1665/Plundering on a Timetable

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Plundering on a Timetable
Date of Scene: 15 June 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: A pleasant swim turns into a fight when Coco and Yuuto run into one of Red Tree's men plundering the seafloor of treasure with nefarious intent.
Cast of Characters: Yuuto Shiraishi, Coco Kiumi

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
After agreeing to meet with Coco to go on a swim together - Yuuto met her at the beach in the early morning before they both transformed into their merfolk forms to dive into the water. Yuuto has been practicing in the school pool when noone was around, so he's gotten better at the singular swish of a tail instead of kicking his legs. Though he still marvels at the fact that the water, despite being morning and cool, feels comfortable against his skin. And how he's able to breathe and as he glances aside to Coco, a little blush as he's reminded how beautiful she is in her mermaid form - and free of the confines of a bathtub.

Doing a small barrel roll in the water, he pumps his arms for a moment. "This feels great!" he says to Coco with a warm smile of affection as he slowly makes his way back to her side as they head into deeper waters, away from the shore and the gatherings there, down into the darker water, but he's surprised to still see. And as the sea shows him her wonders, a quote comes to mind.

'The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.' - Jacques Cousteau.

Does that still count, Yuuto wonders to himself, if the spell was cast upon him by a yellow and warm hearted mermaid first?

Coco Kiumi has posed:
The morning Coco and Yuuto had agreed to meet was a cool and calm day, as one would have expected by a summer day so early in the morning. Beyond just spending time with him, she was also admittedly curious to see how his progress went, after he had announced it out of nowhere to her just yesterday. Had she gotten to know anytime he was asked how his day had known, she would have absolutely offered to help him in his endeavour? Was he being shy?

Regardles of the actual reason, she is happy to be in the sea with him again, and to see him so joyful there. She speeds up when she does that barrel roll, catching up to him and laughing as she tries to take a hold of his arm and just bring him closer to her, with the intention to caress his forehead and look at that wonderful expression of joy on his face.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Coco's been so busy with everything that was going on that Yuuto didn't want her to be concerned, to be fair. It wasn't a matter of shiness, it was just not being in the way. But for the moment? Everything is good. As Coco catches up to him and takes his arm, Yuuto turns to face her, a warm smile that's reflected in his emerald eyes as he turns to face her.

"This is better than running." he says to her, his hand resting on her side for the moment as they share their loving embrace. "...when I run, I just... I can feel myself travelling further and further. And just me and the world. But down here? With you? It's such a deeper connection." his eyes study hers for the moment as she caresses him.

And if she allows, he'll use his hand to pull her close to share in a fond and warm kiss, holding her to him for several moments before he breaks it off with a smile. "Deeper." he says with enthusiasm. "I want to see how deep I can go. In these waters. And with you."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"It is, isn't it?", Coco smiles as Yuuto compliments swimming. "I liked running with you the other times, but swimming allows you to actually flow free. I could never get used to how you humans are limited to just horizontal direction. And the sensation of water is so much better than air." But that's enough talking about her opinions, and someone might actually call her biased.

Coco does allow Yuuto to pull her close and to share in that kiss, hugging him close as they slowly rotate while sharing that connection between the two of them. When that kiss is broken off then, she points down and says "It will be a bit of a trip right now, but we certainly can do that. It's quite a spectacle, really." Then again, no matter how fast merfolk go compared to humans, reaching 3,5km with the little time they have is a bit of a tall order even for them.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
'You Humans'. He knows what she meant, but Yuuto looks down to where his tail is brushing against Coco's and he chuckles. "Unless I lose this at some point, I don't think I fully count as human anymore." he teases softly. "Maybe I'm a hybrid or something?" comes his question as he holds her close to him, enjoying the feel of them pressed together before he follows her arm down to where she's gesturing and nods his head.

"I need to work on it." comes his response, a shake of his fins. "Going deeper and further. This is different than long distance running, but it's the same concept." And his hand settles anew into hers. "And with the right company, it won't seem that long at all." he confesses to her, waiting to see if that is something she wants to do.

If she does, he turns his attention to being at her side, and with her, starts to make the descent further and further down, towards where even the sunlight doesn't reach. He had read about it in textbooks, but now, seeing it in person? Totally different experience, and it shows in his eyes, which he's marvelling that he can see down here as well!

