1725/You're Awesome. No, You're Awesome!

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You're Awesome. No, You're Awesome!
Date of Scene: 01 June 2024
Location: Mitakihara General Hospital
Synopsis: Wing drops in to visit Niji in the hospital after the events of 1606/I know that magic. Niji and Wing end up complimenting each other and things spiral out of control and Wing makes a daring escape! Bla bla bla!
Cast of Characters: Niji Dasshu, Tsubasa Yuunagi

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji Dasshu probably hadn't been this still for this long in forever. Even with the medicine taking the heaviest hits of it off, she hurt as she lie there in the hospital bed. Sunbreaker's fire was hot, hot enough to scorch and burn even before her henshin gave out. And gave out, it did, leading to her being in the burn ward now - a burn ward that was more full than usual. She was awake now, though, and was moving a bit. Some magical healing was still available so she was doing better than she really should have been.

    This also meant she was... bored. Bored and a little angry. She was idly flipping through channels on the hospital TV while she laid there and just... trying to not notice the pain OR the anger OR think about the team practices she was gonna miss OR worry about the villain she hadn't been able to stop. Or think about how much of a panic her parents might be in if they heard. Oh, she hoped they didn't. That would be... much worse, yeah. She settled on some sort of action-adventure movie; watching sports when she couldn't play them herself was worse than nothing at all - and tried to focus in on it without worrying about her new city, her friends, or herself.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
While Cure Wing had caught on that Niji was Loyalty after what happened in the fight, she still didn't know who his civilian guise was. And while it's not fair, he feels like he needs to keep it a secret a little bit longer. It may change in the course of events this evening, but for now... he was addressing how he was going to arrive at Niji's room without wandering the halls in his very colorful Precure outfit.

That solution comes when there is a small tap tap at Niji's window. When she glances over, she'll see Cure Wing floating at her window, holding a small get-well bokay of flowers in vibrant blues and rainbow colors, along with a small balloon with a smiling rainbow that reads 'Get Well Soon'.

Life is so much easier when you can fly.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    The tapping on Niji's window startles her - and she turns to look over and see him floating there - he can kind of see her making a startled noise even if it's very muffled through the window. She pauses, looks back to the door, and then shrugs and opens the window with the hand of hers that is more... functional than the other.

    "I guess this shouldn't have surprised me as much as it did." Niji says, having mostly the same rainbow-colored hair she does in henshin, if shorter and not accompanied by a blue skintone.

    "Or maybe it should have?" she scratches her head. "I don't really know how most of this works." she says. "I guess uh. Come in?" she offers, scooting back away from the window again.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"Sorry, I'd come through the hallways, but I think people would assume I was a clown coming to entertain you!" Cure Wing offers with a broad grin. "I mean. I am here to entertain you. But as a friend and not like... hired help." A wink, and he offers the flowers and balloon to Niji. "These are for you." That offered before she has a chance to back fully away.

Once he's invited in, he snickers, bringing his glove to him mouth. "You have invited me in, I will bite your neck, bla bla." There's warm amusement in his voice as he floats in, and Niji will note that he hovers a few inches off the ground for a couple of moments before tapping down in a landing. "Back to bed with you. And tell me how you're feeling. And if you're going to be okay. You really worried me."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji shakes her head. Which has the side effect of making her rainbow-ponytail flail a bit. She's not exactly looking her best having been in the hospital room for a while. "I don't think they'd say you were a clown, you don't look like a clown." she says, firmly. "Except when you tried to do the vampire boy thing." she notes with a wink.

    Then she puts the flowers next to her and ties the balloon to the bed. "Hope the nurses don't ask too many questions about it, but it's nice to see. I'm surprised none of my teammates have been by yet, but I guess it's still pretty recent and maybe they weren't told." she says, shrugging and turning off the TV.

    "I feel like a pizza that was put in the oven too long. Very Not Awesome." she says, laying back on the bed. "But probably better than I'd be if you and the others weren't there when I needed you all so... thanks. Like a lot."

