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Revision as of 01:18, 28 October 2023

Tourist Destination: Deer Forest
Date of Scene: 27 October 2023
Location: Yumegahama Ward
Synopsis: Adrien wants to see the famous bowing deer! And feed them! Naru, Usagi, and Ikiko are happy to come along. They meet Tadase while there as well as his mascot. Plagg is annoying. Everyone figures they're all 'in the know' one way or another. Deer petting and feeding happens anyway.
Cast of Characters: Adrien Agreste, Naru Osaka, Usagi Tsukino, Ikiko Hisakata, Tadase Hotori

Adrien Agreste has posed:
The leaves were turning gorgeous oranges and reds and beginning to fall to the ground. The air had grown chill though the sun was out making it a pleasant cool breeze that was easily dealt with by means of a sweater, or jacket. It was the perfect time to visit some of the tourist destinations that Japan was so reknown for!

Adrien had mentioned to Naru and some others his desire to go see the Deer that you could feed. The overly polite ones that would bow before taking the food. It was a little bit of a trek via bus or chauffered car (Adrien's dad is stupid rich it happens), but it wasn't so far that a short day trip was out of the question.

Adrien is, frankly, a bit excited to be here now that he is. He's dressed for a bit of warmer weather with a longer jacket and a loose blue scarf hung around his shoulders. "If anyone wants to feed the deer, too, I can buy us all feed for them," he offers having already spotted a few vendors selling things like oats, corn, and other 'good for deer' treats.

Naru Osaka has posed:
There is something to be said for doing touristy things in your own backyard. Most people who live in Tokyo, probably in Japan, never go and actually do the things that are 'famous' things to go and go.

Naru can't help but giggle softly at Adrien's excitment, giving him a little nudge with her shoulder. "I think the last time I came out to feed the deer was when Usagi and I were like.. really little." She looks over to confirm with Usagi. "Like.. six maybe? Wasn't Shingo really little, and super scared of the deer?"

She's in a skirt with a t-shirt that has a cartoon cat hugging a coffee cup and reads 'Coffee: I love you a latte', with a light jacket tossed on top just against any nip in that breeze.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"He was so little! He made Papa pick hold him the whole time; I think he thought they'd eat him," it was hilarious then, and it's hilarious now, the memory bringing a mischievous grin to her face. "Mama wouldn't admit it, but I know she thought it was funny too - we still have a picture of him grabbing onto Papa's head in the hall."

The power of mothers: to capture the most embarrassing and adorable moments of life, for all eternity.

Usagi's dressed casually, but with a mind for the weather - blue jeans with gold stars stitched to the pockets, a thin t-shirt currently hidden by a thick-necked pink sweater, tucked into said jeans. She was looking around almost as eagerly as Adrien.

"Yes! Let's get snacks, we can't come all this way and not feed the poor little deer."

The poor little very well fed deer.

Ikiko Hisakata has posed:
Ikiko had been a bit busy as of late, what with making sure the various strays are in good shape for the upcoming winter, plus culture festival preparations and the occasional moonlight patrol, but today happened to be a surprisingly slow day amidst all of the hecticness.

So when a text from Usagi came, talking about visiting the deer, Ikiko actually had the opportunity to join the visit without feeling like she was having to put something else off.

"I think my family did an incidental visit when I was seven," she remarked. "The deer were a bit more cautious around us than around other people, though."

That last is said with a 'well, you know how it is' shrug to Usagi: deer would be a bit skittish around an entire family (pack?) of wolf-blooded humans. At least they shouldn't be as nervous when there's just one dilute werewolf present, especially if she's polite.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
Why is Tadase here feeding the deer? The answer is simple. Because Kiseki wanted to feed the deer. And because, frankly, Tadase wanted to do something that wasn't student council work, that got him out of his house, and let him not think about either a specific girl or a specific boy. That was harder than he expected, but at least Kiseki seemed to be enjoying it.

    And he had to admit, it was amusing, given how much larger the food pellets were for Kiseki than for a person - he was partially afraid the little king might end up getting eaten too. Thankfully deer are not exactly carnivorous.

    Kiseki had run out of the initial bit of food and Tadase could tell he wasn't done, and frankly, Tadase wasn't done watching him. It was amusing, and it was good to see him so -calm- for once.

    It does mean that Tadase is heading to get more food for the very well-fed deer at the same time as everyone else is coming up. Usagi's hard not to recognize. Ikiko, he's seen. Naru and Adrien are a little bit harder, but he's on Student Council so it's possible they've met or seen him.

