1601/Karate Krashed!

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Karate Krashed!
Date of Scene: 29 May 2024
Location: Hikawa Karate Dojo
Synopsis: Iona's grandfather's offer for free karate classes is crashed by a way-ward fairy with little memory of who he really is. A new mystery opened!
Cast of Characters: Iona Hikawa, Niji Dasshu, Chiyo Sakai, Phantom

Iona Hikawa has posed:
A new school year of course meant new students and new students meant new people that might be in search of taking up the art of Karate. It was also just as possible that the turn of the year had made more people interested in experiment and steering off their path.

It was due to these reasons that Hikawa Shihan, the owner of the Hikawa Karate Dojo had sent his niece Iona to hang up leaflets everywhere Radiant Heart allowed it that he was offering a free trial lesson for everyone interested in wanting to learn Karate.

When people start coming in, the stern teacher is sitting on the floor, legs crossed, this time turned so that he is facing the entrance for once. The top of his head is completely bald, as his grey hairline has receded to the back of his head. He also has grey moustache. Iona is besides him, unlike her grandpa standing with her arms behind her back. One thing they both share is they are both already in the dojo's uniform, accompanied by the black belt indicating mastery over the Karate style. With people beginning to come in, the Sensei stands up as well, those expressive eyes moving around the crowd.

"Welcome to the Hikawa Karate Dojo. I am Hikawa Shihan, and will be your tutor for today's lesson alongside my niece, who will walk around while I watch from here", he speaks in a gruff voice, nodding to his side towards. Iona. "If you choose to enroll, we are open all day, with our courses for Radiant Heart students and other school occurring during the afternoon."

He clears his throat before continuing. "Now, our changing rooms are at the back. Those of you who have never practiced Karate will want to wear a white belt, my niece will guide you there, while for everyone else please talk to me first. The Hikawa Karate Style is primarily a defensive art, and skill levels may not carry over equally."

It is then Iona waves and smiles. "Hello, everyone! Let's get along and have a productive lesson. Please, follow me", she exclaims, starting to walk to the back of the room once everyone is ready.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji had come to the (sad) deteermination that she wasn't going to get to fire lasers out of her hands or eyes or anything as Geode Girl Loyalty, nor was she going to be blessed with some sort of 'I know kung-fu' level of martial competence. But she kept finding herself getting into fights with monsters large and small anyways - so when she saw the notice for Free Trial Lessons of Karate, she decided it might help, couldn't hurt, and might be fun. As though she didn't already have enough athletic activities she was taking part in.

    She appears with the others - impossible not to stand out - but is actually quiet and reserved. Mostly. She only rocks back and forth on her heels a little bit. As might be expected for someone with so much energy to burn.

    She heads back and stays mostly reserved as she changes into thee expected attire, with the white belt and gi somewhat offsetting the explosion of color atop her head.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Karate wasn't something that Chiyo had ever really considered before. Recent events had led her to considering learning some form of martial art as an option though. Sure, she'd attended the 'self-defense' classes by Kyouka at the school, but that wasn't quite the same. Curiosity and a bit of trying to think ahead has led her to join others in this test class for the day.

When the introductions are made she dips her head out of habit, only stopping from a full bow when no one else starts to do the same. Maybe now wasn't the time? Thankfully the explanation of changing, and Iona pointing them in that direction was helpful.

"Do we have to put our hair up?" She questions while changing. PART of her hair was up as it always was, but the main length of her curls fell down her back. Even though she asks she murmers, "Maybe I should in a ponytail at least."

Iona Hikawa has posed:
Iona shows them around the changing rooms, and helps distribute the uniforms, and letting them pick out the correct size for them. Which is not a problem, as they always make sure not to lack anything even by 1 single piece. Once that part is done, Iona would be about to walk out with them at their side, but there are question to answer first. "Having your hair in a ponytail would be preferable, Chiyo-san. Do you have a hairtie on you? I can give you one", she offers.

Once that is done, and presumably they are back in the main room, and those students who needed to assess their knowledge appropriately directed by Iona's grandpa, the Shihan starts out with the basics. "Iona, come over", he says. After the purple-haired girl has obliged him, the man starts addressing the room.

"I will now show you what you will be practicing for our first lesson." The two Karate practicioners get into position, and the grandfather executes a simple strike, that Iona blocks with her arm extended vertically in front of her.

"That is the practical application. What you will be doing", and he moves his open palm to form a circle in the air in front of him "is repeat this motion again and again until you have achieved proper form. Any question?"

