1264/An Underwater Freaky Tuesday

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An Underwater Freaky Tuesday
Date of Scene: 12 March 2024
Location: Plot Room 2
Synopsis: After a spell of Maria gone wrong, Yuuto and Hanon find themselves in each other's bodies. While the latter works on securing their means to go back, the former and Coco swim together, both of them now merfolk.
Cast of Characters: Coco Kiumi, Yuuto Shiraishi

Coco Kiumi has posed:
The day started well. Coco and Yuuto had been going around Tokyo right after school when they suddenly got joined in by Hanon. What followed after was the three of them going under the sea (now that Coco had the Sealing Key, she could let Yuuto breathe underwater without being in her Idol form.

The three of them were leisurely swimming around where they had bumped into Maria who had found another spellbook in Gaito's collection. Before any of them could react, Maria had started casting a spell on, with the blue mermaid enveloped in an energy the colour of ice that quickly started travelling towards Maria herself.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Ever since the incident with the Rainbow Crystal in the park, Yuuto has been trying to make inroads with Hanon. After all, she's a friend of his girlfriend, and well -- he'd like to get to know them better. As well as earn at least some of their approval for him being a part of Coco's future. As they were swimming around, Yuuto chuckled, still getting used to the feeling as they had met Maria. "This is the first thing that Coco and I ever did together... well, after we fought a Dark Lover together. She wanted to make sure she knew that she was a mermaid... and I think that's where I first started getting feelings for her." A glance over at Coco, a fond smile. "In fact, I plan to..."

But as they were talking, and the mention of Gaito's spell, really, there should be thoughts on speaking of spells from unfamiliar sources. With the Dark Lover starting to cast her spell, Yuuto moves quickly, trying to interrupt Maria before she can complete her spell and attack Coco and Hanon. "Watch out!" he warns the pair, just as the spell strikes him, engulfing the teenager in the magic of the moment.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"What are you doing, Yuuto?" Coco exclaims when her boyfriend all of a sudden rushes in between the spell that was on its way to connect Hanon to Maria. What could have possessed him to do such a risky thing? "That is too dangerous, get out of there!"

Before he can do anything though, even if he wants to change his mind, the spell runs its course hitting him and connecting him to the blue mermaid. "Ahh! That was for Gaito-sama's success!", Maria exclaims once she registers what happened. "Foolish idiot, you will pay for this!"

At the same time the energy connecting the two of them intensifies, and just as soon as it came, it vanished, leaving the situation unchanged? "Yuuto, are you ok!?" Coco exclaims, swimming over to the boy, who groans in confusion. "What do you mean, Coco, why are you calling..." Yuuto(?) starts saying, before he(?) adds "Eh? What's wrong with my voice?"

"What did you do, Maria!?", the boy(?) suddenly rushes after the Dark Lover, that with a look of nervousism and frustration starts swimming in the opposite direction. "I didn't do anything! He was the one who got in the way of my spell!" she exclaims, and both of them swim so fast they are gone.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
There's a moment of blinding light, where there's confusion. As Coco is calling out to him, there's a groan that comes from somewhere, but it sounds more high-pitched. "Coco, Hanon?" comes the voice that is familiar, yet unfamiliar, as he starts to open his eyes. "Are you two alright..." and then Yuuto trails off.

He can see his skin. It's the wrong color - far too pale for him. And why are the nails perfectly manicured and blue? That's when he glances up, and he sees his blonde mermaid, the water demon that cast the spell... and himself - speeding off. "Wait. What?" he asks, confusion and panic in his voice, but as he glances down, there's more surprises.

Seashell top? Tone tummy, flared hips... a bright blue tail?? Hanon's bright blue eyes blink in utter shock. "I... I'm a mermaid?" he asks, those eyes seeking out Coco's own golden eyes. "Not going to faint, not going to faint." The fin flicks, arms folding over his chest reflexively.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Why would he run off like that? It's enough when Hanon does it", Coco mumbles, turning over to look at the blue mermaid, who is showing her(?) own oddities. 'Yuuto will have to take care of himself for now', Coco thinks as she swims over to her fellow princess.

