1614/The Call of Home

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The Call of Home
Date of Scene: 01 June 2024
Location: Pikarigaoaka Ward
Synopsis: Not now, not yet. Her heart has two homes.
Cast of Characters: Yuuto Shiraishi, Coco Kiumi
Tinyplot: Sunset of Sora

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Having made it a point to visit Coco whenever he can, Yuuto arrived at the Outer's House, being granted access from one of the girls as he carries a few items for Coco. There's a knock on the bathroom door, and a question of if she's decent, making sure that the mermaid is before he opens the door. "Hi, Coco." he greets warmly.

And Yuuto comes bearing gifts. A small vase holds a few colorful blossoms of Rose rugosa or Japanese beach rose, a jar of sea salts that he had ordered from Hawai'i, because he had hoped it would give her water the closest feel to her home waters in the South Pacific, and he has his scuplting kit with him. Or at least a smaller version of it, with a lump of clay the size of his fist. Something for him to work on while he spends time with her.

"How are you feeling?" he asks her in concern, emerald eyes looking her over and trying to access how she's really feeling. He's never seen her couped up in one place for so long and he's concerned. But there's not much he can do at the moment, at least not until her burns are healed.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
There isn't much Coco is doing at the moment, though that isn't really worthy of news since it has been a bit less than a week since her living accomodations had changed to what the burns and loss of powers had made necessary. She is doing well enough, between the movies, karaoke, and all the visits she has been getting, though even the large bathtub Setsuna has prepared for her is starting to feel restricting. Though, with all the different songs she can sing, she has enough variations that even when she tires of movies, she is sufficiently entertained. And plus, she is now able to give a modicum of exercise to her entire body, making calculated movements so she wouldn't risk denting the bathtub with her tail. Today she is in a mood for warm water, and that's what she has set the temperature to.

"Come on in, Yuuto!", Coco smiles, glad to hear he is pauing her a visit. She is still as dressed as she always is in her natural forms, large beads above her fin and at her right arm's wrist, with an armband on her left lower arm, just below the shoulder, her usually seashell bra, and a bracelet at her left wrist, all varying degrees of yellow.

"I am doing well", Coco smiles happily, raising her hand above the water surface to wave slightly at her fiancé. "The burns are doing much better now, it probably won't be much longer before Nurse Meiou can start taking off the bandages. And lots of people have been over to visit me, so I am glad to see Sunbreaker has gotten none of my friends. Madoka has said they will have a real shot at defeating her soon, so I might not have to wait much longer to get my powers back. How have you been?"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"Hi, love." Yuuto greets, leaning down to kiss the top of Coco's head, not wanting to push her for anything more romantic while she heals. "You're looking much better than when I first saw you... I mean, here... when I first saw you, I was convinced you were the most beautiful thing ever." Especially with how she sang. Once he sets down the items he brought her, he offers her the sea salt. "Here, I thought this might make you feel more comfortable? I mean, tap water does feel different from sea water?" At least, that's been his experience in his short time of having a mer-form.

"I've been practicing my swimming while you're recovering. I want to make sure I can keep up when you're ready to hit the ocean again." A smile at her as he moves to settle down next to her as he listens to her condition and he nods his head. "I'm going to try to help defeat her, if I can." he mentions to Coco as he sits with her. "And I came across a new device user the other day, it turned into a bit of a fight. I'm okay though. Getting used to the new powers and all."

As he sits, there's a small squeak from his pocket, and he ohs! "Got you this." Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a small rubber duck that is yellow and looks like it's dressed as a mermaid.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Thank you", she nods emphatically and very much with joy at him too noting her improvement. It only remarks that she doesn't have much longer left before her waiting paid off. She is tempted to hug him when she sees he has brought gifts, but much like all the other days, she doesn't want to wet his clothes. Instead, she gets a bit more upright, and looks over at what he brought. Those beautiful flowers, and some bath salts. "Thank you, Yuuto, those look marvelous", she first expresses her appreciation of his gift before addressing the question.

