293/The First Reposte

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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The First Reposte
Date of Scene: 24 August 2023
Location: Sports Pavilion
Synopsis: A group meets up in the sports pavilion! Adrien is practicing his fencing, Naru comes to practice her staff, Hinote is there looking for sword pointers, and Marinette is lost. New friends met and old friends reunited!
Cast of Characters: Adrien Agreste, Naru Osaka, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Hinote Kagari

Adrien Agreste has posed:
There was one club in particular that Adrien had really hoped existed at this school. There were many he could join based on his skills and talents, but he always had a particular love for fencing. Perhaps here he would even learn different methods of swordsmanship! It was an exciting thought that had him already geared up in his white attire, with several of his swords brought with him in an leather case meant to hold them.

The blonde transfer student has already placed the case leaning against a bench while he'd withdrawn one foil to begin working through some warmup motions to the side of the 'official' fencing area so as to not get in anyone's way just yet.

Blonde hair akimbo, he's grinning with obvious delight at the familiarity of having the sword on his hand. A lunge and thrust, followed by stepping back again to guard regains his footing quickly without error.

Naru Osaka has posed:
While she normally tries to get her practice done first thing in the morning, today that just didnt' pan out. And so, Naru is tromping across the field of the sports pavillion with her practice staff and there are /people here/.

People she knows even! And with.. oooh.. a sword!

Naru's path changes to come over to where Adrien has his foil out, and she pauses a respectful distance away to watch. No sense getting stabbed any more than she strictly needs to. She's quiet, just watching him go through what are clearly familiar motions.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Having heard of a particular club that she thought about joining, Marinette made her way into what she thought was the club building. She obviously was wrong. She doesn't know this just yet though. Her eyes fall on a fencing area. "This school has a fencing club? I am starting to think this school has a club for everything. They probably have one for Fashion Design!" The Bluenette laughs a little and walks in, the reminder of seeing Adrien and Kagami fencing echoing in her head.

She walks up behind the blonde fencer, not knowing who he is. "You have really good form!" She comments, remembering just how Adrien showed her how to fence. Of course she also remembers being put in the difficult situation of trying to say who one Adrien and Kagami's match. "How long have you been fencing for? I had a friend back in Paris who was really good at it."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari liked fencing club because it helped him with his form. He was by no doubt, not the best in the class, but he was pretty okay, having brought with him one of the fake swords from drama-club with him and comparing it to the clubs various available blades as he weighed one against the other, dressed in the typical fencer attire without the head covering at the moment.

"This one is too heavy and the other one is the right weight, but isn't long enough..." he has to himself as he weights blades against the fake longsword in his grasp. "Hrm..." he mutters to himself, as he sighs. "Huh..."

He looks over to Adrien and Marinette, as he looks over to the arriving Naru with a nod!

Adrien Agreste has posed:
When he spots Naru easily enough, Adrien's eyes light up in familiarity. Coming from another lunge he rises back up again to lift his sword weilding hand up crossing the foil over his chest in salute toward her. "Naru-san! It's good to see you again," he greets immediately in a cheery fashion. It was a good day already.

Another wearing fencing gear is greeted in a similar fashion with a quick nod offered to Hinote. The apparent deliberation over the swords to choose has him call out, "Do you need help figuring out what's best for you?" It's not offered insultingly or as if he's looking down toward Hinote's indecision--He's just that sort of friendly guy.

Before he can do or say anything more though, another voice pipes up behind him. A familiar one. Again his grin brightens only to turn toward Marinette with a quick spin on the ball of his foot, careful to keep his sword pointed down and away from anyone. He was familiar with moving with it so it wouldn't be an issue.

"Marinette! I heard you were here. It's good to see you again."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Good to see you again, Adrien." Naru's smile is warm and her voice sounds sincere. She's clearly dressed for a workout, but not at all in fencing gear. "I didn't realize you were a fencer, although I suppose we got very little chatting in at the park."

Naru offers a polite nod to Hinote and Marinette, her expression showing recognition at Marinette's name, even if not of the girl herself. "Good morning."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari looks over to Adiren and smiles. "Looking for something with similar weight and length to this..." he says, handing over the drama club's fake longsword over to Adrien so he can feel it's weight. It's slightly heavy, but long. It's a wooden handle with a big foam blade with a core of some sort. It's not really a fencing sword in it's own right but would make a pretty good LARP weapon.

"Anything close enough to that, really. I need to practice for an upcoming drama club performance." he says. "I uh. I'm trying to get the lead, you see, but even if I don't it'll be good to get the practice in!" he says.

