2177/Mahou 101: Star Drivers

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Mahou 101: Star Drivers
Date of Scene: 20 December 2024
Location: The Shed
Synopsis: Star Drivers make their mark on Entrapta's research! What is learned? NOTHING! But maybe something! Or not! I have no idea and I just was in it! Woo!
Cast of Characters: 281, Takuto Tsunashi, Wako Agemaki, Sugata Shindo, Chiyo Sakai
Tinyplot: Mahou 101

Entrapta (281) has posed:
Today, Science goes...too far.

"Rise. RISE!" Evil laugh, slightly too high pitched for the dark arts.

Entrapta raises her hands, calling on the mighty powers of science and knowledge, calling forth power and time, and she laughs as her creation begins to respond to her work. Is there no end to her evil? The darkness will have a new candidate soon, if it does indeed to as she bids. And rise.

Leaning lower Entrapta peers at the pan, as it falls to become something akin to a brick. "Damnit, shouldn't have been so loud. I think it might still work." It will not. She slides the bread to one side, giving it time. Yeast takes time, after all. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asks the roomba, rolling on the floor. It does not respond, but does bump against her foot.

Sighing, Entrapta starts tidying up her mess. Flour, of course. It gets everywhere. Some already-ruined cookies, the recipe said they were easy. They were not. "I know it's just chemistry but I'm doing something wrong." She wishes that someone would come for her research, so she could put this to one side more permanently. "I mean, after all, there are people for cooking. I am clearly not one of them."

Glancing to the door, she puts her towel aside. "Open!" she commands the door, not expecting anything to actually come of it. That wouldn't be logical. So, of course it's time for someone to enter and knock her on her tail.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"--said when," is what's coming out of the mouth of the Galactic Prettyboy as he opens the door to the Shed, dressed in a white puffy coat-vest over a dark red hoodie and his slightly-too-long jeans and big white sneakers. He has a brand, he's sticking with it. His hair is sticking up every which way.

And then said prettyboy stops in his tracks, right in front of Wako and Sugata and Chiyo, prime for bumping into. "Oh you're here already! Did we keep you waiting?"

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako is following directly in Takuto's wake, which of course means she bumps right into his back when he stops. Will Sugata and Chiyo manage to stop on time, or does Entrapta get a front row seat to Star Driver Dominoes? Stay tuned.

"Takuto-kun!" the small blonde girl protests, slightly muffled because she's having to remove her face from between his shoulder blades. "Don't just stop in the door--!"

Sugata Shindo has posed:
It's an ordinary day, and the disaster unfolding is also normal, which is why it's not too much of a surprise. Sugata absolutely does come to a stop in time, with Wako's warning enough to give him warning - but he stops right there in front of the door too, leaving every chance Chiyo will walk into him or reach around and rescue Wako.

He's not doing that because he's considering the sight in front of them. "Is this a bad time? We can come back."

Yes, he is eyeing the settling flour and comparing it to his black school jacket and imagining the smudges...

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
It had been awhile since Chiyo had gone out to the Shed. Only once or twice since she'd lost her powers. Tonight was an exception for many reasons: The Star Drivers were going to be explaining their powers to some new face, and she needed to learn as much as she could, too. It saved time to tag along! The fact that she felt a bit guilty not showing up for so long certainly added to it.

When Takuto stops and Wako bumps into him the plum haired girl trailing behind Sugata pauses only a moment. Just a moment, as she spies the utter chaos unfolding inside from the dusting of flour around, to the entangled pair of the trio...

With a sigh she extends her arm to smack it solidly into Sugata's back. "In," she states though well aware that meant likely tumbling into his fiancee and boyfriend too.

That leaves HER standing freely as she tips her head to the side to peer around at the other girl within. "What were you trying to bake?" in the sort of knowing voice one might expect from someone used to walking in on a cousin that couldn't cook for the life of her and having to save the day.

Entrapta (281) has posed:
The roomba, who appears to be on cleanup duty, comes over to the door. It vacuums up a path, being ...almost amazingly sentient in its reaction to people, and giving them somewhere neat to step. Or fall.