"Sea water does feel different from tap water or even fresh water" - after all the latter didn't feature all sort of minerals that get added to tap water - "but bath salts are a different deals from that: it doesn't emulate the sea", she clarifies, not wanting to set false expectations should he try it himself now he is a merman - "instead, it goes a long way in aiding relax, these will be awesome". She will definitely put two spoons in later on.

"I will look forward to see how much you have improved, but try to keep your wits about you with Hinoiri." She won't tell him to stay away from the fight, since there is always a degree of acceptable risk to what they do, but at least he should remember to stay much more focused than in any other battle. Speaking of other battles and risk, she gazes at him with curiosity when he mentions that a fight broke out with a device user. At least that one isn't bound to be too much of a problem. Though admittedly, a thing to remark would be a Belkan's intensity, and well, the last time it became a factor, it was to the Belkan's own detriment. She was so so glad Hannah had recovered well from her injuries.

"Oh, that's cute", Coco mentions when Yuuto shows the merduck to her. It is just then at hearing the duck's squeak, a sneaky shadow rushed out from nowhere, pouncing on the duck and starting to press it and wrestle with it. She of course doesn't try to playfully bite at it. She knows what that would entail. "Looks like Cora likes it too", Coco smiles, watching the joyful playing of her companion.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"Hopefully, once the burns are healed... even if you haven't gotten your powers back, we can talk to Setsuna about maybe getting you closer to the ocean?" Yuuto asks. He has no illusions that two spoons of sea salt or even two cups of it comes close to how the ocean really feels. In truth, he's been practicing swims in the ocean at night. It's a way to prepare to travel with her, and at the same time, he's wanting to learn it so that eventually the pair of them can have an ocean date.

"Hinoiri probably has bigger targets than me, but I'll be careful." he promises her. His hand brushes over an uninjured part of her arm so that he can try to reassure his fiancee. As Cora tackles the squeaky, Yuuto chuckles. "Hello, Cora!" he greets, reminding himself that he can now understand her, which is still amazing to him, and Coco can see it in the way his eyes light up warmly. A lot like they did when she was first introducing him to everything she was and now he is too.

Noticing the karaoke machine in the corner, he smirks. "I should have thought of that." he admits a bit ruefully, but with no real malice as he smiles to Coco. "Have you sung every song on it yet?" he asks her with amusement, his hand finally leaving her arm.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"I was thinking about that", Coco admits when Yuuto brings up the possibility of her being brought to the ocean in the dead of the night once her wounds had healed enough to let her swim by itself in an unmedicated area. There is no doubt that is something she would like, because that's the place she calls home, but at the same time, the worry is that she would have nowhere else to stay but the ocean after she doesn't need Setsuna's medical care anymore. After all she can provide for herself there, but she wouldn't be able to on land.

As a mermaid princess, she was always expected to go back home eventually, but this would be too soon. She is nowhere near ready to say bye to her friends. "That's something we can do", she smiles at Yuuto. Or attempt to, as it where. Lying has always made her uncomfortable, and it always shows on her face, so while this is not that, it's certainly something she is not saying. Well, unless she is doing so for a friend. In those cases, she has a poker face to rival a stone statue.

Hello, Yuuto!, the otter replies, taking her attention away from the plastic toy. This is fun! she praises his choice, before addressing what she just said. You have those shooting things, right? I believe you can do it! You people are good ones, and Coco trusts you so much. There is nobody of her friends she doesn't believe it, and she is really attached to you, so be proud.

"Thank you, Cora", the yellow princess exclaims, before looking at the karaoke machine too. "Madoka may have thought of it, but you thought of other things that are just as nice", she adds, just in case it was needed to put this on equal terms. "And I haven't sung them all yet, partly because I keep repeating some that really stand out to me, partly because I often go back to the songs of my home, and I would be surprised if those were there."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Yuuto listens to Coco, studying her face as she talks. And they've been dating almost half a year now and engaged for a couple of months. And by now, he can tell when Coco is lying (she's really bad at it) or omitting a truth. And it doesn't take much for Yuuto to put it together. He knows how much she loves being here. As in on land. Seeing things, learning about the world. Making friends. And she can't do that stuck in her current form.

