Texts: I Will Just Call You 'Coach'

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Texts: I Will Just Call You 'Coach'
Date of Cutscene: 13 September 2023
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Checking up and checking out.
Cast of Characters: Pyrite, Kyouka Inai

<PHONE> A text from Kyouka Inai: himeko-chan, how's it going? still alive? or y'know.. extant, i suppose
<PHONE> You text Kyouka Inai: Hello, yes, this is Himeko. I am fine. We are all fine here. How are you?
<PHONE> A text from Kyouka Inai: alive. just counting my chickens, so to speak, after the recent excitement. keeping up with my contacts, of which you are one
<PHONE> You text Kyouka Inai: That is good. Thank you. I appreciate that I am counted among your contacts. I am at the Soryuu Shrine. I had to 'rest' and 'recharge'. This is the place most familiar to me so it happens fastest here. May I also consider you to be a contact, Inai-sensei?
<PHONE> A text from Kyouka Inai: Look at your phone and tell me what it says as the header for the list of names you have saved of which mine is one
<PHONE> You text Kyouka Inai: Oh, I can save names! That is useful. I shall save your name. This will be faster than reciting a poem to remind myself who everyone is and how to contact them.
<PHONE> A text from Kyouka Inai: considerably faster i imagine, yes. anyway i am glad you are recharging. is darien still doing well, too?
<PHONE> You text Kyouka Inai: He is alive. I think he is very tired and worried about his friends but also happy about Naru-san's return.
<PHONE> A text from Kyouka Inai: i am also very happy about that. i dislike it when people who can't defend themselves become victims
<PHONE> You text Kyouka Inai: It is probably for the best that I do not comment on my past with victimizing the defenseless, ne? I feel that my social skills are telling me that bringing that up would be a fox pass. I am very adept at social skills, you see. Do not worry, I no longer engage in this practice, so you can forget any mention of it. Besides, it was their fault for using me as a tool for their needs and then abandoning me to die. If they had not done so, I would have still been alive when Onii-chan came to get me. This is a lot of text. Is this a lot of text? It seems like a lot of text.
<PHONE> A text from Kyouka Inai: darling, if i held everyone responsible for their past mistakes, when it's clear they are attempting (and succeeding) at doing better, i wouldnt have any friends. and i can easily include myself in that number.
<PHONE> You text Kyouka Inai: Your name has been saved. You are now 'Inai-sensei, the one from now not the one from before, or the other time. Or the one in the dream'.
<PHONE> You text Kyouka Inai: Oh. That is too long it says.
<PHONE> You text Kyouka Inai: I will just call you 'Coach'.
<PHONE> A text from Kyouka Inai: my identity is confusing enough for me already without you adding to it. how about just 'Inai'
<PHONE> You text Kyouka Inai: With no honorific? Is that even legal? I do not wish to be arrested by CPS.
<PHONE> You text Kyouka Inai: What if I call you Coach-san.
<PHONE> A text from Kyouka Inai: it's legal in your phone memory. the cops cant arrest you for that
<PHONE> A text from Kyouka Inai: i'm not a coach! i'm a counselor. ugh, coach makes me sound like an old lady in a track suit
<PHONE> You text Kyouka Inai: Very well then. I shall trust your word. Also, you could be one of the pretty coaches in their mid-twenties or early thirties as seen in The Animes and The Mangas. There is one about monster girls at school that I completed recently.
<PHONE> A text from Kyouka Inai: i'm 23! and im a counselor which is way smarter and cooler than a coach, so if you call me coach i will be forced to exorcise you
<PHONE> A text from Kyouka Inai: (that was a joke, I wont exorcise you)
<PHONE> You text Kyouka Inai: I understand.
<PHONE> A text from Kyouka Inai: for the record, thank you for 'pretty', although it may be undeserved
<PHONE> A text from Kyouka Inai: come see me in person sometime soon okay? not in my dreams. my headspace is crowded already
<PHONE> You text Kyouka Inai: I shall. As soon as I am sufficiently stable, my visitation will be imminent, as like unto Christmas.
<PHONE> A text from Kyouka Inai: you don't have to wait that long. but i look forward to it. genuinely.
<PHONE> You text Kyouka Inai: I meant I would visit thrice, as a different ghost each time! Or the same ghost, from different time periods. I will bring garlic bread instead. Obtain rest for yourself while you await the bread of garlic.
<PHONE> A text from Kyouka Inai: you got it, ghostie. be safe