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Latest revision as of 13:36, 12 December 2023

What's One More Apocalypse
Date of Scene: 12 December 2023
Location: The Shed
Synopsis: After the big meeting, Homura stays to disclose some additional concerning information about Soryuu Shrine to Kyouka, Naru, and Sailor Moon. Warnings are received, but the plan doesn't change. After all, what's one more apocalypse?
Cast of Characters: Kyouka Inai, Naru Osaka, Usagi Tsukino, Homura Akemi
Tinyplot: Silver Crystal

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Whew! That sure was a big crowd for this ostensibly-tiny shed to host. Thankfully it's not quite as tiny on the inside as it appears to be from the outside, and it was up to the task. So, it seems, was Sailor Moon, who presented the information and made sure everyone was on the same page. Kyouka was there the entire time, but she didn't speak up even once- preferring to let her student take the lead. She'd have backed Moon up if she needed it, of course, but that turned out not to be necessary, which makes Kyouka happier than if it had been.

    Throughout the presentation she was sitting on a desk by the windows, chewing bubblegum and listening, gauging both the way Moon was presenting the information and the way the crowd was receiving it. She didn't have any real complaints, and only gets up from where she was seated as the crowd begins to break up and people begin to exit the shed.

    She walks over to Sailor Moon and claps a hand on her shoulder, with a lopsided grin and a nod for the girl. "Excellent job. I couldn't have done it better. Actually public speaking was never my forte so probably I would have done it considerably worse."

Naru Osaka has posed:
That was a lot of humans(*) in the Shed, and Naru has a garbage bag as she roams the room, picking up trash and putting things back to rights. People were careful and respectful, but there's just the reality of a room full of people that results in a certain level of trash and untidy.

"Moon did amazingly." Naru confirms as she overhears Kyouka's words of praise to her beloved roommate. She really did!

* For some generous value of human.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Sailor Moon's knees are shaking, now that everyone's departing, now that the plan is out, now that she's shared - not everything. There were a lot of terrifying, awful consequences included in Mamochan's notes and she hadn't mentioned them, and she's glad no one had questioned him or her, not really, glad that she hadn't compromised his cover and now that it's over -

Well, now that it's over she's dropping into a chair after that clap on the shoulder, because her knees are shaking.

"That was so scary," she wails into her hands. No tears though, so progress has been made!

She peaks through her fingers at them. "Do you... do you think the plan could really work?"

Homura Akemi has posed:
    Homura had slipped in sometime during the presentation but hadn't had much to add. At least nothing that she wanted the general audience of 'anyone who knows anyone with magic' to hear. So she'd put on her stony expression and stood in a corner with her arms over her chest like one of those goth kids at the school dance who had to make sure everyone knew how prickly and unapproachable she was. Plenty probably knew better, but with as packed a room as the Shed is during the meeting she doesn't want to cause any distractions or disruptions.

    Someone might just notice the slight frown that shows briefly on her face when the final Shrine location is deciphered to be the Soryuu Shrine. Well then. She'll be needing to give some information after all, but still, not in front of the large group.

    As people start leaving the thought of the Shed needing multiple exits replays again in her head. If anyone is observing the area around Radiant Heart Academy surely they'll realize something up as a flood of mahou file out a tiny shed like a clown car. Oh well. Stopping Midnight Tokyo might be worth burning some OpSec anyway.

    When most of the people are done filing out she pushes off from her corner and walks over towards Kyouka, Sailor Moon, and Naru. "She's a better cat herder than I'll ever be, and maybe a public speaker too. You did a good job keeping things moving and getting relevant information out of people. You're turning into a real leader, Sailor Moon. The plan has merit, and more importantly everyone's on the same page." The words might not mean much from her; Sailor Moon probably only knows her as someone Kyouka trusts to have her stuff together and handle herself well in most situations. A veteran, basically.

    Her eyes flick towards the door as the line of people leaving shortens. She looks like she has something more to say, but is holding her tongue for the moment.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka nods in agreement with Naru's statement, before chuckling as her shoulder-slap seems to knock Moon down into a chair, though it's simply happenstance. She rolls her eyes at the wailing, but it's an affectionate expression. "I think it has as good a chance of working as any plan we've come up with, and more than most." She says, with a shrug of her shoulders. "It's a good plan, but you also need to remember that no plan survives contact with the enemy. So go into it with the plan in mind, but also be prepared to improvise. The unexpected is only a problem if you don't expect it."

