1592/Grand Theft Scroll

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Grand Theft Scroll
Date of Scene: 27 May 2024
Location: Penguin Park - Penguin Playground
Synopsis: Chrono and Sayaka do the trade over with the scroll of Ka... unfortunately, Riventon decides the scroll of Ka can only be properly wielded by him. Because of course he does. And Mami has decided to join him in his delinquinism.
Cast of Characters: Chrono Harlaown, Sayaka Miki, Takashi Agera, Mami Tomoe

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
The work of a TSAB enforcer was never done. The whole 'Sunset of Sora' situation had been... dangerous. Incredibly dangerous. Whoever this 'Hinoiri' was, he knew this had the capability to get much worse before it got better. As such, he'd been taking precautionary measures and watching the going ons from afar, he hadn't even been to school. Between Rashmi and Setsuna, he had excellent field operatives he could depend on, while he tried to keep things from behind from getting out of hand.

He didn't like it, but he trusted them to do what had to be done. However, one element of everything had the capability of going very, very poorly. Sayaka. She was, apparently, quite closely connected to this living lost logia. That, in and of itself, wasn't a problem, but the Scroll of Ka was. He'd been monitoring it, making sure there weren't any pending issues that would arise from it and he was, admittedly, hesitant to take it from her.

He knew the chances of her getting hurt by it leaving her presence was incredibly slim, but he still didn't like that idea of her going through any more suffering. However, the threat of this new creature getting a hold of it and being split, or worse, learning to wield its power? THAT was not a risk he could take. So he'd finally left his command center-ish locale (yes, there were floating screens all over) to meet with Sayaka at the park. Just to ensure that the Scroll of Ka wouldn't be involved in the final battle, regardless of what happened.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka had been safeguarding the Scroll of Ka inside Oktavia's Labyrinth right next to her slowly but steadily growing stockpile of Grief Souls. So far only Madoka and Bow had gotten to see it (and they were immediately warned not go anywhere near it, much less touch it).

However, with the rising threat levels all over Tokyo due to Hinoiri's actions, Chrono is only right that one day she would be forced to call upon the Labyrinth to avoid getting Oktavia's assistance severely taxing her, thus letting anyone with time to spare during a battle make a grab for it. Not to mention that the agreement was that she would give it over to Chrono as soon as he had requested it.

That is how the bluenette and Ula are heading to the park with the Scroll of Ka inside a bag thoroughly closed all over. There are certainly no risk that her or anybody would touch the thing even by accident. When the two of them get the park, they are both relieved to notice it was completely empty, with Ula even sighing in relief for it. She of all people would rather avoid that said dangerous thing cause mayhem again, so the less unforeseen factors the better.

"Hey, Chrono!", Sayaka shouts at him once she notices the TSAB Enforcer's figure. She is quite glad to see he is well, or mostly well if he visibly shows signs of stress. She would understand him way too much there, this has escalated way beyond anything she could have thought. "How are you?", she asks anyway before rising her arm to show him the bag. "I have the Scroll in here."

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Unfortunantly, there's already someone with more time than sense, and sensors in various places all over Tokyo. And while Takashi Agera tends to look for magical items, he has been on the hunt for a signature in particular - the Scroll of Ka. This was complicated by the fact that he'd never been in the same room with the item itself, having to make some theoretical guesses about the Two Sayakas.

    But the scroll was intensely important to him - to Mami, as well, and therefore to him again. It had been, for at least one Puella, a Get Out of Witch Card. Not free, but it was the only method either of them had any awareness of, so it seemed like the sort of thing that they should keep an eye on. Or a hand on. Or locked in a vault and studied.

    So the bag prevents anyone from touching the Scroll, but it doesn't prevent the energy within it from being sensible. But, Tokyo is actually full of magical energy - full of sources of the things in a way no other city on Earth is - such that it's hard to turn all of the data his sensors pick up into something actionable. It comes down to Axion, his Device, running scans to find the new signature, the strange one, the powerful one. And if it was fake, it wouldn't be the first time he'd gone out all excited only to find nothing.

    But after taking the Door to near the park and seeing Sayaka and Chrono both there? Things feel a little bit more like this could be the time. He tapped out a quick message to Mami.

        >>TO Mami<3: Sayaka and Chrono are meeting at Penguin Park with something putting off a weird energy and it isn't a soul gem, I'm taking it. Could be the real deal. Not sure what else Sayaka would have that the Littlest Enforcer would want to take custody of." He says.

