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From Radiant Heart MUSH

(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/06/23 |Location=Tsukino-Osaka Dorm |Synopsis=On the one year anniversary of the first time Usagi and Mamoru met, Usagi hosts a stream, introdu...")
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:'''{{#var:43|Usagi Tsukino (43)}} has posed:'''<br>They're laughing. Her corpse has been looted live on screen and she's absolutely been killed by a newb who is hopping and jumping around because they don't have any emotes, but they're laughing. <br><br>Of course they are. Call of Duty is a game - this is their ''lives''. It's a kiss, live there on stream, and one of her hands has stretched up, up, up to cup his cheek. <br><br>"I love you too. It's a good thing we have cake, because that death is definitely getting capped forever." Another laugh, and she stretches up to kiss him again. "Ah, it's whatever. We're engaged! You finally gave me the ring! The chat log is - wait, what's going on in the chat log? <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Malloween: CONGRATS YOU TWO! &lt;tada.emoji&gt; <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HopsNumber1Fan: NOOOO SHE'S TAKEN <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HopsNumberInfinityFan: HOP WHY <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mareepytime: CONGRATS HOP ARE YOU GONNA STREAM THE WEDDING <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;360YOScope: isn't hop in high school <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;AngstyBrooder23: the light of passion cares not for age my guy <br><br>Another kiss, and Usagi shakes her head off, dismissing the game and her stream as the ring is finagled onto her finger - it's the right size but for some reason, totally unknown, her finger is bouncing all around and her hands are all jittery and excited, wow, why could that be - <br><br>"Even if you did, who cares? I'm engaged! Ah, it's just as pretty as the day you swiped it out from under me~" hahaha he will never live that down, even if, quite clearly, he had swiped it for her. <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;GlimmerSparkleDazzle: Ohhhh. It's shiny. Does shinier mean more love? <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mareepytime: it means more expensive so yes <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;360YOScope: nah man sometimes people are broke but they still ya!<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:43|Usagi Tsukino (43)}} has posed:'''<br>They're laughing. Her corpse has been looted live on screen and she's absolutely been killed by a newb who is hopping and jumping around because they don't have any emotes, but they're laughing. <br><br>Of course they are. Call of Duty is a game - this is their ''lives''. It's a kiss, live there on stream, and one of her hands has stretched up, up, up to cup his cheek. <br><br>"I love you too. It's a good thing we have cake, because that death is definitely getting capped forever." Another laugh, and she stretches up to kiss him again. "Ah, it's whatever. We're engaged! You finally gave me the ring! The chat log is - wait, what's going on in the chat log? <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Malloween: CONGRATS YOU TWO! &lt;tada.emoji&gt; <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HopsNumber1Fan: NOOOO SHE'S TAKEN <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HopsNumberInfinityFan: HOP WHY <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mareepytime: CONGRATS HOP ARE YOU GONNA STREAM THE WEDDING <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;360YOScope: isn't hop in high school <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;AngstyBrooder23: the light of passion cares not for age my guy <br><br>Another kiss, and Usagi shakes her head off, dismissing the game and her stream as the ring is finagled onto her finger - it's the right size but for some reason, totally unknown, her finger is bouncing all around and her hands are all jittery and excited, wow, why could that be - <br><br>"Even if you did, who cares? I'm engaged! Ah, it's just as pretty as the day you swiped it out from under me~" hahaha he will never live that down, even if, quite clearly, he had swiped it for her. <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;GlimmerSparkleDazzle: Ohhhh. It's shiny. Does shinier mean more love? <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mareepytime: it means more expensive so yes <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;360YOScope: nah man sometimes people are broke but they still ya!<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:38|Mamoru Chiba (38)}} has posed:'''<br>All of a sudden it's really, it's really real, the ring is on Usagi's finger and it's ''real'', and a bright future is in Mamoru's touch, full of love and all their friends and an end to this madness no matter what, and his voice shakes a little from the happiness-- "We're engaged!"<br><br>There are no lies between them, not with emotions laid bare in the golden warmth of Mamoru's power, and he's as giddy as Usagi is-- it ''pours'' in, a whole well of joy bubbling up to overflow. This isn't ''new'', but it's new that it's ''official'', that Usagi can wave it around if she wants...<br><br>And Mamoru leand down to meet Usagi's kisses, to kiss back, to--<br><br>"Hey, I was saving you!" he laughs, and there's nothing but amusement in there, no real indignation despite it being in his voice. "And how better to choose a ring than already knowing you liked it? I didn't ''know'' at the time, not consciously, but despite everything I knew anyway."<br><br>And then another kiss, and he grins, and he whispers, and it's silly because they're both still wearing their headsets, "Should we turn off the camera?"<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:38|Mamoru Chiba (38)}} has posed:'''<br>All of a sudden it's really, it's really real, the ring is on Usagi's finger and it's ''real'', and a bright future is in Mamoru's touch, full of love and all their friends and an end to this madness no matter what, and his voice shakes a little from the happiness-- "We're engaged!"<br><br>There are no lies between them, not with emotions laid bare in the golden warmth of Mamoru's power, and he's as giddy as Usagi is-- it ''pours'' in, a whole well of joy bubbling up to overflow. This isn't ''new'', but it's new that it's ''official'', that Usagi can wave it around if she wants...<br><br>And Mamoru leand down to meet Usagi's kisses, to kiss back, to--<br><br>"Hey, I was saving you!" he laughs, and there's nothing but amusement in there, no real indignation despite it being in his voice. "And how better to choose a ring than already knowing you liked it? I didn't ''know'' at the time, not consciously, but despite everything I knew anyway."<br><br>And then another kiss, and he grins, and he whispers, and it's silly because they're both still wearing their headsets, "Let's turn off the camera."<br> <br>