Inside however, the purple-clad, purple-haired girl in overalls pulls out a handheld vacuum. "Oh! Hello! I was not expecting that. But that's good! Please, come in!" she seems quite amiable.

"It's not important, nothing here is actually food. I don't recommend eating any of it." She picks up a cookie, then peers at it closely. Her nose wrinkles. "I think the bread is still salvageable.." Pause. "No, it's not. Ah well! Tell me you're here for the research!"

she walks around her little table, vacuuming as she goes. "I was out of data to work with, you'd be helping me a whole lot if you are!

Then she actually sees the ongoing, and peers. She seems uncertain how to respond. People on the floor are usually there for a reason. "Is there something I should be asking about? I mean, unrelated to the data."

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
It's not that Wako is heavy, it's just that her impact changed Takuto's center of balance slightly and he's in the middle of grabbing for the doorjamb to steady himself when Sugata's voice turns into impact and the redhead starts to go down, but manages to throw himself around midair enough in the fall to land in such a way that he can break Wako's fall and not get crushed by Sugata falling on top of her.

"Was that necessary?" he asks mildly, and then says, "but also, OW dammit Chiyo-chan!"

He tips his head backwards to look upside-down at Entrapta, which gives both Wako and Sugata a front-row seat to Takuto's long skinny neck. "We're here for the research! And no, I-- I don't think so? We're Star Drivers, Chiyo is joining our robot club and would like to hear all this too."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako might have recovered from her collision with Takuto - except that then Sugata goes down, and then it is indeed Star Driver Dominoes, a pileup of CLAMP noodles (and Wako) as all three of them go sprawling.

"--oof!" At least Takuto's reflexes are excellent, which means nobody bonks their face on the floor. Wako huffs out a breath with resigned good humor from where she has, instead, faceplanted onto Takuto's chest. From this undignified position, she's greeted first by the sight of the roomba trundling about its business before she lifts her eyes to Entrapta and smiles sheepishly. "Hi? Nice to meet you."

Really she seems remarkably composed for her current situation, apart from the possibility of being slightly squashed between the two boys. "We're fine, I think. Sugata-kun...?"

Sugata Shindo has posed:
For a shining moment, it's just Red and Yellow on the ground. Then the moment is over and blue is down there too, squashing Wako slightly, and Sugata isn't exactly wounded by this or anything, not with two people to break his fall, but it's not exactly dignified.

"As a Star Driver, you're supposed to launch attacks towards your teammates, not attack them," he informs Chiyo, tone chiding, before he hauls himself up and extends a hand to both Wako and Takuto.

"Sugata Shindo; these two are Wako Agamaki and Takuto Tsunashi. We heard you were looking to learn more about magic types, so here we are." At least he didn't fall in the flour?

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai bites her lower lip to repress a grin at the situation. Although she does step to the side, and allow the door to shut behind her. "Sorry, Sugata-kun, you know it's not a good idea to hover in the doorway to a secret hideout with the door open," she points out. "In and out, quick as possible." Maybe she was just a bit bossy sometimes.

As for the rest? She gingerly steps to the side giving the trio plenty of room to get up. To Wako she gives a secret thumbs-up because she's certainly not against helping her roommate get up close and personal with her boys.

"I'm Chiyo Sakai," she offers to Entrapta with a waggle of her fingers. "Currently not powered after an incident, but I'll be joining the Star Drivers soon. So I thought I'd tag along and learn what I could, too." A pause as she regards the burnt cookies. "Seriously though if you're cooking something I can help."

Entrapta (281) has posed:
The Very Good Roomba rolls over toward some chairs, maybe some stools. It's doing its job, which is probably why nobody other than Entrapta has white on them. you know, yet.

Entrapta looks at the goings-on silently until they seem to have resolved themselves, sitting down in a swivel chair. Was that always in here? Maybe, the place seems to change sometimes. The chair starts to turn, but she adjusts it with a quick motion.