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"How many teammates do you have? Where are they at? I'll go poke them with a stick until they agree to come see you." Cure Wing offers, folding his arms across his chest as he settles into a chair next to the bed, his legs crossing at the ankles. "If they're ignoring you, so not cool." There's a frown that comes with that. "Or do you mean like the sports clubs? I can ... figure out something." Because Tsubasa is probably too shy to be that forward. Except when he is.

"Oh come on, the vampire thing was amazing. Dracula woule be proud." comes the playful retort. "Even if I perfer tomatoes over blood, admittedly."

"You took some righteous damage. I can't blame you for feeling more than a little overdone." he offers, consider for a moment. Unfolding his arms, he reaches over and settles a hand on Niji's shoulder, no squeeze, just resting it there. "We're all a team. Like... Team Mahou. So I was glad to be there to help you. I ah... you know." he laughs a little. "I only know you as Loyalty." he points out to her.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    "No, sports team thing yeah." she says, smiling. "Aside from the general Team Mahou thing I really don't have a team. As far as I know I'm the only Geode Girl. The first person who's ever seemed to even come close to understanding my powers - cause it sure wasn't me - just put me here in the first place. I'm thinking she's not exactly gonna be sharing, and I'm probably not gonna feel like listening for a while either." she admits.

    "I really could have used a talking cat or a talking sword or something. But, I've been making it work. Till like. This." she notes, gesturing to her bandaged arm. "And most people do, I have at least felt like I should keep Niji and Loyalty separate. But, I really wasn't gonna argue the point in that moment." she says, smirking with a little sadness in her face.

    "Up until now this whole magical girl thing has been pretty much fun and games. Like another sport with a randomly changing team and sometimes I get to fight giant bears and stuff." she notes. "But... yeah, sometimes getting pulled out of my morning runs because something needed smacking was a little annoying, but it felt good to help. This is... honestly the first time anything really bad has happened to me." she says. "I hope this isn't gonna become like. Common. I don't want to let my teammates down. I'm in... a lot of the sports teams." Basically, all of them.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
As Niji shares that realization, Wing ooohs softly. "I'm so sorry." he says quietly, lips pulled into a concerned frown. "Hopefully, when this is over, maybe she'll... see things differently." At least that's his hope. "And it's very nice to meet you, Niji." There's a thoughtful smile, and then. "I hope you're not disappointed..." Blowing out a breath, it only takes a moment for him to dehenshin. Where once was a colorful outfit with bright colors, a long poinytail and bright eyes, now sits someone who it's quite as bright, hair swept over one eye with a swirl hairstyle. His clothes are plain, nothing exciting, and his hands settle in his lap.

"I'm Tsubasa." he introduces himself. "Tsubasa Yuunagi. And it's not fair for me to keep my selves seperate, when I know both of yours. If you were my enemy, I would think differently. But... you're my friend. So."

"And if this is your first time something has happened to you like this, I wouldn't worry about letting anyone down. If anything. They should all rally to you. That's on them. And if they don't, then they aren't really good teammates." he says with a firm nod of his head.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji smiles at now-Tsubasa. "You didn't have to but I appreciate it. And why would I be dissapointed? Like. You saved my butt back there. Doesn't really matter what you look like, because that kinda thing takes what's inside, in your spirit, your heart and so I already know you're great." she says, firmly.

    "Also, you turn into an awesome rainbow bird." she adds after a moment, tapping her chin.

    "But yeah, usually I'm the one who covers for someone when they get hurt. It'd be kinda complicated if I had a permanent spot on every team, so I usually just hang out and fill in when people are busy or sick. I'm not the best at... well, really anything, but I'm pretty darn good at a lot of things so that's how I contribute best." she says with a smile, as she thinks back about the medal case at home full of silver medals.

    Then after a little bit of a pause... "You know, I knew the girl that's Sunbreaker. We didn't know who the other person was. It's crazy to think the girl that I played video games with just tried to turn me into a deep fried Niji."