    Is that good advice, or a meaningless contradiction? Sometimes even she isn't sure.

    About then Homura approaches from where she had been lurking in the corner, and Kyouka gives her a respectful nods of greeting. "Akemi-san, glad you could make it." She greets the Puella, before saying to Moon and Naru, "You remember Akemi-san, I'm sure. She was at my initial briefing on the topic in my office, back when we first got the information on the thumb drives."

    She adds, "That's high praise coming from Akemi-san, Moon-chan. So you definitely have to believe me."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Here." Naru offers Sailor Moon a celebratory piece of cake. Or sympathetic. Either way, it's a prime fourteen year old coping mechanism.. chocolate cake.

It also means that Naru has one less thing to tidy up.

Naru nods politely to Homura. "It's been a while." She notes with a half flicker of a smile. It really has been a while from Naru's perspective. "Good to see you here."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    Possibly overly polite, Homura holds her hands in front of herself and gives a slight bow as Kyouka reintroduces her. Then to Naru she makes a half successful attempt at an apologetic smile, "Three months ago in the park, if my memory serves. A lot has happened since then." She glances around the Shed, "You've done well for yourself here. Inai-sensei," yes you're stuck with that for a good while still Kyouka, "has told me this was primarily your doing. It seems it's ready just in the nick of time." She leaves out all her suggestions on possible upgrades that she'd noted to Kyouka, since this isn't the time or place for it.

    Another glance towards the door is given, and she finally seems somewhat more comfortable with the number of people present. Or, really, it's less the number and more people she doesn't know she can trust.

    "Soryuu Shrine. I'm worried about it. I think the plan of a distraction force while purifying another shrine is a good one. ...but I think we might need to be more earnest in the showdown there. It might be... more complicated than expected."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    It's not like those possible upgrades haven't been considered already, although there really hasn't been much time to implement any of them. It's not far from Kyouka's mind though, especially not with this sort of operation being run out of the place. Still, there will be time to deal with that after we're sure the world isn't ending next week. "Osaka-san has been instrumental in getting the place organized and the word out," She says, more than happy to give credit where credit is due.

    When Homura speaks up again about Soryuu Shrine, she quirks a brow inquisitively. "I take it you know something that we don't, then." She says, her glance making it plain she speaks for the others in the room. "I mean, I'm aware of the shrine's connection to Himeko-chan.. does this have something to do with her? I suppose it does complicate matters somewhat, since it raises the specter of ghostly interference- no pun intended- but I wasn't counting on it being a big enough factor to need to alter the plan itself."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Three months ago.. that was quite the introduction, as I recall." Naru confirms for Homura and she twists a little smile. "I do try and keep up. It can be a challenge." To say the very least.

Naru smiles, a little pleased with Inai-sensei acknowledging her role in getting information out. She's got a badge for it and everything!

"I mean.. it's always going to be complicated." Naru nods at Kyouka's words, aware of that complication with the plan at least. "If there's a showdown there, it's going to be a problem."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
When the gothic girl tells her that she's a real leader, Usagi blushes. Her hands lower, so that she can look up at this girl who Inai-sensei trusts - she remembers her from more than just the tower - she had been at the initial briefing too. All the way back then, Inai-sensei had been trusting her with all of this.

The point that she can't expect the plan to survive contact with the enemy is a fair one, but in spite of her nerves and the awful things this plan was capable of, the idea that things might not go according to the plan itself didn't bother her. She never had a plan, when it came to facing an enemy - she was always just in the middle of things, one way or another. As long as the plan itself wasn't a flawed one - as long as the general shape of things she had proposed and everyone had supported wasn't actually a mistake waiting to kill everyone -

Well, as long as that didn't happen, she was alright with the idea that things might not go according to plan.

"That's why there are so many of us. So when things go wrong, we can still come out on top."

She scrubs at her eyes even though they're not shedding tears and forces herself to sit up straight, taking Naru's offered cake with a tremulous smile and a desperate relief. About half of that cake is promptly forked into her mouth all at once. It doesn't end up all over her face though!