Who in the meanwhile wasn't looking good at all, with those eyes open in blue shock. "Of course you are a mermaid, Hanon", Coco says, worried about the effects of Maria's spell. What did she even find in Gaito's library now?

Taking Hanon's(?) hand in her own, Coco tries to reassure the mermaid. "It's ok, Yuuto will probably come back with a way to solve... whatever it is that spell did", Coco sighs, wishing they could have talked first. "If only we had a plan before he ran off like that. I hope he is alright."

The yellow mermaid eyes the blue mermaid, who does seem not to be feeling too well as she says again and again she is not going to faint. "What's going on?", as Coco gives a hopefully comforting hug to the blue mermaid.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
As Coco goes about just to confirm everything that Yuuto has hypothozied, Hanon's eyes go wide. "I'm not Hanon, Coco." she responds as her eyes seek out Coco's again. And then Coco pulls Hanon into a hug, and okay, that feels nice, but, but... Hanon puts her hands on Coco's shoulders and pushes back a little. "I'm not Hanon." she reiterates, a shake of her head that sends her bluenette hair about her in the water. "I'm Yuuto!" she tries to explain.

"We've gone on dates together, we've kissed... we met at a concert I was late to, and we fought Dark Lovers together... and and..." her eyes search Coco's, trying to see if realization comes to her face, and Hanon reaches up, cupping Coco's cheeks with her hands, and then she quietly sings.

"While we flow with the summer winds,
Feel the sunlight upon my skin,
Nothin' can take these stories from us."

And okay, she sings a lot better than Yuuto can, but hopefully the blonde Princess recognizes the songs and the words. "Which means..." Her hand releases Coco's cheek to point towards the fleeing pair. "That's Hanon!"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
As the tension in Hanon's body doesn't go away, Coco starts getting worried. What is going on here, and how can she help the blue mermaid relax. And then she is pushed back, which only serves to increase Coco's worry. Hanon doesn't mind hugs, why would they be refused now? She can only think that spell is something truly serious.

"Yuuto?", Coco repeats with clear uncertainty as she hears that statement come out of Hanon's lips, and then she starts listening to all the recounting of their meeting and dates. She is pretty sure Yuuto and Hanon have never been in the same room alone long enough to share does details, and they don't have each other phone number saved, the yellow mermaid is pretty sure of that.

Which leaves her only 1 possible conclusion, as Coco looks back at the ever small figure of Yuuto's fleeting body and then she turns again towards "Hanon". "Yuuto, are you alright?" Coco starts checking with the increasing acceptance of what actually happened.

"You are probably very disoriented right now", Coco says, taking his hand again, not wanting Yuuto to actually end up fainting. "It's ok, you will be back to normal soon, as soon as Hanon comes back with the book", she begins reassuring him. "How are you feeling?"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"Shouldn't we be helping her?" Hanon asks, Yuuto worrying over that for a moment. "She has my henshin device, but she probably has no idea how to use it, and what about her magic and swimming?" When Coco takes her hand, Hanon squeezes it in return, as Yuuto forces himself to calm down and try to find a new way to approach this.

"Disoriented." Yuuto swishes Hanon's tail again, trying to get used to the feel of her body that he's currently within. "So this is how it is for you?" he asks her curiously.

And how it could be for him. They've talked about him becoming a merman before, and now he's getting his first feel for it. His hand releases hers and Hanon 'kicks' her tail a little, and Yuuto yelps as he realizes how fast Hanon is in this body in water, and he manages to slow himself down. "Okay, okay... this. Yeah. I'm hoping I don't have to get used to this. I don't think you want this as your boyfriend." At least he's trying to find some humor in all this.

'Coco Kiumi has posed:
"It's ok, Hanon is perfectly capable of taking care of herself", Coco tries to put Yuuto as she watches him swish his tail back and forth. "Tinker is with her, so she will be able to transform one way or another", the yellow mermaid points out. She just needs enough time to pay attention to the instructions.

"Yes, that's what being a mermaid is like", Coco smiles with relief as she finally notices Yuuto is calming down. Though, they planned to make him become a mer
man, not a mermaid. This must be very weird for him.