Purplette Science Girl stays silent just a bit longer, like she's not sure what to say (true) then pulls out a pad, writing down some information. With a pencil. Ooh, the technology. "Star Drivers?" she asks. She pauses, tapping the pad. "Does that have something to do with baking? Sorry, this isn't my native language so I'm working with a limited data set here."

"Emily, you can go charge, it's okay now." She looks at you all, but the roomba scoots off into its charge bay. She named it? Well, it is a very good girl. "Maybe we should sit down. Before anyone hurts themselves. And you can tell me about your magic! Did you mention...robots?"

She leans just a little lot bit closer on that word. Lot.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
Emily is an *excellent* roomba. Takuto is quite grateful to be flourless, like a good ganache.

He takes Sugata's offered hand up, and dusts himself off despite Emily's hard work. He glances sidelong at Sugata when Chiyo bosses him, then looks at Chiyo, faintly aggrieved.

His attention's back on Entrapta soon enough, though he pulls the chairs indicated by Emily closer before letting Wako pick who's sitting where. "Star Drivers aren't bakers as a rule, but Chiyo-chan's very good and also makes wagashi, which I bet you'd like!"

Finally, Takuto sits down and opens his mouth to say something when a chibi-fied robot in an iridescent bubble pops into being above and in front of him. A very dashing robot, whose construction might bring to mind Adam Ant as a cavalier with a huge feather plume. He flourishes a bow.

"They're big, though. Usually. Not in Tokyo, but back home."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"Almost nothing to do with baking, I'm sorry to say," Wako confirms as she dusts herself off, after accepting Sugata's hand up and flashing a quick grin at Chiyo. "Which is too bad, I think it'd be more interesting. Chiyo-chan's sweets are amazing, you should definitely get her help if you want to try more cooking."

She picks a seat for herself and settles down, tucking her feet out of the way under the chair. "That's Tauburn!" she says, gesturing to the action-figure-sized robot in his floating bubble. "He's a Cybody, and he's Takuto-kun's partner. Sugata-kun and I each have one as well."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"Ah, so next time we should step over the fallen bodies of our loved ones," Sugata tells Chiyo dryly, "I'll keep that in mind."

Maybe she is a bit bossy, but he's definitely a bit snarky. As they get themselves sorted, he settles into the chair katty corner to Wako and Takuto, facing Entrapta as well. It's probably a blessing that his Cybody doesn't pop out, as he looks around at Entrapta's set up.

"A Star Driver is a human partnered with a Cybody, bearing their Mark to wield their power in the world." It's a brief explanation, the cliff notes as one would put it, and leans back in the chair. "We're from Southern Cross Island, which is located as one might expect, in the South from the main island. Our Cybodies' true forms are back home; Tauburn could probably crush this Shed underfoot if he felt like it."

Not that he would!

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai glances toward the Roomba named Emily with a smile. She never had one of those herself, but it was cute to see. She could hardly be one to argue about naming odd things. Her gaze tears away to bat innocent eyes in response to Sugata though she says nothing else on the matter. Instead she takes a seat, too, crossing one leg over the other and clasping her knee between her hands.

"I used to have cooking powers, but I lost that ability. I just... I know how to cook in general. My Ojiisan taught me how to make wagashi among other things." Now was not the time though. It was just her breif explanation that no, this was not related to Star Drivers.

Instead her gaze fixes on Tauburn's arrival with a smile as she gets to actually see the cybody (or avatar of the cybody) outside of a fight for once. Sugata's explanation of their size causes her to look surprised.

"Are they all that big?" Her gaze flits over to Wako questioningly. "I knew you said they were large but I didn't realize that big."

Entrapta (281) has posed:
Well, Tauburn gets Entrapta's attention. She scoots forward in her chair, getting closer to him so she can have a look! "Fascinating," she says, sounding like she really deeply means it. Tilting her head back and forth, she tries to look at his little self from many angles. "And so cute!"

She says, "Where do they come from?" without looking away. She do appreciate her robots. "I'd love to hear more! But not full size, we'd have to move to another location for that kind of demonstration it's true."

