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From Radiant Heart MUSH

(Created page with "{{Cutscene Header |Date of Scene=2024/07/23 |Location=Hotel Room |Synopsis=Hinoiri has been kidnapped... again. Except, this time? Is so, so much worse than any prior kidnappi...")
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|Date of Scene=2024/07/23
|Date of Scene=2024/07/23
|Location=Hotel Room
|Location=Hotel Room
|Synopsis=Hinoiri has been kidnapped... again. Except, this time? Is so, so much worse than any prior kidnapping... Perhaps the worst kidnapping she has ever experienced.
|Synopsis=Hinoiri has been kidnapped... again. Except, this time? Is so, so much worse than any prior kidnapping... Perhaps the worst kidnapping she has ever imagined.
|Cast of Characters=131
|Cast of Characters=131

Latest revision as of 00:56, 24 July 2024

Foalnapped (Hinoiri Kirara)
Date of Cutscene: 23 July 2024
Location: Hotel Room
Synopsis: Hinoiri has been kidnapped... again. Except, this time? Is so, so much worse than any prior kidnapping... Perhaps the worst kidnapping she has ever imagined.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara

Hinoiri groaned before, slowly, looking up at the youma that had kidnapped her. Why. Who would--

Oh no.

She recognized this youma. This was so, so much worse than she had ever imagined.

She knew who made it. Who designed it. What it wanted.


Her hoof connected with her face when she thought back to those many, many months ago. When she’d been kidnapped. She’d imagined that they’d only come for Naru, that nobody would come for her. That they’d only rescued her as an afterthought.

In her defense, she had been in a majorly negative headspace at the time. After an hour or so she’d actually managed to shake it off and, more importantly, realize that some of those people HAD been there for her. Sayaka, for one. So she’d put the youma into stasis. She’d then forgotten about it.

She took a slow, deep breath. “Hello, Songstopper. I can’t believe this is happening.”

“GASP!” the youma said, kneeling down by the bed and staring at her, eye to eye. “You know my name. Can you read minds?”

“Oh buck,” Hinoiri muttered, facepalming again. “The job is done, I don’t… need to be kidnapped anymore.”

“Hmph, you don’t get to decide that,” Songstopper said.

“… What?” Hinoiri asked.

“Only Sunbreaker can decide that! And I’m sure she’ll be here any minute to tell me how proud of me she is!”

The world seemed to come to a halt as those words echoed through her head. Finally, she said the only thing she could in response to such stupidity.


“Only Sunbreaker can tell me what to do.”

“I AM Sunbreaker!” Hinoiri snapped.

“What? No you’re not. Sunbreaker is a UNICORN. You are a pegasus,” Songstopper said, proudly.

Hinoiri froze a second time from the sheer blow of stupidity. She blinked a few times, watching the youma as it got to its feet and then, a moment later, came back. “Now then. I am supposed to take good care of you, so… here. It’s food,” he said, before putting down a small bowl of… she… didn’t know what.

“First of all, I am an alicorn, second of… all, what is this?” Hinoiri asked, nudging the little pellets in the bowl.

“I don’t know,” Songstopper said. “It came with the water bottle and exercise wheel.”

“Wait, wh—” And Hinoiri froze again when she saw it. A hamster water bottle. And a hamster wheel. Her eye twitched again. Oh. Oh no. Noooooo no no no. “You need to listen to me, first. I am Sunbreaker, I am no longer…”

Hinoiri banged her head against the wall in a desperate attempt to make the stupidity hurt less. How. How did she make something so DUMB? Also, she was hungry. Still, she supposed it wouldn’t be so bad.

She’d made the youma with the duty of keeping her safe. If nobody came for her after a week, it was to just let her go. Nothing else. So it’d feed her, make sure she didn’t get hurt and… so long as nobody found her, she’d be fine.

And if they found her, so long as it didn’t mention Sunbreaker, they’d never know this was her fault. So long as--

The door opened and she sighed. “Finally.”

“I brought you food, as you desired!” Songstopper said proudly, before opening the bag and… “A CHEESEBURGER!”

Hinoiri… face palmed again. “That. That is NOT vegetarian.”

“Of course it is!” Songstopper said. “Cheese is NOT a meat!”

“THE BURGER IS!” Hinoiri yelled.

“But it’s a burger made of cheese!” Songstopper said, holding up the, rather normal, cheeseburger.

Hinoiri’s eyes twitched. Why. Why did she ever think this was a good idea?

Maybe she’d get lucky and they’d just kill her in response when they found out. It’d be a mercy compared to… this.

Oh they’d never let her hear the end of it.

“Look, the brown thing has green on it, that makes it vegetarian,” Songstopper said, pointing to the pickles on the burger patty.

People in the hotel room besides that one occasionally glanced over, wondering what that thumping sound was. It sounded oddly like a mouse banging its head on the wall.