Coco Kiumi has posed:
When Yuuto brings up that observation about himself, Coco has a confused look on her face, actually stopping swimming as a result for a brief second. "You insisted on calling yourself a human just two days ago. I thought that's what you preferred to be called." She swims ahead for a bit, the only noise coming from her the sound of displaced water from her tail. "So what would you like to be called then?" she finally asks.

"Honestly, had you told me what your training was, I wouldn't have minded coaching you. You do know I have been doing this since I was born, right?" she checks with him just in case that needed clarification. And when the darkness comes closer, she squeezes his hand even if their eyes do actually see better. "If something worries you, just stick close to me."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"I was mad. We had an argument and I apologized" Yuuto sighs. "Would you like me to do so again?" But he doesn't release Coco's hand this time. "I saw how much Hinoiri hurt you and that you have this great big heart to forgive her so easily, but I'm not ready to simply trust and accept her yet. She lost her power, yes. But what if she's looking for a way to get it back?" he asks her. "As for what I want to be called? Your fiancee. Consort. Of just Yuuto. I can accept those. I don't need a tag placed on me of what I am, human or merfolk. I was created by my parents and changed by a wish. That's good enough for me.

As she suggest they stick closer together, she'll feel a small brush of his tail to hers. "Always." he promises her. But he's not worried. She can see the wonderment in his eyes as they descend, glances at the various fish that have adapted themselves over the eons to become part of the environment. "Your kingdom is even further than this, isn't it?" he asks her.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco's long hair flows about as she shakes her head. "I am not trying to reproach you again. I only want to know how you prefer to treat the matter of your kind. And I really don't have such a big heart. I was angry at her for a few days after that. No matter how much I was telling myself that I should follow Aqua Regina's teachings."

A grimace appears on Coco's face. "What, just because someone I don't know much wounds me, I deserve to tear into them when they are down? That's the way to darkness, Yuuto. I can't do that. To Anyone. And especially I don't want to be a hypocrite."

From out of nowhere, Coco takes out the a shell Yuuto might recognise: it's the legendary spiral shell Sara had used to house her memories. The shell starts shining white and then red-black, a sensation of oppression like gravity had somehow reached them down there appearing for a brief instant.

Sara's voice comes out of the shell, speaking of hatred, loathing and disgust and then memories start playing out in front of them like they are projected.

A boy going away, an arm from an orange-haired girl extended towards him in a silent plea as sobbing is heard. An orange mermaid standing in the middle of her kingdom as she wails and her powers follow her emotions over her intent, destroying the orange kingdom as its mermaid flee and panic. That same orange mermaid despairing after her powers went haywire and destroyed her kingdom, thinking there was nothing else for her now.

That same orange mermaid, her hair and tail now black, distracting the Guardian Hippocampus with sweets and sweeping the Sealing Key, then traveling down to the deepest depths and finding and freeing Gaito. The now dark mermaid is standing with her back visible, looking at a pleading Coco coming towards her with no care about what she says, at her side the Dark Lovers. The South Pacific kingdom, destroyed by the same storm that destroyed the Indian one. And finally, Coco and Noel trapped in tanks, lost in a dreamless sleep while the black mermaid just stands looking.

"I have forgiven Sara all that, and I want to show Hinoiri the same response. I don't know what kind of past gave birth to her, but the misery has to end somewhere, otherwise it just continues on and on. I really don't have the big heart you think I have. I am really just trying to follow what I have been taught, despite the anger I had felt."

Coco puts the spiral shell away, her heart still in turmoil after looking at those again, letting the projected images fade as the yellow mermaid resumes their descent, brushing her tail against his in a silent request for contact as she answers his question. "Much further, I am afraid. We would have to travel about 7000 km before we reached my kingdom."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Why does for a moment, Yuuto feels like they are about to spiral into yet another argument. As Coco moves to prove her point, he swims back a little to give her distance. "You're right." he finally starts to say. Ready to relent. To just give up. He doesn't want to rehash this all over again. Which they do every time Hinoiri's name is brought up.

And then Coco brings out the shell, and starts to playing Sara's memories. About being jilted. About destroying her kingdom. And then what she did to everyone.