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    "I have a couple too but I guess you don't really... need more than one. Do you?" Niji asks, regarding the hair ties for Chiyo. It's obvious Niji needs more than one to keep that mane under control.

    Niji titlts her head. That seems easy. If... a little boring and repetitive. But then again, practice makes awesome, right? "Sure. So should we like, pair off, or...?" she asks, looking at the girl with the purple twintails sidelong. No reason not to pair up with her if that's the case, right?

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai flashes a smile of thanks to both Iona and Niji when they offer the hairtie. She does indeed take one from Iona and proceeds to at least tug her purple curls back into some semblance of order with the determination of someone that knew they were going to have to take a brush to it for quite awhile later. "Yes, one will do. Thank you both though!"

Back into the dojo proper she focuses intently on the motions that are shown with a studious expression. "It doesn't seem too hard." A grin is flashed toward Niji. "If we do pair up, we can go together. I promise I won't try to hit too hard." Because sometimes she kind of forgot her strength.

Phantom has posed:
Meanwhile and Elsewhere:

Phantom flies backwards, flames and smoke trailing from him, his sword shattered in his battle against Hinoiri. Wide blue eyes look around the Precure graveyard. All of the coffins there are cracked, the energy from the girls trapped within leaking out. If Hinoiri defeated him - not only would she have the ability to seal her target, but she'd have the power of the dozens of girls that he's capture.

While it seems noble, he's only denying Hinoiri his prize out of spite.

"Let the future in the middle turn terrible! ETERNAL GAUGE!"

As the chains of lightning from the Eternal Gauge wrap around him, Phantom smirks at Hinoiri as she is forced from the graveyard. It shall not be hers.

But as this also happens, the terrible future that Phantom himself is part of is reversed as well. And a tiny creature falls backwards.

Through a coffin shaped hole, that opens above the studio. And down it falls. Tumbling, trailing smoke as it descends, rocketting faster and faster to the ground. As it gets close, it bounces off a sign. CLANG.

Twirling end over end, it crashes through the roof of the dojo, sliding to a stop near the corner of the mat.

To the mundane, someone just dropped a black compact with a jewel heart and other jewels on it. Maybe dropped from a plane or a taller building? Maybe a meteor?

To those that know... there's a fairy face down on the mat.

Iona Hikawa has posed:
The Hikawa Shihan is about to say that no, they don't need to start attacking each other this early into the lesson, but any remark he may have over that is lost in the crash through his dojo's ceiling, a measured 180° when the man heads to the corner of the room to notice what just fell down with such strength to create a hole in his roof, his brow furrowed. At the same time, Iona has likewise noticed the fairy with the hat and that backpack that is almost identical to what Glasan and Ribbon wear.

"Ah, grandfather!", Iona exclaims, realising just what exactly has happened. "My apologies, everyone", the Shihan speaks out in a flat tone. "The lesson is for now over. Thank you for your interest. We will offer another trial lesson very soon. Please go change and walk towards the exit. I have", and he turns his gaze upwards towards the hole, "some glaring issues to attend to."

"Grandfather, please let me take care of that. You could assess the damage to the roof", Iona says pointing to the face-down fairy. Iona's grandpa looks at her, then at it, then nods. "Very well, make sure that gets the right care." With a quick nod, Iona grabs the sudden guest, and her bag from the changing room, before heading outside, just in the garden right next to the building. Why the bag? Because Glasan is inside.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji, of course, has no problem seeing the fairy, the crash, or the ensuing chaos. "Wow, it's uh... not every day you go to take a karate class and a meteor comes and crashes through the roof!" she says, putting her hand behind her head and scratching. Iona rushes to it, and Niji quickly tries to consider a way to get other people to back away from the fairy so she can deal with it - being the magical one she knows is magical for sure.

    "Careful! You can't like... touch space rocks. They might be... um... stereoactive!" she says, moving up to try to get Iona out of the way - but she's not super fast right now, and she's a little too slow. No, that was definantly some kind of creature. But it was in all grey. What if it's a threat?

    "Yeah I guess I should go change." she looks down at the pendant around her neck. Maybe she should change *twice*. Maybe the little grey guy is a youma. Or maybe he's running *from* a youma...

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai jerks in surprise at the sound of something crashing through the roof. There's an obvious tension in her as she stares wide-eyed at the faceplanted fairy just hanging there while Iona and her grandfather wave people off for the moment. A hole in the ceiling was a pretty good reason to not want to continue after all.