Akemi-san's reassurances only make her flush more. Good thing there's cake, right? She focuses on eating that as everyone talks, except, what they're talking about is -

"I... if you mean because Hemachan's going to fight us, I expect that much. I mean - even if we don't want to, we might end up throwing around some pretty powerful magic at that Shrine, and Hemachan won't like that..."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    "Unfortunately it's more than that. Hematite's presence will be a problem... or maybe he'd be an ally, if the worst were close to happening. What I'm worried about might be a big factor or it might not. I can't say for certain, except that where that shrine is involved and we know it's going to be a locus of a dark energy ritual it's going to bring complications of it's own. It's like saying we're going to go stop kids from setting off off fireworks at a fertilizer factory. The location might not actually matter in the end, but if something goes off too close to the ammonium nitrate storage we're going to have a whole extra problem on our hands. It'd be reckless to ignore the issue, so I want you to be aware of it going in." Homura looks between the three others and sorts through her thoughts to try to say what information she has in a salient way without taking up too much time, especially when minds are probably already strained from the long meeting.

    "That shrine has ties to something called the Throne of Want. It's not necessarily a throne, I don't know how to describe it other than that it's some kind of Conceptual Weapon. With all the dark energy being poured into the Shrine from the ritual, the spirits that reside there are going to become incredibly powerful. Given the nature of the Forgotten Ward, I'm sure you can see how that's bad on it's own. If one of those spirits gets their hand on the Throne of Want in the condition they'll be in? That's probably Game Over right there. It's as dangerous an artifact in the hands of evil as the Silver Crystal. Maybe even more, because the Silver Crystal is a powerful force for good in the right hands. But the Throne? We don't want anyone using it; it brings about disaster no matter who wields it."

    She sights then, flipping her hair before delivering even more bad news, "Even without it there's a chance the place will open a door to Yomi." She stops herself from directly stating that she's seen it happen before, instead just giving a look to Kyouka as if the woman's trust in her will give her words weight and authority. "That's no good either. Just think of it as a door to a realm of death and decay that's an entirely separate threat from the Dusk Zone. If you some kind of fissure or portal starts to open, fill it in and seal it. I know Agemaki-san is planning to purify another shrine, but we should bring at least one person who can handle that at Soryuu Shrine too. Even if it isn't to purify the shrine itself, having someone on hand that knows how to ritually seal evil sites and portals would be important."

    Finally there is some good news as she notes, "Luckily I believe one of your companions is well versed in this," to Sailor Moon. She doesn't say Sailor Mars' name directly, but her meaning is hopefully obvious. "I can't guarantee this will be a problem, but if you can let her and others you highly trust know to be on the lookout we'll be a lot better off."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka watches Sailor Moon eating cake and only looks a little jealous. She's distracted from that when Homura starts talking though, and she frowns faintly as she listens. To her credit, she doesn't appear particularly worried- but anyone who's familiar with her knows that if she actually appears worried, the situation is far more dire than you ever want it to be.

    "So what you're saying is," She begins dryly, "by pure coincidence, the site we've chosen to make our big, flashy, chaotic attack as a distraction just happens to be where some kind of spiritual nuke is buried, and if we unleash all the chaotic, flashy, distracting energy which is key to making our plan work, we may accidentally set it off."

    She heaves a little bit of a sigh. "So either we risk it, and carry on with the plan, or we abandon the plan, and possibly die when the Dark Kingdom succeeds with their plan anyway. I love a good conundrum, but if you know me at all you already know what my answer is going to be."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Well." Naru comments after a moment or two of listening. "That /is/ a complication." She declares as she cuts more cake for everyone.

Because clearly this is a conversation that is going to require more cake for everyone.

"So we just need to not set off the spiritual nuke while we're distracting." Naru decides, because it's clearly just that easy.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Conceptual weapons? Throne of Want? Usagi does not understand. Oh, sure, she gets the general idea, that everything will go horribly wrong if this Throne of Want gets touched, but -

"So is the Throne of Want just... there? All the time? Or is it there, but if we do something too flashy, we might wake it up?"

