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Latest revision as of 21:12, 13 March 2024

Info Share - Eclipse Zone Scan One
Date of Scene: 12 March 2024
Location: The Shed
Synopsis: Bow, with the help of Usagi, contacts Ami, Mamoru and Zoisite to share what information he and Sayaka gathered on the Eclipse Zone project in scene 1259 and the ties between the technology it's using and Etherian technology.
Cast of Characters: Bow, Usagi Tsukino, Mamoru Chiba, Ami Mizuno, Zoisite, Sayaka Miki

Bow has posed:
Once they were all cleared to come in, Bow just... he's so done with the whole secret identity thing. Grabbing his henshin device, he shifts into his Etherian Archer form from Luke, and goes to find a table. "Hello, everyone. My name's Bow, if you don't know who I am already." the dark-skinned teen offers.

"I'm from a planet called Etheria that is heavily magic, but has some technology of a prior civilization. Adora is one of my two best friends, if you know her. We're here tonight to talk about the information that I gathered when I scanned the Eclipse Zone pillars a few nights back - Sayaka..." A glance towards the bluenette, a smile and a nod. "...and Swiftwind were the distraction, and I was able to get some really good readings. So if everyone can make a quick introduction and take a seat, we'll get this thing rolling."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Getting them all cleared takes a little explaining and lot of staggering around with a heavy stone statue in their arms, but Inai-sensei and Coco-chan had really done their work well - no one was going to just walk off with that thing. Once they're all keyed in and know how to key others in, Usagi steals the spot closest to Mamoru and plops down, nodding.

"Everyone here knows me, because everyone knows me, but I'm Usagi Tsukino or Sailor Moon. You're all here because Bow-kun told me about his and Sayaka-chan's data, and so obviously I told Mercury-chan and Mamochan."


"It was brave of you three to go in alone; those things did not sound fun when Sunbreaker told me about them."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
The too-tall black-haired and blue-eyed teenager in a green band-logo t-shirt takes a seat on top of one of the desks, perched there with his legs crossed and his elbows on his knees. Right next to Usagi. "I'm Mamoru Chiba, otherwise known as Sailor Moon's boyfriend, Tuxedo Mask and..." Mamoru glances toward Zoisite and one corner of his mouth quirks up, "Endymion. Which is not relevant to the session! But it's my name. Oh, also formerly Hematite."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
The Tanuki statuette was... Heavy. About the size of a gallon of milk so not too unweildy but it was decently heavy. Unlike some of her counterparts, Ami Mizuno was not exactly super strong. It had been a little bit of a stubborn struggle to carry it herself so that she could be 'checked in' but at least it was a one time thing.

This of course explains why she's seated at one of the desks in the room practically laying ontop of it at the moment, huffing and puffing quietly. "Got to work on strength instead of just cardio," she mutters to herself. Pushing her hands on the table to help herself sit up straight she rocks her head back, side to side a single time, and then draws in a deep breath. Only to suddenly without warning lift her hands to *slap* her cheeks at the same time.

It wasn't just being a bit worn out from the statue. She'd been pushing herself for awhile and was tired. She was *not* going to let it show.

"Right. I'm Ami Mizuno, Sailor Mercury. Thank you for gathering the information I'm sure it will prove invaluable to us."

Zoisite has posed:
    Indeed, Zoisite is here. He's affected a casual lean against a nearby wall, behind and a little to the side of Mamoru. Like he's protecting his prince's flank, in a way, though maybe it's just a muscle memory sort of thing? Either way that's where he's standing!

    And when Mamoru looks over, he lifts his chin. Right, they're introducing themselves. "I'm Zoisite," he says.

    And then... he doesn't say anything else. Instead, he checks his nails, which are of course perfectly manicured. He sniffs once, disaffected, and only then sighs out and says, "If we must go by other names out in public, 'Izou Saitou' is a close enough approximation to the real thing. I suppose."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
With the check in performed, Sayaka comes in. She just ran distraction, so she just comes in and let Bow explain.