"It's not the same." he finally says. "She's made it clear why she is as she is. That she came here and she had magic. And now she doesn't. And she was desperate to have it again. That's what gave birth to her. I'll forgive her - but I am going to be careful around her." he finally relents. It's all he can do. He doesn't want to do this again. It would break him. He gives her a hug, a small, affectionate squeeze. Coco's heart is not the only one in turmoil.

"I see. Well. Let's continue on and see what we find." Because he needs the distraction.

And as they go further down, something becomes visible. A shape in the distance, just out of sight, but from here, it looks like something is standing up on the ocean floor, jutting upwards.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco doesn't want to talk either about how much she feels changing worlds could have impacted Hinoiri, about her weirdly intense almost pathological need to win, and about how wanting to turn a new leaf is important for anyone. Instead she just reciprocates the hug, and looks forward at where Yuuto is pointing. She can tell what it is, but she instead just waits for Yuuto to talk about it.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
As they get closer, the spires are jutting steel and wood of a long sunken shipwreck. The shipwreck, likely a once-proud vessel, now serves as an artificial reef teeming with marine life.

Despite the passage of decades, the ship remains surprisingly intact, its structure still recognizable amidst the encrusting corals and sponges that have made it their home. The hull, although weathered and worn by time and ocean currents, stands proudly upright on the ocean floor, a large hole in the starboard opening the ship to the elements, revealing her mortal wound.

As they approach, the first signs of sealife become apparent. Schools of colorful fish dart in and out of the nooks and crannies of the ship's superstructure, finding refuge and nourishment in the algae-covered surfaces. Anemones sway gently in the currents, their tentacles waving in search of passing prey, while small crustaceans scuttle along the seabed, using the ship's metal plates as hiding places.

And somewhere behind the shipwreck, hidden in the shadows, a pair of bright lights shine, something that should not be possible, as old as this wreck is.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"That is not so old", Coco tells Yuuto as she looks down at the shipwreck below them. "It's not odd to find human relics dotting the seafloor, and I have seen remnants so old they were a liability just to approach. Their wood was so rotten and the metal so rusty that there was the risk it would fall onto your head. With those we typically try to clean the seafloor from the outside in, but sometimes we have no choice but to leave them there depending on how long it has passed since their discovery", Coco explains.

The yellow mermaid, sighs thinking about all the beautiful sights that have ruined by abandoned ships. If they were unlucky, they would find that they had come too late to save people that had sunk with the ship. When that happens, they try to honour the victim the best they can.

"This one is not so bad", the princess observes with a smile, looking at the sealife that had managed to integrate with it, at least for now. "Did you know that oftentimes even when we are able to clean up, at least a a year has to pass before we are able to drive the fish back to the location of the sinking?"

Those lights however alert the mermaid princess, who freezes and looks weirdly towards them. "Yuuto, humans haven't built ships with lights that are able to keep functioning for so long, have they?"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"I know there's a lot around here from the war a few decades ago." Yuuto says as he is back to Coco, close to her. Because he doesn't want to be that far from her, really. "I can imagine that a lot of them are dangerous, what with old ammunition and all. It's probably safer if we avoid those?" he asks of the mermaid Princess, his hand passing along her side for a moment as they observe the sea life. "I can appreciate the ocean taking in what it was given, I'm just sad that humans have given it too much." he muses.

"But your efforts are noble to help those that need it... but this wreck is clearly from before you were born. Though... I mean, you could be way older than you let on." he teases her gently. This wreck is clearly a merchant ship. There's no heavy guns on the deck. Not a combatant.

But as the lights come up, Yuuto shakes his head. "No." His hand grabs Coco's to lead her into the shadow aside from the ship. "This way." he says, leading her around to where they can peek around the wreckage. What they see is... well, odd.

It appears to be a submerisble of some type. It looks like a large, way large barrel. With a glass front with metal lattice-work holding it together. The engines are double-boilers that are pumping bubbles into the air. Inside, there's a well dressed figure in a suit with a clock in his top hat. "We're on schedule..." he says with impatience as the submarine moves into position. "But we should finish in approximated 10 minutes and 15 seconds."

A large claw reaches out from beneath the submarine, pushing aside the sealife and metal and when it draws back, a wooden box is pulled out. It's damaged enough that as the lights shine on it, the bright gold within is relected.