She watches Yuuto experiment with how it is like to swim like that as he gets away from her further than he would liked. "I did say I would have troubles getting admitted in a swimming competition among humans", Coco's eyes glint. Now he knows exactly why she said that.

Though, then he raises a sudden angle to their situation she wasn't taking into account when he remarks that she wouldn't want this as a boyfriend. Well, she certainly wouldn't want to be
s girlfriend, but what about the rest? She probably doesn't feel that way, but... "I think that as long as it's you, I could accept anything", Coco tells him without a hint of doubt.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Yuuto is so not addressing the fact that he's a maid instead. Break his brain a little at a time, please. He's still trying to get a feel for Hanon's body, but at the same time. "It's okay, like you said, Hanon's capable - Tinker's with her. They'll fix this." He does not have to get used to this body. It's just a glimpse. A test drive. A test dive.

Swimming back to Coco, he makes sure to give himself plenty of room to stop, but as the long blue hair obscures him, he reaches up to try to push it all back into place, a smile offered. It's supposed to be one of Yuuto's shy smiles, but it almost looks seductive on the blue mermaid's face.

"I'm glad you're willing to still accept me, but yeah, I think I want to be in the right body." A small chuckle, as he swirls the body around, arms spread slightly.

"I mean, totally made for swimming. I get that now. I always wondered how the dynamics of it all would work..." A clearing of her throat as she rotates back to face Coco. "I think, if there's a way I could stay a Steam Sentinel, and be a merperson... it could work.'

Coco Kiumi has posed:
When Yuuto swims his way back to Coco, the mermaid eagerly greets him back in her waiting arms, radiantly happy to see Yuuto is actually feeling well, and is focusing more on exploring what it's like to be a merfolk than anything else.

"I guess you don't like long hair all that much", Coco smirks as she watches him pulling his hair back. "You will get used to it don't worry, and besides swimming will push your hair back for you", she points out. That, and she thinks his normal body would look great in long hair, but she is saying nothing, because she doesn't want to make him feel like she is saying his hair is ugly.

"Hmm, you will be back soon to your normal body", she reassures him. She is still keeping up that hug.

"Honestly, I sort of get that reasoning", Coco starts saying. "If I participated, I would win 9 times out of 10, so they may feel it's a little unfair, but at the same time this is my natural body", she shrugs, before going back to smiling. "Want to take advantage of this to swim at our leisure?"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Captured again in Coco's arms, the more intimate skin to skin contact does take some getting used to - but it's really no different than when Yuuto wears a swimsuit and they hug, so he's able to calm his mind down a little - nevermind that Hanon's heart is racing a mile a minute.

"Oh, you like my hair long, huh?" comes the question, a lift of his blue eyes towards her. A note made, see about growing out his hair - to see if Coco likes it on his regular body. After all, Hanon is cute with long hair - Yuuto may not be able to pull it off as well.

Resting Hanon's hands on Coco in return, finally accepting the hug, she lets out a little breath. "I think Hanon would be getting the raw deal in this anyway." he points out with a small teasing tone.

"As I said, if you wanted to do it, I would cheer for you - but if I decide to..." a grin, "I'd be that one in ten." A playful challenge for the future to the blonde mermaid. "I feel like we should be helping Hanon somehow... but if we're to just sit and wait... I suppose I could swim about a little."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
The heartbeat rate does worry Coco a fair bit, they are so close she can feel it thumping against her skin. And so next comes the question "Are you alright, Yuuto? I feel you are a little agitated", she asks.

Fair is fair, from Yuuto's point of view, long hair on men is a rarity, but when it comes to merfolk, it's waay more widespread, to the point they would almost be an even split. All in all, it could be said to be a whole race of people with luscious long locks that would make the people in Pantene commercials green with envy.

"Raw deal? I assume so, as long as she is in it, she doesn't have the opportunity to easily see what handsome boyfriend I have", Coco winks at him.

And then he has accepted her swimming offer. "Don't worry, I am sure she is showing Maria why you don't mess with a mermaid princess", Coco laughs, before dragging him along, her yellow tail gently kicking in the water, as they swim together as merfolk for the first time.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"You're making my heart race, silly." Yuuto responds to his mermaid. Doesn't matter what body he's in, he's still in love with her. "Nowhere near agitation." Hanon's cheeks warm with a blush. But, back on task, as there's a little chuckle from the mermaid. "I'm sure this is not as close as she wanted to get to a boy, though." he points out.

