232/Homework and Worries

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Homework and Worries
Date of Scene: 12 August 2023
Location: Dorms
Synopsis: Hannah and Ami get some quality studying time in, and catch up with each other's lives!
Cast of Characters: Hannah Steiner, Ami Mizuno

Hannah Steiner has posed:
It's time for the activity that students either tend to dread, or love! HOMEWORK! It may be summer, but that's just more room for longer term bits of student busywork or if you're a madperson, from extra summertime classes.

Happily ensconced in her favorite blue and yellow Fluffy Robe and Slippers, Hannah is currently taking the opportunity to be as hedonistic as she can while still actually getting work done. Grapes, the sweet ones are within easy reach. She has an actual crystal glass filled with sparkling cider that she's spent some of her various-jobs-based paychecks on to help surround herself with the veneer of wealth she's had back home. Oh, and she's using Lyra as a couch while variably typing things down and referencing the braille textbook nearby.


Ahhh. "By the Sankt, Ami! Why must this class be so...so convoluted!" Comes a thoroughly annoyed Hannah. The subject? Well, ironically enough, it's a Comp Sci course that's giving the young woman guff. Learning assembly is a /pain/, and doubly so for someone used to a codebase so far, far, removed by gulfs of distance and technology levels?

Not for the first time she has to gird her tongue, lest she start calling the brilliant blue marble she's on a 'primitive little dirtball'.

Hannah is running her fingers along her textbook like she's very seriously considering tearing it in half. She /could/ just cheat, but that would be a mark on her honor. And frankly the 'sunk costs' fallacy is far too subtle for this young woman. She tosses a grape into the air. Omf! Chew. Grumble.

Toss!!! Huh. Where'd it go?

Lyra breath suddenly smells like grape.

"Und what are you torturing yourself with, hm?" Offers Hannah, both interested in Ami's efforts as well as just giving herself a reason to not be as annoyed or mad. Talking with her friend is as much calming as it is just enjoyable after all!

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami looks up from her own studies. "What do you mean?" she says, moving beside Hannah to help her with the code problem. "Oh, I think I see." She explains what Hannah's missing while petting Lyra's head. She ignores the grape eating, but will keep an eye on the "dog" in question to make sure there's no need for an emergency vet visit!

"I'm working on my chemistry," she says, once she's sure Hannah understands what's going on with the coding homework she's doing. Ami won't admit this out loud, but she learned very quickly that tutoring a blind person is not very compatible with her usual teaching methods. She adapted quickly, but it wasn't an easy shift for her.

"I have a test tomorrow," she adds after moving to sit back down. "I think it's going to be okay, but I start Organic Chemistry next year." She sounds excited, with maybe a little apprehension thrown in for good measure.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
The young woman smiles as she's corrected, and Ami nicely does so in a way that has her beaming rather than insulting the textbook's author's third aunt's honor. As it turns out, proper memory allocation and keeping track of registers is hard, even with someone that has a head for logistics.

So primitive. The Comp Sci teacher may just like having his students actually understand things. Or admiring the creative new cursewords that assembly tends to force out of people's mouths.

Lyra happily leeeeans into that pet and barks warmly!

"All I am saying is we could be using something a bit more advanced than something invented shortly after the discovery of feuer und animal pelts as clothing!" Okay that's an exaggeration even coming from a Space German, but at least it's said jokingly rather than grumpily this time.

'Chemistry' has Hannah perking up. It's right there next to physics on her favorites list as far as nerdery goes! Chemistry helps make Big Industrial Equipment and spaceships move, work, and occasionally produces massive explosions and other very fun interactions. Hannah is a very simple industrial magnate, and so, her own efforts are conveniently set aside for more cider and all her attention focusing directly on Ami like a raptor.

"Und you shaking a bit, wondering whether it is nervousness or excitement, or both!" Concludes Hannah, immediately saying the quiet part out loud. She knows how Ami can be in a crowd, but here? Has no problems with being brutally up front.

"Studying will help your nerves." Accepts Hannah after a second of swirling her cider around thoughtfully, another sip to buy a casual moment to think. That she'll do great isn't even in question, and only partly due to her well known genius. Hannah's seen the amount of work she puts into things.

"Mein only suggestion is that you remember to put down the book und put on some music at a /reasonable/ time of night before the beautiful shining gears in that adorable noggin of yours spins themselves into tumbling apart. Lest you worry yourself out of correct answers!" A brow is raised, silently asking Ami if she's anywhere near right.