This is the first thing, because she needs to understand if they have to just - pick a different place. But they can't really afford to pick another place, because they need something so dangerous and so risky to their plans that the Dark Kingdom totally ignores anything Wako-chan gets up to. And that means they have to be pretty flashy. And -

"Rei-chan is a miko... do you think she'd be able to seal?" Tentative and worried, the same way she nibbles at her bottom lip, frowning with worry.

"...Yomi again. Himeko-chan's mama is trying to get her to become the new goddess of the dead, and she'd... probably want access to Yomi to do that, right?"

Homura Akemi has posed:
    Homura manages to smirk a little at Kyouka's worry, "Almost, but not quite. It's flooding the place so much extra Dark Energy that I'm worried about, not everything we'll be doing. Actually, there's a chance this is a good thing. If something terrible does happen that we weren't already expecting we'll have a big, flashy, chaotic attack already happening right where the problem's going to be. We might be lucky that Soryuu Shrine is the last on their list of targets, or they might have picked Soryuu Shrine for the capstone explicitly because of the additional complications." She shrugs. It doesn't really matter now that it's come to it.

"If something does happen with the Shrine we may end up getting two birds with one stone. Maybe I didn't need to say more than 'be ready for the diversion attack to turn into an important struggle', but I thought it was worth sharing what I knew with you." She takes a moment to stop and look Naru, Kyouka, and Sailor Moon in the eyes. "The reason I didn't say anything earlier is because of the Throne of Want. The fewer people who even knows that thing exists, the better. If that thing makes an appearance and a door to Yomi opens?" Her eyes give a sideways glance to Kyouka, "Let's just say I'd be using my trump card immediately, chucking it through and wishing I had a suitcase nuke to throw in after it." She pauses, "That's not hyperbole, not that I've ever had one." Now it's time for the veteran timetraveler to daydream for a few moments and imagine just how much easier her life would be if she could casually throw nukes at world-ending enemies.

    She's snapped out of her reverie by Sailor Moon, "So you're aware of it. To be honest with you? I'm not entirely sure, but I do think your friend Rei-chan would be able to handle sealing a door if it appears, so long as we can find a way to block it and she's proficient with using ofuda. If Himeko's mother is trying to do something like you say I'd be just as weary of her in this as Himeko herself." She frowns, the information about 'new goddess of the dead' being new to her. "Okay, yeah. A door to Yomi is exactly what she'd be after then, and the Throne of Want too. I'm not sure if it's sealed in the shrine, or how or whether it's connected to the shrine itself. My information isn't perfect, or I'd be giving you more."

    Her head shakes and she crosses her arms again, "All I can say is I'm even more worried hearing about that. It's Himeko's shrine, or close enough, Hematite is going to be protecting her, and the Shitennou are going to be doing a ritual of dark energy to cause chaos and complete the Midnight Tokyo project while Himeko's mother is trying to get her to ascend to godhood? I can't say anything for certain, but what I can say is that's a lot of strings all tying around the same peg. I'm not going to say I don't believe in coincidences, but I sure as hell believe in chain reactions and that when it rains, it pours."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "I think the important bit isn't that this Throne itself might wake up, but that someone might find it. And if what Akemi-san is to be believed, which I have no reason to doubt, it doesn't matter who it is that finds it, it's going to be bad news." Kyouka gives a faint sigh. She seems very appreciative of Naru's cake-cutting efforts.

    To Homura, she says "I'm glad you're giving us these specifics. Knowing that sealing a portal immediately is important is very valuable. If you just warned us there was some unexpected risk but not what to look out for, it's possible we wouldn't be fast enough if that scenario comes to pass. So it's the Dark Energy we need to be worried about, and not our own magic use, huh?" She gives a little bit of a feral half-grin. "Well, I guess that means there's no reason for anyone on our side to hold back. That's cheering. Of course, I doubt even if we warned the DK Boys about this it'd make a difference, so the only thing to do is be prepared for even more chaos than we were already expecting."

    She rubs her hands together a little bit. "It's very exciting, all this apocalypse stuff." She admits. "You haven't really lived until you've stopped the world ending at least once or twice. Or maybe that's just the part of me that my friends used to say was 'worryingly addicted to danger' speaking, but you know. There's no sense in crying over spilt Dark Energy, as they say."