Latest revision as of 16:03, 3 July 2024

HopHopBunnychan is now Streaming...
Date of Scene: 23 June 2024
Location: Tsukino-Osaka Dorm
Synopsis: On the one year anniversary of the first time Usagi and Mamoru met, Usagi hosts a stream, introducing her Mamochan to her streaming audience! With guest commentary from Amy and Glimmer, and hey, wait... is that a RING? (Happy Gameiversary!)
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, Mamoru Chiba

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
It's nearing the end of June, but most importantly, it's a very specific date, one enshrined in Usagi's memory - not because it was the first day she ever transformed, ever became Sailor Moon, but because, far more importantly, it was the first time she had ever met Mamoru (in this life). It had been an entire year since that amazing, wonderful, terrifying day, and Usagi regrets absolutely nothing of the decisions that brought them together, that brought them here.

Here, in her dorm room, Naru and Luna bribed to go off and let them have peace, with her computer set up and her games launched and their headsets prepped, and her stream followers commenting along about how long it had been since HopHopBunnychan did a stream and -

"What can I say? Life has been really busy! It's hard being a high-schooler! But a while ago I promised my amazing, wonderful boyfriend that I would stream for him so he could see me play, and Hop never breaks her promises!"

She grins and flashes a peace sign for the camera before leaning over to press a kiss to Mamoru's cheek.

    AngstyBrooder23: can't believe Hop-chan comes back just to break out hearts!
    360YOScope: dude there was no way hop-chan was gonna give any of us the time of day
    SpamInTheWorks: yeah but we had DREAMS man
    AngstyBrooder23: and now they're all gone because damn that dude is practically an idol

"He's over six feet tall, too," Usagi informs her chat, giggling as the conversation erupts with emojis.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Their anniversary! Mamoru definitely had Plans and he even shared part of them~~

He'd asked if they could stay in and he could get takeaway for their anniversary, and if she could stream and he could watch, and he'd gone to a really ridiculously fancy restaurant that he'd made some business deals in back when he was with Obsidian, and he'd gotten something like 50,000 yen worth of Extremely Fancy Delicious Dinner in takeaway containers with some story about his fiancee being sick for their anniversary--

--suffice it to say, he'd absolutely teleported to Usagi's room rather than risk spilling wagyu steak and fondant potatoes et cetera, and truly egregiously fancy desserts and mocktails...