He looks over to Marinette and Adrien a moment before looking over to Naru and smiling. "Good Morning." he bows. "I'm Hinote Kagari, nice to meet you." he says.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette was doing well enough. Her day was quite peaceful. She didn't spill her cereal bowl, didn't fall down yet, She didn't even bump into anyone yet and that is saying something for her. Everything changes though by one turning blond.

"ADRIEN!?! I umm Nice to err See you!" She stumbles backwards and down she goes. "I'm okay. You're fine... I MEAN I'm Fine!" She scrambles to stand up. "Adrien! Good to see you! I didn't know you were going to me with school!" She winces. Not even realizing that she switched words.

Marinette waves to Naru, "Hello, nice to meet you." She then turns to Hinote and bows back to him. "Nice to meet you too! I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste opens his mouth to speak but poor Marinette has stumbled backwards over her own feet. A half-step is taken forward with his hand extending out automatically. "Are you okay?" But she's already bounced back to her feet so clearly the answer is yes. This was typical for her so he just drops his hand back to his side resting the sword down by his leg with the other. Better to keep out of the way this way. It was bad form to carry an actual sword over your shoulder even if it may seem comfortable that way.

Chuckling he nods toward Marinette apparently understanding the mixed up words. "Yes, my father decided it would be a good time to expand the business overseas. Kagami's grandmother convinced him Japan would be an excellent place to start."

He looks back toward Naru with a quick, apologetic smile for being distracted. "Naru, this is my friend, Marinette--" he introduces just as she introduces herself. It left him the only one without giving an introduction for Hinote. So he too bows forward easily. "I'm Adrien Agreste, pleased to meet you," he offers. "I'm not sure there would be one with exact balance to a fake blade, but I could try to find one. May I?" He asks stepping over with a hand gesturing to the fake sword.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Pleasure to meet you, Marinette.. and Hinote. I'm Naru Osaka.. Usagi's roommate, if that helps." Naru smiles warmly. She doesn't seem at all distraught by Marinette's tumble and bounce back up.. she does live with Usagi after all.

Naru can't help but laugh softly. "I had no idea that half the school seems to practice with swords of some flavour or another, have I just been hiding in the Art Room too often?"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote smiles. "Good to meet you, Agreste-san, Osaka-san and ... Dupain-Cheng-san." he says, the last not coming off the tongue easily, but he manages with the french last names good enough. He hands the fake sword over to Adrien without issue, he isn't tied to it, he just needs to make sure it gets back to the drama department eventually.

"I like to practice occasionally, though I'm not a full club member. I really should join at this rate." he admits. "But I have drama club as it is and it eats all my time." he says.

"Trying for the lead is tiring." he admits. He looks over to Marinette as she trips over words. He blinks, but keeps his general smile.

"So think we can find one that's close?" he asks Adrien.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"Oh so you are living here now? That's news. I mean its good. Good news. Yep Really good news that you are here. At this school. Now. I umm." Marinette stammers over her words a bit as she tries to figure out what to actually say. "So Mr. Agreste is letting you go to school? I remember he didn't want you in school, in Paris." She actually manages to form two sentences this time. Thats a good step forward.

She turns her attention to Naru. "A Pleasure to meet you too." A moment later she is behind Naru, putting the innocent girl between Adrien and herself. "You seem really nice. Wanna be friends?" She asks as she tries to hide a little. It clearly isn't working but its a good attempt.

"Good to meet you too Kagari-san." She smiles trying her best to be as polite as possible.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"You're right, Naru-san, we didn't get to speak much last time. I've got a lot of... hobbies," he opts for. "I really do enjoy fencing though. I had some very good teachers."

He reaches out to accept the fake sword from Hinote. His own is leaned against the sword rack so he can free up both hands testing the weight with a thoughtful look. "You may have to go with one of the shorter wooden training swords to get the weight right," he decides thoughtfully. "It's a bit difficult to match the weight of a fake sword like this. It's nicely balanced," he admits giving it a flip in hand testingly. "But the size versus the weight doesn't match up. I think," he adds, "If you keep in mind the fake one has another few centimeters on the practice sword it'll still do you good to practice with one that weighs the same." With that advice given he turns the sword back over to Hinote, "Maybe we could attach a little flag to the end of the practice sword so you can visualize the full length easier?" He offers as a compromise.

Turning back toward the girls he blanches just a bit at Marinette's remark of his father not wanting him to attend. "... Yeah. Just barely. He thought maybe the 'stricter culture' of Japan might be suitable and not 'lead me astray' as much as school in Paris." His lips purse a bit tight before he forces a quick smile. "It's progress, at least."

Naru Osaka has posed:
Naru laughs warmly at the notion of 'a lot of hobbies' and her smile sparkles. "Oh, wow.. I /feel/ that hobby comment really keenly right now. So much to learn and discover." She gives a little nudge of the wooden staff on her shoulder as an example of one of those many hobbies.