    As opposed to the other times where the things he'd responded to ended up being mistakes in the signal, blips, or just a magical girl delivering a random 'wild' youma a serious buttkicking.

    He figures at least Mami will find Sayaka being here interesting. And probably show up to support him. Probably. But he can't risk delaying it, before the bag disappears into some extradimensional space held by one or the other, or something else happens because magic is frankly just rude like that.

    Sayaka and Chrono may pick up on the Dark Energy nearby from Takashi's henshin into Riventon - out of line of sight but close - but if that doesn't get their attention, the swirling black watercolor-darkness of Riventon's specific variant of Barrier will.

    Or the fast-moving Riventon charging at Sayaka with magic-boosted speed, trying to swipe at not her, but to snag the bag. Along with whatever's in it. Focused, intent, there's no banter for Chrono or Sayaka. At least not yet. Just a dashing Riventon's mix of greedy and slightly worried-about-Mami desire, and the Dark Energy claws he's reaching to knock it out of Sayaka's hands and grab it with.

Mami Tomoe has posed:
    Mami was already out hunting in Pikarigaoaka. Her mind turning over recent developments in her head as she followed the dim pulsing yellow light of her Soul Gem. But then her phone vibrates, and it's the doka-doka pattern that means it's Takashi-kun. Her Soul Gem reforms around her finger as a ring and she pulls out her phone to see his text.

    >>TO Takashi-kun: On my way!<<

    Thankfully, she wasn't that far away! Dashing off toward Penguin Park, she passed through an alley, her Soul Gem back in her palm as it glowed and ribbons wrapped around her as she ran. As soon as her henshin was complete, a ribbon shot up and she swung up to the roof tops to run more quickly. Of course, Riventon didn't wait, because he's a man of action. So she arrives just as his Dark Energy claws are grasping for the scroll.

    It's a quick tactical calculation. If Riventon's trying to grab something from her, making her less mobile is going to help. So as Mami comes flying down through the top of the barrier, she lets ribbons shoot out from her wrists, aiming to tangle up Sayaka and immobilize her.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown was, fortunately, already in uniform. Because of course he was, he was the most uptight of uptight soldiers AND there was a huge, possibly world ending threat on the loose. So he was always in uniform when he wasn't somewhere he felt entirely secure.

So when the barrier came up? His eyes narrowed. He began a scan and...

Instantly a binding appeared directly in Riventon's path. It wouldn't last long or hold him for more than an instant, but it was enough time for Chrono to dash between Sayaka and him, before holding out his device.

            <<Break Impulse!>>

A cannonball of magic, designed to blast him away, rather than damage.

"Of course. Riventon, I should have known. Now is the not the time for us to be fighting, we--"

And then his sensors alerted him... "Sayaka, look out!" he called, momentarily glancing up as the ribbons came for her!

Crap. Riventon WOULD bring backup! HOW DARE HE!

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka definitely did not expect hers and Chrono's encounter to be intercepted, nor the sudden surge of dark energy and the lunge coming from Riventon. It is at times like this that she loathes that stupid restriction from the Scroll that only enabled a transformation for one of her halves. No way Takashi would have recognised her otherwise.

"What the heck!?", the bluenette exclaims, transforming in a blue flash to try and stop Riventon's lunge with the flat of her greatsword. Greatsword that she doesn't have the time to summon with how fast Takashi is about to be onto her, only for Chrono to first delay and then block the dark scientist's attack. About to reopen the portal to her Labyrinth and get the Scroll to safety again, even that doesn't work when she perceives a second magical attack heading her way.

"Ula, catch!", she says instead, tossing the bag over to the small floating mermaid, who succeeds in doing just that, though the sudden weight makes her stagger a tiny bit. "Molto Arioso!", Sayaka exclaims, the attack's usual seven cutlasses appearing around her and flying through the air to slash the ribbons trying to bind her.

"You come at us now, Mami and Riventon?", Sayaka pants while glaring at her blonde senpai, sword in hand. "I thought we had reached if not an understanding, an agreement at least! Why are you even trying to get the Scroll? That thing causes more trouble than benefits!"

