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Latest revision as of 20:23, 17 April 2024

A different blade training
Date of Scene: 15 April 2024
Location: Penguin Park
Synopsis: Yuuto teaches Coco about rollerblading, and then they go for icecream and stuff.
Cast of Characters: Coco Kiumi, Yuuto Shiraishi

Coco Kiumi has posed:
It was a placid afternoon with just a small breeze refreshing the spring air. Hiding behind a few clouds, Coco and Yuuto had come to the park with their own rollerblades. Well, in Coco's case they were brand new, because the mermaid had never tried something like that in her life before, and so she was sure it would take her a whole before she could actually use them effectively.

As long as it doesn't bore Yuuto, though, learning is its own fun, so she reserves her boyfriend a wide smile before she goes sitting onto a bench so she can exchange the boots she is wearing for her rollerblades.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
After all the time that Coco has probably seen Yuuto on skates, he probably should have asked if she was interested - but when she said that she wanted to learn herself, that made his heart skip a beat that his fiancée wanted to learn something he did a lot!

So he had helped her find a pair of rollerblades (he owns a pair of his own) and after getting her foot measurements and picking out a pair that she wanted, Yuuto was kneeling before her at the bench as he helps her slip the skates on. "I hope you're okay with a lot of hand-holding." he teases her playfully, an excited smile on his face. "You'll find it's not much different than walking once you get the hang of it!"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Of course I am fine with it", Coco exclaims, replying to his tease with a straightforward answer to poke fun at him. It wasn't like she had ever been bothered by them holding hands, anyway. Or something further than that. Once she has put on the rollerblades, she tentatively gets up on her own two feet, using either the bench or an arm Yuuto could be offering her to keep herself balanced.

"I am not particularly worried, and I am sure it won't take long at all for me to get the hang of keeping my balance", she smiles without any uncertainty, "just remember that even once I have gotten around to doing that, I won't have learnt the many tricks I am sure you already know", she clarifies cheerily.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Grinning widely, Yuuto takes a moment to take Coco's hand and places a little kiss on the top of it. Once the skates are on and secure, he's moving to his feet. "Don't worry, I won't be immediately assuming that you're ready to do roller-disco." A wink at her as he shifts to move to stand next to next to her so that Coco can take his arm.

Once he has her secured, his hand covers hers as he grins at her. "We're going to start off simple, I want you to just walk a little, get a feeling for how they are on your feet. Way different than having a tail." Which now he knows what that feels like - even if he was a girl as well.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco grins back in amusement when Yuuto doesn't miss the occasion to kiss her hand. He can be so extra affectionate sometimes. With a solid yet not too tight grasp on his arm, Coco just tries her first steps on rollerblades, the set of wheels scratching against the floor as she sways lightly.

"I know, it's very particular. Even when you were trying to get used to a tail, you weren't at risk of falling anywhere", Coco quips, her tone indicating no actual displeasure or complaint on her part. While she rolls forward a bit, she focuses on grasping the motions and try to keep them steady.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
When they start to move, Yuuto chuckles. "No, just sudden accelerations and not knowing how to stop." he admits with a small laugh as he looks down at her feet. While she's 'walking', he's casually moving his feet in small motions to skate next to her. "You got this." he says with encouragement, glancing aside to the pretty blonde - that many people would totally say is too beautiful to be dating him.

"Alright, now I want you to stop stepping up, and instead, step out. Always forward, never back." His grip tightens on her, ready to support her if she falls, his words meant to encourage her. "Just a gentle glide. A little, not too much."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
'Not knowing how to stop?' Coco regards that statement quizzically, wondering exactly how he would be unable to stop, but the rollerblades are asking for her full focus, so that's what she keeps her attention onto while they are still moving forward onto the stone path of the park.