"Ah, I hope it all turns out well," she offers with her gaze flitting over to Niji, then back to Iona and Phan Phan.

Without a word she hurries to the changing room to swap out of the gi into her own clothes again. She may not be SUPER FAST but she was intent on finding out what happened one way or another. "They went outside... I'm going to make sure everything is okay if you want to join," she adds in with a flash of a grin to Niji.

She's quickly out the door as well scanning around for the Iona and her small passenger.

Phantom has posed:
Unfortunately for the fairy, what it was running from was worse than a youma or a terribad. Probably worse than the ending to Game of Thrones, really. It's clearly unconscious and panda shaped as it's scooped up by Iona and rushed out of the building and towards the garden. He seems lifeless at first, but as it starts to sense the magic around it, it stirs again.

"Oooh." he groans, before his eyes open, finding himself staring up at Iona's face. There's a few blinks of confusion as his mind reels and he tries to figure out where he is. And more importantly. "...who?"

Iona Hikawa has posed:
"Don't worry, nobody is around", Iona smiles at the small fairy she smuggled away from everyone's gazes. "That is really it!" Glasan enthusiastically backs her up, not really knowing what is going on at the moment. She is just going with the flow clearly.

"I am Iona, a Precure. You are safe now", she reassures him, also letting him go if he wants to float on his own. "And I am her fairy partner, Glasan!", the purple fairy replies, sunglasses having fallen on her eyes and glinting while she grins. "Are you ok?", Iona asks the grey fairy. "How did you fall so hard? Did a youma attack you?"

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji decides after she's swapped out of her gi and back to civilian clothes, that she can't just ignore a little greyscale creature crashing down with enough force to destroy the dojo's roof. Even if nothing else happens, he's already proven to be a LITTLE dangerous with the whole roof thing. What if someone was under it? What if something dangerous happened and she didn't look further into it? She'd be kicking herself for days.

    And she's a really good kicker, it'd hurt!

    So she slips away from the group of would-be-students as they leave and henshins - and well... good luck smuggling a fairy away from someone who can run the entire length of the dojo checking for stuff in a flash. Eventually the super speedy rainbow ends up walking up. "I mean I wouldn't say nobody anymore." Loyalty says. "But it's okay, I'm friendly. I just wanna be sure the little guy is too. Friendly. And Okay. It's a real burst of luck nobody was under the part of the roof he came in through!"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Blue streak speeds by--Geode Girl Loyalty.

That's kind of the impression that Chiyo gets as she blinks a few times pretty sure she saw a blur of color race by her before she manages to catch up to the others. She *does* catch up though in time to hear Loyalty at least asking about if the fairy was 'safe.'

"He doesn't look like Kyubey so that's a bonus. Clearly a fairy anyway," she adds even though she's pretty normal right now except for her hair still being up in a ponytail.

A sheepish grin is flashed to the pair before turning a more serious gaze over toward the fairy. "Sorry, I'm a mahou too I just... IS everything okay?"

Phantom has posed:
There's a few blinks of big black eyes as Phan Phan rises from Iona's palm. "Youma?" he asks, a few confused notes from his suprisingly deep voice (for a fairy). "...I think... I don't remember. I am... I am Phan Phan. I don't remember what happened..." he admits in confusion, looking between the three girls, who all tower over him and a glance towards Glasan. "But ... if Glasan trusts you? Then you must not be looking to hurt me."

He rubs at his eyes with a little paw, his expression sad and confused. "I... I'm trying. I just can't rememeber!" He's frustrated and it shows, but for the moment, it appears that he's looking for his bearings, and not actively running away or attacking.

Iona Hikawa has posed:
Iona turns around on the defensive when she hears someone coming up to them before relaxing when she realises who exactly that is. "Oh, hello, Loyalty. Glad to see it's you. I was about to think we got chased by whoever did this. How have you been?"

"Well, with you and Loyalty here, if that thing shows up, we will kick its butt!", Glasan chimes in with the arms crossed, though the glasses have gone back to the top of her head by now.

Then Chiyo comes up to them too, and she starts trying to identify what kind of fairy he is. "Kyubey? Who is that?", Iona asks, puzzled as to what he has done to gain Chiyo's enmity. "But he looks to be one of Blue's fairies. Maybe he even partnered with a Precure already." In fact, both Phan Phan and Glasan have the same body shape, backpack and spiral on their forehead.