Takashi Agera has posed:
Riventon growls in an almost bestial way when he's delayed by Chrono and has to put up his own Round Shield glyph rapidly to not get punted back too far by the Break Impulse. "If now isn't the time for us to be fighting, it's the perfect time to engage you - unless, of course, you want to just give me what's in that bag. Then there's no need to be fighting at all." he says.

    Then Sayaka yells at Mami and Riventon's smile widens. "So it IS the Scroll of Ka. Excellent." he adds, raising to his upright position from the braced one. "You of ALL people, should know what value the scroll of Ka has. It's why you don't come onto the scene announcing yourself in some unintelligble language, isn't it?" He pauses. "I guess maybe I should say you of all rocks." He adds, with a look and a wink over to Mami.

    "Now, if I thought there was a chance you'd see reason I would have asked, but I've learned when it comes to the sparklesquad - and the TSAB - to never assume you'll take the smart path."

    But rather than blast Chrono with a bit of magic, Riventon tries to move in, to engage him in melee - after all, Riventon has easy access to cutting claws on his hands and has been training with Fate, and Chrono's device doesn't look like it's sturdy enough for melee. Plus... if he can just... grab the smaller boy - he can make this fight even more one sided.

    "I'll have finish what Fate started with you if you don't stand aside!" he warns as the finger-claws leave inky trails in their wake as he moves to try to slash at the spiked-pauldrons boy.

Mami Tomoe has posed:
    Mami knew Sayaka's fighting style and so had aimed to land at range, coming in for a landing behind where Riventon had been. But then Chrono blasted him back, so she ends up landing practically right next to him before he moves back into the fray. She looks at Sayaka with a smirk on her lips. The bluenette had done the same thing the last time.

    "That is where we disagree, Sayaka-chan," Mami says, her voice a little singsong as she sends a whole swirl of ribbons into the air forming into a dozen rifles--filled with non-lethal rounds, she's not a monster--all pointed at Sayaka. "It's always been the same thing with you, ever since you made your wish. Always complaining about how the cost is too high. Some of us have the strength to endure the discomfort and inconvenience if it serves a purpose."

    "It's nothing personal. I really do kind of like you now. But since you were so good as to bring the scroll out of hiding, I can't pass this opportunity up, and unlike our previous engagements. I'm not going to hold back this time," she says, and all of the rifles fire at once, aiming to pelt Sayaka with those non-lethal (but still very painful) rounds. For all the talking about the scroll she's doing, she's not actually paying a lot of attention to it.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown shook his head. "You seem to be mixing up the concept of 'can' with 'should', Riventon," Chrono snapped. "You don't even know what the Scroll of Ka is. It's dangerous, more likely to destroy someone than it is to protect them. What happened with Sayaka was a miracle born of determination and good fortune. It's not something that can be re-created on a whim and trying will likely only lead to disaster! And she is no more just a rock than you are just a gathering of meat and bone, Riventon," Chrono snapped.

Unfortunately, Riventon was going for *him* directly. And, like it or not? While he'd engaged Riventon in the past in melee, the fact Riventon was GOING for that? And considering the time they'd spent apart? Yeah, he didn't want to give the dangerous warrior what he wanted in any way.

"I'll trust you to handle her, I'll handle Riventon," he told Sayaka. Surely Riventon wouldn't take that personally. Nope. Surely not.

Chrono did, admittedly... take that Fate comment a little harder than he otherwise showed. His eye twitching, just a hint. Oh, yes, he *definitely* remembered that. He hoped whoever's Catra Riventon was, they cared a whole *lot* for him because he found himself feeling a liiiiiiiittle less sorry for trying to end this threat once and for all so long ago.

            <<Stinger Blade!>>

Three blue swords materialized around him, before twirling and then launching themselves at Riventon, attempting to skewer his to the ground! Or, well, at least slow him down. They wouldn't actually do much skewering if they hit.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka groans when Riventon reveals that he is so interested in the fact the Scroll saved her that he is ignoring every else that it took to get her there. "Doesn't matter", she replies to that "clever" joke. "I have accepted what happened there a while back. I am a person, and that is that", she states simply.

Holding back frustration, she adds "Riventon, do you hear yourself? It took basically a miracle from a lot of my friends never ever giving up on me to get my positive half to face and accept my negative side, and I was really close to forever living as just a powerless half of myself, while the other one was a Grief Seed. Do you really want to take that risk for Mami?"

