1775/B-Point: Resurrection and Recovery

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B-Point: Resurrection and Recovery
Date of Scene: 21 July 2024
Location: Plot Room 2
Synopsis: Culinary Guardians Daifuku and Shokupan are returned to life after the battle is over. People cry. People kiss. People hug!
Cast of Characters: Ren Morimoto, Phantom, Chiyo Sakai, Usagi Tsukino

Ren Morimoto has posed:
The problem is that there's nothing left to give. So Ren is one of those left behind in the catacombs as the others ascend into Paris, as he waves for them to go on without him. He'd burned through his energy thanks to that final, spectacular Kitchen God Cooking mode, that last one shared with Shokupan...

Guardian Shokupan. Whose body Sukiyaki stands vigil over now, or rather huddles next to, legs tucked up against his front as he sits. In the dark.

From far away he can hear the sounds of battle, and it's terrifying to hear it and to know people are fighting and that he can't be there to help. But his legs are like jelly, unable to support his weight. He'd just be in the way.

So all he can do is sit and hope and pray.

Eventually, the noises subside, still so far away. A silver light travels down from the massive hole above, infusing the dark with a delicate glow.

And Ren has absolutely no idea what's happening, if that's good or bad. So he struggles to his feet, leaning heavily on his giant cleaver, to ready himself for whatever is coming.

Phantom has posed:
The silver light descended like a celestial cascade upon Katsumi Cora's prone form, suffusing every inch of his being with its luminous embrace. At its touch, his fingers twitched with the first stirrings of life, nerves tingling as consciousness surged back into his battered frame. A gasp tore through his lips, a fragmented echo of the scream that had been abruptly cut short when fate intervened.

"Where... how..." His voice emerged hoarse and disoriented, punctuated by a desperate quest for understanding as he pushed himself upright. His hands instinctively sought out his face, fingers tracing the contours of his eyes with bewildered disbelief. "My eyes... I can see!" His wonderment mingled with confusion, realization dawning in real-time as he processed the miraculous return of his sight.

"I'm not in henshin... Kepo!" The urgency in his tone grew palpable as he called out for his loyal spirit familiar, a mix of relief and astonishment coloring his voice.

Meanwhile, Kepo, who had maintained a steadfast vigil beside Ren, snapped to attention with a boundless energy that belied his usual serene demeanor. "You're awake! How... what happened... how did this... oh my gosh, you're alive!" The spirit familiar's words spilled forth in a rush of incredulity and joy, mirroring the profound disbelief and elation that swept through Katsumi's reviving consciousness.

As their reunion unfolded, a rift in the fabric of reality materialized behind them, its contours shaped like a solemn coffin. Within its depths, reflections danced: the somber hues of grey skies, the glint of purple amethyst, and the stillness of mirror coffins belonging to captured Pretty Cures. It stood as a stark reminder that while Katsumi had been granted a reprieve, Ren's battle may yet continue, casting a shadow of uncertainty over their fleeting moment of miraculous renewal.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
She had died. This, Chiyo knew. Though she hadn't lingered too long, it had been long enough to be fully aware of her impending demise. The chill that had settled over her body along with that utter calm that had somehow managed to wash away the gut wrenching fear she'd felt as pain coursed through her. The chill numbed both pain and emotion away other than sadness that she was leaving her friends behind, unable to help, unable to reassure and calm them and assure them that -- Well, she wasn't sure what she would have reassured them. She was dying so it wasn't as if she could say she was all right because, deep down, she was terrified in spite of that odd calm. It was just the instinct to try and care for others before she--

It was still cold here. Where ever *here* was. But the pain was gone completely now, and the deep down aching exhaustion she'd felt from the hours of being in the catacombs, fighting with barely time to breathe in between each bout until they'd actually run across the pair of Doom and Gloom Girls.

Eyes flutter open as she peers up at that amethyst-and-grey sky which was not her own. Yet. Yet it was *familiar*.

Sitting up from where she'd been carefully lain with hands crossed over her chest Chiyo slowly, testingly rises to her feet feeling---Really good, honestly. It was Chiyo though, and not Daifuku that gets to her feet causing her to pause when she realizes why the sky looked familiar. This was the Graveyard of Precures she'd caught glimpses of when Phantom-- Phantom had shown up at the end. He'd held her and cried for her and promised to avenge her.

(I better not have accidentally sold my soul to some demon or something to be here,) is her first thought before just knowing the touch of magic that had brought her back was familiar.

It's not long after she 'wakes up' that the portal opens. Looking worn but very much alive she steps through the portal blinking rapidly as her eyes adjust to the difference in light again.