His hand reaches and takes hers, caressing the engagement ring she wears. "Together." he promises her. "We'll get through this together. And when Hinoiri is defeated and you're back to normal, we're going to walk around sooo many places. And go for swims." But he makes sure to mention that they will be walking. "After all, I want to take you back up on the Ferris Wheel where I proposed to you." he winks at her just as Cora speaks up.

A smile of delight comes to his face, a squeeze of Coco's hand. Animal communication is still so new to him. And he enjoys it. "How're you, Cora?" he asks, and grins as she praises the squeeze toy. "I'm glad you like it, but I think if I filled my water tanks with sea water and came in here and hosed Coco down, I'd probably make several people cross." he teases lightly. A glance to Coco, fond and loving. "I love her. And I'm very proud she chose me." he reminds.

"Oh, it's not a comparison, just glad someone thought of it. I'm sure you'll have it back in your dorm room and can get your revenge on Wuwu the next time he pulls a prank on you soon enough!" he says with a laugh, before his smile becomes more sincere, a warm squeeze of her hand. "I enjoy your songs, Coco. They are part of you. And someday, I hope the world enjoys them as much as I do."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco freezes when she is indirectly called out on her omission, like a deer in headlights until she catches herself enough 10 seconds later to unfreeze with a nervous laugh. She is holding hope that everything goes well with Hinoiri, because Cora has it right, she really believes in her friends, and that holds true even with all the other thoughts that emerge to worry her. "Thank you, Yuuto", she replies. "I do have worries about being unable to ever spend time with everyone again, but I really believe that you will make it through", the golden-eyed mermaid admits. "I am really looking forward to it", Coco finally smiles.

"I really want to go back to school and chatter, maybe spend time in more of Tokyo's botanical gardens seeing some we don't have here. I can't wait to jump onto the Ferris Wheel again, and enjoy the panorama at its highest point, just the two of us. We can swim as far as we can, and invite Cho, who can turn into a mermaid, plus whoever else has that power. After I get my powers back, we will be able to do all of that again", she says squeezing Yuuto's hand too.

Cora slightly rubs against Yuuto before replying I am enjoying it here for now, it's vast and there is always more to explore. And even if by some chance I lose the princess' smell, I can find my way back with those signs I have everywhere. She squeaks a bit in amusement when she understands how Yuuto interpreted it. No, I mean, you can use those things to point at the thief from afar and stay out of her range. That's why I believe you can do it!

"Thank you, Yuuto. I definitely think other people enjoy it too." And she reasons to believe them. Her friends. The people she did volunteering for. Shine PR. Possibly the Outers too. All people who have expressed enjoyment of her songs.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"It's okay to be afraid and worried." Yuuto says lightly to Coco and leans down to kiss her cheek. "You have every right to be. But you also have the right to be optimistic and hope that this will all work out right and you'll be back at school, rocking your cute little skirt and turning everyone's heads again soon." he teases her. He knows how beautiful his fiancee is after all, and is appreciative of it. Especially when they get time together.

"And we will do that and so much more. We have plenty of time before it's time to return to the Palace. Except you won't be alone. I will be by your side. As your Consort and husband to be. Always." Her hand is held onto firmly.

Cora rubs against his leg and Yuuto reaches down to run a couple of fingers over the back of the otter's head. "I could. I will be there if I can. There's going to be so many that are banding together to take her on." And he doesn't want to admit, even at it's strongest setting, Cascade's strongest attack may just sizzle into useless steam against Sunset of Sora.

"You should have a little concert when you're better." he suggests to her. "Like... I heard a rumor there was talk of a celebration of a victory? Maybe you could perform there?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Thank you, Yuuto", Coco says when he tries to console her. "There are still so many thing I want to do here with my friends, and I know everyone will be able to pull through", Coco says, renewing her declaration of trust in response to Yuuto's support.

"I have heard nothing about a victory party, but if there is, I will be sure to show up to congratulate all of them." Whether she will add a song or not depends on whether they will have the time and the space for it. But giving her thanks and cheers is the least she can do.