Bow has posed:
Once the introductions are underway, Bow is taking out a small pad. It looks a little like an iPad, but it's clearly holographic and has a small antenna like device attached to it. "Crystal Hope?" he asks.

And Bow's earring unfolds to become a small crystalline figure. "Yes, Bow?"

"Give me a connection please." the Etherian asks.

Crystal Hope smirks slightly. "Only because you said 'please'."

With that, one of the larger screens lights up, as she makes the connection between it and the pad. "This is Crystal Hope. She's the AI of the First Ones back on Etheria." he explains. "We're allies." Not friends, there's reasons for that he's not going into here.

"Sayaka and Swiftwind were the brave ones, they kept Sunbreaker busy while I scanned. Sayaka can give you the reasons Sunbreaker's doing this, if you don't know."

With that said, he brings up the two pillars that everyone knows about. "These are the Eclipse Zone pillars we know about..." he starts, and then expands the map. Two more pillars and a tower appear. "This is the full view. There are four pillars that are gathering the information and sending it to... well, this tower, where it's being transmitted to who knows where. These pillars, this tower?"

Another schematic, and numerous lines show up around the pillars and tower, running between them and outward. "...these are leylines. Etheria's chalk full of these..." he explains. "I really wish Glimmer was here, she was a whiz with this part... but. It's magic. And all magic flows through these, where it's like... a magic river channel? Something like that."

"But these towers? They're just like our runestones back home, that controlled basically... everything." he explains. "I know it's not like that here, so probably not important, what is important is that this tech... is nearly identital to /that/ tech." he points at the tech pad, letting that implication hang in the air.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi did not roll her eyes at Zoisite. Really! She just happened to be looking up, down, and all around when she was stretching forward to offer Ami a sip from her water bottle.

Besides - soon there wasn't any time for that, because Bow is sharing information, with Crystal Hope. That ally he mentioned in their texts, who had made him magic enough to survive!

(Also, someday she would really loop back to that survive part...)

S"So... basically, these towers ae built on the leylines? And they're getting power from it? Like the magic devices back in your world... um... Catra is here, would she know enough about this kind of thing to help Sunbreaker bring it all out?"

She's looking at the schematic of the leylines, considering their shape and the information Sunbreaker had shared. That Hinoiri had shared. It hadn't been that long ago.

It felt like it had been forever, ago.

"If these things need leylines, we can probably figure out where she'll try to build more of them by studying the Earth's leylines... which is good. But the bad news is that there's a lot of leylines here in Tokyo. Like, way more than's like, normal."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno reaches out to accept the water bottle with a grateful smile toward Usagi. It's drawn in for a quick sip that is very nearly choked on when Zoisite introduces himself. Smiling and trying very hard to hide it she clears her throat, takes a second sip, and then offers the bottle back to Usagi with a quiet, "Thank you."

An amused look is shot over toward Zoisite before her attention moves back toward Bow.

"They were doing something similar not long ago trying to use the leylines that were found at many of the shrines here, but for a different purpose. I assume a different purpose at least," she mumbles considering it all. A little movement of her hands withdraws a small computer from pocket space that she flips open to begin typing data into. "However if this technology is similar to what is from your world, then it's safe to assume they either have access to it somehow or someone who is far more familiar with it."

With a pause she looks up to regard Bow questioningly. "Can you think of anyone that might fit that role for them?"

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Mamoru leans baaack nearly enough to fall, just to poke Zoisite with one finger. And then he rights himself again, listening, watching. He frowns at the leylines, then glances at Usagi, and then nods at what she says.

"And yeah -- as Ami says, there've been leyline-related Obsidian schemes before. I was complicit in the last one, and we still have the information."

He takes a breath, sitting up a little straighter. "Is it definitely data the towers are projecting to a central location, or is it energy--? Do we know that?" And then he focuses on Bow's holographic tablet after noting Crystal Hope, and he glances at Ami.

Zoisite has posed:
    Green eyes narrowing, Zoisite watches Mamoru's chair start to lean back. Which probably saves Usagi from having to enter an eye-rolling... roll-off with him. For the best, no doubt. His expression goes blank at the poke, and then his mouth flattens into a line as he peers at the back of his prince's head.