Yuuto frowns. "That's Pennington." Tinker says from the watch on Yuuto's wrist. "Everything he does is planned to the microsecond!"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"I will have you know I am actually 7403 years old", Coco jokes when Yuuto brings up that matter. "But, no, I am actually as old as I look", she admits, before she hesitates and adds "Though when I was born physically, I was already 6 years old", the yellow mermaid adds. Considering their birth always comes after the end of their predecessor, they really don't have the luxury to wait and learn how to live the normal way.

"What I meant earlier is that sometimes we find really really old ships, sometimes even remnants that had the bad luck to be caught in the Panthalassa-Mermaid war. That was 300 years ago", the yellow mermaid says as she ponders the age of the shipwreck in front of them.

he 1Then she is dragged away and brought to a more recluse position to stare at the lights. Are they just passing explorers, she wonders. She certainly hopes they don't have more nefarious goals. Her fears are however partially confirmed when Yuuto reveals how that is one of his enemies.

"That sounds really troublesome", Coco raises an eyebrow when Tinker comments about Pennington's precision. "Doesn't that stress him out?", she points out, thinking that might not really be well-adjusted of him. "What do we do? Do we attack him?"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"Oh! He hates it when he's off the schedule." Tinker says, and as he shows up in the watchface, he's wearing goggles and a breathing tube, even if he's a fairy. "Especially when the Steam Sentinels do it. Back on Gearwork, we were a big thorn in his side!"

Yuuto glances down at Tinker for a moment, and then to Coco. "You could be 74,000 years old and I'd still want to be with you." he points out, "But not at 75,000. I have a limit." he offers with a playful smirk.

But there is a bigger issue. What to do. "I'm pretty sure that's not his gold. And they are probably stealing it for their organization." he frowns a little, but he turns his attention to Coco. "I know these are not your waters, but they are still your domain. What do you want to do? We can team up to stop him. Or we can let him continue and go on our way."

The first crate is lifted up, placed into a cargo hold on the back of the submarine as it moves to take a new crate out.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"That's nobody's gold", Coco says when Yuuto brings up the matter of ownership. "Technically speaking he isn't doing a crime. He doesn't even have to report the find, since we have special rules when it comes to humans finding stuff", Coco explains, ruffling the back of her head, as she tries to recall all the intricacies of the situation. That exception to the law was mostly a consequence to the secrecy. Can't exactly enforce your laws if you want to stay a secret.

"But that's the legal side. On the rest, we definitely want to prevent any type of evildoing regardless of whether it requires. And since he is already aware of the magical side of things, that takes away a lot of our problems", Coco says, staring down at the submarine. "The answer is obvious, but just to get it out of the way, they are here to cause problems, right, Yuuto?"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"Oh, they will definetly cause trouble with it." Tinker responds before Yuuto can, which draws a little smirk from the merman. "What he said." he responds to Coco, turning to look at the blonde with the lovely yellow eyes that he sees are set in determination. He gives a nod. "We're stopping him then." he agrees.

Reaching down to turn his watch, he presses down on it. "Evil's Time is Up! Steam Sentinel Cascade!" As the armor forms over the merfolk part of him, she can see the subtle changes made to make sure he has maximum movement, while maintaining the aesthetic. The twin blasters are on bracers on his forerms. The water tank is changed into an intake valve becayse there is water all around, and his tail becomes lightly armored.

Once his transformation is complete, he glances aside to Coco. "How do you want to do this? Want to distract him with your song and then I try to ambush him from the side?

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"We go by intimidation", she replies resolutely to Yuuto, her pearl beginning to shine with a brilliant yellow. The shell locket opens as she brings her hands around it in a curved x to channel the melodious magic of the seven seas. "Yellow Pearl Voice!" she declares, the pearl in her shell locket responding to her will.

A kaleidoscope of colours covers Coco's clothes as those change into her yellow gloves and boots with flowy extensions, as well as a yellow blouse with a yellow skirt, and her tail separates into human legs while her pearl expands into her trusty E-Pitch microphone, its blue shape settling comfily into her hand, the jewel nestled safely in the head's center.