She does take a few steps away from the group, far enough that she can swing a staff without hitting people, but still chat. "I should think that Drama Club is another one that feels like a thousand hobbies all in one hobby." Naru offers towards Hinote as he goes hunting for just the right potential sword.

As Naru settles into what are clearly well defined practice forms with her staff, and ones she hasn't yet fully mastered, she can't help but giggle a little at Adrien's tight comment. "Ahh, so are we supposed to try and keep you on the straight and narrow with our Japanese ways?" Her tone is light, teasing, but good naturedly.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari listens to Adiren's weight in on the sword. He huhs and takes the shorter sword and purses his lips a moment. He turns to the right, away from Adrien and gives it a little swing as he nods. "The weight is right, but you're right, it's a little short. Maybe the flag would help." he says as he nods. "Thank you!" he says.

He'll offer to take the fake sword back as he leans it against the rack, looking entirely out of place among the other actual fencing swords there.

He nods at Naru. "It is a little much." he says, "We work with a lot of the other clubs and I try to help out in other clubs when I am able as a way to pay back the help." he admits sheepishly.

He looks over to Adrien and deadpans. "I better become a bad influence then." he insists as he swings the fencing sword to his right as he nods. "Yeah this'll work." he says.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette eeps as suddenly Naru is swinging a staff around. She quickly backs away and tries to keep from getting hit. She flails her arms a little as she quickly steps back into the line of sight of Adrien and Hinote. "Sorry. I was just... watching Naru's staff style!"

The bluenette blushes bright as she tries to figure out just what the devil she is still doing here. Its nice to hang out with friends but Adrien... she wished she could tell him how she really felt. Sadly that was all but impossible. "I was trying to find this other club so I should probably be going..."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"It's not like I'm a delinquent or anything," Adrien hastens to assure Naru and Hinote looking a bit embarassed by the entire thing. "I just..." A little sigh comes, and his shoulders droop faintly. "I just want to get to do things that others my age do. Hang out with friends. Go to movies. That sort of thing. I was homeschooled before I managed to talk him into letting me attend school in Paris. And now here." A little awkwardly he turns back to retreive his sword.

"I'd be happy to help you out, Hinote-san. I've got a lot of experience with fencing, and a bit in acting. Mostly in posing for photos," he mumbles. "But staging is important too."

The remark by Marinette earns a curious look. "Oh, what club are you interested in Marinette?"

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Oh I'm so sorry Marinette." Naru only just then seems to realize that not only had the girl talked to her about being friends, but was /right there/. "I swear, this week is trying to chew through my sanity." Her expression and tone is apologetic as she makes sure she's not going to hit Marinette either. "And yes.. I do hope we can become friends, even if I'm being dim today. It's early in the day for most Clubs, but break makes things wonky. Which Clubs are you interested in?"

Naru takes a slow breath, as if trying to recentre herself just a smidge and nods firmly to Adrien. "That is a very legit thing to want, and hopefully we can all help you actually steal a little bit of life back for yourself." She waves off any shame about coming from a very different life. "I'm learning that most of the folks coming to Radiant Heart have a lot of different background experiences, I doubt you're the only homeschooled person we've got."

Naru grins to Hinote. "You are making me all the more confident in my choice to not add Drama Club to my entirely too full schedule. There's too many cool choices and not nearly enough hours in a week!"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari smiles and nods. "Thank you!" he says as he brings the sword down to a resting pose as he looks over to Adrien. "You're right. Headshots are important. At least my father says so." he admits, as he listens to Adrien's story about his home life. "Ah, so that's how it is. My father demanded a school with a good drama club. So he sent me here." he admits. "So here I am!" he says.

"My father is. Uh an actor, too. And I've been trying to follow his footsteps, as it is." he says.

"But I'd rather just get my lead role first. So far. I'm always cast as..." he shifts. "...well, 'the bad guy'." he says rubbing the back of his head. "Trying to not get that role this time." he looks over to Naru.

"Oh yeah. Drama Club. Lots of work." he says to Naru.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette blushes and pokes her fingers together, "Well its called the Hero club. They help people out and stuff. That sounds like a really good club to join. I mean not everyone can be Ladybug and Cat Noir types but a club that is heroes in their own way? That is super cool!" She exclaims as she tries to not get befuddled by who she is talking to.

"Its either that or I am going to see if I can find a fashion design club. That would be a good thing too. I mean I like fashion design and I think I am okay with it." She smiles a little having pride in her own designs.