    There's also a tiny-him in a crown and cape floating just above his shoulder, probably putting to bed any questions over him being 'in the know' or not.

    "Hey there!" Tadase calls upon seeing the group.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste can't help but smile with amusement at the story about Naru and Usagi's last trip there. "Is Shingo your little brother?" It seemed as if he were, but it would also have been amusing if he was the older brother to have garnered such a reaction. Ikiko's own recollection of the deer cause a sympathetic wince from Adrien. "Ah, you can never know how animals will react to people. I've had to work with several over the years in photo shoots. They're usually really great but sometimes..." A shrug comes along with a quiet chuckle. "You know, I found out I'm allergic to pigeons that way."

He adjusts his bag over his shoulder to reach for the flap as they approach the nearest snack vendor. There were people snacks, too of course, but that wasn't his current goal. Before he finishes fishing out his wallet to pay for some it seems his sleeve gets caught on something in the bag.

Plagg grips onto Adrien's sleeve so that he looks down into the bag itself, only for the little Kwami to *POINT* accusingly at the floating Kiseki. "Adrieeeen! It's not fair if he gets to be out! I'm always stuck in here. I don't mind when there's cheese but I already ate it all!"

Adrien glances around with a sudden nervous look as he steps to the side muttering, "Ah sorry let me just... Snagged my sleeve my wallet's stuck..."

His voice drops significantly to hiss-whisper through his teeth, "Plagg not now!" and tries to push the Kwami back into the bag. It looks a lot like he's really fighting to get his wallet unstuck.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Yeah, he's still in elementary school," Usagi explains to Adrien. "He's kind of a brat, but he's my brat, I guess?"

Ugh, sibling love. Can't live with it, can't live without it!

There's a knowing look of sympathy shot Ikiko's way as Adrien winces, Usagi putting two and two together to make an adorable puppy that deer probably weren't thrilled to know. Ahhh, she hadn't thought about how animals might be able to sense that part of Ikiko-chan!

They're a small group that wanders over to the snack stands, Usagi plenty ready to be distracted with oats, if not for the voice that calls out. It's vaguely familiar in the way that everyone is vaguely familiar to Usagi, a girl who makes a habit of knowing and befriending just about everyone she meets. "Hey there, you're Tadase-kun riiiiiiiiiium?"

The word right is drawn out into an uncertain sound because the moment she turns her head, her eyes fix unerringly on the tiny, floating, miniature Tadase-kun. Well that's not normal. She manages to completely miss Adrien's fumbling with his sleeve and bag, jaw dropped.

Ikiko Hisakata has posed:
Ikiko blinks at Adrien's mention of a pigeon allergy. "That sounds like the discovery was probably more more awkward than the allergy itself," she murmurs as Adrien heads over to the vendor.

Usagi's audible confusion likewise distracts Ikiko from Adrien fumbling with his bag. Ah, the student council president; yeah, encountering him outside of the school isn't that expected, but why is Usagi so confu--


Ikiko blinks rather owlishly at Kiseki for a moment, and it's very plain that she's looking at Kiseki and not Tadase. "Well," she says, finally turning her focus towards Tadase. "This is... unexpected."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Your brother isn't a brat." Naru protests at Usagi at her declaration of sibling love. So much sibling love. "He's.. just a kid, it comes with the territory sometimes." She smiles to Ikiko and waves a little. "Hi, I'm Naru by the way. I don't think we've actually formally met."

"Hey Tadase." Naru lifts her hand to wave at Tadase and Kiseki. She, at least, doens't look surprised at the little extra who is attempting to not fall over feeding the deer.

"How.. how can you be allergic to pigeons? Like.. are you huffing pigeons?" Naru frowns, puzzled and then starts giggling at the mental image of Adrien nuzzling a protesting pigeon. She is still over by him as he fumbles with his bag, and Plagg is /right there/. And she can hear a tiny voice pleading for cheese. She doens't comment, but there is an arched brow at Adrien and an amused little smirk.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
Tadase is, if nothing else, a pretty good icebreaker for magic folks. There was a brief week where he tried to keep Kiseki hidden, but short of duct-taping him either into his egg or against a backpack wall for an afternoon, eventually he'd float out. It's become much less distressing to just leave him out there because then he doesn't TRY to make a jerk out of himself or draw attention. And he's small so sometimes he's just missed in the swarm of students.