He's since dressed down, wearing his new favorite punk band shirt (curse you Hinoiri for burning his old favorite shirt) and jeans, and he's sipping what looks for all the world like a hyper-fancy alcoholic beverage with gold leaf in it, wearing headphones next to Usagi. He took off his glasses in view of the camera in order to put the headphones on, and his fluffy hair's floofed just so, and his expression's absolutely delighted. All of him is delighted.

He grins at Usagi when she kisses his cheek, and as she's giggling, he leans back to kiss her cheek too. Then he laughs. "I have to bend down to put my chin on her head," he confesses. Then he pauses. "Can they hear me or should I get my laptop and log in to the chat? I should probably get my laptop..."

It is so obvious he has never played or streamed before.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
It had been an absolutely fantabulous dinner - delicious and delightful, the kind of food that an exceptionally talented chef could make, and there had been more than one steak or potato-flavored kiss while they ate, tucked together on the couch with the blinds shut and the door locked and privacy guaranteed.

It's not a date. They're just spending time together. It's not a night out, it's an evening in.

Dinner had been followed by mocktails, and Usagi's already had to promise all her lovely followers that Hop has not become a bad girl and started drinking, really-really-really! Come on, who would doubt such a super cute face?

All the charm and the charisma is real, and it's clear that if she'd wanted, she could have put some effort into getting sponsors, into being a big deal. Even after ages away, there are still hundreds of people tuning into this stream.

They get to see Usagi in her favorite pink-turtleneck and black miniskirt combo, though they can't see much of the mini-skirt, what with her sitting down. Her earphones are a set of white-and-pink headphones with bunny ears, one artfully flopped and the other standing straight.

When Mamoru asks his question, the chat is flooded with responses -

    Malloween: Aww that's great show him what you can do! Has he never seen you play?
    SpamInTheWorks: we can definitely hear you!
    RiffTracks: is he new?
    AngstyBrooder23: obvs he's new, let him in the chat!

"They can hear you! I set your headphones up so they can hear both of us, and you don't need to be in the chat; the sidescroll is there, but there's a lot of them and they'd probably swarm you! I don't have any chat mods."

    360YOScope: because you can trust us hop-chan! we don't bite!
    Destiny2for1Sale: yes we do
    bitelittlewolf: wow, thanks man.
    360YOScope: oh come on

"So, I'm going to do a few rounds in Black Ops, just for old times' sake, and then we'll probably hop on to the newest game and it's server, okay? BlackOps is the one I started with so I always warm up there. And nope, he's never seen me play! I haven't had as much time for games lately, and usually when we hang out, we're trying to have a date. So you guys be super nice to us, okay!"

    AngstyBrooder23: we're always nice. the darkness beckons if you aren't
    mareepytime: oh not the darkness

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Ohhh, oh, okay. Haha, I might join the chat sometime, but yeah, not this time, I'm very delicate and cannot be swarmed," Mamoru says, trying to keep a straight face.

It fails. He's enjoying himself too much and that was a ridiculous thing to say.

"Yeah! We're either trying to have a date and something is interrupting us, or we're doing homework. Which usually ends up with kissing. We have no chill. Sorry."

He sips his mocktail again, then sets it down and leans forward a little, elbows on his knees. He hasn't stopped smiling, not really. And then the smile turns into a grin again. "It's our one-year anniversary," he says in a way that's almost confidential, except it's being broadcast to hundreds of people. "But I only just started playing videogames that aren't Pokemon Go. I am very new."

A beat as he leans forward (offscreen) a little more to read something in the chat. "Oh," he says, frowning, "Do you have a problem with darkness beckoning, or is that a schtick?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
The chat fully erupts at this admission. A casual! Their no-scope goddess, their slaughterer of man, was dating a filthy casual? Kissing a casual! But, but, but, but -!

