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Latest revision as of 18:46, 26 January 2024

Date of Scene: 18 January 2024
Location: Obsidian Tower
Synopsis: In the weeks leading up to Project Eclipse and soon after the dorm explosion, Catra comes across an... exhausted Sunbreaker. The two have a little talk... And Sunbreaker poses a few hypotheticals for her. As well as two very important questions. Who does Catra want to be? And what will she endure to be it?
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Catra

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker was working. Of course, when wasn't she? The last week had been a flurry of effort. Especially since well... the recent event at her dorm room. With the quickly approaching Project Eclipse, she was more focused than ever on succeeding. Now that she had Beryl's agreement to the project, she was doing a lot more work over near them. One of her towers were setup in one of the offices, so tall it almost touched the ceiling.

She even had little bags under her eyes, having been working her flank off on this project. As another test was being run, she had an elbow resting on the table, struggling to stop herself from drifting off.

Catra has posed:
Catra isn't working. When is she? The consumate slacker is mostly just wandering around aimlessly, currently bored even with tormenting Ted (much to Ted's relief, undoubtedly). Outside of going out and doing missions or other things to mess with the heroes, which she considers fun, work is basically anathema to the feline. She's got a little cardboard box with some noodles of some sort in it -- with chicken of course, can't not have the meat component -- and her course eventually carries her to where Sunbreaker is working.

"That's a big tower," she points out, after several seconds spent eyeing it up. Chopsticks bob up and down between carton and mouth as she keeps munching away. "And," she adds as she comes around to the other side of it and observes Sunbreaker for a moment, "You look like you've been working on it since three days ago. What gives?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
"Three months ago, actually. At least," Sunbreaker mumbled before giving a light yawn, a hand over her mouth. "Big meeting with the board soon, need to make sure it's perfect and ready to go."

That and well... since her apartment had blown up recently, thanks to her, and she was still avoiding her roommate... welllll...

Work seemed easier than anything else.

"If it goes well, these towers will shift everything into our control." At least in the short term. She then glanced back at Catra and... "Met your girlfriend recently. Turns out she has an *alicorn* friend. Interesting, that. Learned a lot about her."

"For example, did you know if you give her a donut, she'll eat it? Just right then and there, even though you're a villain?"

She then glanced out of the corner of her eyes to see Catra's reaction. "She won't be causing us any trouble, come this time tomorrow." Was it a bluff? HECK YES! Sunbreaker would NEVER taint a confectionary in such a way!

Catra has posed:
"Of course she does, she's stupid," Catra points out. "And she's not my girlfriend. We're not even friends, she'd have had to not choose to run off with a princess and a dweeb while leaving me alone for that."

Despite the cool, uncaring tone of Catra's voice, the brief twinge of concern that flashes just across her eyes is unmistakable. If brief.

Sunbreaker has far better ways of making someone cease to cause trouble than poisoning them, to Catra's mind. Like, say, putting them in the burn ward. "I'm positive Adora hit her head, she only manages to get through life because she turns into She-Ra. And yes," the feline sighs and rolls her eyes, "She has a... whatever you called it, horse with extra bits." Catra smoothly covers up the fact that she's never heard that word before nor used it. Or, perhaps, not so smoothly. "His name is Swiftwind, and trust me, he's even more annoying than Adora is, if that was somehow possible."

Catra finishes off her noodles, and lobs the carton and chopsticks into the nearest trashbin, however far away it might be. "So three months, hunh? And you're going before the board? Good luck." She suppresses flashbacks of standing in front of Hordak's throne -- like the most recent time, when she was wearing manacled after screwing up. We don't talk about that. "What do they do?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker gave a small nod. "Mmm hm. Well, that won't be any problem for you soon. You were... part of the Horde, right? I was meaning to ask you about that."

She left off the anger she felt at Catra calling Swiftwind annoying. How DARE that stupid cat! Swiftwind was PERFECT and she would fight anyone who said differently, normally. Not right now, though. But she would remember that. "What was the Horde like? You were... second in command, no?"

She stroked a finger along one of the speakers on the tower. "They create barrier. Within the barriers, they release a field of.... lets call it Sparkle Skirt suppression. It drains their powers and also drains the energy of mundanes in the area. They're operational 24/7 while active, making them difficult to attack. But they have a setup while they key into a leyline. That's when they'll be most vulnerable to disruption and when the sparkle skirts will likely need to strike. After that, well... even if they manage to dislodge one, it'll weaken them so severely we can easily place a new one. Think of them as... dark energy fortress makers."