"Pass me your work. One of mein best subjects." Why yes, she's still offering a second brain Ami, because she wants to remind Ami she's not putting her roomie and friend on a pedestel.

Even geniuses need reminding they're human, and can /be/ human.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami grins a bit from behind Hannah, and admits, "I've even sworn a time or two while working on Computer Science stuff." Her voice is wry. "Even the most logical person screws up sometimes."

Then, she sighs a bit. "Okay, yeah, I'm nervous," she says after a second's hesitation. "I always am," she adds, passing her work to her roommate without objection. "I think we both might need a break," she adds. "After you check my work, we can hang out a bit?" Her voice is hopeful.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah gives first a firm nod, and then a grin as she actually admits to being nervous. And miracle of all miracles!? Asks for a /break/! A hand goes to her chest, and Hannah very nearly spills her drink in the process.

"Acht! The Warrior of the Library is showing both logic und /wisdom/! A shame I did not know they were coming, I would have recorded them, had them framed with something ironic for mein bedside table!" Quips Hannah as she ruthlessly teases her roomie with a big, brilliant dumb grin of happiness.

A minute or two later, Hannah's actually found two mistakes, and then in the freeform answer section? Writes a counterpoint that is basically 'this, but make it Bigger and More Of It plus add Blackjack and Ice Cream'.

After a few more minutes for them both to close up their stuff, Hannah turns to Ami with an easy, affectionate smile as though the entire world is just the three in the room right now, not counting the 'sleep-cycling' Device.

"Und so. How are you doing, hm?" Simple direct words. Not very specific, but it's tinged with honest interest.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami is getting tired! Don't read into it too hard! She has been studying all day after all. She pouts a bit and protests, "It's good sense to take breaks so you retain information." It's flimsy and they both know it.

She perks up--after seeing her mistakes and going real low for a minute--she looks over at Hannah. "I..." She thinks for a moment. "I think I'm okay?" she hazards. "I'm making new friends," she adds after a moment, smiling at her roommate. "It's nice," she says quietly.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
"Mmm, so they say!" A brow goes upppp! To be fair, she's fairly tired herself, between failing at employment and studying. It's been a long day for them both.

As she mentions friends? Well that has her giving a 'hah!' of pure joy at the news!

"Have you now? Come, come, tell me about them! Are they nice, fiery, kind? ....Are they pretty und available?" Griiiiin. She's teasing. Hopefully. Sorry Ami, this Belkan is shameless! Which also gives her a mental poke. She still needs to sort out Amy's feelings on matters more seriously. But, that's a problem for future-Hannah.

Right now, it's time to get her bestie to a good place so she can smash that test to tiny pieces!

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami mutters at the brow being raised, but then smiles more warmly at Hannah when she gets happily excited over Ami making friends. "Well." Ami starts thinking out loud. "I have met a sweetheart with a black cat, Usagi Tsukino and Luna. A girl from another school that hangs out with Usagi, Rei Hino. Do you remember the girl who sent a treat home with me for you? Makoto Kino." She thinks a few more moments. "I've run into Madoka Kaname a few times. And I don't know if she's really a friend but Miss Meiou is pretty neat? I help her at the clinic, sometimes." She shrugs and smiles. "I admit, I'm surprised by how nice people are here," she adds after a moment's thought, quieter. But she blatantly and cheerfully avoids the question of these new friends' availability, because she refuses to play matchmaker~ "Besides, don't you have Amy?" she teases gently.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hasn't had the joy of meeting Usagi in person yet - or, so she thinks, anyway - but hearing both Makoto's and Rei's names has her nodding in approval!

"A small world mein freund! I happened upon frau Hino. A miko, yes? Rather kind once she was assured I was not about to disrespect her vocation or Shintoism at large! ...Not the sort of woman to owe a grudge against if I am any judge!" That seems to be a compliment to the fiery miko!

"Hm! Und that reminds me, I need to meet frau Kino in person." Madoka's name vaguely rings a bell, but she can't immediately place it.

Setsuna, though, has her smiling warmly. "You could far worse than frau Meiou as a friend, or perhaps mentor. I...well, she has been good for advice und helping one settle into a new place und dealing with culture shock." Hannah clearly respects the woman greatly. Hard not to when she's helped fake a whole history.

Brows knit a bit. Yup, she's caught!!!! "By the sankt's socks, Ami! How /cruel/ of you! Wounding mein pride you are!" Offers Hannah in her best faux-pained voice!

