Range and Precision (Usagi & Mamoru)

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Range and Precision (Usagi & Mamoru)
Date of Cutscene: 02 June 2024
Location: Mitakihara General Hospital
Synopsis: Usagi has the idea that she and Mamoru should try to heal the whole hospital with the power of the Silver Crystal boosting Mamoru's healing power. After teleporting back from the fight against Sunset of Sora, they do just that.
Cast of Characters: Mamoru Chiba, Usagi Tsukino
Tinyplot: Sunset of Sora

The Uber ride back from the site of the battle in the dark... was going to take too long, so, literally just having realized he teleported to where Usagi was, and how he did it, Mamoru did it again and took himself and Usagi to where Kunzite and Zoisite were in the same room at the hospital--

--which is how he wound up in bed in his armor again--

The less said about that part the better.

But Usagi's idea was to heal the whole hospital, and Mamoru's absolutely certain no one was doing anything surgical while the sun was out-- but he's still a little nervous.

So Endymion's holding Serenity's hand out in the hallway, and he says really quietly, "I have to keep reminding myself of the things I can't do, so that I don't psych myself out of trying this at all."

His hand-- his left hand, the unblemished one with the messed-up shoulder-- starts glowing in Usagi's, and it's still, it's right where it needs to be, it's that power where it should be, in Mamoru's touch. That connection to the earth below them and the history around them, the connections between Mamoru and Usagi, Mamoru and his boys, and the smaller one to Takashi and the fledgeling one to Kyouka-- what he's feeling, in love and nervous and overwhelmed and firm and dedicated and still medicated, all at once-- it's all there, he's all there, and the relief is a flood that has yet to abate.

"How do we do this?" he asks, finally.


So it turns out, when the sun gets turned out, even the most on the grind taxi and uber drivers decide to take a break, go spend their last hours with their family, pray, do just about anything but drive.

So, good thing Mamoru's rediscovered the power of teleportation. Usagi might be glowing faintly, dressed in enough chiffon to strangle an elephant, but she's pleased as can be, to feel Mamoru's power where it belongs, and if there's still sorrow, for the scars that aren't healed yet, that may not ever heal - well, that's for another time, one that isn't now.

"I understand," she says quietly, because she can imagine - there are people in this hospital they probably can't help, people far-gone, people dying, but no one's going to be in active surgery when the sun's gone out, and there's enough chaos that no one will, hopefully, notice a miracle.

There's love in her, a love so fierce and bright it could change the world, and a will to do so, and just as importantly, the drive to see no one else suffer. She's spent a long time in this hospital, and it still wasn't as much as Mamoru did.

"I was thinking," she starts, "That I flood all the power I can grab from the Silver Crystal right into you. You heal, and I fill you tank, so you can't run empty. Between the two of us - between the two of us, I think we can do it."


"I think-- we need your range, too," Mamoru says a little ruefully. "But I think you're right. And even if it doesn't help everyone, even if more people will come in later, it'll help a lot of people, right now."

For part of that, his eyes were closed; his eyes open again, bright blue like the oceans on a sunny day, and he smiles and squeezes Usagi's hand.

His right hand, scarred and awkward as it is, lifts to rest on the wall and the glow brightens. With the boost from the Silver Crystal, he looks for the bright 'signals' of the lives of those in the burn ward, including nurses and doctors and visitors, and the wave of golden warmth begins to slip outwards from the spot where the Prince and Princess stand.

It's not instant; he takes the time to make sure he's not healing over anything that shouldn't be, anything that's infected -- but the cool silver power entwined with his sets things to rights and expels corruption, and Endymion joyfully heals even the things he couldn't on his own.

Outward from the burn ward -- setting to rights and healing, even the developing arthritis in that visitor's hands and the crepitus in that nurse's knees. All throughout the hospital, from pediatric to elder care, all the power he doesn't have himself, but that they have together, they can mend bone and regrow flesh and it's simply the most, the most help he's ever been, and Mamoru thinks: this is what I'm for. Even if he can never do it again, even if it's everything he couldn't do for two weeks and more, even if if takes so much help -- with help, with love, together, they can do almost anything.

"Usako," he tries to say, but his voice is caught in his throat from happiness.


"Good thing you got the precision then," Usagi returns just as ruefully - she can feel the expanse of her power, wants to let it flood out, but Mamoru would be the one who could guide things to their proper place, let them heal without being made worse. "And if the hospital is clearer now - people might have gotten hurt, today, between the dancing bears and the sun going out, and if we help the people here now, maybe more of the ones coming later will have a place to rest."

Because a hospital only has so much room, and because it would take time for people to get checked out, but it would take time for them to arrive, too.

When Mamoru smiles at her, she smiles back, aglow with love, eyes like the expanse of space and the bright sky soft with affection. Light flows, and power floods, from her to him and from him to the hospital, and she breathes in and out, thinking of love and relief and warmth and better, feel better as he reaches for those injured and sick and in need of help. She gets glimpses of it, the healing, the injuries, their joined hands feeding feelings from one to the other, and her heart is warm and glad as she feels Endymion's joy, his relief, his steadfast focus on getting it right.

"There we go," she breathes, and leans into him as he works their power. The world is silver and gold and him and she breathes out and lets the light continue to flow as he works. "Mamochan, you're incredible."


"You're incredible," the tall prince says with a ragged little laugh, craning his neck and bending a little to rest the side of his face against the top of Serenity's white hair. He shies away from the compliment because he's Mamoru, he doesn't dispute it because he's Endymion.

His power begins to carefully withdraw from the patients and visitors and nurses and doctors, back through the solidity of the building; with it his attention comes back to the here and now, back entirely to his own body, Usagi's leaned against it.

"I'll accept a we," he breathes against her head, then straightens himself up and takes his hand away from the wall. "Need to check on everyone she hurt," he finally says. "Just to make sure they're okay. Shall we?"

And they do.