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"Only fair." Tsubasa says with a small grin. "I mean, you were in trouble, and teammates help each other when they're in trouble." There's a firm nod of his head, before she brings up the bird thing. Chuckling, he nods, as he reaches up to rub at the back of his head. "I... well, that's a new thing. Back when I was in Sorashido City, there was only one person I could do that with, and that was Cure Butterfly. She was the oldeset member of our team. I'm the second to youngest, but when the youngest of us is a baby... well." he shrugs his shoulders.

"Something about coming her changed that. Maybe it's the synergy I get with other people. Maybe it's because Cure Butterfly isn't around... but. It was pretty cool combining with you." he admits to Niji. "Five stars, would 100% do it again." he says in an attempt to cheer her up.

But then the conversation turns to Sunbreaker. "Dark energy makes you do things you'd supposedly never do before." He muses on that. "Doesn't mean she doesn't need her butt kicked and a purification, but just... keep it in mind that she'll hopefully be that same girl again someday. I hope."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    "Yeah, but usually, I'm doing the helping." she admits. "It was cool of you to jump in like that, seeing how crazy she was and the fire and all that." she continues. "I thought you all were cool already before that, but when you came in through all of that to get me out of there... positively 100% awesome." she notes.

    "You're a little young maybe but... aren't we all kinda young to have the responsibility of saving the world from monsters and stuff?" she asks, and shrugs. "So we all put in everything we can anyways, and I don't see what age really has to do with it, you know? Hinoiri is older but she's acting like a spoiled kid, but you used your power to protect, so you're more mature." she says, as though this line of reasoning is absolutely foolproof.

    "I hope we can team-up like that again. It was awesome. And you know. I'm not gonna be stuck in this bed forever. I noticed ever since I first became Loyalty I bounce back from being hurt faster. So. I'll be out there again. Maybe soon enough to help with the butt kicking and purification. But if I don't, you know... I think everything's going to end up okay. It kinda has to." she says. "... I don't know how I'll feel if she gets better. I mean. Nobody has ever... hurt me this badly. I hope she stops being a jerk, though. She can be a lot of fun when she's... her."

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"Well, I'm pleased to turn the tables on you." Tsubasa says with a mote of amusement. His cheeks darken with her phrase and he eventually ends up waving his hands in front of himself. "It wasn't anything different than what someone else woulda done in my situation!" he offers to her quickly, trying to divert attention away from what he did. "You were the one that stood up to her in the first place. That makes you pretty awesome."

Keep it about her. She's the cool one. He's just some nerd that loves flying.

"Seems that youth is the one thing we all have in common." he admits with a rolling shrug of his shoulders. "Back home, I was the only Precure that could fly without an item. I came here, and a lot of people can fly. That's pretty cool. Though I can't shoot beams or anything. Just really strong and durable - and well, the phoenix thing."

"Which... yes. I look forward to teaming up with you again. It was a good and strong connection. I don't get those very often. The few times it happened - sometimes it's people presenting what they want to add to me. It's rare when someone wants to share the moment with me. So... thank you."

"And you need to rest. If you miss the final battle, then I'll tell you all about it." He winks, sure that he's going to be in there in some capacity. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop her from hurting you." he pulls his knees up to his chest and hugs his lower legs, chin resting on his knees. "But you're going to bounce back and be awesome. And she's going to return to normal and you will be playing video games again with her soon enough."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    "Oh, so it's something else we have in common! I'm the only Geode Girl that can fly. Also, the only Geode Girl, but. That's not important." She says with a cheeky grin. "Actually, past flying and moving really fast, that's pretty much what I can do. I don't have any lasers or force fields or glowing energy weapons or anything like that. So. I kinda make do with what I have. And a baseball bat." she admits. "Honestly, the phoenix thing was the coolest attack I've ever done." she says. "I can't wait to be able to do it again."

    "What would anyone need to add to you?! You're a phoenixbird and we flew -through- that monster like a basektball through a net - swish!" she says, miming the action before she winces and has to stop.

    She shakes her head. "No, I egged her on a little bit. I can get a little competitive." Niji admits. "I might not have needed so much help otherwise. We kind of had a history as Sunbreaker and Loyalty, too. Partly of me doing things like blasting her with a fire extinguisher." she continues.