She turns to Naru and smiles, "No problem. If you would have hit me it would have been my fault. No worries I am used to getting beat up. Its fine. I always wind up falling down, running into things, dropping things and so on. Its my clumsy curse I swear." She giggles.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste grins at Hinote with a knowing nod. "It takes a lot of work, but I'm sure you'll get there. Even if you don't get cast as the lead I hear the atagonists can be a difficult spot to play, too. Maybe you could understudy as well? Just in case something happens for the lead spot." It was just a suggestion though, he hadn't really dealt with acting much himself.

He blinks a single time at mention of hero club. That was not one he had heard of. Then again he hadn't read through the entire list of clubs, just looked for the ones related to the topics he was interested in. Maybe he'd missed out in quite a bit! "That sounds like a great club!" He has to agree. "Though it's hard to be as cool as Cat Noir, or as elegant as Ladybug."

He realizes the other two may not know about them, so he clears his throat lightly. "They're, ah, they're heroes that we know from Paris. Very popular there, a bit like Sailor V."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagi looks over to Marinette. "We have lots of clubs and a nice dedicated building towards it." he says. "Lots of other schools don't have that, and we have a pretty good sports pavilion." he says. "The Hero Club?" he asks. "I've heard a bit about that recently. Sounds like good work. I kinda am too busy for another club right now." he admits. "But hey, helping is helping, you know." he says with a shrug.

He listens a little and thinks this sounds familiar. "Huh. I think this sounds familiar." he admits. "But only, vaguely. My dad travels a lot around the world. He brings back things and news." he says.

"Oh, I play. a lot. of antagonists. I assure you." he says deadpan. "It's always with the black-thorned armor. It's basically fit perfectly to me now." he says, sulking a bit about it, but not much. "Eh. I'll live." he says.

"Hard to be heroes." he says. A recent encounter with a Witch and the magical types there still fresh in his mind.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"I am really excited about it. I want to help people. Maybe I can use my talents with fashion design and art to help out?" Marinette smiles at the thought. "Its would be fun." She then thinks back to Paris and patrolling the city as Ladybug. Part of her wondered if she would be able to patrol Tokyo in the same way? But without Cat Noir? That would be a catastrophe. Or maybe a Cat-tastrophe. She smirks at the thought of her long time friend and teammate.

She shakes it off. "Oh umm sorry. I just got distracted." She looks to Hinote for a moment and nods, "I was trying to get to the club building. I kinda got lost." She laughs and blushes a little bit.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste can only chuckle a bit at Hinote's sentiments. "I completely agree with you there. It's a tough role to fill." Of course they're just talking about acting as the hero, right? Surely. Taking up his foil again he steps over toward the leather carry bag with his own personal swords in it to slip it inside it's spot. There were a few others in there, but they all looked around the same length and similar style. Likely there was some difference to each.

"Maybe you can see about becoming an anti-hero if there's an option, and go from there? Once they see you're capable of it." Though he does look Hinote over thoughtfully. "I don't see why you would keep getting that spot myself." Then again maybe it was just preference for another student for all he knew.

Marinette earns another little grin. "Oh, yeah it's a rather large campus. I had to walk it a few times to properly learn my way around too. It's back that way, but you take a left at the fork," he explains gesturing down the long path that lead to the sport areas. "Most of the sport clubs practice in this area, but I think there's still meeting rooms otherwise. I could take you--" He begins only for his phone to go off with an insitent chiming ring.

"Ah... That'd be Natalie checking on me." A little sigh comes. "I'm sorry, I need to give her an update on my progress so she can inform my father. It was good meeting you Hinote-san, and good seeing you again Naru-chan." A grin is offered, "And of course it's great to have you around too Marinette. I'm glad I've got a good friend here."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari sighs a little. "Not much room for anti-heroes in acting, I'm afraid. Not with the roles currently on offer. It's either the gallant knight, or the dragon's champion and...I'm likely. to be the dragon's champion." he sighs deeatedly. "Regardless, I shall endeavor to do my best!" he says. "Though this part is a little cliché." he admits.

"Don't worry about it, Marinette-san. Here. Let me help you find it." he says as he puts down the fencing sword and takes up the gallant fake longsword again. "Just lemme get out of this fencing garb first." he says.

If Marinette takes him up on the offer, he'll lead her to the club building. Otherwise, he'll go his own way, back to drama club!

"Take care, Agreste-san. It was good meeting you!"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"Oh! That means I needed to go the other way! Ugh I am such a klutz." She quickly turns to go. Taking a few steps she hears the kind words of Adrien. "You're Great too err I mean Its great to have you around too!" She comments as she tries to reassemble her words.

"Oh thank you Kagari-san. That would be a huge help." She starts following Hinote, only stopping to call out, "Good bye Adrien. See you soon!" She exclaims to him. "Thank you again Kagari-san. I think I figured out where it is but its better to just get shown where to go."