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|Date of Scene=2023/12/02
|Date of Scene=2023/12/02
|Synopsis=Hinoiri, Madoka and Sayaka have a bit of a... chat. Happens after [https://radiantheartmush.com/829/I_need_to_tell_you_something Scene 829: I need to tell you something] and [https://radiantheartmush.com/834/Hinoiri_did_what! Scene 834: Hinoiri did what!]
|Synopsis=Hinoiri, Madoka and Sayaka have a bit of a... chat. Happens after [[829/I need to tell you something]] and [[834/Hinoiri did what!?]]
|Cast of Characters=32,33,131
|Cast of Characters=32,33,131

Latest revision as of 11:06, 3 June 2024

Texts: Hands off
Date of Scene: 02 December 2023
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Hinoiri, Madoka and Sayaka have a bit of a... chat. Happens after 829/I need to tell you something and 834/Hinoiri did what!?
Cast of Characters: Sayaka Miki, Madoka Kaname, Hinoiri Kirara

(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: We need to talk.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: What about?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: How to treat my friends.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Yeah. I lost my temper. Sorry about that.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: You said some pretty horrible things to Madoka, and even slapped her. We need to have a serious talk.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Yeah. The slap was probably a bit much. I really thought I had it under control until then.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: And before you get any ideas, Madoka told me nothing.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Only the slap? You really know nothing about Madoka. She cares about me much more than I deserve.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: This talk is something we really need to have.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Yeah, considering what you feel you 'deserve' last time we talked, I'm going to have to cast my doubt. Sure she didn't.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I can't really talk right now, but we can meet up later. That good?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: You would be surprised to know Madoka tried to push me in the way you did. This is not optional, Hinoiri. You treated my best friend horribly, and you took the freedom to tell her things you should have never said. And this is before we get to the slap.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: ... She should have been helping you. Instead she was all 'I don't know howwwww'. She's supposed to be your best friend. If she was in this situation would you really have just let her suffer and be miserable? Or would you have found some way to help her?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: ...Did you ignore the first part of my last message? She has been doing those things, Hinoiri!
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Listen, Madoka isn't as straightforward as you are. She didn't want to tell you off, that's why she has resorted to those answers. That doesn't excuse you telling her those things and slapping her. And of course, I would have found some way to help her, but again that's what she has been doing, even if there is nothing to fix with me here. All things I have been telling both you and Madoka are simple facts. I appreciate your attemps to make me feel better, but I don't appreciate you attacking Madoka.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Well, I'm sorry but she said there was nothing she could do. That she had done nothing and she was all out of ideas. I just think you're worth more than that. And I know you don't but you are. You're not a rock. You're just rock HEADED!
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I am going to repeat myself just once. "Listen, Madoka isn't as straightforward as you are. She didn't want to tell you off, that's why she has resorted to those answers. That doesn't excuse you telling her those things and slapping her."
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Well, with the information I had she certainly seemed to deserve a slap. I'm sorry I didn't magically know she was actually trying to help.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: You verbally assaulted her! How was she supposed to react, exactly? If this is how you talk with people other than me, then you really need to work on yourself. You should have asked, instead of being aggressive.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I DID ask! I asked her what the hell she'd been doing, knowing her friend was hurting over this phylactory thing and she said NOTHING! She was content to just sit and watch you suffer and it pissed me off, okay?!
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I can imagine just how you asked! "What the hell she has been doing..." "she was content to just sit and watch you suffer". You thought she was at fault from the get go!
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I STARTED by trying to tell her about you because I knew you were freaking out over this whole phylactory thing and treating yourself like an object. I didn't expect her to have ALREADY KNOWN for a WEEK!
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: And how calm were you after she said she knew? Not very! You haven't stopped once to think about what she has been going through herself since then, yet she still wanted to help me. And what does she get? Being assaulted by someone who can't keep calm for more than one question.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I asked a LOT of questions before I lost my cool! I didn't want to slap her until she just showed such wanton disregard for you. The first thing she started oding was bragging about how 'lucky' she was she didn't make a wish!
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: You have to apologise to her.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: If you can only focus on defending yourself instead of understanding what I told you about Madoka, then you don't have any empathy.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Well maybe I don't. Maybe I'm just a heartless bitch.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Fine. FINE! Okay? I'll apologize to her. Just stop worrying about it. You've got enough problems.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: ...Thanks.