    "So... do you have like... experience, with people who are using Dark Energy like that?" She asks. "And them going back to normal? That there's a normal to go back to? She's been Sunbreaker for a while, like as long as I've been Loyalty at least, because fighting her was one of the first things I did and people already knew her."

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Tsubasa laughs. "I've always... always wanted to fly. Every since I could remember. I studied aeronotics, aviation, ornithology... if it flies, I have an interest in it." he says, completely unaware how much of a nerd it makes him sound like. "And just... having that wish granted as Cure Wing? That was amazing." he admits. "I know the Fade will take it away from me. But I hope I at least hold onto the feeling of drifting through the air. Even if it's as if it's a dream."

He snickers when she compares their attack to a basketball shot. "Do you have purification magic?" he asks her curiously.

"My experience with dark magic..." he leans back in the chair. "Back home, there's this Empire... the Undergu Empire. They want to kidnap Princess Elle and hold her hostage. One of their dark generals, Kabaton... he makes things with dark energy. When they're purified, the return to what they were. I assume it works the same of people that are purified as well. So. All I can do is have faith that we can bring her over to our side and clear the darkness of her heart."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji listens and smiles. "That's cool, though. To have something you feel that powerfully about, and then to chase that dream with everything you have." she says, nodding. It does make him a bit of an egghead, but Niji is rather favorably disposed to this particular egghead. "Yeah, not remembering what I do here is kinda scary - that's what the Fade means, right? But like. I still have to do everything I can, for all of the people who can't. Like when I was in that stadium, fighting that big baseball monster? Out of all the people there to see that game, only a few of us could do anything. And for that reason, whenever my Geode glows, I'm gonna go help people. Even if they don't know it, even if I won't know it one day. Because kinda like when you came in to save me from Sunbreaker, we can save even more people, and not doing that? Well, that would just be lame."

    "That's... why I can't understand Hinoiri- Sunbreaker. She has power too, but she uses it to hurt people. And that just... I can't understand it."

    "I know that people can be jerks without magic, but... it's easier for me if I think that darkness is all... not the girl I played with. Then it doesn't have to make sense, like the fact that I can fly and my skin turns blue doesn't make sense?" she offers. "But if it's more than that then... yeah, I don't get it. I just hope we can punch sense back into her."

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"Which is what makes you amazing, Niji. Because you know despite the danger, you're going to rush into it. You know why Sunbreaker is going to lose?" Tsubasa leans in close to Niji, as if sharing the secret of the universe with her. And when he's there, he whispers. "She's going to lose because while good may be dumb sometimes, there's more good in this world than evil, and no matter how much power she amasses, there will always be those that will turn her away. People like you and me. But you're going to make that victory so much sweeter."

And with that, he leans back into his sitting position. "She has power. But it's tainted. It's not the magic you have. And yeah, it will make her more powerful for now. But eventually it will corrupt her. And that will make her weak, because she realy only on it and turn against her potential friends and allies. That is where we will have the advantage. I'm sure of it."

He considers for a moment and shrugs his shoulders. "I thought you were pretty with the skin and hair and just exuding so much confidence. I don't want you to lose that, Niji. Because I know you're Loyalty... but you know what? I'll tell you another secret."

He pulls out his Mirage Pen and spins it between his fingers. "You inspire loyalty in others, and I'll like to be your friend."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji here, actively blushes. There's a lot for her to blush at, a lot of compliments and such. Both of her rushing into danger and being pretty. She puts a hand behind her head and laughs awkwardly. "I don't know about all of that!" she protests. "I am just not smart enough to know when I shouldn't rush in!" she continues. "It's always gotten me in trouble!" she continues.

    "Also like... I have to dye my hair, otherwise I'm just this super boring looking girl, you know? So you don't need to go all crazy with the compliments or anything, a-heh!" she says.

