics, I suppose." Makoto offering her a gift gets Ami to stop in her tracks and blink. "Thank you," she says, accepting the package. "Do you live far? I hope that's not too personal. I won't keep you long. We can bake sometime you're free!" The unspoken, implied comment is 'I'm often free.'

"My roommate would probably enjoy cookies or something," she adds thoughtfully, as she unwraps the bundle slowly. "I think that something like that would be easy to start with!"

Makoto Kino has posed:
    "Not too far? I mean, if I'm walking, it's about twenty minutes." Makoto says. The package is a single, slightly larger than usual, red bean bun, complete with a floral design on top with black sesame seeds. "It's not too personal, no. Honestly, it's nice to have someone who doesn't act like I'm going to punch them if they so much as look at me. If you'd like to practice baking at my place, you're welcome, too. Honestly, I might trade you..."

She puts a hand behind the nape of her neck, sheepishly. "I'm not the best at chemistry. Or physics. I mean, I do okay. But you can always do better, right?" That's a philosophy she thinks will resonate with Ami. "Here, I'll give you another one to give your roommate." She takes out another bun. "I try to make something almost every day. I have hopes to open a bakery someday."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami nods. That's a reasonable distance! She examines the bean bun, startled. "This looks amazing, Kino-san," she says with a smile to the taller girl. But she blinks at the mention of people thinking she'll punch them. "You--why? You're so kind," she says, peering at Makoto. Then there's a mention of studying and Ami perks up, beaming at the other girl. "You can absolutely always do better," declares the girl whose name is at the top of the list for national tests.

Taking the bun from Makoto, she nods. "Hannah-chan will really appreciate this! Thank you," she says with a broad smile.

Makoto Kino has posed:
"I..." Makoto blushes a little as she tries to explain. "I really don't tolerate bullies well. I kind of got kicked out of my last school for defending someone. And then I got /here/, and I kind of did the same thing for Osaka-san. Plus, I'm so tall, and people just...I kind of have a reputation as a delinquent." She explains.

She has her own friend problems, if for different reasons than the nerdy bluenette. "By all means, I hope she likes it. I can show you how to make them, either here, or at my place, whichever you'd like." She takes a moment and takes some paper and a pen from out of her bag, before quickly jotting something down. "That's my address, in case you want to stop by after school some day." It's said with a smile, but there's almost a very faint hint of pleading. Ami isn't the only one who has trouble finding friends.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
"Oh." Ami blinks at Makoto thoughtfully. There's a long moment as Ami gathers her thoughts. "It's really terrible that you have an unearned reputation," she complains. "You're definitely pretty cool, and handing out food randomly to strangers is incredibly kind. I think you're neat," the bluenette declares. "I'm sorry you've been so maligned." And then there's handing of paper, and Ami takes it, glances at the address, and puts it in the messenger bag beside her. This takes her a moment, because Ami is rather meticulous. "Are you in any after-school clubs? What day is good?" she asks, once she looks up.

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Well, I /did/ get into the fights." Makoto admits, feeling a little bad about it. "I just couldn't let them be such bullies. And besides...you looked like you needed a bun." Because really, don't pastries make EVERYONE's day better?

"I'm in the cooking club." Obviously. "And I've been trying to get something started for gardening here, but I haven't found anyone else who's interested. Most days would be fine, late enough, but with the school's schedule, weekends might be easiest?"

Mako pauses a little, thinking. "If your roommate is interested in baking, too, you could bring her. I can make us all dinner if it comes to that." Makoto smiles, a bright, cheery smile that gives the lie to that "sullen delinquent" reputation most people have of her.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
"I think there's a strong and marked difference between protecting someone and being a bully. Which you aren't," Ami says, her mousy little voice suddenly fierce with loyalty to her newfound friend.

"I would love to come over, say, some Saturday after classes let out," she offers once her blood has cooled a little. "I will ask Hannah-chan if she'd like to tag along. It might be fun. Oh, but she's blind, and has a seeing eye dog. That might be a problem," she says after a moment's thought. "Still, if you don't mind Lyra--the dog--coming along? Or you can just come hang out with us sometime, no cooking required!" Ami smiles.

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Are you kidding? By all means bring the dog!!" Makoto sounds excited at the prospect of doggo. "I'll try to figure out some ways to try and teach baking around her situation."

And then the auburn-haired girl double-takes. "Really? I mean...we just met, are you sure?" Despite the fact that she literally just got done inviting Ami and Hannah over, the fact that someone would do the same for her has caught her by surprise. "That sounds great!"

Ami Mizuno has posed:
"Heck yes!" Ami says, happily bouncing in her seat. Then she pauses and looks at Mako for a moment, sadness in her eyes. "I mean, you come to this school. It's not like you can't find me," she says with a little grin. She's trying to tease a bit! "And after all, you just did the exact same thing, Kino-san."

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Well, yeah, but that's just to help show you baking." Makoto says, as if it's something different. Maybe it is in her mind; baking and cooking are just second nature to her. "But sure, call me any time. My mobile number is..." and she proceeds to rattle it off. Somehow she's sure Ami won't have trouble remembering it. Something just...feels right about the concept of hanging out with the bluenette.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami shakes her head at Mako gently. "No, Kino-san, it's pretty similar," she corrects quietly. "And, I'm sorry to say, you're stuck with me now, Kino-san." She grins widely. "We're friends, and I don't give that up easily."

When Mako rattles off her number, Ami is reaching for her phone on the table. She enters the number quickly (after reciting it back) and sends a text as soon as she's sure it's correct.

Makoto Kino has posed:
Makoto looks this combination of pleased, embarrassed, and awkward, all at once. And then even more happy as her mobile buzzes. So she takes it out, and smiles, and sends Ami back a simple "thanks" back as a text.

She doesn't phone-type anywhere NEAR as quickly as the bluenette probably does.

"So...did you want to try out the baking thing here...or my place?...or was that something for another day. Oh, gosh. I didn't even ask if you had plans." she says.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami gives Mako a gentle smile. "I think it's getting a bit late tonight, and I don't know where Hannah-chan is," she explains. "But we can keep in contact. Although, you're welcome to come hang out with me at my dorm room. Hannah might be there," she says with a smile. "I can text her and let her know if you'd like to come over." Ami is a big fan of warning people when routines change.

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Sure thing." Makoto says, and she moves to stand, with a slight wince as she bangs her knee on the table, standing. Long legs + low tables. She gathers up her bag. "I hope you two like the buns!" She's got a smile on her face despite herself, quite cheery. She made a new friend!

With that, she'll move to start heading out, giving Ami a wave and a smile as she starts out of the cafeteria, already thinking about ways to help teach them baking.