Catra has posed:
"Cool." Catra takes it all in, and at first it seems like that might be all the answer she's prepared to give, in true feline fashion.

"Yeah, I was in the Horde. I miss it, it was the best part of being on Etheria. ...Even if the food... honestly sucked, that part's way better here, even if this planet completely sucks." She crosses her arms, and leans against the wall, looking up at the tower. "The Horde was great." No it wasn't. "They recognized your achievements." Hordak only promoted Catra because Adora ran away. "They have their goals and they reward you if you help to achieve them. Yeah, I was second in command, and Hordak trusted me with everything." Well, until she lost Shadow Weaver and he banished her to the Crimson Wastes, but she came back from that, didn't she?

"So these things suppress their magic and strengthen us at the same time? That's perfect. We should get them up all over the place. ...I'll help." Should be a good opportunity to trade blows with Adora, afterall. "Dark energy's still kinda new to me though. We didn't have it on Etheria."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker was silent for a long moment, then. "Recognized... your achievements... huh. That... must have been nice..." she mumbled, idly poking at the tower. Some of the gemstones flashed, but other than that it was... quiet. "They require a power source, mind. Powerful leylines. I've been mapping points in the city where they can be placed. We'll need enough forces to hold the sparkle skirts off, though. Since these... well. It'll draw *all* the sparkle skirts from miles once they realize what's up."

She sighed and idly stroked a finger along one of the gems. "This... tower. It is brilliant, isn't it? The kind of thing that wins wars? The kind of project... that... conquers nations. What would the horde have thought of you for coming up with something like this?"

"For creating it?"

"For learning how an entirely new world works in a few months, figuring out our opposition, locating the proper spells and vulnerabilities, mapping out the leylines and discovering where to place them for max effect? Would that be an accomplishment, to your horde? What would they say to that?"

Catra has posed:
"They'd make you second in command," Catra replies nonchallantly. "That's what happened to me. Shadow Weaver had kept me away from everything that mattered until she lost Adora and tried to throw the blame on ME, as if it was MY fault that Adora found a magic sword and the next thing you know she's wearing a tiara and fighting for the other side." The feline's tail lashes behind her, apparently without her really thinking about it, as her ears lay flat against her head. "But Hordak made me Force Captain instead, and within a few weeks I had our army on Brightmoon's doorstep -- that was the enemy stronghold -- which was far closer than anyone else had ever come to crushing them."

Catra pushes off from the wall, and wanders about the tower, gazing up at the thing. "So if it doesn't work, right on first try? Focus on how much better you were than anyone else. How much closer you got. Some people think that any setback is failure that must be punished, but it's not like the enemy aren't fighting against us, and it's naive to think they aren't strong. Adora's way stronger than I am. ...It's much better to be smart."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker nodded, staring at the tower. "The only true loss is one where you learned nothing from. That's how I've lived. I failed... more than anybody knew." She slid her fingers along the gems again.

"Back home. But that was why, when it mattered, I was always the best. Top of every class. Other people couldn't even get their stupid flowers to open. You know what I did? I made a potion that made the flower open and then grow fifty feet into the air, bursting through the ceiling. You should have seen the instructor's faces, it looked like they were going to pee their chairs," Sunbreaker said with a light laugh.

But the laughter soon turned bitter. "... So. Shadow Weaver. I've... seen her now. She liked to push you down, I take it? Was she the one in charge? Or... was she the one you broke in order to become second in command?"

"... You know, Adora's an idiot. She's strong... but she's dense. She's so focused on who she thinks you have to be... she can't even see you anymore. Just... this weird ideal she has in her head. And she's obsessed by it. Apparently all she thinks about, ever thinks about, is you. How pathetic is that?"

Catra has posed:
"Told you she's stupid," Catra mumbles. "She's convinced that I'm supposed to be not just her friend but like, romantically involved? She's crazy. How on Etheria does she think that'd work? You can't treat someone the way she treated me and expect them to still like you."

Of course, likeing someone and loving them are adjacent but not the same thing. Did Catra's voice break, just a little bit, at the end there?