The comment about Riventon still finding Witch language unintelligible at least in a written form, would have forced a smile out of Sayaka in other circumstances, and he would have gotten some light teasing towards him. Of course, in a fight, there is no way that would happen, but Sayaka still can't help but retort at him, mostly in confusion.

"Weren't you studying Witches? I thought that at least you would have started by noticing the underside of Mami's ring has her name in Witch runes, and started to decode the rest, or something." She is at least assuming Mami's Soul Gem ring works like hers.

Following Chrono entrusting Mami to her, Sayaka nods towards him, before summoning her greatsword when she sees Mami standing away from her, intending as she would have tried before to use the flat of the blade as a shield. She likewise knows how Mami fights and she is not standing there waiting to be hit. Besides she is kind of in a defensive formation anyway, since she has Ula to protect. She frowns when Mami still insists on thinking she knows better.

"Mami-san, please, you know why the scroll is dangerous. Are you really sure you can trust your positive half be able to relate to your negative one when you have been separated so surgically? I did not ask to be separated like that. You don't know what it was like to have despair fill you so thoroughly." Predictably, Mami's attack comes, that rain of bullets denting the blade all over. Yet it holds.

"Either stop these attacks and just talk or go away", Sayaka says, before murmuring "Shooting Stinger", tossing the dented weapon towards Mami's direction, the throw enhanced by her magical energy to have incredible force and speed behind it. The distance and it being dented will likely diminish its impact a lot, but that's fine. She is trying to drive Mami away, not kill her.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon pushed onwards. "Look, if anybody else can do it I can make it happen but better. Science and technology is what turns miracles from random-ass chance into living reality." He'd say 'make miracles true' but he's seen too much magical BS to argue that.

    "You couldn't handle me with your cheerleader at your side, and I'm getting better much faster than you are. That's the problem with you. Just like with your height, your capabilities probably reached their maximum early."

    The information about the Witch Runes on Mami's ring is filed away for later; it's not like he asked her to let him hold her soul in his hands often, and the last time it was in the egg-like form. Not the ring. He just smiles. "Why do you..." he says, cutting himself off to shield against the stingers - which allows Chrono to keep his distance, for now, as the blades thrum into the shield - Riventon as usual trying not to reveal any sense of effort in blocking, lest the enemy get the idea of how much energy they are charging him - "... think I'm going to use it the same way you did? Not everyone runs up to ancient artifacts and licks them or whatever." He continues. "It's got the 'potential' to be helpful, and I'm going to draw it out of it. Seems like it was created in a bit of a shoddy way, but prototypes often are." he adds. "Just because it was dangerous to you don't mean it has no value to a genius like me."

    Riventon turns his full attention back to Chrono. "Come on, Enforcer. Don't they teach you hand to hand?" Or hand to claw. "Some training you have. Dissapointing." Riventon says to Chrono.

    And once Chrono shows intent to keep away from Riventon, Riventon's device announces the form shift. <PEITSCHENKABEL FORM!> it calls as the claws of dark energy leaving his fingers twist together, making that long, flowing lash of Dark Energy. he throws out his wire-like coul from his other hand, that lashing tendril of Dark Energy. He's expecting Chrono to dodge or shield it, but the intent is to go past Chrono anyways - it's off-center- because it's actually heading for Ula, to attempt to coil around her and drag her back with the artifact in tow.

Mami Tomoe has posed:
    "You never really do change, do you Sayaka-chan? Always assuming that your own limitations are those of others. That just because something was bad and hard for you, it must be bad and hard for everyone," Mami leapt to the side as she ranted, dodging the thrown greatsword, and doing a couple cartwheels in Ula's direction, trying to put herself between Sayaka and the scroll. Coming back up to her feet she struck a pose with her hands on her hips.

    "I'd talk it out if I thought you'd be sensible. But we both know you won't hand over the scroll, so we're just going to have to take it," Mami declared. But her attack? Well it wasn't aimed at Ula or the scroll. It was entirely focused on the bluenette. If she could keep Sayaka occupied, Riventon could surely handle the short guy and get the scroll. He was good like that. There was another swirl of ribbons and another dozen rifles, this time all in a circle around her. She pulled the first two up and aimed them right at Sayaka.

    But instead of pulling the trigger, she paused. "But okay, let's give this a shot. Hand over the scroll, and we can all just walk away."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown nodded along with what Sayaka said. She really was coming into her own and, if nothing else, he didn't regret leaving the scroll with her. While the events that led to her near destruction had been terrible, the fact she had come out like this was a clear sign of her own resolve and determination.