Chin-tap. "I really do need to pin the girl down." Pause. "In the relationship sense. Where..." She pauses. Considers. Ah, it /burns/ to not be able to openly talk about her home especially with Ami. Still. Surely it couldn't hurt to open up a little. Hannah owes it to Ami.

"Where I am from, things are a bit more open shall we say? Und numerous for that matter. It is surprisingly difficult to moderate expectations particularly when I hardly know where it is going." Comes Hannah more seriously. She actually sounds a bit worried here.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami grins a bit. "Yes, at Hikawa Shrine. It's a lovely spot," she nods, agreeing about Rei.

"Kino-san invited us to her house to bake sometime! We should do that soon," she says, remembering. "I asked if you could bring Lyra," who gets a little scritch at the base of her tail, "and I told her you have difficulty seeing. She seemed to really be excited," she says with a smile.

The approval from Hannah about Setsuna makes her smile very widely. "I think she and I will have a good relationship," she says. "I like her a lot, and respect her even more."

"Oh, come on, Hanno-chan," Ami teases. "I know you're not really into the monogamy thing." Ami's chill with tnat, actually. She probably wouldn't be able to? But good on Hannah. She grins and nods. "The word you're looking for is "polyamory," she adds gently. "And you should probably have that conversation with Amy sooner than later." She pats Hannah's hand gently. "Want me to make you some tea?"

Hannah Steiner has posed:
"Acht, how forethoughtful of you mein freund, und so kind to take us under her no doubt most skilled wings as it were! We shall soar to the top of baking's mountain top! Or at least a striking plateau or three!" Comes Hannah in pure enthusiasm. RIP Makoto's kitchen. Lyra barks at that, and wags /extra/ hard! Sometimes it's like she can understand what Ami's saying!

"Und Sankt Kaiser bless you for understanding. Und just being so willing to listen." Comes Hannah, far more quietly than usual. There's deep appreciation in that voice. She's used to nothing but judgement, expectation, and agendas back home in Court. But here? It is nice to just be a person sometimes.

"You strike to the heart of the matter. I should hate to harm her even by omission. I intend to take her on another date soon, best to get it out of the way before something gets...acht, misunderstood." She openly thinks out loud, nodding firmly.

"Definitely. Mein thanks. Extra strong, we will need the caffeine I think." Comes Hannah, flying in the face of her earlier words about getting rest.

"Hm. I should line up another job. Or something. Hard to keep things pinned down in Tokyo." Or she could try moderating herself, but, that's not likely in the card.

Huff. "Starting to begin to think that this city does not like me!" Grumbles the royal.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami grins at Hannah, petting Lyra again. She watches her friend get quiet for a moment, and studies the (Space!) German. "Hannah," she says gently. "I was teasing. Please don't think I meant harm. I know you're a good person, and I know you'd never harm anyone who didn't deserve it," she adds, smiling softly, fondly.

Then tea! Ami gets up to fill and start the electric kettle to make tea. She bustles about while she waits for the water to boil, getting things ready as she listens to Hannah. "Have you looked at the mall yet?" she asks. "They're usually needing workers...."

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah Steiner sighs a little bit, but nods firmly! "Acht, I would never think such a thing Ami! I just worry for her. Und for once I find the words...lacking. There are proper protocols und ways of doing these things, und every single one is useless here or would have her calling me a madwoman!" Adds Hannah, clearly stuck on that train of thought. It's been bothering her for a while.

Wince! "Yes. Unfortunately it seems I now have something of a /ruf/ amongst retail workers. 'Overachieving' apparently means something far different here, apparently!" Yup, she's miffed!

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami listens sympathetically, patting Hannah's shoulder as she passes. "It sounds rough, on both counts," she says. She grabs their mugs--Ami's is a winter-themed mug with a snowman on it. When asked, she's explained that she thinks snow and ice are really neat! She pours hot water into the pre-warmed two-person teapot she keeps around, and sets a timer before leaning near the German pair. She just likes being affectionate with Lyra. "I don't think I have any solutions to problems with other people," she says sadly.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Lyra is more than happy to soak in Ami pets! Affectionate Totally-a-Dog is affectionate! Hannah would be doing similarly, being the touch-loving thing she is, but right now there's tea to be had! Hannah is regarding the timer, and perhaps the concept of time not bending to her will, as some kind of obstacle for not letting her Tea Now.

Also her mug is some stylized giant stompy robot on it. Because appearances are important!

"Just listening und letting me vent is more than enough. Even /you/ cannot solve all problems!" Grin! Teeeease! A happy sigh. With a dear friend? Even hard times can be wonderful.