"Shadow Weaver's a... I dunno, sorceress, witch, whatever term people want to use here. She used a magic stone called the Black Garnet to get really powerful -- because Hordak leter her -- and was in charge of raising the kids in the Horde. She thought Adora was like, some kind of promised one or something, but always treated me like I was worse than worthless." She shrugs, "So it was really satisfying when I convinced Hordak to take the Black Garnet away from her and let someone else play with it. Eventually I got her thrown out of the Horde entirely." She escaped, but close enough.

"Yeah, she liked to push me down, it was deeply satisfying to tear her off her perch. ...Sounds like you've had a few people... holding you back, too. What'd you do with them?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker gave a small sigh, nodding. "Yeah. She's got... ideas. And they're crazy. Don't know why she'd spend so much time fantasizing about a girl who keeps trying to slash her up. But she's convinced you're going to become this... thing. That, frankly, you're not."

"You know, though. She says you're from 'before'. But I wonder if that's even true. Maybe you're from another dimension, even. One where the Catra of her world... never joined her. Maybe in her world, you decided that having her affection was worth more than being second in command of the horde. Who knows?"

She idly swirled a finger. The tower began to let out a low hum.

"... Them? I did... nothing. I did nothing. Absolutely nothing. You know... This is going to sound crazy, Catra. But I think... I'm... jealous of you."

"... Back home? I was the greatest. The best mind they had in a hundred generations. I was doing magic that, frankly, ponies twice my age struggled with. Not only was I getting perfect scores, I was getting *beyond*. They said I was going to probably be the most brilliant mage they'd ever seen. I'd create magic unlike any in the world had ever seen. I'd set the trend."

"... And you'd think it was important, right? You'd think it'd matter... wouldn't you? Being so important? Being so talented? Achieving. So. Incredibly. Damn. Much. But there was always. *Always*. One extra bit to that. 'As expected of Sora's student'. It was never 'You are incredible'. It was 'Oh, of course, it's Sora's student'. Other students meet expectations and they'd get *praise*. They'd get *gushed* about. But me? ME? Nothing. Sora didn't even HELP ME!" Sunbreaker yelled, slamming a fist down. "She never had the *time*. I worked so hard and they just treated me like it was *expected*. Perfect wasn't enough, if I was perfect I was a *letdown*. Because any student could be *perfect*! No. I had to exceed expectations. I had to go beyond. Then it was ignored as if I wasn't *killing myself* to be everything demanded of me! And then... and then... you know the kicker?"

"I left... six months ago. The greatest mind they've ever seen. SORA had ever seen. This brilliant unicorn... she kicked me out. She told me... despite everything... I wasn't... good enough."

She dug a nail into the table. Impressive, with her human nails.

"So I came here. Six months. She knews where I am. She was the one who showed me this portal. How to get here. She... knows... exactly where I am. And nothing. Not so much as a messenger pigeon. Then... finally... a month or so ago... I managed to get back. Not through the original portal, mind. I'm too brilliant for that, she'd know then. But I found another way back. And you know what I found?"

"She replaced me. Five months. Five. Months. I was beyond perfect for her for *a decade*. And she replaced me. In. Five. Months."

"... So those who held me back... I did nothing. Because I think... it's finally clicking. Nobody cared enough to hold me back. *I never mattered enough* to any of them there. Someone... told me recently... that nothing I could have done would have changed anything. I could have re-written the very rules of reality... and Sora never would have cared."

"... And as pathetic as it sounds... it... hurts... I think... I think I'm actually jealous. Of you and your big stupid Adora. Because yeah, she's stupid. And idiotic. And obviously delusional. But at least she cares enough to think about you. I didn't even warrant that... Buck. Maybe they're right..." She reached up and rubbed her eyes. "Maybe I'm just as pathetic as Adora, chasing someone who never wanted anything to do with me..."

Catra has posed:
Catra listens to Sunbreaker's tale, letting her get the whole story out without interuption. Once she's finished, the feline just stands there for a minute, taking it all in and turning it over in her mind. "...Nobody wanted to give me any credit either," she replies. "Not while Adora was around, anyway. Hordak saw my value after she left, but not until then. Maybe just because Shadow Weaver never said anything good about me, but... that feels like a lousy excuse." She shrugs her shoulders dismissively. "No matter how good you are, there's always people who want to keep you down, people who're jealous that you're better than them, people who want to beat you just to say they did."

