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{{Log Header
{{Log Header
|Date of Scene=2024/10/18
|Date of Scene=2024/10/15
|Synopsis=Following some recent news, Hinoiri reaches out to some of her contacts in Obsidian to ask them to keep an eye on Hawkmoth, just in case. And maybe spread a bit of misinformation, too... while pondering the terror that is the sparkle.
|Synopsis=Following some recent news, Hinoiri reaches out to some of her contacts in Obsidian to ask them to keep an eye on Hawkmoth, just in case. And maybe spread a bit of misinformation, too... while pondering the terror that is the sparkle.

Latest revision as of 03:55, 19 October 2024

Texts: Heads up, please?
Date of Scene: 15 October 2024
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Following some recent news, Hinoiri reaches out to some of her contacts in Obsidian to ask them to keep an eye on Hawkmoth, just in case. And maybe spread a bit of misinformation, too... while pondering the terror that is the sparkle.
Cast of Characters: Catra, Fuyuko Yuuhi, Hinoiri Kirara

(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Hey, are you alone, got a minute and a willingness to help me with something?
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: yes i am alone maybe i can help you with a thing.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: You know Hawkmoth? Can you send me a heads up if he starts doing anything weird? Cackling maniacly so loudly you can hear it down the hall, screaming about 'How dare they!' or running through the halls like a first year student who realized they added too much phoenix feather when they were supposed to add chipmunk scales?
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: have you somehow managed to piss off one of the few directors who didn't care about you leaving?
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: I don't mind keeping an eye out if you'll tell me what's going on. But the man's basically a shut-in; he's either in his lair, his office, or his home.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: What can I say? I'm an over achiever. But no, not this time. Someone else I think is being targetted by him and while what he's after is now gone, he doesn't know that and I want to give some warning if he decides to try jumping them like a rabid squirrel after a half eaten bagel.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: of course it's something like that. well, if he starts up, i'll do what i can to let you know. he's one of the few directors that actually does work for his front company, so it's a little easier to keep an eye on him. Shut in, after all.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Thanks. Also, I just wanna say. After going... buck... this long as a civilian? I feel your pain. This. Some days this is misery. I did manage to punch a kindabad pretty hard the other day, that was nice. Thanks for teaching me that. But no magic sucks.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: glad my teachings are being put to use. but yes, this does suck. and you're only dealing with half of the threat. still, there's got to be something you can resonate with out there. probably.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Here's hoping. Should the day come, I hope I can stand up, look you square in the eye and then punch your lights out. You know, to show respect. :P Have a nice day with your paperwork.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: yeah yeah i see where respect gets me. Honestly, that'd be fun kid. Putting you brats through your paces is something i miss. good luck with your homework or whatever.


(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Hey, you got a minute?
(PHONE) Catra texts: (It takes a good ten minutes for a reply to arrive) Sure, what's up?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Can you give me a heads up if one of the big heads in Obsidian starts acting weird? Hawkmoth, the guy in the over the top suit and mask. Don't need you to do anything to him, just let me know if you see him acting weird, by Obsidian's standards.
(PHONE) Catra texts: Hawkmoth... I don't think I've met him, but if I see him I'll let you know. But, what would be 'weird' for him? And what's his deal anyway?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Eh, with those lot? Suddenly storming through the halls, cackling like a malevolent school child about to kick over someone's sand castle, throwing things, leaping out a window after saying he'll 'Deal with it personally' kind of thing. Guys an obsessed nut job and, unfortunately, I think he's targetting another one of my friends. I think he wants ultimate cosmic power or something and thinks he can get it if he fills up his 'I mugged X sparkle skirts' frequent fighter card.
(PHONE) Catra texts: Oh, well, he sounds a lot like some of Hordak's cronies that I had to deal with, back when I was a Horde Soldier. Also, he sounds like a jerk. I mean, not that everyone here isn't one to some degree, but he sounds like a special jerk. If I see anything, I'll text you as soon as I can without getting stabbed or something.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Yeah, they're a special sort. Also, careful, apparently there's some fire cats running about, possibly from your home world. I don't know much about them, but flaming cats tend to be something that like to maul and incinerate people and I don't want to see any more of my friends put in the hospital with burns.
(PHONE) Catra texts: Oh, yeah, fire cats. I've met them and they talked to me. It was weird. I'm pretty sure they're from Etheria too. ...I pointed my sword at Sailor Moon just before I met them and called her Twinkle Toes, you should've seen the look on her face. I'm keeping that one.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Pfft. She is very twinkle toey. XD
(PHONE) Catra texts: Also kind of an airhead. But... I guess she's a nice person. Even if she's my enemy.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: They're all airheads... and all nice. It's... infuriating sometimes. It would have been easier to hate them if they'd been jerks like the unicorns back home.
(PHONE) Catra texts: Yeah. ...Yeah, they can be nice, some of them. This planet is so weird. Everything was so much easier back home on Etheria, there was a war with two sides and we didn't talk to each other. Here is just weird.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Yeah... they... yeah. It wasn't a war back home, but everyone was... nasty. They only talked to me if they wanted to get close to Sora. Here? They hunt you down in packs because they want to be your friend and care about you. It's like they're hunters, but for affection.
(PHONE) Catra texts: Has anyone told them to get a hobby? Like, playing with dolls or something?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I think we are the dolls, Catra. And they want to play with us... and they're all the kinds of kids who 'Love you foreva and eva and eva...' There is no escape, no relief. There is only... hugs and adoration.
(PHONE) Catra texts: That's... actually horrifying.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Welcome to earth.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Wanna hear the scariest part of all?
(PHONE) Catra texts: No. No I do not.
(PHONE) Catra texts: Tell me.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Just consider the mindset that takes, to be all love and cuddles and snuggles and affection to people like you and I, people not even from their world who keep doing things like trying to kick their flanks... and consider how many of them are like that, and how brutal their enemies tend to be, how people like Beryl would take advantage of any weakness, especially something like mercy... And the sparkles keep *winning*. I've run the numbers and the amount of power they bring to bear, all things considered is... Well... it's utterly terrifying.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: It sometimes makes me wonder if they are so, so, so much more powerful than we ever realized and they're all just holding back... So what if they stopped?
(PHONE) Catra texts: They definitely hold back. I don't but then I'm usually fighting several of them by myself. If they stopped holding back? ...We'd need a change of strategy. I need to think about this.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Yeah. It's... nerve wracking, sometimes. Toodles, and thanks for the help.
(PHONE) Catra texts: Anytime