Though, while he did feel for Mami and he didn't begrudge Riventon for the desire to protect someone so close to him, this was not the way to do such a thing.

Of course, any positive thoughts he might have had with Riventon faded with THAT insult. "Rashmi is busy right now, taking care of her own duties. I see you've decided to start going for the 'low' hanging fruit now, Riventon? And here I expected better than height jokes from you."

            <<Stinger Ray!>>

Unleashing a flurry of rapid fire, shield-piercing shots.

"Perhaps such a thing could be used for good, Riventon, but I, sadly, can't trust you of all people with such a magical device! The possibility of catastrophe is far too high and the galaxy has nearly been destroyed hundreds of times thanks to people with those exact same beliefs! Trying to force the scroll to serve your whims will only lead to more misery and suffering!"

Of course, Riventon's counter attack comes and Chrono gets ready to dash away... only to realize, from this angle? The assault would keep going to Ula and... No.

He held out his hands, both of them. He formed a shield of magic in front of himself, expanding it out quickly. While the lash might have been able to wrap around the shield otherwise, he expanded the size of it, covering almost three times the normal width...

But maintaining such a barrier, especially for someone like him, who wasn't the most powerful of mages to begin with? Was not easy. Already cracks were forming along the shield, where the dark tendril had connected to it. Still, so long as he could keep himself between Ula and Riventon, he trusted Sayaka to keep Mami busy.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Of course Riventon would think he knows better, Sayaka thinks as he listens to the scientist justify why he still wants the scroll anyway. Well, she doesn't intend to let him risk making something he just can't control, so she will still fight him with all she has to stop him from getting it.

"Same as you, Mami-senpai, you are always so self-assured too, thinking you know something you never experienced, and having your idea of talking being "Do as I say, or else". We weren't all that different, you and I. You are actually selling your case pretty well since you are clearly showing why you actually need the Scroll's therapy. But you and you and your boyfriend choose not to explain exactly what measures you have in place against the worst possible result, so there is no way I am handing it over."

Ula flinches when she sees Takashi's attack on its way to make a grab her, try to move away from its range, but never really managing to do that, thanking there is actually Chrono instead to protect her with that protection of his. Sayaka, gritting her teeth with how relentless they are being, says "Eternal Fantasia", she magical energy available taking a good hit with 20 swords that appear in the air and start moving around knocking away the bullets and cutting the ribbons.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon stares down Chrono through their respective various energy walls. "I'm giving you exactly what you earned, kid. It's gotten boring, hearing you talk like you have some sort of authority here, like whatever an Enforcer is means jack or squat on 'my' home planet. You don't get to decide these things. I DO." Riventon predictably barriers the Stinger Ray shots, and they don't break his shield but some of them do go through it, embedding themselves in his barrier-lab-coat instead and forcing pained grunts from him. That earns Chrono a glare of contempt that is somehow more contemptuous than the ones he was already getting.

    "And... you know, when I asked for Mami's assistance I thought this would be a nice even 2 on 2, but part of the reason you can focus on me so much is that you've got a third teammate playing keep-away on the objective. So it only seems fair to reason that we even the odds." Riventon notes, making a sudden leap back for a moment to land at the top of the penguin-shaped house-size slide that is the centerpeice of the park. When it came to an artifact that could be decisive in so many ways - from saving Mami from becoming an Eldritch horror to other things he could only begin to plan without it in his possession - he could stand to reveal a trick or two.

    He collected a large glob of Dark Energy in his hand, and then slammed his hand into the top of the slide. "Animus Umbra!" he called - neither Belkan nor Mid-childan in language, with no runic circles or triangles - and the Dark Energy floods the structure... pouring down to the shadow, which then rises off the ground to inhabit the structure itself... which starts to move as its eyes glow red.

    "People always talk about making friends..." he says, as a bad (terrible) joke to himself, mostly. The penguin-slide turns into a penguin shaped youma, and the giant plastic-metal construction lumbers forward a few steps.

    Riventon debates waiting, but Mami - his Mami is so polite and nice, but he has no reason to believe that Sayaka is going to be amenable to giving up what he's here for... which she then proves shortly by not taking his girlfriend's incredibly kind offer.