Pausing, she thinks a moment, then adds, "I'm not sure about the cooking aspects of this. Can we touch back on that afterward? I suppose I should but...I mean." She motions to Tauburn with her hands. "Robots!"

In her charger, Emily squeaks once. Then she whirls her wheels a little.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"He would never smush the Shed!" Takuto says stoutly, reaching out for Tauburn's bubble and hugging it somewhat alarmingly. His face mooshes against the outside of the bubble. "Not to mention, Tauburn is my partner, like Wako-chan said. The Cybodies can't move without Drivers, and I would never crush the Shed."

Tauburn is already turning to face Chiyo so Takuto can point to his chest. "See that red bubble? I fit inside there with plenty of room to have dramatic one-man swordfights. When I'm Driving, Tauburn's movements are my movements, we're the same. He talks in my head, but doesn't speak out loud."

The little Cybody in the bubble is very pleased to strike all kinds of poses for Entrapta, and he alights on the surface next to her.

"Off the island, we can do a power-up in a fight that takes more energy to use, but it's worth it for the armor and firepower. And it's really cool! Phantom armor that looks like our Cybodies. It's really cool... but not as cool as Tauburn himself."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako nods to Chiyo, making a slightly sheepish face as Takuto puts Tauburn's true size into context. "The others vary a little bit, like people do, but... they're pretty much all about that size. Except for Samekh." Her eyes flick toward Sugata for a moment. "He's, um... bigger."

She turns her eyes to Entrapta, her expression becoming more apologetic. "We'd have to go to Southern Cross Island for you to see them in full size," she says. "Their true bodies are confined there. Beyond the island, we can borrow their power, like Takuto-kun said, but it's only within the boundary of the island that we can enter the third phase and pilot them from inside. And even then, only in Zero Time. It'd cause way too many problems otherwise."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"I thought it was a given that Tauburn would never, even if you, for some reason, wanted to," Sugata rolls his eyes at Takuto as he clutches Tauburn's bubble, but there's still a fond softness to his eyes. "It doesn't change that his foot is of the right size for it, though."

It's an effective comparison, okay? There's no need to mention that Samekh is much larger - large enough to easily dwarf most skyscrapers - when it won't ever matter.

"They come from beyond our galaxy, in a star system that originated far, far, from our own. They live here now, though, and here is where they'll stay."

Is it a perfect answer? No. Is he going to tell a scientist he's just met about the world-devouring nature of his own Cybody, who would be the one most likely to leave the system? Also no.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai had heard part of this before. Perhaps in more detail because she was being brought into the group of course, but it was still interesting to hear how it's explained to others as well. Someday she might be asked such questions. This was new to her, still, and would be for awhile.

Takuto's explanation of where he's located when driving Tauburn just earns a little mumble of, "Oh wow," as the size sinks further in. Tauburn gets more of an audience than usual tonight as she also watches him, fixated.

Entrapta (281) has posed:
Entrapta hms. Lots going on here. She opens her mouth to ask a question, then closes it as things move on about piloting. Seems important. So, she begins to take notes. Size is important, for the Star Drivers. Doesn't seem quite right, somehow. And being inside of the robots. She's almost certain that she's missing some context there, too.

Luckily she's distracted from that line of thought by the cutest little robo-fighter showing his moves! She stares, openly admiring the little guy and his incredible cuteness. "Hi there, little guy!" Until Sugata speaks up, and draws her away. "Oh! Me too!" Wait what? And, back to canoodling with the cybody.

Then, suddenly she's back on topic. "Do you use tools for it? To call them out large-size? Sorry, this is for the research, I'm looking for more focused information. Or barring that, maybe some kind of workable energy form. Is there anything you do that I could witness, in person?"

She smiles, pulling one leg up into her lap. "It's for science! Also I can't do much without a bit more to work with, like maybe some kind of sample."

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"Can you take readings with some kind of magical scanner?" Takuto asks with interest, and Tauburn looks at Entrapta too. "I don't know if you'll get anything off my mark-- but I've never appri-- I've never henshined indoors."