    Then he pulls out a pen, which she doesn't know the significance of, and asks the last question, and she blinks twice. "But I mean... I think we're already friends. I think anybody who leaps into a burning fire circle and saves me from being burned anymore than I was has got to be a friend, right?" she asks, blinking a bit. As though the idea that she and Tsubasa or Wing already weren't extremely close friends is alien to her. "Like uh. Is this something from where you're from? Do we have to say it formally?" Then she looks at the pen. "Do... I need to... sign something? To be your friend?"

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"Hey now, you're not the only one not smart enough to run when in danger..." Tsubasa responds with a chuckle. "And getting in trouble is kinda our thing!" he points out to her. And then he rolls his eyes a little. "I'm a mousy boy with brown hair and brown eyes. I'm as basic as you get." he points out to her.

And then she's asking about the pen. "Oh... OH! No, nothing like that!" he says quickly. Standing up from his seat, he goes over. Checking it over, he locks it and then pulls the privacy curtain to. "Okay. So. Like your geode... this is my device." he explains. "And... this is how it works."

Grabbing his Mirage pen, Tsubasa presses a small button on it, announcing, "Sky Mirage!" The crystal of the pen splits in half, opening into a small orb. In the meantime, he grabs a small disk with three small wings and clicks a button on the side of it, announcing, "Tone Connect!" As the orb starts to spin and light up, Tsubasa calls out, "Hirogaru Change!" And a moment later, "WING!" He hurriedly continues through the transformation, "Sparkling HOP!" As Cure Wing hops from magical disc to disc, a small canted top hat appears on his forehead, along with a double-sphere magenta earring on each ear, the left ear also marked with an orange heart.

"Refreshing STEP!" The orange magic over his chest transforms into his outfit of shirt, shorts, vest and long, birdlike coat-tail. "Clear and Sunny JUMP!" As the magic over his hands transform into gloves, Cure Wing leaps into the air, taking off into a figure eight and into a barrel roll before landing on the ground. He gives a wink and a bright smile before saluting with the left hand across his forehead to his right eye. And then he announces himself "Courage that soars to the heavens! CURE WING!"

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    "You don't look basic to me!" she protests. As firmly as she protested her own basic-ness.

    "Ohhh..." she says, watching the whole transformation, a little bit transfixed. "That's a lot more than mine, I think..." she says when it ends. "Oh, and I love the hat! It always seemed weird to say that but it seems like the right time to say that." She says.

    "But yeah, I guess there's a lot of us who don't know when to not go in, and that's what makes us magical girls - and magical boys, of course." she says with a grin. And then she pauses.

    "You know, I'm pretty sure that, whatever the Fade says will happen, you'll fly for sure even after. You certainly have the courage that soars to the heavens part down, and I don't think that's ever going to change for you. Not from what I've seen." she says, nodding at her own words. "Pretty sure you'll fly either way. Because as much as I love the way you look now - the boy who you were before, Tsubasa? He had wings, too. Maybe of a..." she couldn't think of the word. "...not-real nature, but like. In spirit, you fly even before you henshin."

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
There's a laugh of amusement, and now that he's henshined, Niji can really see the difference. Tsubasa has that slight Clark Kent hunch that Wing doesn't have. Along with the differnt hair, colored eyes... so much changes and gives him so much confidence. "Yeah. For some reason, it's a... bit complicated at times." he admits with a small chuckle.

He reaches up to touch the hat when it's complimented. "It's not very big, but I guess I need it for some reason. I don't mind it!" he admits with amusement as he crosses one leg over the other, toe tapped to the floor in thought. "That's why we're big darn heroes, Niji. Is to rush it where others fear to tread.

Her words bring warmth to his cheeks, the pale skin a light shade of red. "You know why your skin's blue, Niji?" he asks her. "It's because you are a true blue friend, and that is the most loyal friend to have. And even if you didn't dye your hair, you'd still be true to yourself." He draws in a breath. "I should get going. But I'm glad you're recovering and I'm sure you'll be knocking homers again soon enough. And I'll be in the stands cheering you on."

Stepping over to her, he leans down and presses a light kiss to her cheek. "Take care of yourself, Niji. And get well soon."

With that, he steps towards the window to open it and fly off into the evening air. "Bla Bla Bla!"