Texts: you unpersoned me

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Texts: you unpersoned me
Date of Scene: 12 June 2024
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Hinoiri Kirara just found out her bank accounts (and personal accounts) were nuked. She has a few questions for Fuyuko Yuuhi. Like, THE FUCK?!
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Fuyuko Yuuhi

(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: THE FUCK!
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: you're going to have to give specifics.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: you got fired, brat
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: YOU UNPERSONED ME! I get the trying to kill me, the not paying me. BUT YOU TOOK THE STUFF I WORKED FOR! WHAT THE HELL!
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: first of all, you're not unpersoned, because your school records are intact. I don't have access to the school's systems. However, anything established upon your entry has been deleted with your termination.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: You are all *so* lucky I am avoiding dark energy right now or you'd be the crater formerly known as Obsidian Tower.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: kid, you got the jump on some people, once. You were good.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: but you don't have the element of surprise anymore.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: move on.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Any other surprises I should be expecting? I can't believe this. I'm having to get help from the sparkles and just... buck. You all deserve everything you get.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: did you think you worked for good people?
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: you've pissed a lot of people off.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: ... And for what it's worth, I'm sorry I attacked you. You didn't deserve that. Having said that, go buck yourself.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: i don't really care about that. i try not to be a hypocrite on purpose.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: you've got your school records, so you can use that to get yourself started.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: also someone's probably going to try and kill you.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Same. You helped me... for the most part... and I wouldn't have attacked you if I was in control. And yeah, I know. They've already tried. I'll be expecting more.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: you lost it. it happens. own it and pick yourself back up. you'll be fine.
(PHONE) Fuyuko Yuuhi texts: now i've got a real problem to deal with so if that's it
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Pfft. Well, I hope it's not magic based. Considering your side is trying to murder the foremost expert on magical phenomenon. Good luck with whatever those idiots cooked up.