1603/Exit Stage Left

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Exit Stage Left
Date of Scene: 17 May 2024
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: Nurse Meiou arrives at Hinoiri's dorm room to aide the drained Double Trouble in making their way off campus and to a place where someone else from their team can come fetch them. It's not even a costume if they're disguised as a drama student.
Cast of Characters: Setsuna Meiou, Double Trouble
Tinyplot: Sunset of Sora

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
After a confusing phone call from Double Trouble, Setsuna does her best to hurry over to the room that she shares (shared?) with Hinoiri without SEEMING like she's hurrying over.

She does her very best to put on an air about her of just someone coming over to the dorms to deliver and/or retrieve some routine paperwork, to the point of carrying a folder with 'Ministero della Salute Italiano' held prominently where anyone walking by can see it.

When she gets to the correct dorm room, she gives a polite knock to the door...then, after quickly checking the hallway, uses her master key to open the door and let herself in, closing the door immediately behind her as she walks in.

As she steps into the main room, looking over the scorch marks on the wall, she calls out, "Miss Lagorio...you called?"

Double Trouble has posed:
    There are some scorch marks on the floor and ceiling, though just a few. Hinoiri had obviously been there, but the room was still habitable. The person inside the room was definitely not Dianora Lagorio. They were decidedly not Italian. They were a fabulous green lizard person sharp teeth, long pointed ears, and long, lustrous, blonde hair, and they looked much better than the last time Setsuna had seen them.

    "Not quite. It's her phone. Twerp left without it," they say and shake their head picking the phone up and giving it a little wave. They should really get more phones. "But it's just me, Double Trouble, the first victim of Hinoiri's villainous rampage." They can't help but sound just a little proud. They really are. "She finally cracked, Meiou-san. This is going to get ugly. She drained all of my magic. I can't shapeshift. My de-henshin devices don't even work. I can't even duskport."

    They slide over to the edge of the bed and stand up, their tail wrapping around them. They look up at the taller woman. "I was hoping you could help me figure out what to do."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna just gives Double Trouble a flat look as the chamelion makes a...less than stellar effort to cover.

But then she sighs and reaches up to pinch the bridge of her nose, "No. You're the first victim of 'THIS' villainous rampage. I'm afraid the list is, at this point, rather long."

She then steps forward and starts giving a cursory physical examination to the green being before them, checking for wounds from the altercation, "So no magic at all?"

A sigh, "...well, classically, it's EXTREMELY hard to permanently drain someone's magic...so you should EVENTUALLY get yours back...but just how long it takes is going to largely depend on a lot of esoterica about how you were drained and the mechanisms used...none of which I'm really capable of judging or treating."

She then frowns, "...if we get you out of here...do you have anywhere else you can go or stay? I take it you work at Obsidian. Can they put you up?"

Double Trouble has posed:
    It's less covering up and more self soothing. They're fully clothed in their usual bodysuit, although it's definitely seen better days. They just wrap their tail around themselves when they get anxious. It's like a hug from someone else. Almost. The tail unwinds as Setsuna examines them, letting her see everything she needs to.

    Double Trouble brings a single slender finger up to their chin and frowns a little as they think. "They put me up when I first got here," they say, nodding. Then their nostrils flare and they frown. "It was the second most dreadful time I've had since I came to Earth. That place is..." They shake their head and then sigh. "But yeah. They can put me up."

    Then they look up to meet Setsuna's gaze and they say, "You and I both know she's been a bully at best. She's a terrible villain because deep down, underneath all that trauma, she's got a good heart. I'm telling you Meiou-san, this is different. I felt her moral code snap. She's been holding herself back all this time, and now she's letting herself loose."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
After confirming for herself there's nothing special she needs to take care of from a first-aid standpoint, Setsuna straightens up and absently twists both her wrists...and a bottle of water appears in one while a travel pack of tylenol appears in the other.

The nurse hands both to DT as she shakes her head, "I know, I've seen glimpses...but that girl..."

Another shake of her head and she murmurs, "...SOMEONE messed that girl up."

Before that statement has a chance to linger, Nurse Meiou huffs a sigh, then looks around, "Okay...so we just need to get you off campus without being noticed and to someplace where you can get picked up by your people."

A hand is pointed towards the room's closet, "I'd suggest you get dressed in something a bit less conspicuous."

She then turns towards the door, "While you're doing that, I'm going to snag a few things that will let us sneak you out. I'll be right back."

And with that, she turns and walks out the door, closing it behind her.

Double Trouble has posed:
    Double Trouble takes the water and Tylenol and then looks at Setsuna, nodding and saying, "Yes, that someone's name is Sora, and you have no idea just how badly. All Hinoiri's ever wanted was that mare's approval and validation. It's all she's ever craved. It's why she's doing all of this." They sigh and smile. "It's all very dramatic."

    But then they shut up to tear open the travel pack of Tylenol and crack open the bottle of water and take the pills. It surely works on Etherian lizard bodies. They're about to say they don't have anything less conspicuous to get into when Setsuna leaves.

    "Well okay," they say as they look at the wardrobe. "It's not like Dianora's clothes will fit me." They throw open the doors to Hinoiri's side and start rifling thru the garments, muttering, "She stole my magic. I'm entitled to her clothes now."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou is gone for about twenty minutes...and when she lets herself back in, she's carrying a small plastic bag and she has a red piece of cloth folded over her arm.