    So, the newly formed King Penguin Youma lumbers to strange semi-sentience, taking a few steps and flops forward - before sliding forward on its belly, beak glinting in the light, moving incredibly sudden and rapidly to slam into Chrono and hopefully run him over. Riventon stands on its back until it impacts (or goes by) so he can make up the distance and launch himself forward to grab Ula. Well, to grab the artifact. Ula is more of an unfortunate side-effect and he'll happily let her go - he remembers being assaulted and really isn't here for any kind of revenge... just the scroll.

    And Chrono? Chrono still has to deal with the giant penguin youma now. Which will happily slide back and forth across the terrain, trying to slam into and overrun Chrono repeatedly, making a very strange penguin squawk from its not-really-a-throat.

Mami Tomoe has posed:
    As Sayaka's swords spin up, Mami does a backflip away to put more distance between them. "Actions speak louder than words, Sayaka. This is why we just attack. I relented for just a moment, and what do you do? Swords. Always saying you want to talk things out, but you rely on might just as much as the rest of us. Riventon and I don't lie about it like you do," she sneers.

    Her eyes dart toward Riventon and his youma for just a moment. She can't help but giggle. It's ridiculous. But also, he does seem to have the objective in hand, which means this can really just be the re-match Mami's wanted for a long time. Sayaka's even fighting the same way. Spinning swords. This time, though, this time Mami's not going to just walk away.

    "If you want me to respect your experience, Sayaka," Mami says as so many ribbons shoot out from her sleeves winding and coiling into half a dozen thick metal cables, each a couple inches across. They're like the cables that are used to suspend structures. They hurtle forward into the maelstrom of swords, aiming to eliminate them by tangling them up in something they can't easily cut. "Then it's about time you learn to respect mine."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown just smiled at Riventon. "What, so you're counting the civilians as against you now as well, Riventon?" he asked. "You know, you could just *say* you wanted to outnumber us, we all already know it," he said, just a hint of teasing to his tone. And that same smile as ever.

Which promptly vanished when suddenly PENGUIN! SHIT!

Chrono dug his staff into the ground in front of him, as the penguin came rushing at him and--

            <<Subzero Tomb!>>

Ice formed in front of him, enveloping and freezing the penguin in place. However, as he struggled to hold it in place with the bind, it meant that Riventon was free to go overhead... "Ula, run!" he yelled.

But, unfortunately, it was likely too little, too late. Chrono was trapped, holding up his device and struggling to keep the penguin bound in place. Worse, Mami was proving to be a dangerous threat. Even if Sayaka can hold her back, it doesn't do any good if he fails...

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"So what? You had guns around you too", Sayaka points out, but then there is really a whole lot of messes, with Riventon turning the King Penguin into a Youma and Mami trapping her swords with the ribbons and Takashi going after Ula. She really didn't expect them to have to deal with a fifth enemy to watch over.

With Sayaka trying to follow all Mami is doing and Chrono likewise kept busy by the sudden Youma, Takashi has all the time in the world to catch Ula and separate her from the bag she is actually really trying to hold onto the bag. Not that it will be very hard to remove her from the bag. Just like it wouldn't be hard to remove a sticker that one wouldn't like anymore.

With the bare minimum of attention she can spare to what is going on over there, Sayaka calls out Brillio, the familiar whose appearance takes after Hinoiri's untrasformed look, albeit with the eldritch spin typical of Witches. She still has a second use of Eternal Fantasia in her, but she doesn't trust herself not to hit something else with how many ribbons and her own swords are in the way if she wants to get to either Mami or Riventon.

When she realises that Sayaka tells the familiar "Keep Ula safe", biting her lips for how thorougly they have failed today. "Mami-senpai, really, don't underestimate the scroll. Please", she actually pleads the blonde Puella to consider.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon holds up the squirming mermaid. "You can call her a civilian but she scratched up my face something fierce once already, and YOU gave her the object I'm after. You made her a part of this." he says. And there's a period of time where he has to use both of his hands to pull Ula and the bag apart. She's really holding on - until she isn't, with one more tug. He drags his hand back like he's about to really yeet (in a non-Hinoiri sense) the familiar across the park, but stops short and then just kind of lightly tosses it at the arriving familiar. Who is disturbingly familiar, and disturbing in her own way. Witches are weird. Riventon stows the bag somewhere inside his armored labcoat for now. At least it's in a bag so he didn't need to make so many precautions to grab the thing. He'd digitize it, but frankly, Lost Logia really -are- dangerous.