He stands up, then glances from Wako to Sugata, then grins. "I probably could do it sitting down, but where's the fun in that?" He takes a deep breath and almost bellows, but instead stage-whispers dramatically, "APPRIVOISER!"

First, a large red X shines from underneath Takuto's clothes, across his chest. Then shimmering red light surrounds him, and there's an overabundance of sparkles and starry shapes flickering in and out around his own silhouette. "Dashing Entrance!" he calls out, and with a cock of his hip, white military-esque trousers and thigh-high red boots appear. He flings his arms out to his sides and then dabs, yelling out "Ginga Bishounen!!" as a seriously fancy white and gold military-esque red-lined coat flashes itself into being around him. He ducks his head and then throws it back, and that's when the cravat becomes visible and he gets a bleached-yellow star shape in his hair.

He strikes a pose, unconsciously mirroring Tauburn, then slams his right hang into his chest and calls out "Star Swordo! EMERAUDE!" and pulls out a large green glowing energy sword, and then his left hand pulls out "Star Swordo! SAPHIR!" the same way.

Then he poses with one over his shoulder and the end with its tip touching the floor and his hand on the hilt. "But we could go spar outside. Maybe further back behind the shed."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako giggles a little, between watching Tauburn no doubt having the time of his life playing to an enthralled audience and Takuto's casual eagerness to do the same. Her own enjoyment of watching Takuto's transformation, however, is somewhat interrupted by the insistent nudge of an elbow to her side. "What?" She's still laughing a little as she looks over at Chiyo. "What was that for?"

Her head whips toward Takuto when he suggests taking things outside. "Careful, if you two start sparring, you're probably going to get carried away. Maybe we should start a little simpler, first. Apprivoiser."

Unlike Takuto, she does stay seated, but aside from the diminished drama the effect is quite similar. A pink radiance in a shape like a capital Y shines on her chest, through her t-shirt; soon she's silhouetted by glittering pink light. When it fades, she's left in a white and gold military-style uniform much like Takuto's save for its shorter coat and pleated white shirt, and the addition of a waist-length capelet. The gold pins securing her cravat are sunbursts instead of stars.

A second tiny robot pops into existence over her shoulder, floating in its own bubble of pink light. This one has a more feminine design compared to Tauburn, all white and gold with a headdress of hexagonal shapes and a pair of long streamers of glowing golden light, and a white-and-gold arc like the floating raiment of a celestial maiden from Japanese mythology.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
Oh! Me too! Entrapta says, and Sugata looks sideways at her for a moment, before recalling the notice that Bow had put up and estimating that 'Etheria' must be from farther away than he'd thought.

As Takuto and then Wako apprivoise, Sugata - removes his jacket, undoes his tie, and then unbuttons his shirt? Oh yes, that's exactly what he does, as he exposes enough of his chest for Entrapta to see his Mark. Unlike Takuto's X-like-shape and Wako's Y-like shape, his Mark isn't glowing, but is simply a part of his body - distinct enough to be clearly seen, but not raised as a scar would be. It's a straight line, with three horizontal lines going across.

"Rather than using devices, what makes a Star Driver is possessing one of these Marks," he explains to Entrapta. "Takuto-kun possesses Tauburn's Mark, and Wako-chan bears Wawna's."

As her name is spoken, he nods towards the small robot floating beside Wako.

"You saw their marks when they transformed - the glowing symbol on their chests before their outfits changed. If you'd like to see us spar, I'll transform as well, but otherwise, I'll refrain."

As it is, Samekh is complaining in his mind, but not interested in showing up when Sugata isn't making use of his power - he likes to brag, not to look weak, and being the only one showing up without his Driver transformed seems exactly that, to him.

"If we use some of our energy, the Mark will glow -" as he says that, pale blue-white light glows from the mark on his chest.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
It's odd, really. Even though she'd fought alongside them before, Chiyo had never once gotten to *see* the full effect of the transformation. Usually she was thick in the fight herself, or as during their last interaction, helping to protect the civilians and nearly falling off a roof in the process.

For just a moment Chiyo finds herself nearly gawking at Takuto's transformation. Moreso when he pulls the swords out--So THAT was where he kept them!--And her arm involuntarily lifts to nudge and elbow at Wako.