(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Hey. Sorry I slapped you. I lost my temper. I'm worried about Sayaka, I took it out on you. We good?
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: I'm pretty sure my Chara went off to tell Sayaka against my will, so I don't know if I can really say it's all good.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Ah. Right. Your little spirit omelete. Yeah, I just got scolded by her. Guessing that's why.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: It's fine. It happens. Everyone freaked out about that.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: The thing with Sayaka I mean.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Still not sure why she's so upset about it. Still, supposedly you were trying to do things to help and whatever.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: Sayaka-chan is very defensive of me at times, and I /was/ trying to help. It's just hard to find a solution that isn't some kind of pipe dream.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: I'm sure there's a way. Magic and miracles do exist.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: It would be easier if we could find something like the Phantom Silver Crystal.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: ... Wait. Are you trying to help her stop freaking out, or trying to undo the whole... gem thing?
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: Well, I want her to be happy again. If that means her accepting her situation, fine. If it means changing it, then I'll do what I can.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: What Kyubey did wasn't right and I'm not going to just accept it.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Fine. But if we don't stop her from going all... THIS everywhere, she's not going to be ALIVE long enough to be fixed.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: I know.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: All I can do about that is remind her that she is important, that she matters, and that having her soul in a gem doesn't make her less of a person.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Yeah. Just... ugh. She's being reckless. And it's annoying.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: She is, but also she's exploiting her powerset.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: The arm thing was pretty intense, though.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: The arm thing?
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: Gretchen and Lydian told me that she sacrificed an arm and regrew it.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: I can't even imagine something like that. It had to hurt.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: SHE DID WHAT?!
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: Well that's what I heard.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Define 'sacrificed'.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: Well Gretchen said that Ula said that Sayaka-chan cut it off.

(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Did you CUT OFF YOUR ARM?!
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Yes, but it grew back 3 seconds after. I only needed to get out of a binding spell.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Who told you?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Madoka. Who else? You actually CUT OFF an arm? And you don't see the problem?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: And who told Madoka?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: It grew back! You can come and see if you want!
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Someone called Gretchen.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: ... Did it hurt?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: It wasn't that big a deal.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Answer the question.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Not too much.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Don't ever do that again.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Ok.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: ... Is that you just saying okay so I'll shut up, or do you mean it?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I mean, I said it.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Good.

(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Who told Gretchen about my arm?
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: I asked, but she said she isn't snitching.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: Lydian thinks it was Ula, because she saw them talking.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: sorry gretchen is being difficult again
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: ...I don't get why. I am fine, even Hinoiri freaked out over it, but I still have both arms!
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: Well, as long as you're okay now.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: I can see why someone would freak out about it, but I mean... I read somewhere that all the cells in your body get replaced every seven years. I don't know if that's actually true.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: I just hope you aren't being too harsh with yourself.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Don't worry, Madoka-chan, I am not. Even an explosion couldn't take me down.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: Eheh. That sounds like you're speaking from experience, but I guess I don't have any room to talk on that front. I don't even have the durability that you do.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I thought Ula would have told on me about that too.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Ignore that.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: What did Ula tell you exactly?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Or told Gretchen.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: She's being grumpy at me again. I think there was something about a binding spell?
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: For the record, Gretchen thinks it was 'hardcore'.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: I think she's just being fussy because she's an X-Chara still.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Hardcore? Gretchen enjoys weird things.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: The binding spell was why I had to cut my arm off.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: So you were trapped? How did you get bound?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: It was from someone on our side. Cast it on everyone, wanted to prevent us from fighting.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: Oh, huh. I've seen that happen before.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: So you wanted to keep fighting?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Everybody had a way out of it, though.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Mami was actually a ribbon thing the whole time for example.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: Oh. Wait, what? Mami's a ribbon thing?
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: Oh! You mean like a body duplicate.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: I didn't know she could do that.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Of course I wanted to keep fighting! Everyone there wasn't just chatting.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: It makes sense. You wouldn't want to be the only one trapped. Better your arm than something else.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: They were still trying to get a Grief Seed and some data on Witches.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Last thing we need are mass-produced Witches.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: O_O
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: I can't even imagine what horror would be involved in mass-producing Witches. Don't they come from Familiars who kill enough people?
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: I can't believe Mami would go along with something like that...
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: She is now actively cooperating with villains who ambush people in prayer and who steal Heart Crystals.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: She is just as bad as them.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: I didn't want to consider her an enemy, but I guess she is now.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: La Crima was the one gathering the data and the one who ambushed Hannah. Riventon was there too.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I didn't expect we had to be on guard about Mami too. She didn't seem like that.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: I did see her working with them the other day... I think she's dating Riventon.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: ...Could you run that by me again?
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: Well, they were arm-in-arm with each other, and Mami said that Riventon should ask her out.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: But she said it in a flirty, teasing way. Like they were already dating.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: She is crazy.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: I can't even imagine dating one of them.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: Though... Sailor Moon and Hematite seem like they're a couple, too.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: I guess it's pretty common.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I thought she too cared about doing the right thing.
(PHONE) Madoka Kaname texts: I know. I really don't get it.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I know, he told me himself when we were dealing with the Witch of the fake Phantom Crystal, after I accused him of bothering Sailor Moon despite her having a boyfriend already.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Turns out he is that boyfriend.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I don't like him at all, he assaulted Hinoiri.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: But he doesn't seem as vile as Riventon.