    They are, however, here to do more important things, so it is with mighty effort that Zoisite resists any kind of retribution. For now, of course. (There's always later.) In the immediacy, though, he offers up: "If we can predict where they might construct additional towers," and here he nods to Usagi, as that was her who brought that potentiality up, "We should put monitoring in place well beforehand, without them knowing. If they think they're still ahead of us, they might get sloppy."

    He looks over to Ami after, and perhaps his neck stretches out a little bit as he intends to sneak a peek at what she's typing. But alas, he's too far over here, she's over there, and the angle is all wrong. So he just boldly walks over and looks over her shoulder, arms crossed over his chest.

Bow has posed:
"Catra's smart... but like..." Bow makes claw hands. "'Rawr, I'm Catra, I'm smarter than you because I can fight better than you.' type smart. She could have come up with something like this... but." And it's here where he pauses. "There is another. Adora said she was here. And I have not been able to verify it yet, but if she is, then yes... they'd know."

He draws in a breath. "She told me that Queen Glimmer is here. And apparently working for Obsidian. Which makes no sense. Like, she was the leader of the Rebellion. She was my best friend since we were both old enough to get into trouble together. There's... I can't accept that she's here, working with them." he admits quietly. "But if she were? Yeah. She could. With Catra."

"The good news with this being their base?" Bow says as he considers the options. "...is that Crystal Hope could not crack the encryption and passwords on it - we did not have the time, and this is something that Mercury may want to concentrate on? But if we can get in, I think I can use my tech pad and Crystal Hope, and take control of these pillars and tower."

"But to do that, we need to get past the barriers on these. They deflect about anything thrown at them - but the ones on the pillars are a lot weaker than the ones on the Tower. And the pillars here..." he gestures to the two previously unknown pillars, "...are the weakest of them all."

Crystal Hope reports, "Unfortunately, I can only theorize that it's energy they are gathering. From what I scanned, they are absorbing energy from the world itself. This is likely why the drain in the field was so low in comparison to the energy it was getting. It is inefficent, and then feeding it all into that center one."

Bow nods. "I spent only a short time there, but I was exhausted when I came out. Definetly sucking on me like some type of smoothie drink or something."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"What kind of barriers? And... from the world? Like, from Earth? Or from people inside the zone? Wait," Mamoru shakes his head, putting his hands to his temples and shutting his eyes. Then he looks at Bow again and leans forward. "If you were getting drained hard, why didn't anyone else in the zone notice? They should have been falling over. That's what happens to civilians when you drain them, unless you're taking ambient energy, generated by fear... or something..."

He shrinks back a little bit, going a bit red. "I mean, that's the way it works, usually. So I'm just trying to piece together what exactly the effect is."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Queen Glimmer..." Usagi is one for one on queens - one, horrible and evil, the other, kind and complicated and also her dead moon mama. So the idea that there's another queen, and she's with Obsidian? It's the opposite of comforting, to be sure.

"I've never run into her," she admits, "But if I do, I'll tell her she should talk to you instead of hanging out with jerks in Obsidian."

And then Bow explains about the barrier, and Usagi nods sharply, "That makes sense - I know you were looking at other stuff too, Sayaka-chan, but the first time we went into the barrier, with Hope Witch and those other girls from Grade 8, Sunbreaker told me that the Eclipse Zone would be like, a slow drain from everyone who went in, not like the way they usually do it. If you're mundane, or out of henshin... it's just a little bit. You're more tired, but you can still go about your day. But if you're transformed, she said that place would feed on you. A lot."

Which isn't very good for their chances!

She points to a bulletin board, with a sign posted up, with plenty of text and also some doodles of fire and frowny faces on it.

"That's my summary of what I got out of Sunbreaker, when we talked. I think it'd be a good idea for us to start leaving like, notes and write ups on what we find out here, especially now that we have real security on this place."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno pulls her gaze away from the computer when Bow explains about Queen Glimmer with lips pursed together. Softly, sympathetically, she offers, "It's quite possible she may have been tained by dark energy then. It happened to Mamoru-kun and Zoisite, as well as many others, too. That means that they can be saved though!" Reassurance!