But there is more to deal with right now, as Phan Phan is stressing himself trying to remember things. "Please stop, don't force yourself, I believe you. And you can trust Loyalty and Chiyo too", Iona reassures the grey fairy when Glasan's presence earns the purple-haired girl his trust. "We are here to help, and we can look around for your Precure in case you have one."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Loyalty scratches the top of her head. "Not sure what a Kyubey is." she admits. "But honestly there's a lot about all of this magic stuff I dunno." she further admits.

    But she does look from Iona to PhanPhan to Glassan and back. "Yeah, if you've got a memory issue, trying to push it harder isn't gonna help. You need to relax and things will come back to you naturally." She says, and though she doesn't know a lot of things, shee does know a little bit about head injuries - sports player and all of that. "If you were a person we'd get you to a hospital straight away - be careful about moving his head, too. Hold him still but in a natural position." she instructs.

    "Is there like, a hospital for magic fairies, or somewhere we should take you? If he's got a Pretty Cure we should let her know but that doesn't fix the concussion." she pauses. "...I mean probably. Does it?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Who was Kyubey? Chiyo's expression shifts to one of sheer unmitigated disgust but it was better people knew. "He's a white rabbit... cat thing with red eyes. He offers people powers but at a very high cost. It used to follow a few girls around trying to get them to agree to a contract." She remembered that much from her earlier days as a magical girl when she'd run across Madoka and Theresa.

"Anyway, that's... Sorry that's not related to this moment." Chiyo shakes her head quickly to focus back on the current situation.

Reaching back for her purse she swings it forward to rummage in it a moment. A small bag is pulled out, and from it she withdraws a colorful pink Konpeito candy that she offers out to Phan Phan delicately.

"Here. You just had a big fall. It's no wonder you can't remember. Don't worry you're somewhere safe," she assures with a smile. "It's got a bit of my magic in it to help heal. I don't know if it'll work for a fairy but it can't hurt to help you feel a bit better." All she can do is shrug a bit at Iona and Loyalty unsure if it would heal or not. "At least it's a tasty treat if nothing else."

Phantom has posed:
"I am not whatever that is." Phan Phan responds to Chiyo as he listens to the others, weighing their words as he glances up nervously towards the sky where he fell from. There's no flaming beast chasing after him - not that he fully understands what he's looking for. "A shrine maiden. I remember that." he says about what he does know. "And that I wanted to see her smile."

And now? He's not sure, as he answers Iona's question about belonging to someone with what little he seems to remember. "I'm sorry. I'm trying to help!" he offers defensively, because he's worried too, but eventually he seems to deflate.

"I don't want to be a burden or trouble." That to Loyalty, as he looks around, unsure if he is going to see his partner (?) or what may be happening there. "A hospital?" he doesn't seem to like that idea, judging by the frown that comes across his face.

And finally, back to Chiyo. And that enticing tidbit of sugar she offers. He immediately gloms it and sticks it in his mouth, where it gives him an impossibly large, spiky cheek as he noms on it. He's going to be quiet for a few moments as he floats near Chiyo, the small gems on his back dark, as if he's been deactivated.

Iona Hikawa has posed:
Taking note of what Loyalty says, Iona nods along. It's a good reminder to have in a situation this delicate. Thankfully she has never had to put it into practice during a lesson of Karate, even if that meant she is has her first time doing that right now. "No, finding his Pretty Cure wouldn't help with the concussion", clarifies Iona, even if she would very much like it was that simple.

The extreme disgust in Chiyo's voice cause Iona to weigh extremely well each and every of Chiyo's voice on the matter. She is pretty sure she hasn't seen such a weird creature around. "I will be on my guard if I meet someone like that", she promises, expression tense as she ponders what the price was exactly.

And Chiyo looking at both her and Loyalty with uncertainty causes Iona to nod and give smiles for the best times record over to conjure. "I remember things like that, a magical girl had given me one shaped like the Silver Crystal a while ago. If they are anything like it, I am sure it will help it."

"There are many shrines in Tokyo", Iona observes out loud, more to herself than an information over anything. "Don't worry, if I find anything about your Precure you will know", she assures Phan Phan on her help.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    "Power at a secret cost? That sounds lame. I just found this rock and then later it turned me awesome." Loyalty says, bluntly. "Well - more awesome." she adds.

    "I mean, I'm assuming it was a concussion but I'm not a doctor. I don't know how you treat fairies. We probably need someone who understands them, but since you're a Pretty Cure too..." she wonders. "Maybe Glassan has an idea?" she asks, pointing her thumb at the fairy.