Usagi pays them absolutely no mind.

"You're very good at it already," she says loyally, "Your like, city thing is growing! You have resources! And citizens! And of course you're great at kissing, but we get lots of practice at that!"

She remembers things about these sorts of games! Support! Love and support!

She doesn't understand how Mamoru has fun with his games, at all - they move entirely too slowly for her unless she plays them so fast that everything inevitably spirals out of control - but she supports him nonetheless. And obviously, kissing is always fun. They kiss a truly obnoxious amount (for everyone else).

    360YOScope: are you sure this guy isn't playing us
    Destiny2for1Sale: who lies about being a casual
    SpamInTheWorks: forget that who lies about getting to kiss hop-chan?!?
    Malloween: Aww, happy anniversary! Congrats you two!

"Oh, Angst likes the darkness, it's part of his whole thing; on his streams it's always in the dark with just like, one candle, while he tells scary stories while playing walking simulators. It's really spooky! Very ASMR." She nods happily, loading the game, and then -

"Oh, thank you Mallowchan! We're really happy! We met one year ago today and it was definitely big emotions at first sight!"

No one has to know the cause of those big emotions, unless Mamoru wants to spill.

    AngstyBrooder23: thank you for your support, hop.
    mareepytime: he's an edgelord and hop is way too nice.
    Malloween: Wait, you play Pokemon Go? Friend me later, I might have some pokemon to trade! Also what kinds of games do you like so far?

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Now Mamoru's grinning like the troll he is, unrepentant, and to avoid squinting at the screen again, he just holds his folded-up glasses to his eyes and looks over the arms. "Hey, some of my best friends are edgelords," he says cheerfully, then picks up his drink and takes another sip. "I was an edgelord when we met, even! Very darkness, many evil. There were such big emotions. It took her months to break me of my bad habits..."

He keeps scanning the chat, trailing off as he reads-- my gosh, he reads quickly. "Yeah-- I've been playing pokemon go for like five years, from when I got my first phone. And sure, when I get in chat or whatever I'll post my trainer code. Or like, send me a DM I can check later, I made an account here, it's unmaskalive0807."

A beat. "I'm really digging Civ and Stellaris. I love history and I love hard SF, aaaand I love worldbuilding, and I really love making my brother crazy by working on diplomatic and dynastic empires when he's all conquer, conquer, conquer."

He sips his drink again, then puts it down and reaches for Usagi's and sips hers. "Second-hand kissu," he says perfectly seriously, then holds the straw for her while her hands are full of controller.

And he asks, "So what do you do in Call of Duty? Just shoot everyone and stand triumphant on a pile of their sorry corpses?"

He does a grinning take to the camera.

He may not be playing them, but he's definitely playing.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
    Malloween: @mareepytime What's wrong with being nice?
    mareepytime: being nice is fine, but not when edgelords keep crowding out hop's chat!

"My return stream has room for everyone," Usagi says strictly, "Especially since Unmaskalive0807 here is right, he was suuuuch a bad boy when we met. And also we know too many edgelords for me to not accept them here."

    mareepytime: aw but hop you're so sweet!
    360YOScope: cant believe the girl named bunny likes badboys. wait no i totally can.
    mareepytime: not every sweet girl likes a bad boy!

"I don't even like most bad boys," Usagi says cheerfully, and the game is finally loaded, searching for a field of victims, er, fellow players.

"Five years of Pokémon Go! That game is so old now, but it's still pretty fun, huh? Catching Pokémon on a walk - I don't always remember to turn it on anymore, but, it's super cute when you can take pictures with your cute little friend!"

And then he takes her drink, and she half-shriek half-giggles, "Second-hand kissu! I don't know if my stream is ready for all this lovey-dovey-ness Unmaskalive-chan~"

But she giggles while she drinks from the straw, humming at the taste. Very sweet, of course.

"Pretty much. You need to run around to get your gear, loot to get money to upgrade gear and supplies, and of course, snipe your opponents to death, so you can be the last one standing! I'm pretty good at that."

