1536/An Awaited Meeting

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An Awaited Meeting
Date of Scene: 13 May 2024
Location: Game Crown Arcade
Synopsis: With a chance to finally catch up with Hinote, Ikuto receives the information he's been waiting for: the location of his father's violin.
Thanks to: KitKat
Cast of Characters: Ikuto Tsukiyomi, Hinote Kagari

Ikuto Tsukiyomi has posed:
Ikuto was in his usual spot in the arcade. He was trying a new game for once, a dancing game. He'd gone into Chara Change the moment the music started without noticing, and he was dancing up a storm with a small group of amazed girls and a few boys watching as the catboy hit note after note in perfect sync with the music. He hadn't meant to attract any attention with this, but he also couldn't exactly control that Chara Change had activated and was giving him a catlike boost to his reflexes and athleticism. Truthfully he wasn't in great shape for a 17 year-old and was a bit of a noodle in build, yet here he was. "Wow, that guy's good! I've seen him at school a few times but he didn't seem the dancing type!" one of the boys commented. "How is he moving that fast? I can't even keep up with this song!" a girl lamented.


Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari looked down to his phone and was unsure if this was an emergency or not. He decided it was not and Tarcy followed along. Tracy was sucking on a silver crystal lolipop from Nounamu Sweets and was mostly quiet as Hinote arrived, dressed today in his school uniform as he crossed his arms and watches the whole affair.

"You know." he says. "He could just stop or fake a mess up." he says. "If he wants off." he says as Hinote Kagari walks through the small crowd and walks to the device.

He starts tapping one of the pads off rhythm from the machine.

"OOps. Oops. Ooooops." he says, sarcastically.

Ikuto Tsukiyomi has posed:
Ikuto spots Hinote and gives him a small wave, realizing that Yoru must have called him over. Before long the mis-steps from Hinote pressing on the pad are building up, and he fails a song. The small crowd of students disperses as the catboy steps off the machine, grinning. As Ikuto greets Hinote, Yoru sneaks over and taps on the buttons at the score submission screen, entering 'Y-R-U' into the records. That would be a heck of a high score for anyone to beat.

"Hinote-kun. Sorry about that. It was harder to make myself mess up than I thought it'd be with people watching like that. Especially when they were encouraging me. So...it's been a while, hmm? I've been making friends, making mistakes, and gathering allies. Have you and Tracy-san been able to figure out where they're keeping my father's violin?" The catboy's tail is swishing. He's excited to know where he needs to go to finally take a swing back at Easter for all they've done.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari successfully fails for Ikuto and the crowd disperses and he looks like a badguy for a second, but thar's okay. Now Ikuto and him get to talk.

FINALLY. "Hey Ikuto-kun. Yeah. I have. Tracy and I have been digging you see." he says. "And we think your violin is in a particular office in Easter's off-site office in Mitakihara." he says.


"Sorry I had to take your sister to the prom, but my dad really pushes girls onto me sometimes." he says lowly. "I didn't enjoy myself." he admits.

"Speaking of your sister..."

"I know what concerts of hers are traps and which are not now." he says. "I stole a schedule."

Ikuto Tsukiyomi has posed:
Ikuto nods, wincing at the mention of prom. "D-don't worry about it. Prom was...I had my own problems that started with prom, haha. I hope she didn't cause you too much trouble, though. I know she can be, well. Herself. So...traps? Meaning you know which ones Easter will be using to steal Heart Eggs?"

Yoru floats over, tilting his head some. "If we know which concerts will be used to hurt kids, we can help stop Easter, nya!"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari hehs. "Prom seemed to cause issues for lots of folks." he says bluntly. "Like Utau just blatantly telling me she was two timing me before I even went. Meh. I only went to make dad happy. It's done. It's over. I was someone's arm candy. Been there. Done that." he says.

He then nods. "Yeah. Which ones will be used to steal Heart Eggs, or other affairs." he says with a nod. "Heh. No one recognized me. Since my henshin is a suit, they assumed I just worked there." he says with a snort.

"Not easy. But they're no the brightest sometimes." he says.

Ikuto Tsukiyomi has posed:
Ikuto grins. "Just be careful, yeah..? Easter may not have the brains some other groups in Obsidian have, but they definitely have a lot more muscle than I thought backing them up. I've been trying to keep their attention on me the past couple of months, and may have overdone it. Two Device Mages had to bail me out of a rough spot I got myself into this past week. Those trench coat-wearing youma they have can throw a mean punch."

Yoru nods. "You're strong Hinote-kun, but be careful with Easter. They're dangerous, and they aren't afraid to hurt anyone they see as a threat to their business."

Ikuto leans against a wall, thinking. "So...an off-site office in Mitakihara. Figures they'd keep it somewhere away from their main building. They couldn't risk Utau finding it and potentially taking it for me, after all." As he's talking, it dawns on him what Hinote said about Utau. "Wait, Utau two-timed you before you even went to prom together?! I know she's a bit of a rebel, but...wow." He sighs. "She hasn't tried to get ahold of me again since the last time we spoke. Seems to think I'm abandoning her by ditching Easter. Now she's getting into dating and causing problems for people in the process...tch. I can't be her stand-in father on top of everything else going on!"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari snorts. "Yup. Two timed. I ain't even mad. Just let it be what it is." he says, waving a hand. "She was interested in someone else."

"Heh. I don't think I'm strong. Just smart. So far. But you're right. Once they figure out what's up I expect my own reprisal." he says. "Ugh, you need to text for help if you're able next time." he says. "I would had been there fast at least to get you out." he says with a frown. "Are you okay, now?" he wonders aloud.

Ikuto Tsukiyomi has posed:
Ikuto nods. "Yeah...Yuki-chan and Zephyr-chan saved me from my own arrogance. Don't worry; I'm not going to hit that branch office without friends. You may want to stay out of that one since that might bring you too much into Easter's focus. I've got a lot of people looking to help me deal with Easter now, too.

Yoru tugs on Ikuto's shoulder a bit. "Ikuto, we should get back to the academy soon, before Easter gets word that you're out and about." The catboy nods, offering a handshake to Hinote. "I've gotta get going. Wait a few minutes after I leave to go anywhere. I don't want Easter thinking you're with me; they're probably watching the exits since they know I come here often. If you need to get ahold of me you've got my number, and you can also find me at the academy. Boys dorms, under the name 'Taichi Suzuki'. If I'm not there...check Yuki Hoshino's dorm in the girls' dorms. She's been keeping an eye on me lately too. Stay safe out there Hinote, and call me if Easter starts bothering you."

With that, the older catboy turns and slips out the back exit of the arcade.