    "We could still try a few shrines around here, see if there's anybody looking for a fairy. Pretty Cures are not exactly subtle - no offense intended at all. I'm not either." she notes.

    "...Maybe someone coud keep an eye on our new friend here, and the rest of us can go look?" she offers. "That way we can kind of split up and find it faster. I can check a lot of shrines pretty quick, at least!"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai nods knowingly. So far she'd yet to meet a fairy that didn't like candy, or some other odd obsession, like sports. Pfft who obsesses over sports? The talk of the shrine causes her to think again. "There's a *lot* of shrines, yeah. The one in the Forgotten District is probably not it though, that one was posessed by the spirit of someone's sister. There's also the Hikawa Shrine." Looking up toward Iona she flashes a grin. "Probably not related. It's run by a girl named Rei and her grandfather. Those are really the only ones I know about personally, though there's many more."

A glance is given again to Phan Phan as he floats near her enjoying the candy. "I don't really deal with fairies much so I'm not sure. I can ask Bonito to keep an eye out though. He's a fire spirit, so he might hear something."

Phantom has posed:
There's a nod of his head as Phan Phan considers, swallowing the candy finally. "Maybe if I get some rest, I can figure it out." the little fairy admits, straightening his hat a little and making sure he looks presentable. "I don't want to be a trouble to anyone." Though it's clear that if he goes off on his own, he'll probably get snagged by a falcon, or a dog, or a science teacher with way too much time on his hands and an obsession with fairies.

"I don't want to send anyone off on information that... I barely understand myself." A sad look and a sigh. "But thank you for the offer."

Iona Hikawa has posed:
"None taken", Iona smiles at Loyalty. "Glasan stands out a lot, really, and I guess I have been a bit more carefree with my identity as a consequence", Iona freely admits, even though that probably is something she should cut as soon as possible now that Phantom has ramped up his activity.

"No idea! Never got amnesia! All I need is a good nap, tasty food, and I my energy is raring", Glasan replies to Loyalty. "No hospitals for me, not at all."

"Chiyo-san, would you like to be the one taking care of Phan Phan, while we look? With what Glasan says, you are the best one here at helping his health", Iona suggests. "And in the meantime I can do some aerial survey. My Precure form can fly."

"I have met Hino-san once", Iona smiles a bit awkwardly. That was when dark energy was weakly infecting everyone and she had had opinions about the shared Hikawa name under the influence. Good thing that didn't stick when she transformed, and that nobody knows. "I have never talked with her to see if there is actually something there, but I agree there is probably not."

"Phan Phan, don't trouble yourself, helping is what we do! We are certainly not going to stay back and watch if somebody needs help."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Loyalty nods. "Yeahhh, I don't think it's the one in the forgotten district. That one's more creepy than just gloomy." she agrees. "But that doesn't mean there aren't others. Juuban's got a couple, I think." she says.

    "I could put up a bulletin board post and see if anybody knows about him. On the shared one." Loyalty means the one in the shed, here.

    "It's no trouble, at least not to me. If nobody else feels good about it I can take you. I don't have a roommate in the dorms or anything." she says. "Got lucky. But I do live in the dorms so if somebody else has a better place and is cool with it, I'm thinking that would be good."

    "It's not really... peaceful, at the school. Not a good place for resting quietly." she says. "And yeah, if Iona-san can fly and I can cover the ground we should be able to find your missing shrine maiden in no time." she says, grinning and giving a thumbs up. "Assuming we're all agreed?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Well it's not any trouble I guess. I do have two roommates, but they both are in-the-know as well, and have their own attachments so another won't be much issue." Chiyo considers it all while rubbing her chin lightly. "We're in a corner room though so only have to deal with roommates on one side. Which is nice," she has to admit.

"Sure, I can keep an eye on him. You all right with coming home with me, Phan Phan?" As she asks the question she smiles toward him softly to not seem intimidating. "The others are going to be way better at finding things than I would. And I usually have a lot of candy around," she adds.

Phantom has posed:
"I... hope you find her. I don't remember much. But there was a lot of danger. And flames. I remember flames." Phan Phan shudders a bit, and ends up close to Chiyo before he nods his head. "I'm fine with this. At least until I remember more. And find where I belong. Thank you." he offers sincerely to the three of them. "I appreciate your efforts."

With that, he remains by Chiyo, waiting for her to lead the way.