At Yuuto's urging she does more of those types of forward rolling motions and she starts tentatively letting go of his arm, being able to at least stay steady on her own, shooting him a smile at that little success.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
When she starts indicates that she wants to let go, Yuuto loosens his grip on Coco, to allow her to attempt to skate on her own. He continues to move next to her, watching her feet. "That's it. Doing great." He grins at her as he crosses his feet, keeping his own pace slow so that he can keep pace with her. "So you have the straight line downpat..." he starts. "Now, we're going to try turning."

"Turning is pretty easy too. You're going to want to shift your weight a little in the direction you want to go in, and move that skate forward a bit to guide you." Too illustrate, he skates a little in front of her, and shows her the movement, making the turn, before turning again and skating back around her and to her again.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco sways a little when she is let go of, but she is able to catch herself and recover her balance. With a smile of reassurance to Yuuto, she starts rolling forward a bit before making her first attempt at a turn, an actual promising result that sees her return to him fairly well, never actually risking to fall during that maneuver.

Next, she starts trying going in small circles around Yuuto, getting the hang of it more and more. "I am doing well, am I not?", she finally comments, getting at a stop before watching Yuuto himself.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
As Coco takes to her skates like a mermaid to water, Yuuto grins a little, lovingly impressed with his fiancee's skill as she makes her small turn and starts to orbit around him. That causes him to laugh a little, as he points out. "You know, I though my whole world revolved around you, Princess." he teases softly as he waits for her to rejoin him.

Once she does, his hand is offered to her. "Come on." he says encouragingly, pulling her along, his fingers slid between hers as the pair moves along the pathway set aside for skates and bikes, casually moving along as he stays close to her. "Thank you for doing this, Coco." he says as they move. "I always want to share my interest with you, but I know that something like this..." he glances off in the direction of the ocean. "Well, kinda hard to skate without legs. You're a natural, though!"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"That's a good one", Coco smirks in response to Yuuto's statement, her first thought rather than his world revolving around her how Yuuto instead really adapted to her and her world. He has really gotten out of his shell, he is no longer that hesitant. He is comfortable with flirting back now.

Yuuto's hand is squeezed when Coco takes it, Coco's rollerblades scratching the pathway when they move along together, the mermaid keeping close to him while she watches the park's greenery around them. "It's ok, I have been adapting to having legs for a very long while now", she smiles, thinking that even underwater her legs are kind of a necessity for when she sings and dances during her idol form. "And I am more than ok with us introducing each other to our hobbies", she remarks. Anything they do together ends up being fun anyway.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
After she squeezes his hand, Yuuto releases hers to tuck both hands behind his back, spinning about to skate backwards so thst he can look at her, legs crossing over as they move in unison, a bit of a dance, even if she's still getting used to being on the blades.

"I know. And I also know, I have yet to see a full concert of yours." he admits. "Besides prom, which was amazing. But I dunno... I think I'd want to just... maybe, someday..." he lifts up his hand to brush his fingers in his hair and blushes. "I'd like to hear you sing just for me, and what song you would pick for that." he confesses, and then adds. "That's not counting as sharing hobbies."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"That... is probably impossible", Coco hesitates to having to decline Yuuto's request. "I am not actually established as an idol here, so there is no concert for you to attend. If you asked anyone, they would have no idea who I even am. This is not like Utau, who has an agency backing her." She frowns internally at having to compare herself with Utau's agency, not really wanting to entertain the thought of doing things alongside Easter even as a hypothetical.

"Besides, I have already sung for you in private twice now, so that is something I actually can do compared to the concerts. My songs are just for my friends and close ones regardless of my thoughts on the matter", she finishes explaining, moving forward to catch up and stay by his side. "And that trick you just did was very neat, by the way."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Yuuto frowns a little, spinning back around to be back at her side. "That's fine. Sorry, I was trying to compliment you." And just like that, the one step forward meets the two steps back as he figuratively withdraws on his line of flirting and it's sidetracked. "I was just saying... I just wanted to hear you sing to me more. It was stupid, nevermind."