    SpamInTheWorks: stupid good at it, even
    SpamInTheWorks: remember when you had to play live on stream at that arcade, just so people would stop saying you were cheating?

"Ah, don't remind me! Not that I'm against playing at arcades, I love arcades, but like, it was super annoying! I had to get someone to hold my phone for the camera and it was all jittery."

    Malloween: OH MAN STELLARIS! We must play some time! Have any favorite RP civ, or favorite ascension path? I do synth ascension but I'm annoyed they won't let my pops live in VR for some reason.
    Malloween: I've played a bunch but my favorite guys are a lost human colony stuck on a world where alien machines changed them and make life easier so now their culture is basically the internet, it's wonderfully terrible.

"Unmaskalive-chan has tried to explain Stellaris to me like four times and I never remember anything, but, I never remember."

Into a game she drops, and before long, she is, indeed, killing all the guys.

     GlimmerSparkleDazzle: Awwww, I was hoping there'd be some bouncing bunnies here.
    mareepytime: oh no hop you got another one
    360YOScope: hop did it again

"Sorry GlimmerSparkleDazzle, I'm the only bunny here~ But there is a lot of bouncing, see?"

Another perfectly aimed sniper shot, and the enemy goes flying thanks to the joy of video game physics. There is indeed a bounce.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Aww, Bunbun, you can call me Mask-chan~" Mamoru tells Usagi, putting down his glasses and Usagi's drink, then leaning to kiss her cheek while she's killing all the guys. He glances at the chat again, leans forward and squints again, and then shakes his head with a rueful laugh. "DM me later, Malloween. I gotta watch the noscope goddess do her thing, I don't want to get into how new I am at 4X games while she's shooting everyone."

And he does watch for a little while, and he picks up his glasses to eye the chat again, and when Usagi's deep, deep in it, he says stoutly, "I'm positive that nothing could actually make you break your streak or whatever aside from a power or internet outage. Nothing."

A strange statement, to be sure.

Mamoru reaches into his pocket, then, and leans back, and holds a small object up above and behind Usagi's head, careful to make sure the camera can see it. He flips it open, and it is so obviously a jewelry box, and that is absolutely glittering like diamond in it.

He glances at the chat very very quickly, then gets the ring out of the box one-handed and lets it drop to the floor behind Usagi. Then Mamoru straightens upright once more and holds the ring out in front of Usagi.

"So-- will you marry me, hophopbunnychan?" he asks, both sincerely and like he knows he's going to die and so worth--

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Will do, Mask-chan~" it's said with a bright, bright laugh, clearly excited     GlimmerSparkleDazzle: OH MY GOSH! That's so violent!
    GlimmerSparkleDazzle: What game is this again?
    GlimmerSparkleDazzle: Is it all guns or are their other weapons?
    aAngstyBrooder23: mostly guns but some other stuff too

"It's mostly guns, but there's like, hammers and pickaxes and knives too, but I like sniping," Usagi says distractedly, lining up three shots in rapid succession as she executes a small team. "This is Call of Duty Black Ops! It's an older game, but I'm going into Call of Duty Warzone later."

Ah, she's not lost her touch at all! How super reassuring, honestly.

"Yeah, I'm super good! It takes someone else pretty good to get me, and I don't think I'm in a lobby with anyone on my level," which is definitely a bragging statement, but HopHopBunnychan's streams are not a place people go to see a cute girl be shy about her talent. Of course, no one's caring about that right now.

Deep in the game, she doesn't notice her chat starting to go absolutely crazy as Mamoru preps things behind her, absolutely teasing her stream. They're used to being ignored, a little, when the ZONE is reached, but -

This is so important!

    GlimmerSparkleDazzle: Wait, is that a weapon?
    mareepytime: NO FUCKING WAY
    360YOScope: IS THAT A RING?
    AngstyBrooder23: the darkness is gone the darkness is gone holy shit
    mareepytime: HOP, HOP YOU GOTTA -

And then the box drops, which Usagi twitches at, recognizing noise and then -

Words, penetrating the zone.