    "Right, Tadase Hotori, Grade 8 Radiant Heart, but I think you mostly knew that." he says, smiling. He's also quite used to magical people staring at Kiseki and he doesn't make it A Thing unless they do. It does help him build a mental index of who's magic, at least.

    "I just wanted to come out and feed the deer today, but it's good to see schoolmates about. Am I intruding? Doing things with others can be a lot more fun, but I wouldn't want to impose if that wasn't cool." Tadase and Kiseki don't see or hear Plagg - partly because Tadase is mostly-covertly passing the floating king a little bit of food so he can fly off and feed the deer. The deer, at least, seem to be able to see him.

    Tadase stops and just adds... "...huffing... pidgeons?" he may have missed the start of the conversation.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste has almost, mostly sucessfully, gotten Plagg tucked back into his bag. Mostly. He was very nervous about Naru overhearing but thankfully the flying King mascot hovering around Tadase had pulled everyone else's attention away. Naru though? He knew Naru was smart so a shifty glance is cast toward her while flashing a quick, sheepish smile. "Ah sorry, I forgot my ... French... Tamagotchi is in there." Oh that was so lame. It's the best explanation for something whining about cheese he can think up on the spot before Naru asks about the pigeons.


*That* was not quiet, and Adrien promptly slaps hs hand over his face which had grown red from embarassment over both Plagg laughing and at the mental image that brought. "Er, no I'm allergic to the feathers. The dander sets my allergies off. They were trying to do a dramatic shot releasing pigeons in the background instead of doves because it was cheaper and I'm just going to shut up now."

He hangs his head, defeated, and flips open the top of his bag so that Naru can peek in at least. "Plagg, Naru. Naru, Plagg. Behave and I'll get you some Camemebert later."

The little black cat-shaped Kwami waves up at Naru from inside the bag with a cheeky, "Hiiiii."

Adrien lifts his free hand to gesture at the cart. "Going to buy the treats now. For the deer."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Shingo is definitely both a brat and a kid, but there's a tiny floating person, so it kind of feels wrong to continue a normal conversation without addressing it at least a little. Usagi leans down a little, her mouth closer to Ikiko's ear, before whispering, "You see that tiny version of Tadase-kun floating around, right?"

She's not especially subtle about it, given that she's right in front of Tadase, but once the words are said, she shakes her head a little, refocusing and summoning a new smile. "I did know that! You're in the Student Council club, right? Don't worry about imposing, we just got here; it's Adrien-kun's first time doing this!"

She gestures to where Adrien is getting himself back together, resignedly planning to buy the deer treats. His misfortune does prompt a little giggle both because of the loud giggling she's going to pretend she didn't hear and because of the mental image of a flock of pidgeons taking off as poor Adrien descends into sneezing.

Ikiko Hisakata has posed:
"I've heard about you from Usagi," Ikiko smiles to Naru. "I'm Ikiko; nice to meet you in person!"

She nods to Tadase. "Hannah-chan's the Animal Care club's primary contact to the student council, so I haven't been the one attending those meetings, but yes, you're definitely known and recognizable," the young girl notes.

There's a brief nod of confirmation to Usagi, then Ikiko looks at Kiseki again. "You, though, aren't as recognizable," she muses at the chara, then glances back at Tadase. "I take it you're also involved with moonlight and rooftops?" she murmurs, out of habit of trying not to be overheard by those not in the know.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Hi Plagg." Naru peeks into Adrien's bag and meet the little black 'cat'. "Nice to meet you. You are doing terrible things to Adrien's cover, you know?" She winks at him, playfully. "I like cheese too."

Naru reaches a hand out to pat Adrien's arm gently, only barely keeping her grin in check. "I can't say that I think of pigeons as being quite the same level of compliant as doves.. but that might be complete ignorance on both birds. How about we go feed some deer?" She offers him an out at least.

Tadase's quesiton brings a fresh giggle from Naru. "More the merrier, if you ask me." She answers the much simpler one about hanging out with classmates. Adrien has covered the pigeons already. Or they covered him.

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase is the one who hears Naru's original murmur, not Kiseki who's off to feed the deer again - but it's probably a good thing, since if he had heard, the idea of not being immediately recognized as everything he ever was would have probably sent him ranting.

    "Thank you for your generosity, Tsukino-san, Oakna-san, Hasakata-san, annnnd." he says, bowing very politely before getting to Adrien and trying to remember his name. After a moment he says "...and you" sheepishly, and walks over, sort of 'falling in' with the group. He passes by Ikiko, and notes "Sometimes I get out late, but other people do it a lot more and better." he says, at least carrying a charade of another conversation than the magic one, for her sake - he can't assume everyone here knows she's magic. Or is magic. Though a lot of them did clearly see Kiseki.