"Besides you know, I like you singing to me when I'm not beat up." He draws in a breath, focusing himself back onto the task at hand, teaching her to skate. "Alright, so for the turn around, you want to use the brake on the front of your skate to turn around and as you are finishing the turn, use the brake skate to push backwards and bring the other skate into concert with it."

With his instructions given, he moves to position his arms, ready to catch her if she should slip, after all, he's asking her to do something a little more advanced.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Yuuto, remember the time at the karaoke?", Coco gently nudges him while they still roll around. "All I am saying is that I can offer you things like that. Just not my own concerts, and only because those are things I don't have. I am not hurt or disappointed, and I do appreciate that you enjoy my singing so much, I am just clarifying what I am in position to offer you."

She slides closer to peck his cheek before resuming. "And besides, you know me", she adds, eyes twinkling with joy. "I am unable to get through the day without singing at least once, so it would be my pleasure to sing for you." Ok, she is definitely exaggerating for the first part, but all of that is to say that singing is something she enjoys and will never turn down.

Following his instructions, Coco doesn't take much to adapt to this maneuver and make it hers. It's quite similar to what she has already done after all. And it also helps she has a good instructor at her side.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"And I will never turn down hearing a song from you - and cannot wait to hear what you come up with for our future." There's a little blush there from Yuuto that may clue Coco in that he's considering what she'll sing after they marry. "Anyway, may I point out that your kingdom may want to hear their Princess sing as well?" he suggests to her lightly.

She pecks his cheek and he smirks. "What, you sing in the shower?" comes his retort, before curling his lips in amusement at her enthusiasm at wanting to sing - if only for him. Then she's taking on the manuveur, and when she turns to him, his hands reach to catch hers for a moment. "You're doing great. Sure you need me to teach?" His hands released her with an amused little smile as he moves up closer so that they nearly touch as they skate around.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Luckily for Yuuto, Coco's range is very flexible and she has no qualms with stepping out of her usual genre to listen to others' request. Just give her the text if she doesn't know it already, put the background soundtrack on, and she is good to go. "Of course they will", Coco confirms. "And they are quite used to me following through on that expectation.

"The bathtub", she corrects, making him remember that showers are not really recommended for her, "but I do", Coco confirms. "I just need to be in a particular mood, and bathing is great at that."

"Your instructions are precise and easy to follow", the blonde mermaid gives credit where credit is due. "So I am not at all surprised I am adapting this well." She does the same as him, lightly touching his side with hers.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
There's a small laugh from Yuuto. "So, my Princess." he asks of his fiancee as they skate almost as closely as they danced at prom, "...will karaoke be sweeping the Yellow Island Nation soon?" comes his teasing question. "I really want to kiss you right now, but don't want to throw you off balance." So, he backs off a little.

"Yes. The bathtub. Something else to remember." he comments as he waits for her to turn around and come back to his side as he leads her back around towards the start of the path. "And I think it's as much your natural skill as a dancer than it is my teaching." he points out.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"There wouldn't really be any use in introducing karaoke if I am alone, I can just sing for everyone same as I usually do", Coco confirms to Yuuto, assuring him that everything is fine as is and there is no need for him to worry. "We can stop if you want to", Coco replies at his request of a kiss. They can always resume later.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"Sounds like I'll just have to find a way to sing with you. But you've heard me at karaoke." Yuuto points out teasingly as he grins at her, his hand squeezes hers. "We can kiss when we're done." he promises her. "And maybe get some ice cream as well?" That made with a wider smile.

However, he does lean in to kiss her cheek before turning to lead her down the path, "Did I tell you how cute you look right now?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
In a bit of audacious (and most importantly, teasing) move, when Yuuto calls her cute, Coco takes up speed and spins around (even if nowhere near as fast as the term would make one imagine) and smiles back at him.

"Thank you, and I am good with the ice cream", she promptly agrees, after going towards him. She gets some more practice in, holds hands with him a bit more, and then they can do those.