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A Responsible Adult
Date of Scene: 18 May 2024
Location: Mitakihara General Hospital
Synopsis: Kazuo lets Kyouka know about Mamoru's injuries. And gives her something productive to do. Miraculously, she does not strangle him on the spot.
Cast of Characters: Kazuo Saitou, Kyouka Inai

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    Kazuo TXT: are you still at work

    Kyouka TXT: im always on the clock, whats up?

    Kazuo TXT: Better question. Where can I find you?

    Kyouka TXT: Better question, if this is important, which I assume it is since you are texting me. Where can I find you?

    Kazuo TXT: Mitakihara General emergency room waiting area.

    Kyouka TXT: brt

    There is a tall white-haired figure waiting for her outside the entrance. He starts closing the distance as soon as she's in visual range, and greets her with, "Mamoru. Burns. Not waking up, thankfully. Usagi's with him." And Tamaki, most likely, but Usagi is the one to note. So Kyouka knows she can't wake him either.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka appears from behind a row of columns where it makes no sense for her to be coming from if she arrived by any conventional means, but of course, she did not. Spotting Kazuo, she heads right over to him.

    When he speaks, she goes still for a moment, her expression falling into a stiff neutrality. "How bad?" It's unspoken, but the real question here is 'will he live', likely prompted by the 'not waking up' part even if Kazuo views this as a positive.

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    "Haven't heard officially. Unofficially, bad, but stable." Things Kazuo did not want to tell Kyouka other than face-to-face, check.

    Because even if being at the hospital hadn't already told her, 'stable' means he's not healing.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka absorbs this information with what might seem to be admirable stoicism. Anyone who knows her well, though, would be able to read the fury in her eyes, the grey a hard flint, brittle yet sharp.

    "How?" Is all she asks. A question which encompasses much while assuming little.

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    "We don't know." It's such a calm conversation. Such a reasonable one. Their edges aren't directed at each other. "Best guess: someone targeted a crowd, or a specific girl in it. He protected her. They're both in similar shape, but she's less hurt. Usagi thinks Sunbreaker, but there's no actual proof yet."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    A moment of silence stretches. Kyouka's body is tense, taut, as if she wishes to spring into action but is unsure which way to spring. She's never been the best thinker, analyzer- others think, she acts. But that paradigm breaks down when the thinkers don't have clear answers to give her.

    "Sunbreaker would explain burns." She says, after that moment of silence. "But the rest?" If he's not healing, his magic is disrupted, though she's not aware of the extent of it. Sunbreaker historically does not have that in her repitoire.

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    "We won't know till one of three things happens," Kazuo answers. His eyes are steady, but his right hand keeps absently curling into a fist before he forces it to hand loose again. Hitting the wall of a hospital would be particularly useless. "He wakes up and can talk. The girl wakes up, can talk, and is willing to - I'll see if we can get a name, she might be a student too. Or it happens again."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "So what you're telling me," Kyouka says carefully, calmly, "Is that we know very little and even less for sure, and that waiting is very likely to be the only productive thing that we can do."

    "I do not find this an acceptable state of affairs."

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    "It could be worse." Kazuo's mouth turns up at the corner, in a kind of grim humor. "You could have something productive to do. The hospital's asking about a responsible adult to handle Mamoru's paperwork. For some reason they don't buy me as a legal guardian."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka looks at Kazuo for a moment, as if perhaps wondering if this is a joke. After that moment though, her brain sorts through the logic- Mamoru is a legal ward of Radiant Heart Academy. She is an employee of Radiant Heart Academy. It might be a bit of stretch as this sort of student affairs thing is not usually her responsibility but-

    "Fine." The terse reply is a result of general tension and a genuine dislike of paperwork, not a reluctance to help in this way. It's better than leaving it in the hands of someone else. Someone she may not trust.

    "Who do I need to speak to for that? I'll take care of it."

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    Kazuo does not even joke about 'no, I said a responsible adult.' He bows to Kyouka instead, as solemnly as if she were about to go into a duel... no, more so; Kyouka would enjoy the duel. "At least it'll keep us occupied for a few minutes," he says, and turns to escort her inside.