There's no further protest though as Coco tugs on Hanon's hand, and Yuuto follows, holding the mermaid's hand as the two of them take off. Watching her when she kicks, he follows suit, moving Hanon's tail in time with the blonde princess, his hand settled comfortably in hers.

"I heard you were going to perform at prom..." he ventures... and swallows. "I was hoping to ask if you'd be my date." A soft confession. "I mean, when you're not singing. But I will be there for you when you do sing, though."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Ooohhh, this is what is happening", Coco replies. She certainly underestimated the effect that she was having against her boyfriend, but she is glad it's a positive racing.

That sounds about right, as Coco nods to his affirmation. "Yeah, I am pretty sure she has never wanted to be one", Coco confirms. "She is probably very annoyed at that."

The fact they are swimming together as merfolk is cause of much joy for Coco: it's so invigorating for this to finally be an experience they share, and she is looking forward all the more to the day they get to do it together with Yuuto in his own body.

"Of course, Yuuto, I would love to be your date at the prom", Coco eagerly answers, moving back close to him, and instinctually moving her tail around his. "I will be so happy to be there with you. I know that with you there, I will sing at my very best", she declares.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
As the pair of them swim along, Yuuto gets that feeling of freedom and the rush of excitement as the pair of them coast through the water. Sliding along the sea floor, he reaches out to touch it, even as his other hand remains with Coco.

There will the day when he and her do this together as a couple, as more than a couple, perhaps. And then he asks her the most important question of the next month - will she be his prom date. Yes, he should have expected a yes, but at the same time, he asks anyway. Just in case she decided she was too busy to sing and have a date. Which he would have accepted.

But then Coco slows down and when the mermaid curls around him, he remembers this. It's a soft, close touch. And he remembers how it felt on legs, but now on a tail, he shivers with excitement at her caress.

But he stops himself. He does not want to kiss Coco with Hanon's mouth. Hanon may have never had a kiss. It'd be totally weird. So for now, he taps her nose with a well-manicured finger. "We'll pick this up when I'm back in my body." he whispers, Hanon's cheeks dark with a blush.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco smiles as he responds positively at that tail caress, the fact she got to do it with him - no matter the form - just as galvanising as the lovely experience itself.

And they move along like this, letting the sea do most of the work for them, with Coco gazing loving at Yuuto, looking past Hanon's face, at the soul of her lover as her own rejoices.

When Coco and Yuuto pass a small lucent green rock, the yellow mermaid picks it up and passes it to him, a memory of their wonderful time time together in the sweet embrace of the sea currents and the soft sea floor.

"I can't wait for that", Coco smiles, her golden eyes shining with bottomless adoration and love for him. That is something she always enjoys with Yuuto, and she is glad he feels the same about her.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
The two mermaids are tangled together, building a precious memory, as well as building Coco's case for Yuuto to accept her - and become a merperson himself. He knows his parents probably won't care, as long as it doesn't affect his school work. And as long as it doesn't both his work as a Steam Sentinel - he's for it.

His attention goes from the stone that Coco enshrines their memory in, but at the same time, it's a memory in Hanon's body. Which he keeps trying to remind himself off as he looks at the affecton and love that she feels for him.

"Coco..." he whispers, "I'm trying really hard not to kiss you." A laugh and a blush in Hanon's cheeks. But it's becoming that much harder.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Yeah, I knew that was a problem and was trying not to think of it", Coco confesses. It would just be too awkward with Hanon's body between them. But she is still glad for the positive experience.

Just then, an otter comes for them: it's Cora, Coco's own assistant. The little creature starts looking at them, blinking, before relaying her message, and Yuuto will know that he can actually hear that message which would have otherwise gone unheard. One of the perks of being in Hanon's body.

"Princess Coco, a boy has been gesturing at me, saying that the breathing spell had run out due to the distance, but he has the book and is waiting for you two on land at Radiant Heart", she informs them.