Catra straightens the collar of her jacket, as she meanders forwards, walking between Sunbreaker and her tower. "Sounds like Sora was worried you'd be more powerful than her," she observes, candidly. You worked hard, you succeeded not just... by magic," she says for want of a better term, "But because you earned it, and you consistently earned it, and I bet that scared her. So she got rid of you and she's too scared to come looking." Catra's voice takes on the tone of poisoned honey as she speaks, though it's plainly not directed at Sunbreaker -- at least, not this time.

"I dunno if being jealous of me is worth it," she adds point blank. "Adora *does* think of me, way too much, and it's... weird. Kinda creepy sometimes." And she doesn't want her to stop. "You're definitely not as pathetic as Adora, you're building something new, all she can ever hope to do is try to hold up what someone else already built."

Catra turns to look away, gazing up at the massive construct. "I never told you the whole story. Shadow Weaver wasn't out of tricks. She made Hordak think I'd betrayed him. So he banished me to the Crimson Wastes, but of *course* Adora was there. So I captured her, took her sword, brought her and it back to the Fright Zone, and used the sword to power a portal that Hordak's new best friend Entrapta made. And she didn't want me to do it, because she thought it might tear open space and time and destroy Etheria."

Catra pauses, shrugging her shoulders. "But I pulled it anyway. Because I didn't care. I wanted to *win*. I deserved to win. I'd fought harder than everyone else. I'd lost more than everyone else. It was my time to WIN. And I didn't care what it cost to win, so I pulled the lever and opened the portal, and next thing I knew I was here. ...Adora insists Ehteria is still there, but she probably hit her head again."

Catra turns around to face Sunbreaker, "So, don't be jealous of me. You know why I work for Obsidian? Because I'm a horrible person. I'm an absolute monster who destroyed an entire planet just so I could win, and you know the worst part?" She sucks in a breath, preparing the lie that tastes bitter before she's even spoken it, "I'd do it again."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker looked up at her, wiping her eyes. "B-but you said..." Then... then she found out the truth. The reality. Her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open.

Then, she begin to chuckle. "Probably. Stupid bitch. I'd have been happy to be her s-second in command. I lived for her praise... her gaze... just... her notice... and yet she couldn't spare any for me. Imagine... such a cheap price... and she couldn't even give me that. I was sucked into her orbit, just like everyone, everything else."

"... And now I'm going to be better than she ever was. I'm going to rule my world... and I don't need her anymore."

But oh. Ohhhhh. The rest of the story... that... that made her eyes go wide. "So Hordak banished you..." she whispered. Then chuckled. "I wonder if that means we were destined to meet. Does that make this world my Crimson wastes?"

She idly strokes a finger along the table top. Then flicked her finger. The door shut. Then glowed red for a moment. "Don't worry. I just want to make sure nobody else hears this... is that... true?"

"... Catra... let... me ask you something. How many people... have you killed? Have you actually looked at and killed, face to face?"

"... And if there was a lever... if there was a lever that would destroy this world and defeat Adora... would you pull it? Would you really kill everyone out there? All those faceless masses, the men, the women, the children?"

"Is that really the person you are?" And now her focus was entirely on Catra. Her black and red eyes just on her. And only her. As if she was the only thing in the world to exist. "Just between you and I. The two girls not from this world. The unicorn and the cat."

Catra has posed:
"I never kept count."

It's not really a lie. There just wasn't a count to keep. Catra's actual flesh abd blood kill count is and always has been zero. She's torn plenty of constructs and warmachines apart, and inflicted some pretty grievous defeats, but the Brightmoon Resistance was always, always, extremely good at one thing in particular; saving their wounded.

So Catra honestly hadn't kept count, there was no count to keep, even when she won battles handily.

"I..." Catra trails off, finding herself... examined, laid bare in a way by Sunbreaker's sudden intensity, with the door closed and the world, even just the small part of it that is Obsidian Tower, all shut away. She bites her bottom lip, searching for the answer to that. Would she? It's not like she honestly believed she'd destroy Etheria the first time. *Obviously* Entrapta was overreacting. She's a princess, and they always blow things out of proportion, even non-magical ones like her. Everything's always so necessary, so important to do right, so desperately in need of justice or something equally stupid.

But to pull a lever knowing that that's what it would do? *Is* Catra that big on a monster? Just how committed to being a villain is she?

"...Depends if Adora was looking or not," she mumbles, somehow managing to answer without comitting to a very simple yes or no dichotomy. "If she's not there to see it... it's not... really winning, is it? It's just being horrible for the sake of it."