"You never told me Takuto-kun was *cool*," she responds to Wako's question before she turns her attention to her friend to watch her transformation, too.

It's here Chiyo laughs a bit shaking her head. "Then again I guess most anything is cooler than my old transformation." She's teasing a bit, but... Well. This *was* really impressive. She was starting to get a bit giddy at the thought of getting her own mark now instead of apprehensive.

And then she's sitting up abruptly because Sugata is taking his clothes off what the hell?!

Red faced and wide-eyed she watches only to realize he was showing off the mark with a rush of breath let out. Sure these were Wako's boys but they were still BOYS darnit! If Philip found out he was taking his shirt off to show off his mark... Oh boy.

Entrapta (281) has posed:
Can she record? "Penelope, record all wavelengths!" Something on the table hums to life. What is it? It used to be a celphone, actually. Now it's much, much more. Crystals scan, turning slowly as people transform. Sonic resonances are recorded, and gently probed. Magical systems are carefully tested, in person, as they are used!

Entrapta is READY. After all, she's been doing this for ten years. Well, focused on testing people for a few weeks, but STILL! "I think I can handllllooooh that's sooo cool," she says, trailing off as she watches things become much more interesting! She grips the fabric of her pants (overalls really but what else do you call the legs?) and takes notes on her pad! Patterns, drawn! Quick sketches! Yes!

No, Emily is not involved. She's resting.

"No, I don't need to see fighting," Entrapta says as she draws the marks before she forgets them. This is data! "So the strong one doesn't have a mark? Can I scan her before she gets one, for a reference point?" She indicates Chiyo with the nub of her pencil. "It's very helpful for establishing a baseline."

She pauses, then looks up. She seems to be realizing something. "Did you ...want to fight? I never understood that part, it feels like people overdoing it for some reason." She's fifteen, and not even looking at the guys. Or the girls. Should she ask Sugata to open his shirt again? Would Chiyo want her to?

Well, SOMETHING is turning her on. But it's not the people. "This is REALLY good data.." scribbling on her pad.


Sapiophilia is one of the terms used to define a person who is turned on by knowledge. For...reference.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"No, he makes me fight every morning before school and twice on Sundays," Takuto says cheerfully, putting one sword baaack into his chest where he's sure Entrapta can see it, and putting the other baaack into his chest where he's sure Wako and Sugata can see it.

"If she's the Strong One, can I be the Dashing One? Or am I just the Red One?" Takuto asks, before glancing back at the others again, and then-- he steps a little further back so he's sure all three of them can see, and he looks at Tiny Tauburn and grins, and Tauburn steps back and bows most deeply, most courtly, like Go Ahead Obviously, Takuto.

"APPRIVOISE!" he shouts, and-- as Tiny Tauburn vanishes-- "Sassou toujou! Ginga Bishounen TAUBURN!" and...

Ghost-light, white and gold and pink and blue, sparkles around the boy hanging in midair with the blue-white rocket nimbus around him. It forms a ghostly set of extremely dapper and very tall armor around him, in the shape of his Tauburn, including a mask and a fantastic hat-looking thing with a plume on his head. "This good data too?" he asks cheerfully.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako blinks wide eyes at Chiyo. "I thought it was obvious!" she says, in the tone of someone for whom Takuto's coolness is an established fact of the universe.

She can't be said to seem startled by Sugata so casually opening his shirt... though she does lift a hand to her mouth to hide a smile that might best be described as 'smug'. "Come on, Sugata-kun, have a little mercy on poor Chiyo-chan. She's not all the way used to us yet."

To Entrapta she adds brightly, "They get carried away with sparring really easily, because hardly anyone else can give them a challenge. But here--" She glances to Tiny Wawna floating over her shoulder; the little robot inclines her head, folding her hands decorously. "Zero Time."

As she says the words, Wako brings the fingertips of both hands together, as though she's sketching a vague shape in the air. The effect inside the confines of the Shed is only barely noticeable - like a puff of air against the skin as the energy rushes out.

