Texts: Be better than me

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Texts: Be better than me
Date of Scene: 05 June 2024
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Hinoiri sends a text to Catra while she's still in the hospital. This leaves neither of them in a good mental state, sadly.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Catra

<PHONE> Hinoiri texts Catra: From a number that Catra didn't know, a message would arrive a day or two after the sun went out: Hey. It's me. Sunbreaker... I probably shouldn't do this, but... just... letting you know. I'm not sure if I attacked you or not, but if I did, I'm sorry. If I didn't... well... I'm sorry I likely won't be by there anymore. Not sure how much you've heard, but... just... sorry. It went like this.

<PHONE> Catra texts Hinoiri: It takes a long while for an answer to the text to appear, but eventually, Hinoiri's phone announces that one has been received: Hey. Funny thing about being the villain, you usually get all sorts of people ganging up on you. So things didn't work out. Just be stronger for next time. You're good at magic, remember? Learn your lessons and be stronger next time.

<PHONE> Hinoiri texts Catra: Yeah... that's... not going to be an option. That... Remember when we first met? You told me about that lever you pulled? To destroy your world? To get back at Adora? Well... I found my lever. And now... it's... dark energy. I can't do it anymore. I pulled that lever and a lot of people were able to barely bring me back before I destroyed everything. I... won't pull it again. Doesn't... really matter, though. Apparently... I was warned that there are people who are likely going to come after me now, from Obsidian. I'm not sure how effective they'll be but, well, I figured after all the crap Adora put you through, I didn't want you to feel like someone else pulled that crap on you. Got banished from another home, it seems. Sorry I wasn't strong enough.

<PHONE> Hinoiri texts Catra: ... So... I just... I know you're probably going to be mad at me. I understand. I likely deserve it. I thought... I thought the rules would be enough. But I wasn't... strong enough. So... Please. I'm going to tell you something someone wise told me... be better than me, Catra. You need to be better than I was if you're going to do what you need to. You have the talent and... and the ability. So just... be better than me. I don't know if we'll get a chance to talk again but... if we don't? Just... know you're better than that witch or Adora treated you. So just... be better. Bye.