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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Revision as of 05:08, 15 September 2023

Texts: the knife is very happy
Date of Scene: 14 September 2023
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Wako and Takuto text about kendo and Sugata after Wako talks to Kazuo
Cast of Characters: Takuto Tsunashi, Wako Agemaki

(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: whaaaaat
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: I've never even TRIED kendo!
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: I'm not making you!! wtf
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: and yet I still know way too much about it!
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: which is both of your faults
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: ahahahaha
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: are you kendo-ing with someone else :O
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: no!
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: maybe you should!! i mean sugata and i have fun (sometimes for creative values of fun) fighting each other but neither of us really wants to fight you
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: you guys have just rubbed off on me and now I can quote the concepts and purpose without trying to. jerks. <3
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: i know i know!! yes we are
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: BUT!!
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: maybe you should anyway XD
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: Benio would come all the way from the island to kick my ass
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: ... fair
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: nobody wants that
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: how about fencing? do fencing!
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: btw do you have my saber
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: I do need to learn something. it's kind of stupid that I never did
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: just relied on Sugata and you to fight for me
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: anyway yes I have your saber, sorry
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: I'll bring it back
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: and we'd be happy to keep doing so but you should
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: oh no it's okay! i can just henshin again and it'll come back
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: i just didnt want to do it if someone was using it
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: oh! I didn't even think about that
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: it's tauburn's sword ig
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: but no, you're good
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: yay ok! yay sword
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: maybe I'll learn knife fighting <3
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: you should learn knife fighting and also something with a little more reach, BUT
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: the knife is very happy
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: pffff XDXD
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: after all, it's a precious gift
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: I should know how to use it
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: yes!! <3 <3
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: I NOTICED... that you called me your boyfriend :D out loud!!!
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: I guess I did~
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: okay i mean duh but yay
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: XD <3
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: when is sugata gonna be donnnnnne
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: we should go visit him next break
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: let's do that!
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: I know he's going crazy by himself
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: well he still has tiger and jaguar but he doesnt have US. are they going to stay there or come here do you know?
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: I don't know
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: I'm sure they want to come
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: guess it comes down to family stuff
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: again
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: yeah :/
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: I really hope they get it sorted out soon
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: it doesn't feel right without him here with us
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: it doesn't. we're a tricycle that's missing a wheel that isn't a bicycle
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: gosh that's an image
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: and it's true
(PHONE) Takuto Tsunashi texts: i'm good at images
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: yes you are