Which ought to be enough, if you really are a monster.

"Don't worry, if you want to rule this world, I won't... destroy it out from under you. Plenty of other ways to beat Adora. I don't just want to win, I want her to *know* that I won. Just... blowing her to bits from afar wouldn't do that."

Also she loves her. Burried so desperately deep that she doesn't, won't, can't recognize it. But as much as she professes to not care, Adora's obsession with her is very mutual, burried beneath impenetrable layers of grief beneath pain beneath so much rage the rest is beyond feeling.

"But yeah," she whispers. "It's true."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker smiled after a moment. And then she began to laugh, a hand over her mouth. "Ah. So zero, then." She just... flat calls her out on it. "Sorry, sorry. But that's the answer *I* would have given. That, or 'countless'. Because you can't count zero, now can you?"

She then glanced towards the tower. "You can undo a lot. But killing someone? You can't undo that. Once they're dead... it's done. They'll never speak. Never talk. Never breathe. They'll never look at you. They'll never work. They'll never learn. Anything, everything, they ever would do, could do..."

"It vanishes. Like that. And you become directly responsible. I know it's silly, like this. But... I can't kill. I won't. That's a line I won't cross. Dark energy makes it tempting, though. That's what it does. You haven't tampered with it... my advice?"

"... Figure out what you are, who you *demand* yourself to be. Find out your rules. Before you tamper with it. Because if you don't? You'll cross every line. And that monster you're claiming to be? The murderous, villainous, evil monster you're scared that you really, truly are deep down?"

"... There won't be anything, anymore, to stop you from being it. I know... because... my rules are the only think that have stopped me from becoming that."

"... But I might pull the lever too, if Sora was watching. Just... to show her I could. I *hate* to lose too... but luckily, I know what I want. I know what my 'victory' condition is. It's not the destruction of this world, or the death of my enemies or even the ruling of this world."

"... So figure out what your victory condition is, Catra. Figure out what you consider 'not losing'. Before you tamper with dark energy. Because it *will* change you. It's the same as any other drug. And once you get your victory condition? Once you remove the dark energy? You'll look back and see the lines you set and pray that you made your rules binding enough that you can live with yourself after."

"... Because victory hardly means anything if you envy the dead after, no?"

She sighed and flipped through a small folder. "Your world isn't dead, though. I mean, you don't have to believe me. But it's not. Portals don't work like that. It wouldn't destroy a planet but then send three or four of you to another world, that'd be ridiculous. It likely just cause you and everyone nearest, sucking you all in. Anyone else who was nearby is likely here too. Probably quite a bit of panic back home, though. If your world's precious 'she-ra' isn't there anymore."

Catra has posed:
Catra's teeth clamp together, and her mouth presses into a thin line as Hinoiri speaks; seeing through her thinly weiled admissions, and following it up with some stern advice. The feline keeps quiet through it all, all the way until the end.

"If Etheria is still there, then whatever they're going through... Well it's not like I can do anything about it anyway. They're probably happy I'm not there so maybe it balances out. Or maybe they've beaten Hordak by now. Or since they've lost She-Ra, he's beaten them." She shrugs her shoulders dismissively. "Nothing I can do about it."

Catra shakes her head, "It wasn't just that it was a portal, it's that Etheria was in a pocket dimension. No stars at night, just a black sky, 'cause there weren't any stars there. I never saw stars until I came here. Entrapta said it would be something to do with that, I... wasn't really listening, I was impatient and wanted to get it over with. But..."

Catra trails off and scowls, shaking her head once again. "Does it matter, what rules I set? If I set them now? It's too late. I already pulled the lever and opened the portal. It doesn't matter what actually happened. I did it knowing what the consequences are, or at least what they could've been. Maybe I didn't think it'd really happen. Maybe I didn't care if it did. But I *did* it. It's not like I can just... up and decide what I want to be, now, I already made that decision months ago and I can't very well take that back, can I?"

The feline rolls her shoulders, and points back up at the tower. "I'll help you with these. Then we can win. Then I can decide how I want to deal with Adora and anyone else who's on her side. Maybe then I'll feel... different. I don't know. I suppose I'll find out."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker sighed and glanced towards her. "Mmmm. No stars... must have been weird. But... yes. Rules matter. Rules especially matter now, Catra. Let's say... let's say, hypothetically." She pulled out a blank piece of paper and a pen. She wrote a 1 on one side, a 2 on the other. She then split the paper in half.