    She adds, "I can confirm the 'goddess of the dead' thing. I heard it from an independent source, so I'm fairly confident that's true. But all I'm hearing in the end is no change to the plan... just an extra complication to keep an eye out for." She inclines her head to Moon. "Definitely check with Rei-san to make sure she's up to being on portal-sealing duty. Even if that's all she does, having someone specifically with eyes on that problem will be less to worry about for the rest of us. As for this Throne of Want.. I don't suppose we can just blow it up, huh?"

    "Stabbing was always my preferred way of solving problems, but it's just a bit harder when the problems are intangible."

    "But not in my experience, impossible."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"...Rei-chan definitely knows how to handle an ofuda." Usagi smiles a little, some cheer coming back to her face. "I'll tell her to bring maybe a million of them, just in case. I can purify, and Rei-chan can use her ofuda to seal the way, and everyone will be there, to use their power to hammer our enemies. They're strong, but so are we, and they're not going to know we're coming. Not like this."

Hope is coming back to her, hope and light, and she nods, not asking how Akemi-san knew about Himeko's mother, in favor of giving the information.

"We met on Himeko-chan's birthday. We thought Himeko-chan was the one who wanted to be a goddess, at first, but she didn't know anything about it, then her mama showed up to try and steal her and Hemachan away, so," two and two together made four, and Himeko's mama was the one behind the godhood plot.

"Hemachan definitely won't hold back. This is Himeko-chan's shrine, and even if we don't really want to purify it and hurt her - he won't hold back. They're really, really vulnerable to purifying, though, and I'm - good at that."

The Moon Stick is in her hands, and she flips it around idly, somehow managing not to cut herself on the sharp point of the crescent moon. She eyes her teacher warily - "I really, really don't know about that part, Inai-sensei! Stopping an apocalypse has been pretty scary so far!"

Exciting, is that really the word to use? But, hearing you say you stopped some does make me feel better. What are the odds that these guys get to win twice?"

Maybe she shouldn't ask. Maybe that's stacking the deck against them. But she makes a smile happen, anyway.

"...If we can blow it up, that would be good. I want to get Himeko-chan free, and I want Hemachan back, and I even want his dumb boy band to be safe, especially if they'll stop being jerks. Everyone who was here today - they all came to offer their strength and to fight back - you too, Akemi-chan. You came to tell us about the stuff we really need to know... because yeah, no one really needs to know about the Throne. We don't need anyone else deciding to try and become a god!"

Homura Akemi has posed:
    "Yeah. It's bad if anyone gets it and uses it, but it might be Apocalypse Now bad if Himeko or another ghost from the Shrine get their hands on it." Not that she wouldn't be horrified to see Hematite trying to use it either, but there's only so many layers of worry you can add before everything becomes muddled.

    "Yeah. It'd be best if we could prevent it outright, but I don't know the specific causes that'd bring that about. Flooding the place with dark energy or exposing the Shrine to the Dusk Zone, though, I'd expect to be the most likely reasons." She suppresses a laugh at the mention of warning the Shitennou, "That'd go over well. 'Hey boys? You know that plot you've hatched and been working towards for months? Yeah, we think that will have some unexpected secondary side effects so maybe just don't do that.'"

    Unfortunately Homura doesn't' seem to share Kyouka's enthusiasm for apocalyptic confrontation. "It's all fun and games until the world is overrun, explodes, or sinks into an unending well of darkness," she replies sourly, though under her breath. It's less exciting when she's seen the world ending plots succeed so many times.

    As for blowing up the Throne of Want, "That'd make it easy, wouldn't it? If it shows up I don't see any reasons not to at least try." She shifts as Sailor Moon talks, eyes narrowing as she thinks over some new information. "Then... if you're so good at purifying, maybe aim some of that at Himeko's mother. I don't know anything about her, but it might be a way to save Himeko if that plan is all her idea."

    Thoughts of Gretchen and Madoka flash into Homura's mind as Sailor Moon says they don't need anyone making attempts at godhood. "Not gods of death, at any rate." She straightens and looks about, "I won't take up any more of your time. You've got a lot to think about now." A glance to Kyouka, then Sailor Moon. "But before I go I want to say... thanks. I wasn't sure what to expect coming here, but it's," she searches for words, "refreshing to have people listen and take me seriously even when most of what I have to say is doom and gloom."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "Correct," Kyouka says to Homura when she mutters about it being 'all fun and games until...', "but since the world hasn't been overrun, exploded, or sunk into an unending well of darkness yet, that means it's all fun and games, now doesn't it?" She smiles brightly, with just a bit too much fang. "And I do dearly love me some fun and games."

