1631/Dramacorn Medical Ward

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Dramacorn Medical Ward
Date of Scene: 05 June 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Following the talk with Takashi, Hinoiri and Double Trouble enjoy a little rest before the approaching storm...
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Double Trouble

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was waiting there when Double Trouble got back and well.... she had been crying. That was obvious. And she motioned for her to join her in the bed, so she could hold them and just.... just calm down a little.

"So.... good news and bad news, I guess. Good news... they don't want to kill me yet. Bad news... they will likely try to soon," she mumbled. "Portal's probably still closed, so not like I could go back.... even if I wanted to...."

If she wanted to.... she didn't know what she wanted anymore. That much at least was obvious. She was burnt and scared and.... and she felt alone. Not 'alone' alone. Just... alone... Lost. In a sea of confusion.

And she was clingy. And she was so, so happy to have her themfriend back with powers. "I... ruined everything, didn't I? Just because I couldn't keep control. Just because I... just because I was... upset over that..."

"You really were right... I really should have just... let... her go."

"... I'm sinking, you know. The sparkles, most of them, hate me. Apparently everyone in Obsidian does, too. Are... you sure you don't want to save yourself the trouble? Find yourself someone... easier? To fall for?" she asked, looking up and... she honestly expected Double Trouble to say 'no', but there it was. That little bit of fear in her eyes. That fear of being... tossed aside. Again. Forgotten. But, at this point, could you blame her? Once hurt, twice shy. And she had been hurt so, so many times.

Double Trouble has posed:
    They had their powers back and they were in public, and so Double Trouble was not entirely themselves. They were Shiori Ishii, Hinoiri's girlfriend. Is it really polyamory if all your partners are actually the same person?

    She slipped back into the room and did not hesitate to climb up onto the bed with Hinoiri. She nestled in on one side, eager to cuddle, but also careful not to touch in the wrong way. Burns are tricky to heal, after all. She listened.

    When Hinoiri asked her that question she didn't hesitate. "Darling, easy is boring, and you are not boring. You will never be boring. Even if you're finally healing your trauma and learning the right lessons." She leaned in to punctuate that thought with a soft kiss on Hinoiri's cheek. Her face isn't burned is it?

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara had a few places that were kissable without getting burn. And she looked, well... a little timidly up at her. "Well... I guess that's probably true. I've been accused of many things, boring has never been one of them. Heh... eh..." She mumbled, trailing off.

"It feels... weird, I guess. Still does. I've lived so long one way... I'm not sure how to live... like this. But... I'll... figure it out. With time."

"... I'm going to need your help, though. And probably Sayaka's. I'm doubtful most of the sparkles will be interested in keeping me safe. I wouldn't be."

"... Maybe... we can go to Kirakirafantastica one day. I... I'll never be a sovereign, but I could maybe be a..." She trailed off. "... I don't know. What skills do I even have if I don't have magic?"

Double Trouble has posed:
    Shiori kissed several places. Hinoiri needed kisses, after all. They were an integral part of her healing process. Very important. Absolutely required. And then she nestled in to the pillow and just gazed at her girlfriend while she ruminated.

    "Hinoiri, darling. You have a brilliant mind and you are fourteen. You're still in school. Most kids on this planet don't know what they're going to do with their life at your age," she says, as if she is not also a kid that age. "You don't have to have it all figured out. What's important is that you learned your lesson. Now you can bring all that brilliance to bear on figuring out what comes next."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara flushed a little. "I... I guess... y-yeah. There's not really.... anyone as smart as... me... huh? Eh... heh heh..." And yet, despite the fact she said those words? There wasn't much belief in them. Hinoiri could say them, and even, almost, pretend to believe them. But she was still filled with so much doubt.

"You know... back home? Most people... at my age... kind of do? Know, I mean. Not entirely? Like... they don't know... all of it? But they know what their purpose is. Mine... was... to serve the sun, even. That's not even... accounting for the.... you know... mirror."

"... What... do you think I should try next? Is there anything you think I'd be good at?"

Double Trouble has posed:
    Shiori wiggled just a little, nestling in a little closer. Maybe too close. There weren't any doctors or nurses around to shoo her away. Cuddles were an important part of the healing process.

    She listened and and then shrugged a little. "I think you'd be good at whatever you put your mind to. You're analytical. You're creative. You are strategic and can plan well, when you bother to," She says. "As far as what to do," she muses, and then falls silent as she tries to think of actual suggestions.

    Then there's a giggle. "You could always try for a singing career. Your voice is beautiful."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara just rolled her eyes. "A singing career? Really? Hardly. It's not that I'm good, just most the people in this world haven't figured out how to do it right," she said flatly. "I'm not nearty good enough to do it professionally. I've heard how actual professionals sing. And..." She reached up, stroking her throat. "Considering... I don't really have magic..."

"Without Kirakirafantastica magic, I'm unlikely to be able to sing very well forever. I'll probably lose the..." She trailed off.

"You know what? I'll think about it. I mean... maybe... I don't need to be the absolute best at something when I do it. Maybe it's okay to just... be... good enough. Right?" she asked. just a little nervousness in her voice.

Double Trouble has posed:
    Shiori laid there, looking at the side of Hinoiri's face as she made all of those excuses for why she couldn't try for a singing career. It was so easy to get her monologuing. All she had to do was say a few words, and her girl would just go.

    And for once she came around to the right conclusion. Shiori smiled. "That's my girl," she murmured. "You don't have to be the best. You don't even have to be good. You just have to be persistent. The first step to being good at something is being bad at it."

    She leaned in to kiss Hinoiri on the cheek again. "Or you could go full nerd. You'd probably do great in the science classes here. Especially now that you're not going to be spending so much time trying to take over the world."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara just smiled and, actually, she relaxed a little. She closed her eyes and began to just rest against her. Rest. It was probably good for her to do that now. Once in a while. To actually try.

She was not very good at it, but she could get better.

Maybe being good at it. "Yeah. I'll try and learn science. Chemistry is a magic all its own, I'm sure. That... that'll be fun. Thank you, Shiori. For everything. Just... thank you..."

For the first time in a while, she felt... peaceful. Maybe it was the lack of dark energy. Or maybe it was the fact her girlfriend accepted her without it.

Or maybe she was just too tired to not. Either way? She felt... better. She felt much better. She doubted it would last, but it was working now and that was all she needed.