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Under New Management
Date of Scene: 31 December 2023
Location: Obsidian Tower
Synopsis: Takashi and Norie have their first meeting with their new boss. Director Beryl is... surprisingly reasonable. Must be a trick, right? But at least they're read in on the start of a new Obsidian project!
Cast of Characters: Beryl, Takashi Agera, Norie Okana

Beryl has posed:
Kaolinite and Beryl had had a - discussion, the other day. Beryl had not and would not admit to either fault or weakness, to be sure, but she had most certainly acknowledged a need for new staffing and wouldn't you know it, Tomoe LifeSciences had a new Witch that they didn't particularly want, now did they? Wasn't it interesting how he'd moved up on the loss of one of their own?

Beryl didn't state that it was interesting that Takashi Agera was now in a position to move up once again based on the loss of one of their own, but it was more than likely Kaolinite felt it implied, given how quickly she was to section him off. And now here was Beryl, with a new division leader under, conveniently coming with an entire team. She allowed them time to settle in (IE, supervise the transition of their materials), and then summoned Riventon for a meeting, suggesting that he bring along his next most trusted subordinate.

She wasn't expecting it to end up being the reasonably polite vampire girl, but it was a small world.

Beryl's office is a fairly extravagant affair, a large open space with tinted windows that allow in shadowed light, a pair of dark wooden bookshelves along one wall, framed degrees on another wall, and a desk made of equally dark wood, large and carved with reliefs of ghastly figures along the sides, barely perceptible. Rather than a rolling chair, she sits in a large leather armchair, in a neat tailored suit of rich purple that stands pleasingly against her vivid red hair.

When they knock or otherwise indicate arrival, she will call for them. "Enter, Riventon and subordinate."

Takashi Agera has posed:
Takashi Agera was... well, this was awkward to say the least. The moving in, the office-like setting instead of the lab, and the fact that he was now working under his adopted brother's previous boss - one he'd done nothing but complain about, on various levels. And now all of those thoughts were present in his mind.

    She calls for Riventon, and Takashi debates for a moment before henshin'ing so that she gets Riventon instead of just Takashi Agera, since that's who she called for. He'll let Norie decide if she wants to follow suit.

    "Good afternoon, Beryl-shachou." He says, keeping things as formal as he can. It's awkward, strange, standing before this woman. Disquieting - vastly different to the Professor's laughing style and the fact that he'd walked in on the guy playing Twister. This was a whole different style of management. He thought about saying something like 'I'm here as requested' but that seems... obvious? He's standing there after all.

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana comes along because he's worried. She doesn't trust this Director. She blew up equipment for no reason! Well. There was a reason, but that reason's name was Hotaru, the nepotism baby, or so she says!

She has put on her suit and arrives next to Riventon, and clears her throat before entering, as she gets it out before approaching the door and looking up to RIventon. "If things get crazy. We leave." she says.

Then when they enter.

Well she can't even fake smiles to being with, but she tries to be as neutral as she can be. Polite. Down to the point.

"Greetings, Director." she says bows respectfully. "My apologies for the other day." she says.

Beryl has posed:
The two of them are polite, which speaks well of them. They neither kneel nor bow, but then, they are not accustomed to the presence of a queen, and while Beryl is petty enough to insist, she will not do so now - she needs the projection of strength as a leader in these trying times. And that means, to some extent, having the support of subordinates.

"Your behavior was no discredit to you, La Crima," she begins, looking the girl a glance, "Your loyalty is admirable. Riventon, you have done well with the staff provided to you."

A staff which does not include Firefly, who is neither an official employee nor is officially in Riventon's charge. The little brat deserves a thrashing, and assumes herself overly safe due to her father's position - it would be good to disabuse her of that notion, sometime. But for now...

"As you are both aware, your team has been placed under my division for the foreseeable future. There is no need for rumor or gossip to abound: Hematite and his band of fools has betrayed Obsidian, as I knew they inevitably would. It is in the nature of those your peer group have deemed sparkleskirts to shy from the strength and power offered by Dark Energy. Their time is gone, and your time is now. Riventon - you have impressed me with your ingenuity and skill. It has been quite clear for some time who the true innovator behind the Heartstealer Rifles was, and it is that success that prompted my interest in your efforts."

Takashi Agera has posed:
Riventon tries not to audiably sigh because she hasn't asked him to kneel because he's not entirely sure he wouldn't fight her over that. And his position relaxes visibly as she talks. Not like he's any less... attentive, or respectful. But less like he looks like he might have to fight a demigod and go down swinging. "They fear what they can't understand and control, Director Beryl." She didn't correct Norie Okana so he figures that's okay, and it's a little less clumsy on the tongue. "It's the nature of those who are destined to follow to shy away from the power needed to lead, anyways." he adds. Riventon has... some personal opinions about things. About Dark Energy, and power.