    She shrugs her shoulders. "Close the portals, blow up the Throne if we see it, purify Ghost Mama, check. Sounds like it's full steam ahead then, just with a few extra safety valves to watch out for."

    She gives a more genuine smile to Homura, and even goes so far as to lightly clap her on the shoulder the same way she did to Moon earlier. "I'll always listen, Akemi-san. Just don't expect me to always make the choices you would make." She gives a little laugh. "After all, that'd be boring. In this case, though I think we're pretty firmly on the same page."

    To Moon, she says "The thing about apocalypses is they only have to win once. But don't worry... it's been 'the end of the world' at least half a dozen times since I was twelve, and so far the world's still here. No doubt it's gonna be one notch higher by the end of the week and we'll be drinking tea and laughing about it. Keep that in your mind, and it will be so."

    She turns to the door. "I got stuff to do before all this goes down. Thanks to all of you, Akemi-san, Osaka-san, and especially Sailor Moon. I really think we've got this on lock.. as long as we don't get cocky. Am I right?" She gives the cockiest wink ever over her sunglasses, then walks out through the door.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Things aren't too much worse than before, then. They don't have a new threat, not really. They just have something to watch out for, and the knowledge that hammering the enemy as hard as they can is for the best, so they don't use too much Dark Energy.

Frankly? Things could - nope! Not finishing that thought!!

"Akemi-chan, I haven't really gotten to know you, but I can already tell you're a really serious person," Usagi says earnestly, smiling away that bad almost-thought that was tempting the universe. "And that you want the best for people. You wouldn't come and share all this bad news unless you really wanted to make sure it didn't happen."

And she bows again, and then on the upswing hops forward and hugs Homura tight, before she can even hope to escape! It's just for a few seconds, a quick squeeze before she bounces back.

"We're going to put that other notch in, just like Inai-sensei said. This isn't going to be our end! We won't let it."

Homura Akemi has posed:
    Homura had talked about the burden of knowledge a lot lately, it just hadn't been with Kyouka, Sailor Moon, or anyone else who'd been at the meeting. To everyone else the success rate at staving off apocalypses has been 100, because the world was still there. That gave some hope, and made it seem more likely that everything would pull through and be okay no matter what odds were stacked against the side of light, because everything had always worked out before.

    To Homura, though, it was almost the opposite. Sure, there had been plenty of timelines where she'd reset 'only' because Madoka had become a Puella Magi when she thought that wasn't something she could allow, but there were so many more where she'd seen evil plots succeed, great dark threats overwhelm the forces of good and win, Tokyo get wiped off the map, and even seen the entire world wiped out in an all consuming wall of Silence. The odds of any one problem bringing on the end weren't any worse to her, but from her perspective the deck was stacked by the sheer quantity of villains out to destroy the Earth or make it their personal fiefdom.

    It's different for her, so her perspective is very different. It's a burden to know so much, to know she can only handle things one at a time as they come, because having so much dumped onto your shoulders at once can weigh on even the most cheerful, hopeful hearts. And that? That's just not right. So it's something she keeps to herself, so people like Sailor Moon can focus on what's in front of them and do their best without seeing the great yawning chasms hiding just around the corner.

    "There's a lot to be serious about," she eventually responds, "and I've had people react poorly in the past. I can tell you're different though; it's something special to hear the kinds of things I've said today, adapt to it and move forward without letting it weigh you down. Keep that brightness with you and I'm sure you'll be able to get through whatever stands in your way, especially with so many friends standing at your side to help."

    Her attempt returning compliments is cut off with a little sound of surprise as Sailor Moon hops in and hugs her. Her arms raise in shock at first, eyes widening, but after a moment she reaches to lightly pat her on the back in her awkward hidden-shy-girl attempt to acknowledge and accept it.

    "You know what?" she says afterwards, managing a small smile, "I believe you."