But it doesn't stop there, and the mermaid princess raises her arm up high as the bracelet on her wrist releases a gentle white light as a halo of yellow light descends, unlocking the everpresent current of hope that is Aqua Regina's gift, making her clothes even richer and turning her microphone into a headset that goes to rest gently on her head. To apply the finishing touches, she touches the the Sealing Key, unclasping it and extending it in its Key Rod form. The Live Stage shining around her, she points the Key Rod down at the submarine, her voice magically amplified. "Stop right there and state your intents, Pennington. I am one of the seven mermaid princesses and you are unsettling the peace of the oceans. Unless you stop and give up what you just took, we will make you."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Watching Coco transform into her Super Idol mode is only something that Yuuto has seen a couple of times, so as she makes her transformation, her fiancee is transfixed for a few moments, before he snaps out of it in order to get into the plan. As she rises up, he prepared to move around the side to flank Pennington's submarine.

Pennington, in the meantime, was in the midsts of grabbing another crate when there is the threat and colors of the mermaid idol princess. "It's a good thing I had put in a 30 second buffer for dealing with nusances!" he says over the intercom. "Tick tock, you're on my clock!" And with that, the claw withdraws back, as a pair of torpedoes are launched from the submarine.

As they race towards Coco, Yuuto starts his own attack, coming in at the submarine's flank and both blasters are brough forward. "HYDRO BLAST!" The water compression rushes at the submarine, hitting in, and shaking up Pennington who looks surprised. "A Steam Sentinel?! Underwater?! HOW?? You're going to make me late!"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Disappointment flares up in her eyes when she sees that Pennington chose the path of resistance. There really is no villain that will just pick the sensible choice and just give up when they know they should. At least she came prepared. "Key Rod Release!" Coco states, a surge of light released from the scepter and directed towards the torpedos to disentegrate them. "Like I said, unsettle the peace, and prepare for the consequences."

She takes a deep breath and lightly touches the pearl on her headset. "This is the song of the seven seas", she states gently, her voice filled with purification and healing. "Heartbeat ~Perfect Harmony~: Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!".

Hit by the stormy sea, at this moment it seems we might lose
We shake it off, and gaze at the love in our hearts.

We'll stand up again, no matter how many times for the sake of that promise.
Bathed in the scorching light, a spray of water flutters.

Even hotter, hotter, hotter than the sun.
We'll raise our voices higher, higher, higher.
Now is the time, now is the time.

This intense heartbeat overflows with a melody of love.
In this speedy heartbeat, there is only one truth.
Reflecting in a cloudless mirror
The heartbeat we convey breaks out with the power of love.
And so we are born in this hot, perfect harmony.

I'll spread my arms out and accept everything of you.
It was painful, and it was the first time I knew what true love was.

Faster, faster, faster than the southern wind.
Crossing over the squall, stronger, stronger, stronger.
Now is the time, now is the time.

A harmony colored with everyone's heartbeats as they overlap
Will not stop ringing, and won't stop the sparkling.
We'll get back our Paradise
The heartbeat we feel breaks out with the power of love.
And so it spreads out into a perfect harmony of dreams.
This intense heartbeat overflows with a melody of love.
In this speedy heartbeat, there is only one truth.
Reflecting in a cloudless mirror
The heartbeat we convey breaks out with the power of love.

A harmony colored with everyone's heartbeats as they overlap
Will not stop ringing, and won't stop the sparkling.
We'll get back our Paradise
The heartbeat we feel breaks out with the power of love.

And so it spreads out into a perfect harmony of dreams.
And so we are born in this hot, perfect harmony.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Pennington growls beneath his breath when he is faced with attacks coming from two seperate sides, and the teamwork that the Mermaid Princess and Steam Sentinel are showing on display. As the Yellow Idol's song intensifies and starts to reach at the heart of the Red Tree general, he frowns, feeling something he should not be feeling. Not just the tick-tock of his clock.

"I am not so easily defeated, child! I will get back on schedule!" Pennington declares as he turns his submarine slightly. A torpedo is launched towards Cascade, who is forced to throw up a bubble shield to defend himself. The torpedo slams into it, exploding on impact and sends Cascade tumbling backwards into the ship, sending up a cloud of dirt and collapsing steel.

Turning the submarine towards the Yellow Super Idol, Pennington snarls. "As you for you, young lady, the only music my heart enjoys is the sound of the clock being on schedule!" The claw is lashed out, trying to grab a hold of Coco and yank her off the stage and capture her!