"It's really not fair for you to get to do dangerous things with the scroll and then tell us it's too dangerous." Riventon says, tilting his head and looking at the girl. "It'd be one thing if you had some sort of notes, but right now this is the only thing that has succeeded at saving a Puella from that fate. Even if it is dangerous, doing nothing is also dangerous, isn't it? Everything we do is dangerous, living is dangerous, fighting is dangerous, magic is dangerous." he tells Sayaka.

    The Barrier starts to flicker and fade, returning them to the 'real world' - though the penguin is still a youma, it's also still frozen. It squawks in indiginant anger but can't break free.

    "I really did just want the damn scroll, too." he says. "And now there's an animated park slide here!" he adds in a sort of 'look what you made me do' tone. "Really."

    But he can't gloat and talk too much. Even though the penguin-slide-youma is starting to make cracks in the ice, he's not confident in his ability to win a stand-up fight with the girl who can regenerate her body like he's seen Sayaka do, and the Space Agent Boy. He's more confident of it with Mami, but not to the point he's willing to risk the scroll. "I'm out, Mami-san." he says, as a way of warning before Chrono or Sayaka or EldritchwierdkindaHinoiri can blast him because behind his mask of smug superiority he's already exhausted. Animating the King Penguin slide took a lot out of him, as did shielding (and soaking) Chrono's attacks, and the slide will fade back to being the normal park structure moments after he and Mami leave - albeit, oddly in the wrong place.

Mami Tomoe has posed:
    As the cables tangle up the swords, Mami watches Sayaka. Her job here is to keep the bluenette from getting in Riventon's way. When she sees him nab the little mermaid and subsequently separate her from their objective she smiles. Her hands come up to clap and she jumps with delight. But the smile goes away as she turns her attention back to Sayaka.

    "We're not underestimating anything, Sayaka-chan," Mami says with a shake of her head. "But of course you'd think we are. You can't believe that anybody could possibly be better at something than you are."

    Riventon says he's out and so she turns back to Sayaka. "But maybe now you'll get the idea," she says. Then she does a backflip up, and a giant spring of ribbon swirls out from her hand and comes down to bounce away far enough that she can continue to run. They got what they came for. There's no reason for her to stay.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown grit his teeth, glancing back at Riventon. "We didn't do it intentionally! What happened was an accident and it--"

Only, it was too late. Riventon, smug as he was, was already gone. He sighed, turning back to the slide that was, well, becoming a slide...

"You know, this is why we use barriers," he muttered, glaring at it. Well, there was no way for him to fix this. Damn it.

He lowered his staff, before glancing back to Sayaka and giving her an apologetic smile. "I'm.... sorry," he finally said. "I really should have come for the scroll sooner. I was hoping that keeping it with you would help keep it grounded, if I'd just acted sooner..." he said, before shaking his head.

"What's done is done, however. It can't be undone. I'll write up a report and leave it in the shed for everyone to know." He reached up a hand to rub his hair. He did NOT have the time for this. Especially not with everything else going on. "Considering it's his colleague going out there and destroying everything, I wonder if he's partially behind it..." he muttered, shaking his head. He then glanced to Ula. "I'm sorry I couldn't keep you safe..." At the very least, however, Riventon hadn't hurt her. Maybe there was... some... good in there. Deep down. Deep. Deep. Deeeeep down.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"I was just trying to keep it away from a familiar", Sayaka explains. "I didn't particularly enjoy being split into two, even if I guess a part of me was able to assess things just a bit better thanks to them." But she doubts she is able to change their minds on this, not when she is the main beneficiary of the end result.

"Not your fault", Sayaka shakes her head when Chrono comes to apologise. "I had let my guard down. It was me... I told Mami what had happened to me back then. That is how they got the idea to get their hands on it, that's pretty much it, I am sure. The fact I kept it away in my Labyrinth is the only saving grace. I should have gotten you in there rather than the scroll out. Sorry, Chrono-san."

Ula watches them from between the arms of Brillio, they are probably going to keep being down at each other. "I am safe really, you were doing your best to keep me safe, and it was my choice to keep holding onto the scroll. You didn't make me do it. I suggest you go buy some refreshing beverage, that was a tiring battle. You can decide the follow up it needs after you have recovered."