"Well, looks like we have a bit of a walk ahead of us", Coco tells Yuuto. "Are you up for that?"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"...wait, I have to walk now." Hanon's eyes go wide as Yuuto squeezes Coco one more time to let her go, and draws in a breath, glaning aside to the blonde mermaid.

And a realization. A terrible one at that, as she clears her throat. "...Hanon doesn't wear heels, does she?"

Because this can get awkward quick.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Thanks, Cora", Coco says, petting the otter that follows them as theh get back to shore, and soon enough, after waiting her time, she goes back to a human form, stretching her arms under the warmth of the sun.

"Thanks for the lovely experience, Yuuto. I am glad I got to enjoy it with you", Coco exclaims as she begins walking towards the school. As for his question, she adds "She may, or she may not?" Coco replies with an unsure smile. "What she wears pretty much depends on the day."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
It takes a couple of tries for Yuuto to figure out how to return Hanon to her human form. "I feel like I should have waited here for you to bring me back." comes his comment as he realizes that Hanon's manner of dress well... feels breezy on his legs.

Walking with Coco, fortunately Hanon decided to go with flats before changing into a mermaid, she folds her arms in front of her. "It was an awkward experience." she admits with a laugh as Yuuto glances aside to Coco. "But, it did open my eyes and give me insight into things. I assume, like the pair of you, I would need a pearl to transform?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Not really", Coco starts explaining as they walk back to the school, her arm locked with his. "The pearl is only needed to unlock the magic hidden in us. Somewhat. I can partially access my magic singing without it if I want to." It's a thing that comes with the more experienced mermaids.

"It does have the unfortunate consequence of reacting to water in the way you say, but that's only because it's deeply tied to our nature as mermaid princesses", she finishes elaborating.

Soon enough, they are at the school, where Hanon is waiting them, book in hand. "Oh, there you are", she exclaims, a bit displeased. "It was a horrible experience losing the spell of the key and be actually unable to breathe underwater. A mermaid that can't breathe."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"So, how would I change back and forth?" Yuuto asks curiously, as he glances aside to Coco. "...I mean, I'd be able to do things on land as well?" Coco might be able to catch in his... well Hanon's tone, that he is seriously considering the idea, and that she may have found her future.

As they notice himself, Hanon raises his hand to wave to Yuuto. Or vice versa. Something. "If you had let us help, we wouldn't have had that problem." he points out to her as they get close, glancing towards the book. "But I'm sure you're ready to have your body back. I know I want mine back." he admits as he glances aside to Coco. "Well... hopefully I'll see you again with my own eyes soon."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"It's something you do", Coco says. She should probably explain it better though. If she can find a way. "This form we have currently, well, it's not our natural form, of course. So, it's like letting go of our henshin, whereas for gaining it, you just sort of visualise yourself like that."

"That's pretty much it", Hanon interjects. "Now, less talk, and more getting our bodies back." With that she uses the spell of the book again, and the body trading happens again. And then Hanon transforms destroying the book with water before getting back to normal.

"Welcome back Yuuto, Hanon", Coco exclaims at the two fondly.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
When Yuuto returns to his own body, the teenager curls his fingers, toes. Stretches, moves. Yep. Everything is as it should be. "Thank you, Hanon." That's the first thing he offers, a small bow of his head to the bluenette. "It was quite the experience."

The second thing he does? He steps into Coco's personal space, his arms around her waist and he lifts her into a fond and affectionate kiss that lingers for several seconds, before he pulls back from her, his hands lowering, catching Coco's in his.

He knows he promised no pda in front of Hanon while she was visiting, especially after the crystal incident. But, he may have earned this one, at least?

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Everything is all right, Yuuto-san", Hanon mentions with a smile, in a much better mood once she is back in her own body.

And then, she pouts a little when she sees the kiss that Yuuto initiated, but doesn't say anything. She gets it, they were probably holding it back for who knows how long. They can enjoy their welcome back kiss.

And Coco too is happy that she can now pour all her affection into Yuuto without holding back any, answering back to that kiss with all the love she has for him. As nice as it may have been having a tryout with him? This is just incomparable.