The notes she'd been diligently typing out were all keyed up in bullet points being fed into the tiny Silver Milenia Mercury Computer for analysis of the data. The towers were lain over the map they had originally obtained for the leyline and shrines to see where overlap may occur, as well as the 'weaker ones' noted specifically. It's all done rapid fire and while it was a bit more cluttered on the tiny screen than if she were fully transformed and able to view it all through her visor, it was still rather neatly arranged.

"Zoi, if you're going to loom like the Jolly Green Giant, at least be useful and rub my shoulders or something."

Zoisite has posed:
    The sad story of Bow's possibly tainted Queen earns a noise of sympathy from Zoisite that actually might be real, though it's faint, and mostly conciliatory. He has manners, of course, it's just sometimes he chooses not to employ them.

    Leaning away from his obvious snooping into what Ami's doing, he nods over at Mamoru. "Sounds like they're specifically targeting people with magical energy," he says, following along the same lines of thought. And Usagi confirms it, so he purses his lips, eyes going briefly distant as he stares off at nothing in particular.

    "When you think about it..." His hand comes up to flick away a loose strand of hair, sending it over his shoulder. "We're all walking batteries. Of... various strength." Zoisite resolutely does not lift his nose in the air snootily, but there's an uptick in his chin like he very much wanted to, but corralled his muscles into behaving at the very last second.

    And then he gets called several things, only one of which he feels is particularly appropriate. Ami is afforded a flat, unimpressed look. "Really," he says. "We can pay people to do that, you know." The fact that he's taken a step back and to the side so he's not quite all up in Ami's space has nothing to do with anything, really! Besides, Zoisite can still see her computer screen. If he squints a little bit.

Bow has posed:
"She may not know I'm here. Apparently I missed the memo on the field trip to Earth." Bow says this, there's just a mote of sourness to it, as he returns his attention back to the subject at hand. "At first, I thought it could be Entrapta's work. She's the computer person. And it had all her hallmarks. The Princess of the Fright Zone, if there was such a thing." he explains.

"The towers are draining the leylines directly - and as Usagi said... it did not drain the civilians very much as well. When Sayaka and I were there, there were two youma, and some of Sunbreaker's minions..." he snaps his fingers, trying to figure out exactly what it is that she called the things. "Sunbeams... Sunsets... something with Sun in it. They weren't very bright."

"As for the barriers - they're made of the same energy they're creating. So, if I were to shoot an arrow into it..." He reaches into his pocket and sets down a little Bow figurine just outside of the hologram of the pillar..."

And he flicks a little arrow from the bow at the barrier. "It'd fly towards it... and then... ZOOP. All the energy's drained from it. And nothing." he explains. "So, if we're going that route? We're gonna need to get up close and personal."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"If it's her, I'm sure we'll get her out," Mamoru says quietly, the most reassurance he can offer after the sour note. There's literally nothing he can say about 'Princess of the Fright Zone'. Nothing.

He gives Zoisite a Look, then, and it's a 'really?' look, but it's brief and it's unfortunately a little amused. Unfortunately because he might take it as encouragement.

"It is *absolutely maddening* that Sunbreaker's doing something with leylines right after the last stupid plan got sorted," he says, taking off his glasses to scrub at his face. He sighs and puts them back on.

Just in time to see Tiny Bow. His eyes widen. "You have a tiny you. I'm jealous."

Cough. "But anyway-- it's worth seeing if one of my roses can break through, since they do explicitly break magical shields and things, but it's possible she was able to plan for that. If we go that route, up close and personal, how big are the things? Think a crowd of us could topple one like angry people knocking down a statue?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Princess of the Fright Zone. Amy could never hear that title. Usagi feels visions of Halloween Hell dance through her mind -


"I wonder if we could break them from outside... and if any of us know someone who can use Dark Energy, that worked pretty well, when I was in one of those. One of Hope Witch's chara has some of that, and she was able to touch the screens..."