She closes the door behind her and turns to see what DT has come up with as she says, "Alright. I raided the drama class and got a few things we can use to sneak you out. Did you manage to find anything?"

Double Trouble has posed:
    If it were anyone else it'd be called a transformation, but for them it's just a costume. They've got on a pair of low-rise, black denim jeans with a hole cut out in the back for their tail. They've paired it with a simple pink tank-top that they've tucked in just in the front. No shoes, unfortunately, but they did style their hair. It is somehow more luxurious than before. "I don't know, no amount of costuming is going to make me less green or make my ears lest pointy. What'd you find?"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
In answer, Nurse Meiou reaches into the bag and pulls out a long strip of cloth that's obviously for use as a headband, then reaches back into the bag and retrieves a stage makeup kit, "I get the impression that you're used to disguising yourself with magic...but without your magic, we're just going to have to do things the old fashioned way. Makeup and costuming. So I went and raided the Drama class room."

She waves towards the bed, "Have a seat. Trust me, if the costumers at the Globe could get Richard Burbage to look like Juliet Capulet, we can get you to a point where nobody will look twice from a cursory glance. All we really need is to get you down to the parking lot. Once you're there, I can drive you wherever, and it shouldn't be too hard for you to stay out of sight while we do."

Double Trouble has posed:
    "Yes of course, the drama department!" Double Trouble says, their finger jabbing up into the air. They walk over to sit down on the bed, their tail wrapping around their waist reflexively. "I'll have you know I ran a theatre company back in Etheria. I may be able to disguise myself flawlessly, but the rest of the company needed hair and makeup." And yet they didn't think of it.

    They drape one leg over the knee of the other and rest their hands on their knee as they sit on the edge of the bed with their back straight and their head held high. "Work your magic, Meiou-san."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou takes a moment to crack her knuckles, then she opens up the kit and begins examining what she has to work with.

A few moments are taken where she grabs DT's hand and tries a few different styles of pancake makeup in order to find the one that will best conceal the decidedly green tinge of the younger woman's skin, "Well, it's been more than a few years since I last tried working with any of this...but all I really need to do is do a basic conceal...then we put a headband on you to hide your ears..."

She then nods towards the small red cloth bundle she also has, "...and finally, I have a cape with a hood that you can pull over to help. If anyone sees you, you'll just look like a drama student who needs some astringent from the Nurse's office to get their makeup off properly."

Double Trouble has posed:
    Double Trouble sits there patiently as Setsuna does their makeup and snaps on the headband. They grab the cloth bundle and open it up, the cape unfurling and then getting swirled around onto their shoulders dramatically. It's certainly not their first cape. They put it on, and flip up the hood then walk over to stand in front of the full-length mirror. "This is good for such short notice," they say. "Thank you."

    They turn around and look at themselves a few more times and shake their head. "I'm gonna have to figure out how to sell my natural look if I want to go out again though. This is ridiculous. I love it."

    Turning again toward Setsuna they smile. "Alright, you said you can drop me off anywhere? Where's the native habitat of the feral drama student? Take me to the park. I'll have my people come get me there."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou shakes her head...this girl is taking her predicament far better than could have been expected, at least.

She then looks around, "Is there anything you want to take with you before you go?"

She gives DT some time to round up anything she wants, then nods and says, "Alright...let's head down."

And with that, she leads DT out into the hall...but only after glancing out to make sure nobody's currently in it.

The more they can obscure the terminal point of their backtrail, the better, after all.

From there, it's just a short walk downstairs and out to the parking lot...where Nurse Meiou leads DT over to a modestly large hatchback vehicle.

It's a similar general shape if rather taller and somewhat larger than the thing Eudial drives, if DT has ever seen it before.

This one is certainly much better inside.

The seats are comfy and it looks like it's got every bell and/or whistle they put in cars nowadays, "Okay, buckle in. There's a park a few miles from here. Shouldn't take too long to get to.

Double Trouble has posed:
    Double Trouble glances around the room and their eyes rest on the book. Hinoiri's book. The book they just read thru with their girlfriend. The book that set this whole catastrophe into motion. They couldn't leave that there. It was full of Hinoiri's trauma. It was Hinoiri's trauma. She protected their secrets, and so they would protect hers. But that meant they needed to grab a few other things.

    They grabbed Dianora's backpack, and dumped it out on Dianora's bed, along with Dianora's phone. "If the twerp comes back, tell her I'm borrowing her bag," they say before going to Hinoiri's closet and grabbing several more garments out of it. Then they walk over and pick the book up off the floor where it fell, slipping it into the bag before walking over to one of the desks and grabbing a framed photo of Hinoiri. It's in a little heart frame that says 'I LOVE MY ONEE-CHAN'. They stuff that in the bag, zips it shut, and then turns to Setsuna. "Okay, let's go."

    They do their best to be inconspicuous, which is surprisingly good. For such a drama ho, they're good at being sneaky when they need to be. They're in the car and buckled in almost as soon as Setusna's telling them to be. "Great. Thanks for bailing me out, Meiou-san. This'll be twice in as many weeks. You're a lifesaver."