Texts: A New Dawn

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Texts: A New Dawn
Date of Scene: 03 June 2024
Location: Texts
Synopsis: After she got brought back from the Sunset of Sora, Hinoiri texts Sayaka to let her know she is at a hospital.
Cast of Characters: Sayaka Miki, Hinoiri Kirara
Tinyplot: Sunset of Sora

(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Hey, starfish? It's uhhh... me. Hinoiri.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Hey, Hino. Resting up?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Yeah. Ummm... I'm at XXX hospital. Uhhhh... new number and all. This was a burner phone I had when... yeah. Sorry. Not really... just... my main phone got wrecked. Just wanted you to know I'm okay. I'm getting my burns looked at and just... gonna be gone for a few days. Didn't want you to worry. Thanks. For... ummmm... thanks. For coming for me.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Thanks for the heads up.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I would come anytime, Hino.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: You are an important friend to me.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Focus on resting so you can make a speedy recovery, ok?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I... wouldn't mind. I don't know how long I'll be here, but ummmmm... just... don't... tell many people. Okay? Madoka is fine, I know you're close to her. But... I know I did a lot of damage and I don't want people... They might try to help. And I don't... think I can take their help right now. I'm nowhere near as hurt as I hurt them, so I shouldn't even be here that long.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: And then we can go eat something.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I won't tell.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I know your ascension wasn't like you imagined it.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: But the important thing is things actually got fixed and everybody is feeling well now.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Yourself included when you are dismissed.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: My family was fine too.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Tramonto was there guarding them, you know? :)
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: ... It wasn't... I didn't ascend. That was... when I saw myself in the mirror, though? I wonder if those were the wings I saw. I never... I never wanted any of this to happen. So... thank you. For coming for me. Thank you. For... believing in me. And being there when I needed you. Just... thank you.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: *ghosthug.gif* Take care of yourself.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I am. Promise. And... I won't touch dark energy anymore. As long as I keep my necklace on, I stay purified. Kirakirafantastica magic and all that. So... no more... Sunbreaker. So... thank you.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Do you want me to send someone to you? Just so you can be safe if a youma pops up close to you.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Nah. I'm safe. I have protection. Double Trouble is staying close. I'll... I'll be back at the school before long.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Right, congratulations! I am happy you found someone you can be happy with.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I think they will be good for you, with the choice they made yesterday.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Thanks. They're a bit of a pain in the flank... but... they're also really sweet in their own way. They just haaaaaad to betray me in the most dramatic way possible. Heh. I love that about them.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Eh, a thespian to the end.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: But of course. Frankly, I should have known it was coming when she came up to me. Alas, I was so outside of my own head at that time. Alas? I guess fortunately.