Texts: i lied there is anxiety

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Texts: i lied there is anxiety
Date of Scene: 23 August 2023
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Hematite texts Usagi Tsukino, ninth grader and definitely not a magical girl, about warning Kyouka and also about relationship advice, because he is a coward
Cast of Characters: Mamoru Chiba, Usagi Tsukino

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: hi it's hematite
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: WHAST
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: whomst*
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: DON'T
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: you!
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: ????????????????? how did you get my number?
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i have a secret ID and we have friends in common
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: anyway sorry gimme a second
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: oh my god
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i KNOW you
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: yes but im being spooky, pls hold (i mean or dont im just not going to reply for a second)
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: am i being pranked
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: NO
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: ok done being spooky for now. anyway you're not being pranked
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: anyway!! the reason i'm texting you
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: is because i am worried about inai-sensei
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: she's made my friends really angry
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: (you wouldn't like my friends)
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: but i'm telling *you* because friends in common say you get along with her
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i'm so sorry to bother you with this
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: it's just i really am worried. and for obvious reasons she can't trust me. i mean for that matter you have no reason to, either.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: In fact you shouldn't trust me.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i REALLY don't know why i bugged you with this. i'm so sorry. i'll stop.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: oh my god
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: you text so fast
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: how do you do that and not make typos
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: of course i trust you
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: do you think they'll hurt inai-sensei?
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i take my gloves off to type
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: hell, it might be me. this one is serious.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i'd rather it not be me but (shrug emoji) i'd also rather nobody actually mind-control her into telling them what they want to know
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: hm.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: you know some scary people huh?
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i'll warn inai-sensei
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i am a scary person.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: wait
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: what
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: do you know my name?! you cheater
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: you're not that scary.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: that's only because i haven't scared you yet
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: anyway of course i know your name, like
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: what was i supposed to do, ask around for odango atama's phone number?
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: ODANGO ATAMA?
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: ODANGO ATAMA
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: if you wanted to be scary you missed your CHANCE you BIG DORK i can't believe you called me odango atama I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO TALKING TO YOU
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i'm evil you shouldnt look forward to talking to me. i do things like call innocent young maidens 'odango atama' in the middle of the night
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: shut up you're not evil
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: you're just dumb, obviouslyu
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i'm not the one who's texting with a villain in the middle of the night
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: YOU TEXTED ME
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: ehehehehe
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: what's the dark kingdom
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: why don't you get sailor moon to text me that question, you're already in over your head and i know you must know her, because you both know naru. now you have this number.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: ugh i can't believe you
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: you want me to give another girl your number?
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: wtf are you
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: huff (that's me huffing)
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: I AM A GENERAL. IN THE DARK KINGDOM. IT IS A THING I AM A GENERAL OF. it's basically no-fun central, zero stars on yelp, do not recommend.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: and cute too.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: so the dark kingdom isn't a video game server? :(
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: the dark kingdom is not cute
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i meant you not the dark kingdom.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: but! you!
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: how did naru-chan meet a general?
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: in school probably, idk.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: hm. this really sounds like a school club
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: maybe it is.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but not a fun one. must be like school council. all work and no play makes hematite a jerk boy
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: btw
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: unrelated to anything fraught with danger or anxiety
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i lied there is anxiety
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: what do you do if you like two different people at the same time? like, like-like
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i mean that's a stupid thing for an evil villain to ask but i trust your judgement
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: well it's not nice to not tell them is it
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: idk why you trust me but -
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: if you want something to happen you should tell them both
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: it would really suck to have to wonder
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: also make sure you know what you want i guess? do you want to date them both or what
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: (this is not helping you look scary)
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: (i don't think i'll look scary to you until i actually do something worse than making youmas to steal energy. which, given what i'm pretty sure inai did, might be soon.)
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: tell them both? i guess. aaaaaa
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i guess i do wish really bad i could date them both
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: maybe they'd also date each other! i wouldnt want to be left out though
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: that's probably true
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but i hope you don't do anything scary to my counselor!! she's nice
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: sort of.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: dating two people... Is that a thing? I mean outside of like a harem anime
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i guess it could be like a harem anime
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: would you want to let them date other people besides you?
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i guess i would have to, to be fair. and also if they're not interested in the other person i'm interested in. it's just. when there are two people you just want to be close to, with everything you've got, it hurts a lot to think of letting either go
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: or hurting either
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: yeah, i bet.
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i've always like a lot of people at once
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: dating a lot of people at once seems like it would get pretty complicated
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but the sooner you tell them the sooner you can find out if they like that
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i guess so. like, it would only be two. and i've never like-liked anyone before now.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i mean, if someone said that to you, and it was someone you liked, would you want to try it?
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: I don't like to share
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but if they liked me TOO
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: not one or the other
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: ... i feel like I'd get jealous T-T
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: that sounds so mean! but what does that other girl have that I don't? That's what I'd wonder
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: well. being a boy, for one thing
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: oh!
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: i should probably figure out why that instantly made it okay
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: lol o lol
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: probably
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: but thank you that helps a lot. also the jealous thing. i'd be jealous too, but maybe not as much if she liked other girls? so i'll think about that also
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i'm sorry to give you like. emotional whiplash. with both parts of this conversation
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: could have been worse
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: you would not believe the guys i meet in call of duty
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: but yeah... I guess i wouldn't be jealous at all if the boy i liked wanted to date another boy.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i will keep that in mind XD
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: thank you thank you thank you (thank emoji)
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: don't scare inai-sensei too bad!
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i would rather scare her than hurt her
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: and i'm sure you're very scary just like you're very cool, so just don't give her a heart attack, she's kind of old
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: lololololol ok and if there is a problem i will call the nurse
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: yeah that works! be nice to her, she gave me a Snickers
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: ok, you got it (thumbsup)(thumbsup)
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: (bunny emoji) (bunny emoji) bye!
(PHONE) Usagi Tsukino texts: text me again next time you want to do smth scary
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i probably will tbh <3