A pause.

"Or... do you think mundane weapons would work?"

Hey. If magic can't work... can non-magical solutions work? She has a distinct memory of a Homura-chan using real bullets, and while Usagi doesn't want to go that far...

"Wait, Sunbreaker has minions? Of her own? Since when?!"

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno just makes a litlte noncommital 'hum' when Zoisite retorts. It at least got him to stop looming behind her which was the whole point, really. It was a little distracting to feel him just... standing there reading over her shoulder.

All the information that has been shared has been committed to the computer by now, so she stops typing to flex her fingers a time or two instead. It's the tiny Bow that was on display which earns a curious look from her as well. "Oh! That's cute. I wonder if I could make something like that with the 3D printer in the library." A project for later perhaps!

Back on topic Ami pipes up with, "It's still a structure. Unless there's some magic on it to keep mundane things from damaging them, that may be a way, but we would need someone mundane to deliver the weapon, or bomb, or whatever we are using against it." A pause comes as she thinks, then adds, "Or someone out of henshin would work too I guess."

Zoisite has posed:
    The look Mamoru gives him would only spur Zoisite on in regular situations, but he is doing his best to behave, here. Because this is very important information on a very real threat, and it would be a careless move on his part to not give it its due. He is abiding by his knightly duties today.

    "Right. Shoot a regular arrow at it, from afar. No transformations. Give them as little energy from our own stores as possible. But how much damage can we do from a distance?"

    His head tilts and his eyes go thin, cat-like, as he considers. "Either way whoever goes in there is at risk for being drained," and he nods at Ami. "We'd need an extraction team in place. People who can move fast and get people out just as fast."

    To the group as a whole, he poses the question idly, as he brushes a hand through his ponytail: "Any of you happen to know someone with a skillset like that?"

Bow has posed:
"Sunackies! That's what they're called!" Bow snaps his fingers as he listens to the ideas of the others, and his attention swivels between the four. For a moment, it's almost like when he and Glimmer and Adora were all trying to assault the Horde Fortress and all those ideas. They would be eagerly eating this whole thing up.

But for the moment, he's alone.

Magic roses that can break shields? Well, Perfuma would totally be impressed. And Bow is too, blinking as he's snapped out of his worry and concern for his friends. "You have magic roses??" he asks, eyes sparkling for a moment, before he blinks a couple of times and shakes his head quickly. "I have an idea as well."

His attention turns to Mercury and Usagi. "They said they were going to investigate it. It's my hope that Mercury, if she's better with computers than I am... which yeah, I'm not that great at them. But if she can break the encryption and get into the system? We can come back with the tech pad, break in, and give Obsidian a taste of their own medicine instead of just blowing it all up, by reversing the flow." he explains. "And yes, I have miniatures that we used for military planning." TOTALLY for military planning. "If I'm around long enough, I'll make you one, Mamoru."

To Zoisite, Bow shakes his head and chuckles. "No... I've been on this planet a little over a month?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"In henshin, GG Loyalty is supposed to be pretty fast," Usagi says hestitantly, "And Uranus-san is fast too - she's the Soldier of the Wind, and she can run like it. I think she might be fast, even out of henshin..."

She taps her chin, thinking, "Naru-chan's done a lot of work on her stamina and speed too, since she's like catnip for youma, but... should we really put one person in such a dangerous role?"

Sorry Zoisite. It does not occurr to her for even a moment to suggest you. Crushing, perhaps.

"Ami-chan would be great at that; she really is a genius, and her computer is really good with calculations - oh! The Device Mages might be good too? For the calculations! When we had to crack a code, after Mamochan and Naru-chan figured out the basics, Page Mage was able to use her device to really crunch those numbers to brute force it!"

Sorry Rashmi-chan! She's not willing to just give people your name! Page Mage it is!


