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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Revision as of 16:46, 16 April 2024


After Adora is exposed to dark energy through a cookie from Sunbreaker, Adora's feelings are amplified and darkened as she seeks out those that she feels has taken away her future on Etheria.

Title Date Scene Summary
Post-Fight Yakiniku January 30th, 2024 After fighting together against an evil vending machine, Rashmi and Adora go for all-you-can-eat grilled meats, some heavy conversation, and Rashmi delivers a gift. Adora resists learning a valuable lesson about self-care, but is that really a new concept?
How the cookie crumbles January 30th, 2024 Sunbreaker decided to make cookies for her favorite alicorn and his pet. But when some of her dark energy cookies find there way into Adora's cookies... well... surely everything will blow over quickly, right? ... Right?!
(Talking About) Adora January 31st, 2024 Sunbreaker warns Catra that something has happened to Adora. Catra opts not to heed the warning.
A Long Time Coming February 2nd, 2024 Corrupted Adora finds Catra waiting for her in an abandoned part of town. Words and blows are exchanged, and Adora says and does some things she might never be able to take back.
Something Is Wrong With Her February 2nd, 2024 Adora, bleeding out and fueled by a horrid mixture of Dark and Eternian energy, is found by some helpful, good people (And Hinoiri). But can they save her from herself at this point?
I'm Sorry That You Had Your Happy Ending Taken From You February 26th, 2024 Bow tracks down Adora - their reunion has more twists and turns than a roller coaster, but in the end, they reach an understanding and a plan.
Princesses and Powers: Etheria Campaign February 26th, 2024 Bow lays out the situation with Adora, Catra, Etheria, and everything else he knows - and asks for help. Help recieved. A new, stronger Rebellion, is born.
Swiftwind SAVED(?) February 27th, 2024 Sayaka has gotten Swiftwind from Hinoiri, so she gives the happy news to Bow. While they talk about the events, several important things are said to each other, and at the end, the alicorn goes with Bow, missing his telenovelas.
Breaking the news to Jupiter February 29th, 2024 Bow/Luke drops in on Makoto to update her on Adora. They kindle a new friendship and Makoto joins the group that will get Adora back... somehow! (And still no TV for Swiftwind.)
Text: Wrong Way to the Future March 6th, 2024 Bow texts Adora a theory out of concern. It comes out all wrong.
I Don't Care About Adora March 7th, 2024 Corrupted Adora finds Catra at a food stall in the low end of town. But there, neither of them find anything but pain, and reconciliation seems further away than ever.
She-RAGE! March 15th, 2024 She-Ra comes and proceeds to demonstrate the destructive capabilities of dark energy when wielded by an Eternian. Sunbreaker nearly dies in Double Trouble's arms, Riventon goes through half a city block, She-Ra cries, Catra saves her crazy ex and Mami... well, Mami is just Mami. But, finally, She-Ra's nightmare is almost over... almost.
Shades of Aquamarine March 15th, 2024 Sayaka shows up unexpectedly at Bow's dorm room for movie date night and catches him in his downtime mood. 'Aquamarine' and probable kisses are interrupted when Swiftwind arrives to inform Bow that Adora is in peril. Time for a rescue!
FIX HER! March 15th, 2024 After Sunbreaker's recent encounter with She-Ra's temperment (and sword), Double Trouble finds themselves in a race against time to keep their unicorn. Forcing them to track down Mamoru and ruin the prince's date with his princess, Usagi.
She-Rally March 16th, 2024 After Swiftwind alerts Bow that Adora is in immediate danger, a group is assembled to heal Adora and bring her home.
Nothing Broken But My Jaw March 16th, 2024 Mamoru and Zoisite show up to heal Bow's broken jaw, Bow shares Etheria's plight and the convoluted RHM Etheria Timeline in general complete with mini-figs. Better soap opera than anything Swiftwind was watching.
The Cat(ra) Came Back March 16th, 2024 While checking out Adora's hiding spot the last few weeks, Bow comes across Catra. Things don't go well. But at least they didn't fight?
WcNugget Theater Presents: Etheria - A Timeline March 17th, 2024 Bow brings Sayaka dinner from WcDonald's and uses his 10 piece WcNuggets and Sauce to explain the different points on his Etheria Timeline Theory and the different players involved. DT gets all the green sweet and sour sauce.
Get-Well Soon, Princess! March 17th, 2024 Sayaka and Bow visit the recovering Adora to drop off a gift-basket, and talk about what she went through and what's going on. Also, Adora begins plotting to become their Maid of Honor.
Korma Conversation March 28th, 2024 Following her last incident with Adora, Catra goes to the Korma for comfort food... and gets a side of conversation to chew on for a long, long time.
To Fix One's Heart July 31st, 2024 'What the hell've you been up to these past few weeks, anyway? I was beginning to think you'd tried to go back to Etheria, or what's left of it.'

Words that had been echoing in Adora's mind. This world isn't her world. This world isn't her /time/. Etheria needs her.

Adora has been mostly missing since the incidents surrounding her corruption, so when Swiftwind suddenly was warning her allies that she was about to do something incredibly stupid, well...

It's time to stop her. Before she does something she can't take back. Even if it might be too late.