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Cascade!", Coco shouts furiously when she sees Yuuto falls below, an angry glare being reserved to Pennington for sending him hurling below. At just about the same time the claw has started moving towards her, the mermaid princess has already moved onto the offensive, and her voice has already created two more Live Stages these ones filled with energy and she sends then crashing into the arm that is trying to grab her.

Once that problem is taken care of, she addresses Pennington again. "You saw what I did to those torpedoes, right? You stop it right now or I promise I will smash a hole into your submarine, and by then you will really be on time with something." Of course, she has her ways of making him survive that still, but he doesn't need to know that. But the important thing is that by the end either he will have escaped, or she will have sent him right to Lucia's kingdom to pay for his evil. With any result, once Pennington is out of the way, she will have enough time to look for Yuuto and make sure he is fine.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
As Coco sends out that energy wave from her multiple live stages, it rips the arm apart, the claw crashing to the ocean floor. Pennington feels the clock in his hat ticking harder - probably about to get a headache from the attack totally ruining his timetable and his day. And now, without his capture claw, he can no longer really go after the gold, so he grunts. "You win this time. But next time, the clock will strike in my favor!" he promises as he starts to pull back in retreat.

And just to make sure he doesn't get followed by Coco? "A last parting gift for you, Steam Sentinel!" he declares, launching a last torpedo towards where Yuuto had crashed into the ship as Pennington laughs and guide his submarine away .

Coco Kiumi has posed:
A frustrated sigh escapes Coco's mouth when she notices Pennington's last "gift", the mermaid's reaction on point as her song captures that inside a Live Stage not allowing it to escape its confines before sending that very Live Stage at a remote point with no particular life, disposing of the torpedo by a mix of sending an energy strike from the Sealing Key towards it and containing as many of the energy as she can inside the sphere of white light.

Now that Pennington isn't here anymore, she reverts to her real form, swimming at speed only a mermaid can reach towards where she saw Yuuto sink, her eyes searching everywhere for signs of his yellow tail or brown hair.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
With the torpeedo disposed off, Coco is left alone for the moment. Within the wreck of the ship, there's a small groan, and Coco can made out the shimmer of Yuuto's bubble shield before he dissolves it. "Did we get him?" he asks, a shake of his head as he notices the yellow beauty floating near him. When she reaches out her hand, his own finds it, his fingers settling into hers and gripping lightly. "I'm okay." he promises her. "Just a little shaken up."

If she pulls, he'll follow her out of the ship, his hand never leaving hers. "But I think that's enough swimming for the day. But I'm not wanting to leave you. We could go catch a movie or something?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco is quick to grab Yuuto's hand and pulling him out when she finally notices the last shimmering lights of his shield, pulling him into a hug after checking the lack of any particular injury. "Did you know that Pennington couldn't leave you be!?", she exclaims, evident fury in her voice. "He fired a torpedo at you! I would have thrown it back at him had I been sure he would have survived it."

She lets go and looks all around herself. "Yes, I can guess you would want to go do something more relaxing for you", she admits, standing to swim upwards as soon as Yuuto. "Let's go watch a movie."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Pulled into her hug, Yuuto shakes his head for a moment. "...he really doesn't like Steam Sentinels." he murmurs before he kisses her cheek. "Thank you for protecting me, my princess." he says with warm adoration, his arms holding her a little tighter for the moment.

"If you want, we can continue to swim. I know this is relaxing for you. We can catch a movie later. I just... I want to be near you for now." No arguments, no complaints. Just some much needed time with his fiancee.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"No, Yuuto, you are right", Coco shakes her head, returning the Sealing Key to its small size and tying it again. "We shouldn't overdo it, this is enough for today." It's not like they had planned to face an attack right here.

"A movie is perfectly fine", she confirms, continuing to swim upwards. "And the sea is going nowhere."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Transforming back to normal, Yuuto nods as he joins Coco in her rise towards the surface, swimming with as he chuckles. "I know." he says, but then he adds. "I think we worked well together. I... I liked that." A lot more than arguing to be fair. "A movie it is!"

They are on their way to a movie date, popcorn and spending the evening in each other's company.