A Meeting Before The Meeting (Takashi Agera)

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A Meeting Before The Meeting (Takashi Agera)
Date of Cutscene: 29 May 2024
Location: Obsidian Tower - Conference Room
Synopsis: As Sunbreaker's power and threat intensifies, it seems the Board of Directors may be bringing Takashi in to discuss the situation. Prior to that, some of the Board with a specific agenda decide to bring him in to strategize.
Cast of Characters: Takashi Agera
Tinyplot: Sunset of Sora

Sometimes, when people in Obsidian dropped invites into your work calendar, they could be ignored.

Then there are... rare times like this, when the invite comes from a Director and the invite list is you and other Directors when you are there, right on time, without asking any further questions.

Upon walking in to see the individuals arrayed around the table, Takashi's heart started to beat a little bit faster. It wasn't usual for him to be asked to speak with most of these people - and the last time he'd been in a room with one of them, he'd been slammed into a conference table by them. Takashi took a seat at the table, closest to the door, and looked at them. Director Testarossa. Director Hawk Moth, of GABRIEL Limited. Director Hosshina, of Easter. The three of them made for a bit of a motly crew.

"It has come to our attention that the full Board of Directors may want to speak to you soon, due to the situation with Sunbreaker." Hawk Moth began, his voice low and slightly echoing inside his helmet.

"Her rapid increase in power is something some on the Board are... intrigued by. Perhaps, jealous of. The way she has amassed such power in such a short time. It would be troublesome if they misunderstood the current situation. And dangerous if they mistakenly thought the situation is one that could be controlled, or emulated." Director Hoshina continued, picking up from where Hawk Moth left off. Precia Testarossa sat in the back of the table, nodding along but largely keeping quiet, regarding Takashi with those cold eyes of hers. "You can, I hope, see how an attempt to duplicate or emulate the dubious ongoing situation would be... troublesome for everyone in this room."

At this, Takashi could hardly disagree. The idea of someone like Majorina, Sassorina, or Thetis trying to emulate Sunbreaker either themselves or through a proxy was just a recipe for increased disaster and subsequent cleanup. The damage Sunbreaker was causing was just uncontrolled.

"So to that extent when you speak to the board - while wouldn't suggest you lie - we think it might be prudent, and effective, to be aware of what you highlight and what you don't focus on." Hawk Moth began. "I'm not sure how much experience you have with... corporate interactions like this, but the three of us have quite a bit."

"For instance, while her power is obvious, her degraded emotional state and her inability to distinguish coworkers from foes." Director Hosshina began. "She's consumed countless youma, and may be responsible for more attacks on operatives who have gone dark recently, than we currently know."

"In fact, I have some information you can share that may speak to that. As part of the process of creating Akuma, I can distinguish between people's current dominant emotions. And when I sense Sunbreaker, I don't sense destruction or anything rational. In fact, the best approximation I can make is the creatures called Witches." Hawk Moth. "Information like that, which you could share - that would be more helpful to all of us in this room as well as some not here as well, I'm sure. Those of us who have... goals which are less inherently destructive."

"Managing this situation correctly..." began Precia from her seat, speaking up for the first time "... would make me - and the other two here, I'm sure - more favorably disposed to you and your proposals. While failure... would show that you are not an asset to us or this organization." Precia said.

Takashi heard -that- comment loud and clear. He was -expected- to succeed here. "Well - I'm, of course, grateful for any advice you have on handling any possible upcoming meetings like this. I understand the gravity of the situation and what's at stake." he began.

"Good. Then let's go over the questions we think you're likely to face and see if we can make sure your responses and information will have the... desired effects, shall we?" Hawk Moth began.

And the grilling and preparation began.