    "To be fully honest, I merely was able to accelerate the rate of development. There were several difficult problems with the device in theory that I was able to solve to put it into practice, but the groundwork was done by my peers." A sort of line between 'look what I did' and 'I didn't do it all'.

    He wonders if Beryl was truly interested, if he was picked by her or just thrown away by Kaolinite. He probably couldn't get a straight answer out of either woman anyways. "I appreciate the fact that you've taken an interest in me and my team. I'd like to make sure we deliver for you, but my time has thusfar only been with Tomoe LifeScience and I'm not sure what the best way to do that here is."

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana did bow! But it was a short respectful one. She still listens to the talk between Beryl, and Riventon as she waits for the end, there as she looks back to Director Beryl. "What is it. You want us to do, exactly. We're not..." she tries to figure out diplomatic bodies. "We have power, but surely you're not going to just... use us as bodies? Our talents are in research, invention... figuring out how to apply that what we learn..." she says politely as she can.

She's a little tensioned, but she relaxes after a few seconds as she breathes. "I myself, am researching the Dusk Zone. and it's ecology." she says as she nods.

It's almost as if she's trying and begging and pleading with herself. She doesn't really wanna be like. Jadeite II, Electric Booglaoo.

Beryl has posed:
Director Beryl works. It's not Queen, but then, in this pitiful organization, queen is unrecognized as a power structure. Things to change once the world is hers.

Their questions, comments, concerns - she would not be so patient in the future... unless they were successful. She had all the patience in the world for successes. For now -

"It is your scientific prowess that interests me. I have all the bodies I could need, in the form of my youma. What I desire is further innovation." Beryl looks at them both steadily - Riventon, who clearly himself has a desire for power, an ambitious drive to succeed, to lead, Norie who defines herself by her research and drive.

"I have been in discussion with multiple divisions about a project based on my success with the Shitennou - for make no mistake, though they have fled from power, they were a success. Two years, serving Obsidian's purposes, despite it being against their very nature. The advantage our opponents have is one of numbers - there are more of those who shy to the side of light and friendship than there are those who align with our goals. For too long, we have relied on happenstance to find those who wield power. Why should we be content with that, when through artificial means, we could create more for our numbers?"

It's a rhetorical question, because she continues on -

"I am assigning your team to the research wing of this project - we have long been working on the ability to imbue subjects with dark energy and grant them power - now, we are seeking the ability to imbue an object, to create a henshin device for our candidates, which will enable them to become warriors for our side without the risk of them being corrupt by outside forces and fleeing to the otherside with their power."

Her attention turns to Norie, then. "What is the purpose of your research on the Dusk Zone? What do you seek to understand?"

Takashi Agera has posed:
Riventon's first thought is that it's suspicious again. That aligns somewhat closely with research he's done off-hours and not on Obsidian Equipment. It could just be a coincidence, and her reasoning for tying it to the Shitennou made sense, but... he'd have to treat her with more delicacy than if she was just a rampaging tyrant. The way she talked, she was more shrewd than he gave her credit for before now, and it was becoming clear he might need to do. He supposed one didn't become the youngest Director of Obsidian by being an idiot.

    He stood there and made a bit of a show of thinking about it. "Dark Energy isn't just a tool you can hand to just anyone, though. We'll just end up with more youma that way - and not the competent ones. If this is going to work, we'll need people who are at least emotionally predisposed to channeling the energy, but not so much so that they can't be worked with at all." he muses out loud. "Then we can think about duplicating the henshin process in a controlled way." he says.

    "Also, I just want to note - in addition to her research, Okana-san is my second. If I can't be reached she's the one who guides things in my absence. I trust her to keep things going in such circumstances until I return."

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana seems thoughtful at this.

"So you want us to. Make. 'Dark Sparkleskirts'?" she asks. "Yeah..." she seems to think thoughtfully. "That's Riventon's wheelhouse. For sure. I just. Gather data. Others help me process it. Tell me what it means. I am learning though." she says.

When she has a direct question, she goes more neutral and slack because Beryl brings up one of her favorite subjects that isn't donuts. "I'm made of dark energy. An Energy Vampire. I wish to study beings like me. To help learn more about myself. Aswell. There are things that can be carefully exploited in the Dusk Zone. Perhaps items, creatures, we can use to help this new project along, or make it more stronger." she says as she keeps her arms at her side.

"Yes, I am the second. We both utilize dark energy heavily, in different ways. But I have learned a lot under Riventon." she says.

Beryl has posed:
"Correct. Your insight shows that you're suited for this project - you're already looking for areas to optimize." She settles back on her chair, satisfied, queen on her throne. "The Easter Corporation will be handling our search for personnel. They intend to host their first search for talent within the week - chief among our needs is finding those who will be suited to the task. I will share the research data we've obtained on the project thus far - you'll be working with representatives from Easter Corporation and Gabriel, to start."

Then she looks at Norie again, more thoughtful.