"Sunackies?! Like Sun Snackies?!" Oh, she's absolutely going to have to ask Hinoiri about that, isn't she? She's going to have to break the silent barrier between them.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno sits up a bit straighter when Bow speaks up questioning her ability about being better with computers. "Of course! It may take me a bit, but I may be able to cut that time down significantly if I can study your own computer if they're similar." She gives the Crystal Hope a bit of a thoughtful look while tapping a finger to her chin with a slow nod.

"I can do it. I think perhaps I should check to see if these towers drain my computer's energy before we do a full out attack as well, first. If there's limitations it's best to know beforehand, but it *is* technically not really magic it's just it's so highly advanced compared to what's currently on Earth."

Science, magic, the usual.

As Usagi starts to suggest people she adds helpfully, "Uranus also races on her motorcycle and in cars, that may help with the extraction since it's using a mundane method as well."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"I could go in, too," Mamoru suggests. "But if we want someone who's really strong outside of henshin to get people out fast-- we could ask Makoto and Chiyo. Either of them could carry a couple of people out if worst came to worst." He hunches his shoulders down a little and lets his feet drop out of sitting crosslegged, not quite dangling off the edge of the desk, not quite not.

He gives Bow a quick, crooked little smile. "I can only do it transformed, so, later. But I absolutely have magic roses."

Zoisite has posed:
    With a rather put-upon sigh, Zoisite tosses his ponytail over his shoulder and puts his hands on his hips. "I can teleport," he points out, lower lip pouted ever-so-slightly as he says it. "I'd have to physically carry someone out, but that's not an issue either."

    His eyes immediately cut to Mamoru when he suggests going in, but rather than object, he only nods. "I'd be able to get you out if it came to that," and he opens his mouth to say something, but then closes it, reopens his mouth, then completes the sentence with, "Mamoru," rather than the other name he was no doubt about to use.

    See, he's trying.

    He subsides after that, focusing more on listening than offering input, though the gleam in his eyes suggest he might be up to some sort of clever plotting in the background.

Bow has posed:
"I was in the zone for at least thirty minutes. I was exhausted, but not completely drained. And that was while henshined. But then again, I wasn't magic on Etheria, I am here. So I have no idea if I'm a rule or an exception." Bow points out, trying to remain relevant here and answer questions where he can - even the one's not asked. Like about how long they can be in there.

"I'll go along with whatever ideas you all come up with, this is your world after all. But if this is Etherian technology, I don't want there to be an unexpected response if we just try to destroy it?"

A shake of his head to Ami. "I'm more than sure you can do the computer thing better than me, that's why I'm asking for help. I apologize if I didn't make that clear." he draws in a little breath, before he considers. "Crystal Hope, do you mind if she..."

"Absolutely not. She can scan the tech pad." Crystal Hope responds. "But I prefer not to be probed. Thank you." the little crystalline figure says, a flat look appearing on her face.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Thirty minutes... that's not too bad," Usagi notes, looking a little more cheerful at the thought. "Even if we're weaker in fighting - maybe we won't be, if we're just trying to get out..."

And then Zoisite suggests teleportation, and Usagi - nods, slow. That could work. And she can trust that Zoisite won't let Mamoru down. He'd come to them to be purified of his own will, recognizing that there was something wrong with him and that his prince - and Serenity - could fix it.

After that... no, he wouldn't do anything to hurt Mamoru.

"Inai-sensei can teleport too. If we ended up wanting to try with multiple people, you wouldn't have to carry them out all by yourself, Zoisite."

She leans against Mamoru, pressed shoulder to hip.

"Mamochan's tough in his henshin, and if his roses do work... though, maybe they only bend magic, in that field? Since things are weaker?"

What would bent magic even look like?

"Bow-kun, as long as you're here, this is your world too. If you have advice on the Etherian tech... you're the expert. We really respect your opinion!"

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno doesn't hesitate once she gets permission from Bow and the AI known as Crystal Hope. Though she'd been tired before, she easily leaps out of her seat with her Mercury Computer scooped up in hand to cross over to where Bow is. "Excellent! Oh no scanning will be fine, I don't take things apart, that's my roommate. She's the Meister not me."