    "I feel like I'd notice pigeons over doves. Maybe not particularly clean pigeons..." he muses.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"Adrien's life would be sooOOooo boring if not for me, though!" Plagg declares proudly before circling and flopping back down onto a pencil box in Adrien's bag like it was some kind of lounge. Just before Adrien shuts the bag to head for the vendor he'd originally intended to approach.

Naru's suggestion earns a grin of thanks from him along with a nod. "Yeah, I do want to see the deer. I've heard about them so many times." It's now that he pings back into the conversation going on around as well.

"Adrien Agreste, pleased to meet you. I'm sorry for my accent," he adds even though his Japanese was really pretty great for a foreigner. "I'm originally from France. Would you like some more treats for the deer? I'm buying for everyone," he offers in a friendly manner as he turns to do so.

Maybe he didn't see the little King?

His wallet is out still at least so he pays for quite a few to start passing out little cups of treats for the deer to those present.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
So Tadase was definitely one of them (obvious, given the little floating guy, but still!), which officially ticked up the counter of 'are there even normal people at this school?!' in favor of no.

What is Usagi going to do with that information? Well, nothing right now, that's for sure.

She is going to take a treat cup and prepare to feed the deer. "Adrien-kun, the deer are very friendly because they know we want to make them fat, but you should go first, and we'll take your picture! So you can have plenty of memories."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I am pretty sure Adrien's life is not at all boring with you around." Naru comments with a smirk just before Plagg is tucked back away and out of sight.

Naru accepts the little cup of treats and digs out her phone. "You can send some pictures to Marinette." She suggest to Adrien with a smile. "Make her jealous she's in France before she makes you jealous about the cheese offerings." Or perhaps that's making Plagg jealous.

Naru offers one of the cups of food over to Tadase. "Do you still have lots, or do you need some more?"

Tadase Hotori has posed:
    Tadase graciously accepts the cup that's offered. "I was actually going to get some more, almost out. Seems to be running out at a real fast pace." he says, a teasing allude to the fact that Kiseki is coming back to get some. But in Tadase's mind, at least he's quiet and non-disruptive. Or as non-disruptive as a magic, royally-decorated bird-sized him can be.

    "Ohhh. Are you that boy from France?" Tadase asks Adrien. "Honestly, your accent is very good, I didn't place you as being from France at first." Not that Tadase knows a whole lot of french people. He stays out of the line of the cameras so that pictures can be made and girls made jealous. "Marinette? Is that your sister?" he asks.

Ikiko Hisakata has posed:
Ikiko accepts a cup of deer food, then carefully approaches some of the deer. The deer are somewhat wary of her, but she does have food...

A bit of 'talking' (or at least, some quiet back-and-forth bleating) later, the deer seem more at ease with the young girl. "And I thought I was lousy at Feline," Ikiko mutters to herself, nodding to Kiseki as he floats past. "Still easier than Avian, though."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"I have plenty of pictures of myself, trust me," Adrien responds to Usagi's suggestion. Though the other part does have merit to it, so he laughingly agrees with a nod. "Marinette would appreciate an update though I'm sure. She'd probably want to see the deer too since they're cute."

Tadase's question earns a slight shake of his head in response. "No, Marinette's a friend of mine from France. Some of my friends there applied to Radiant Heart when they heard my father would be moving here and she was one of the ones accepted. Right now she went back to France to spend the holidays with her family. You'd like her, she's really sweet."

And... and there were deer. For all the issues of today, of mahou and mascots and kwami, it's the deer Adrien focuses on as he pours out some oats into his hand and bows for a deer. Who bows back, and then takes the treat from him. The giddy grin he wears is completely real and more than a bit goofy unlike his proper, poised photos from modeling.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi is going to take a picture anyway, her phone prepped and ready, and it's a great thing, because he looks adorable, smiling like an actual person instead of a perfect actor. She grins at Tadase and Naru, then offers oats to the deer as well, bowing a little and snapping a selfie when it bows back.

"I'm going to send these to Mamochan," she announces with satisfaction, "And the two of us can come back for a date sometime!"

There are plenty of deer to feed, and Usagi takes pictures of all of them feeding the deer, including a groupshot with the deer, all of them smiling for the camera, and a series of silly goofs - her favorite being one where a deer tried to eat nibble at Kiseki. At the end of the day, she shares all of her photos with anyone who wants a copy.