Entrapta's readings, on the other hand, tell a very different story. The entire area has been, as best the data can relate, shifted into an otherdimensional space, and the flow of time has slowed nearly to a stop within it.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
The strong one looks over toward Entrapta with a bit of a grin in spite of her mild embarassment at the show-offs currently showing off. "I'd be okay with that," Chiyo agrees with a laugh. "The 'strong' is just how I am though. Even without powers." And she looks just a little embarassed by THAT, too, but also proud. It was nice being able to lift things others couldn't. At the same time... Well. She was a girl.

Looking back toward Wako with a little flash of a grin as she chides Sugata, however teasingly, she gives a faint nod of thanks. Takuto though earns a laugh. "I think you're already the Dashing One with your name there, Ginga Bishounen," she points out.

Another little glance is stolen Sugata's way only to find him thankfully rebuttoning his shirt. Usually he was so prim and proper! Ish. Mostly. It had caught her off guard was all.

Takuto's armor transformation steals her attention again as well making her feel as if she was being pulled many directions all at once. "The one I'll be likely getting is Tauburn's twin, so it'll also be a warrior body." If the current owner gave up the mark anyway. Though she'd been assured that wasn't an issue.

For now she just falls silent and observes.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
Chiyo's reaction earns the barest edge of a smug smile, because though he might be the most dignified of the Star Drivers, he's still a teenaged boy, and that includes the preening at catching someone's attention. Sure, he's not interested in anyone besides Takuto and Wako, but turning heads isn't anything he'll turn down.

"Shouldn't I be giving her a look at what's ahead, instead of hiding it until it's too late?" He asks Wako, teasing, as he finishes retying his tie.

"She's right about that, but Takuto is getting enough fighting in for now," Sugata agrees, rebuttoning his shirt once the demonstration is complete, "Between me and everything else Tokyo has to offer us. There were battles on Southern Cross Island, but not the wide-variety of enemies we've encountered here in Tokyo."

Zero Time unfolds, and then Takuto boosts to his superform - and the data that Entrapta is recording will be showing that the Star Drivers have an energy signal that's paired - the wavelength of their energy showing a double match of signatures for each of them, two hearts in one - Cybody and human. When Takuto boosts into his superform, it's as though one of those wavelengths becomes stronger, the signatures still moving as one, but the Cybody wavelength is stronger, clearer, as Tauburn's power bleeds through to Takuto, gives him more strength, more speed.

"Each of us has a different type of Cybody, as well. Tauburn is a Warrior-type Cybody, Wawna is one of the four Maiden-type Cybodies, and - my Cybody, Samekh, is the thoroughly deposed King."

Entrapta (281) has posed:
You know, Entrapta was about to get up and answer some of Takuto's questions, maybe fawn over Wawna. She totally was, but then her ..'Penelope'? Starts to squeak at her. "Good data sure," she says, a bit distractedly.

Then she's up out of her seat and adjusting angles on crystals, while she looks at their colour emanations. She leans to the laptop that's set up, typing quickly into its keyboard.

She leans back, looking at everyone. Then says, "Impulses of gravtins taking away motion from systemic charge, accelerated planck length, impossible...happening...quantum gravity fluctuating." She mumbles into her keyboard for a good moment, as folks have a second without her. Chiyo's comments don't even register, but she probably has a reason for it?

"Robot merging, might explain increase in mass...hm. 1.616232(18)×10?35 meters...? Room for more with an increase in background capacity, moving between...hm."

Entrapta looks between people, deeply curious. After all, this is ...well, it's awesome. "Are you actually powered by stars? is that what the name means?"

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako gives Sugata a reproachful look at his teasing remark. "Don't be ridiculous," she tells him, lifting her chin primly. "We already promised Philip-kun she didn't have to date us."

Most of Entrapta's technobabble washes well over her head, which is fine, as it wasn't meant for her to begin with. She can't help but laugh, though, at that last question. "No, it's not like that," she says, shaking her head. Then pauses, and looks askance at tiny Wawna.

"...At least. I don't think so?"