Usagi jerks her head, eyes wide.

Usagi stares, at the ring, familiar and lovely and utterly hers, and at the grinning boy offering it to her, and the game ping ping pings as players take shots at her and three miss the and the others don't and -

"You JERK, you waited until my stream?!" But she's laughing, she's laughing and she's smiling so, so, so wide, and she's half off-screen now, because she's leaped out of her chair to hug him, and on the game screen she's definitely died and her corpse is being looted. "Of course I'll marry you!"

    GlimmerSparkleDazzle: OH MY GOSH HE ASKED HER TO MARRY HIM! Ohhhh, this show is getting good! How are his abs?

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
He's hugged, he hugs back, he's laughing and laughing, and Mamoru kisses Usagi's nose, and leans them back into the camera and k-i-s-s-e-s her, properly if briefly, and then says, "A suitably dramatic moment! On our anniversary! We even have cake, still, for after."

He's grinning all over again, bright as the sun, dark ocean blue eyes sparkling at Usagi. "I love you so much. Thank you for putting up with me. Sorry they're looting your corpse. At least you're going to have fun reading the scrollback, right?"

Sentences that can only happen following each other in very specific circumstances.

Hey, look, another kiss! as he's trying to kiss and put the ring on Usagi's finger. It's a little difficult.

"I do actually want to watch you play, but I had to," Mamoru confesses, ruining it a little by starting to laugh again. "I didn't ruin your world tour, did I?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
They're laughing. Her corpse has been looted live on screen and she's absolutely been killed by a newb who is hopping and jumping around because they don't have any emotes, but they're laughing.

Of course they are. Call of Duty is a game - this is their lives. It's a kiss, live there on stream, and one of her hands has stretched up, up, up to cup his cheek.

"I love you too. It's a good thing we have cake, because that death is definitely getting capped forever." Another laugh, and she stretches up to kiss him again. "Ah, it's whatever. We're engaged! You finally gave me the ring! The chat log is - wait, what's going on in the chat log?

    Malloween: CONGRATS YOU TWO! <tada.emoji>
    HopsNumber1Fan: NOOOO SHE'S TAKEN
    HopsNumberInfinityFan: HOP WHY
    360YOScope: isn't hop in high school
    AngstyBrooder23: the light of passion cares not for age my guy

Another kiss, and Usagi shakes her head off, dismissing the game and her stream as the ring is finagled onto her finger - it's the right size but for some reason, totally unknown, her finger is bouncing all around and her hands are all jittery and excited, wow, why could that be -

"Even if you did, who cares? I'm engaged! Ah, it's just as pretty as the day you swiped it out from under me~" hahaha he will never live that down, even if, quite clearly, he had swiped it for her.

    GlimmerSparkleDazzle: Ohhhh. It's shiny. Does shinier mean more love?
    mareepytime: it means more expensive so yes
    360YOScope: nah man sometimes people are broke but they still ya!

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
All of a sudden it's really, it's really real, the ring is on Usagi's finger and it's real, and a bright future is in Mamoru's touch, full of love and all their friends and an end to this madness no matter what, and his voice shakes a little from the happiness-- "We're engaged!"

There are no lies between them, not with emotions laid bare in the golden warmth of Mamoru's power, and he's as giddy as Usagi is-- it pours in, a whole well of joy bubbling up to overflow. This isn't new, but it's new that it's official, that Usagi can wave it around if she wants...

And Mamoru leand down to meet Usagi's kisses, to kiss back, to--

"Hey, I was saving you!" he laughs, and there's nothing but amusement in there, no real indignation despite it being in his voice. "And how better to choose a ring than already knowing you liked it? I didn't know at the time, not consciously, but despite everything I knew anyway."

And then another kiss, and he grins, and he whispers, and it's silly because they're both still wearing their headsets, "Let's turn off the camera."