Texts: Hamster ball of goodness

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Texts: Hamster ball of goodness
Date of Scene: 14 September 2023
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Naru texts Wako to thank her for her role in the rescue
Cast of Characters: Naru Osaka, Wako Agemaki

(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Thank you for sticking me in a hamster ball of goodness. <3
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: I feel like I should apologize XD
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: It didn't seem very pleasant for you. But I'm glad it worked. <3
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: How are you feeling?
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: I mean, I can confirm that it is not super comfortable on the way through, but the alternative is worse.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: I feel better than I expected to at this point, honestly. I even got a run in this morning, and went to classes today. But I'm getting tired, so not wholly back from a whole lot of drain.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: I'm glad!
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: Not that you're tired, I mean.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: But it sounds like you'll be fine after you take it easy for a bit, and that's good.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Tired is WAAAY better than many many other options. I'll totally take tired over the alternatives.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: Seriously.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: Everyone was really worried. It's great that you're okay.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: What did Sunbreaker want with you? do you know?
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: ah, maybe I shouldn't ask right now. If you'd rather not think about it so soon, just ignore that question!
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Until the end, the worst of it was boredom.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Originally, she was pretty sure I somehow used my powers to boost Sailor Moon, and I think she was hoping I could show her how to do that. Eventually she figured out that I really was a mundane. That was when she decided to fix me.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: 'fix' you... like give you magic?
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Awaken my powers. Spoilers. Still no powers.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: Putting it that way, it almost sounds like she was trying to be helpful.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: If we ignore the part where she kidnapped you.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: She isn't all bad.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: I think I kind of know the type.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: She was truly baffled at my lack of magic ability and general lack of magic education. I mean.. cranking me full of dark energy to give me powers.. not the choice I would have made, but I also think it got away from her. Not that she'd ever admit that.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: Too caught up thinking of themselves as the 'chosen of humanity' or whatever to ever admit they could be wrong about anything.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: The best mage in the WORLD! :)
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: Takuto-kun and I ran into her the other day, right before we got word of where you were.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: She was out and about with a giant monster and another accomplice. Said something about you 'assisting with greatness'.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: She's caused too much trouble for you and everyone else for me to feel really sympathetic right now, but... I don't know, I've seen people get through to that type before.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: She was gone a lot, hence the boredom. That tracks. She was thinking of it as magical research in assisting the magically disabled.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: Kinda sick to keep you cooped up like that, even if she did think she was helping.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Yeah, I'm not sure quite why she needed to hold me captive, but as I said, I think a lot of things sort of got away from her.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: Well, I'm definitely glad things weren't any worse than that.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Purification aside, it could have gone a whole lot worse. I'm also glad I didnt hurt any of you guys.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: Yeah. For a bit there, it seemed like things might get rough.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: To be honest, I froze up a little... it's lucky Usagi-chan came up with an idea in the pinch.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: She was great.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: She did so well. I'm so proud of her.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: You've got a super amazing best friend. n_n
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: I really do. I love her to pieces.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: She's probably already planning a welcome back party for you.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Any excuse for a party! We could all use something happy.
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: You're not wrong XD
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: As overly sappy as it sounds.. I'm super grateful for so many friends that we've both made at RHA. Not just cause they rescued me. :)
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: <3 <3 <3
(PHONE) Wako Agemaki texts: I know what you mean. I'm really glad I came here, myself.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: It's unending chaos, and there's never a dull moment, but it's a good place to have landed.