Though they were in the middle of the Shed of all places she suddenly produces her Mercury pen to hold aloft while her attention is STILL on the computer in her other hand. "Mercury Power, Make up!"

The transformation may be a bit dazzling in tight quarters such as this but she was on a mission! As soon as she's fully transformed her hand descends to touch one of the earrings on her right ear summoning her visor that spans out over her eyes from the tiara she wears.

"Excellent! This will just take a few moments to scan," she assures while leaning down a bit to better look directly at Crystal Hope and the pad, while typing away at her mini-computer without even looking. The visor was doing most of the scanning. The rest was just notes.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Mamoru practically sparkles at Zoisite as he hears, without hearing, the name his guardian almost said. If he's close enough to reach out and touch, Mamoru reaches out and touches him; otherwise it's just a smile, warm and bright.

He loosely puts an arm around Usagi, hand on her back, and notes, "It's absolutely worth experimenting. The rose business. But-- that would be something to try from outside, yeah. My aim's exceptionally good," he doesn't sound like he's bragging, just stating it, "so if you can't get the hacking to work, and we can't set up a siege engine, then I might be able to do a very sharp critique of something at least."

He sighs a little then laughs. "Normally I'd be all-in on the smart way to do it, the way you're planning for. I'm just so tired of the leylines being drained or corrupted or diverted or whatever, I want to break it. It's suboptimal, I know."

Bow has posed:
Bow has to blink his eyes a few times when Mercury makes up into her full computer meiser form. "Wow..." he whispers. And one can probably see the sparkles in those big dark eyes of his as he watches the Sailor Senshin at work. Nope, he's not out of his league. He's not even in the same ballpark.

Mercury's scan commences. It should look like a normal tech pad. And act like one. But the technology? While it should make sense, has a deep alien root, in something old, anctient, and partially bonded with magic. And it's the symbols. A language. And instead of letters and numbers, it's all symbols and lines and marks. It's like a modern AI artist trying to translate heiroglyphics from anctient Egypt.

(OOC Sample Only! https://www.dreamworkstv.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/SheRa_FirstOnes_Language.pdf )

When Mercury tries to scan Crystal Hope, though? The little crystal figure derezzes, immediately returning to the earring that Bow wears in his ear. "She... can be difficult at times." he admits with a little sigh. "She is the guardian of the Heart of Etheria. Which is what all the runestones on our world are tied to, and pretty much provide everything that drives our homeworld. So... little secretive?" he holds his fingers a little bit apart.

Usagi's comment draws a small smile and a nod. "Thank you, Usagi. I have been made to feel welcome, and made new friends while I've been here. There's no real way I can repay the hospitality then by helping out where I can." he offers. "That said, considering that Adora did not destroy the world the first time she used the Sword of Protection? I'm hoping that Etherian tech is not terribly dangerous here."

"I understand your concern, Mamoru." Bow smiles sympathetically, a glances up to Mamoru. "But back on Etheria, the runestones, Etheria's moons, and all the leylines were interconnected. When damage is done to one of them, it affects the whole thing. And something happened, in our past, where Etheria lost it's balance, and we were trying to find that balance again, when..." he rubs his head, trying to remember something, "That's when Adora... our Adora... disappeared. So, we should tread carefully. I think."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno shifts away from the pad to smile at Bow's sparkly-eyed reaction looking just a little embarassed by having such a gaze fixed on her. Yet, kind of proud at the same time that there was someone else so interested in what she was currently doing.

Then Crystal Hope de-rezzes causing her attention to flit back with a soft 'oh!' of surprise. At least until Bow explains why she might be a bit shy.

"Ah, I see! That's a very important job, I can understand why she'd want to protect that. I apologize."

Standing again with a firm nod that sends her bob of hair bouncing she announces, "I've got a good read on it. I'll study it a bit tonight, and see if I can determine a way to quickly enter the towers systems."

It seems she might say more but she just... yawns suddenly. Only for a hand to clap over her mouth with a blush.

"Sorry. Late night study sessions," she explains. "I'll retire for now and look over this information."