"Let's say I'm right. You pulled the lever. You bucked up. But no lives were lost. Instead, you ended up here. We'll call that scenario 1." She slid it over to the left.

"Now, let's say I'm wrong. You pulled the lever... and everything died. The entire world is gone. Poof. Like that. Millions, possibly billions, dead. All of it on your hands... possibly. I mean... sure, some other people thought it might destroy the world. But you didn't know. It's a lot easier to justify things when we don't... know. We'll call that scenario 2." She slid that paper to the right.

"There's a big difference between the two, Catra. You can't rewrite the past. Well, okay, you can. But you need some pretty advanced magic for that and even I wasn't allowed THAT deep into the restricted section. But you can decide who you are going to be going forward."

"... Because one day you might find out. Scenario 1. Or Scenario 2. If you act like a cold blooded, merciless butcher... taking lives left and right... but then find out it was for nothing? That you hadn't taken any lives? Will that make you happy?"

She then pushed her seat back and bit and walked towards Catra. Her hands moving behind her, crossed. She looked up into the kitty's eyes.

"Because it matters... Catra... It always matters... Because until you make a choice? You've. Already. Lost. To. Adora. Rules are what keep you safe. Rules are what give you *control*. You pulled the lever because *she* was there. Because *she* was watching. Because *she* saw you do it. Until you *decide*, until you make those *important* choices?" She stopped, right in front of her, leaning forward to look up into her eyes. "You will always be wrapped around her hand. And she will *never* see you. Because all she'll see... is her reflection."

Catra has posed:
For a moment, brief but palpable, it seems like Catra might boil over. Her temper has never been anything if not volatile. Instead, she recognizes that Sunbreaker might just be trying to help her -- and even if she isn't, she's at least talking sense.

As much as Catra doesn't like the sense that she's talking.

She doesn't want to believe it; that Etheria is still there, and that maybe she hasn't wiped out an entire planet worth of people, and that maybe -- just maybe -- she might be worth something to someone. She's gone so deep into her self-imposed narrative of being a monster that it's become familiar to the point of being comforting. It's hard to let go of now, no matter how much sense is being talked into her. Well, it remains to see how much of it will stick, anyway.

"I need to think," Catra mumbles. She picks up the piece of paper with the '1' on it, and after staring at it in her hands, folds it up and stuffs it in a jacket pocket.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker gave a nod, turning to walk and sit on the chair. She spun it around again and faced the tower... "Catra?" she said softly.

"Winners have to take initiative. What I'm saying won't be easy. In fact, it might be one of the most painful things you've *ever* done. It'll likely put you in conflict with Adora... worse. It might put you *besides* Adora at times."

"And you'll have to accept that. Because when you make the rules *absolute*, you won't break them. But, for the first time, possibly in your whole life? Catra will be acting. Not Adora's kitty cat. Maybe she'll finally be able to see you as a real person once you start acting like more than a reflection."

"Project Eclipse will likely begin in a few weeks. I hope you'll have figured out which you'll want to be, then. I'd like to have Catra on my side for this project... I'd rather not have to settle for Adora's kitty. Have fun."

... Unfortunately... with Catra leaving... that meant she'd have to return to her own thoughts. Her own introspection. No more distractions and... ...... Nope, time to focus on work. Nothing she needed to think on la la la la just hope the problem goes away on its own.

Catra has posed:
Catra doesn't respond, outside of a non-commital nod as she leaves the room. She wanders the tower for a little while, until she eventually finds herself back in her room -- what passes for living quarters in Obsidian Tower. (It's not as if she has anywhere else to live.)

The room is just so... spartan. So far, in all her time in Japan, Catra hasn't found anything she's wanted enough to put in her room, so the walls are bare and the only real decoration is an Adora plushy that she received for Christmas from a very... strange person.

The feline stands in the middle of her room, quietly, stoicly working through some emotions. Until, abruptly, she screams out loud; a chair sails across the room and into the wall, followed by its twin. The bed is flipped on its side, and a fresh set of claw marks are left in the wall. The Adora plushie...

The plushie is held, before being set back down, carefully, in its place. She leaves it there, as she shoves the bed back down, and with the mattress on the floor she just curls up on it where it is and gives in to sobbing.