"Your second. Very well, I will keep that in mind. Your research does sound as though it has merit - understanding the Dusk Zone and the creatures that thrive in its environment may well have a benefit on this, or other projects in the future. On that note... Beryl Holdings prizes independence in our division leads. You will approach me when you seek to launch new projects, but from there you will provide bi-weekly reports on your progress. Outside of this project, it is expected that you will engage in energy collection efforts. You may request youma for these endeavors from Inhuman Resources, or Thetis, my subordinate. I do not expect you to engage in regular combat yourselves; that is the dominion of youma. Riventon - you are a division head within Beryl Holdings, reporting directly to me. You will receive details as to the increase in your project funding and expected goals within the day."

Takashi Agera has posed:
Riventon blinks. Well. This is going... much better than expected. She hasn't thrown anything out a window. Or anyone. Riventon tries to spend some time studying her reactions without blantantly staring at her. People hide things but sometimes don't hide their movements as well. Is she even people? Well, now we're being philisophical - what truly is people... he shakes the thoughts from his overactive mind, and returns to the here and now. "Alright. All of that shouldn't be any problem. I've got proven success with energy collection and item retrieval." This was a very corporate way of saying he was good at stealing stuff.

    "I'd love to get ahold of that data, and any information that might be useful. The more data I have the more use I can be to my new Divison." he says. "...I understand it's not expected, Director Beryl, but are you instructing me not to engage in combat? Or merely expressing that it's optional? Sometimes it's easier for me to pull data from direct confrontation, or test devices in person, is why I'm asking, but I wouldn't want to oppose your will." Or at least not visibly. "As to the rest, that's... highly agreeable, and I'll ensure your trust and resources aren't misplaced."

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana's eyes light up momentarily. "Yes. If not this project, other projects!" she says. "Or sometimes knowing something is powerful in itself for later." she says. She doesn't bother with saying more on the subject. Beryl can. Like. Just read her research notes at this point, from the computer, can't she, if she wants to know every single little detail of what she's compiled. It's mostly notes about strange animals and plants in the dusk zone- what they are and what they do. Complicated notes on Mister Squiggles and the Duskpuppys.

Then her eyes light up again when a project funding increase is mentioned. That means new equipment. new items around the lab, new research they can do!

But then the hammer drops. Oh. Energy Collection. Wonderful. But she wants them to take and use Youma to do it. "Alright." she says. "We can do that. Draining energy is something I'm good at. and I also have a proven track record of retrieval of resource." then Riventon asks a question, and she looks back to Beryl as if waiting for an answer. Just in case. "I also sometimes. Drain energy better through personal touch." she admits, "But I can refrain from getting involved directly, if that's your wish, Director."

Beryl has posed:
Beryl waves a hand dismissively. "I'm stating that it's an option available to you. If you wish to fight with the enemy directly, so long as you aren't rendered unable to complete your tasks, that's your business. I care about results more than methods: do what you must to complete our objectives, and you will be well rewarded in Beryl Holdings. However, I am aware that not all are equipped for regular combat - if you are confident in your skills, use them. If not, put a youma to good effect."

The honey laid to catch flies. She's no reason, just yet, to raise the threat level, particularly when these two are perfectly aligned to her goals for the moment.

"I have nothing else for you, at this moment. Our next meeting will be in two weeks - I will expect to see that you have made progress on energy collection, and a report on your on-going research results. Details on Project DG will be released to you."

Takashi Agera has posed:
Riventon tries not to show it - someone as used to watching people as he is, is aware of how much it's possible for his own tells to be visible - but he's both happy and suspicious. Then again, in Obsidian, there's good reason to be suspicious of those around you.

    He looks to Norie for just a moment and then makes a reasonably-deeply inclined bow towards Beryl. Bowing's part of the culture, he can -do- that much. "Thank you for your time today, Director Beryl. Understood, see you in two weeks." He waits for Norie to have her say and then intends to walk out with her unless anything further happens... but the whole thing went so pleasantly he's a little worried.

    For years he's heard nothing but horror and creepy stories, and her attitude isn't like that. But while part of him wants to relax, part of him knows that one meeting is nothing. Still, if she keeps up her end of the autonomy and resources, he will keep up his end of energy and research progress. Maybe her angle is just to do whatever it takes to be successful. In Obsidian, wouldn't that make her the odd woman out?

Norie Okana has posed:
Norie Okana bows. "I'll make sure reports are prepped for next time." she says. "Thank you, Director." she says as she looks baxk to Riventon and will walk out with him. She takes a cleansing breath. Even though she doesn't need to breathe. She looks over to him and finally talks candidly.

"Well. That went better than the last conversation I had with her. Random devices didn't explode. I'm glad you didn't bring that up. I wasn't going to." she says as she falls a little limp. "Wanna go to the cafeteria and see what's on the menu today?" she asks. "I could use a donut or like. Ten." she says.

"After that." she says. "Though."

"I am glad to hear about funding increases. Do you already have a list in your head?" she asks, "Of things we need or want?" she wonders.