Ren Morimoto has posed:
With his giant cleaver's tip planted in the ground, Guardian Sukiyaki is not much of a threat. He certainly can't summon up the energy for a more defensive stance, so an actual Boiling Broth Torrent is right out. But he'll put himself between the bodies of his fellow Culinary Guardian and the others who have lost their lives here, and whoever threatens them now.

Yes, he's up on his feet, just enough for a final confrontation. Or maybe more. Actually, he kind of... feels great, now? The fatigue in his limbs, tingling and numb, has abruptly faded, and Ren can feel his magical energy like a burning brand at his fingertips, ready to spill out from his blade. So he's more than standing, he's steady.

Until there's a gasp behind him. And in his surprise, Ren tries to turn but ends up tumbling to the ground, landing on his hands and knees.

"Ow," he says first, the pained nose slipping out of him. Then he looks up, and there Katsumi is, the boy who had been revealed once Guardian Shokupan's henshin had dissipated. "How--you're--what--how?!"

None of this makes sense to Ren, not at all. The concept of resurrection seems too much even for the magical wonders Ren has seen since accidentally eating the Irori Senbei. He pushes himself back into a sit, eyes wide and wondrous as he stares at the revived Katsumi.

In all of this he's so shocked that he doesn't even realize a portal has opened behind him, leaving his back perfectly exposed.

Phantom has posed:
"I... I don't know," Katsumi confesses, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I can see you, senpai!" he exclaims to Ren, his eyes shining with a newfound clarity. The realization that he and Guardian Shokupan are one fills him with a mix of awe and determination. Suddenly, the portal opens, flooding the area with a blinding light of greys and purples. Katsumi squints against the harsh glare, instinctively raising an arm to shield his eyes.

He winces, lowering his head as the brightness overwhelms his senses. "Hurts..." he murmurs, the word barely audible as he tries to adjust to the piercing light.

From the portal steps a figure clad in a white collared great coat, black trousers, and sturdy boots. His mahogany hair falls in a loose shag around his face. Phantom emerges, casting a quick glance at Chiyo beside him. "This was the nearest life I could find near where you fell. Welcome back to the land of the living," he says, his voice tinged with both relief and anxiety. A nervous smile plays on his lips, betraying the unease he feels. He had always intended to reveal this truth to her, but not like this. Perhaps over a quiet dinner, he thinks ruefully.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai glances to the tall redhead by her side with a bemused smile as she finds herself staring at Phantom-- Phillip? Was that even his actual name? She'd caught a glimpse of the necklace so knew, but at the same time, she hadn't outright said she KNEW. She just woke up there with him.

Even as they emerge to find her fellow Culinary Guardian's she pauses uncertain about the stance Sukiyaki had taken on. Then again it falls quickly away when he stares to Katsumi with equal shock. Apparently she wasn't the only casualty.

A flicker of an amused grin tugs at her lips as she pauses to turn toward Phantom. "Thank you," she states simply before reaching up to cup the back of his neck physically pulling him down for a bold kiss. It might not be the best thing to be caught doing, smooching the enemy, but when you *died* these things aren't so important.

As soon as the kiss ends she clears her throat quietly murmering, "Don't tell my boyfriend," in a playfully teasing tone. SHE knew. Did he know she knew? Either way she was going to tease him before greeting her friends, because for all she knew he was going to vanish again as soon as she turned around.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
To say that Usagi is wired is an understatement. Beryl is dead. Metallia is dead. Paris is intact. The people who were killed, the people who were hurt, the injuries and the wounds and the damage, it was gone. It was as if there had never been a fight at all.

And she's not psychic, not at all, not even a little, but if there's something she knows, it's the Silver Crystal. Princess Serenity had handled its power all her life, the power to soothe, to set right, to restore -

And that power has told her that everything is alright now. And nothing would be alright, if Chiyo and Tamaki and Shokupan and Michiru and Haruka were still dead, if Rashmi and Chrono were still trapped -

So it's not quite Usagi, who enters the room where the battle against Metallia took place, not from anything as plebian as a door, but from the great hole above, drifting neatly down like a flower, skirts flared. She lands, barefoot, on the stone, and her skirts spread against the ground, her skin glows like moonlight and her silver hair shines and her blue eyes are deep and endless -

And she's running for Chiyo as soon as she sees her, never mind the kissing and the portal.

Phantom will be able to respond to both the kiss and the tease before Princess Serenity tacklehugs her living, breathing, cousin practically to the ground.


Ren Morimoto has posed:
It takes a moment for Ren to stand. He's shaken, badly, first by Shokupan's--no, Katsumi's--revival, and now by the sound of a familiar voice at his back. He almost doesn't believe it.

So much so that he doesn't want to turn around, in case the illusion breaks and Chiyo isn't there. A breath, captured in his throat, finally passes his lips as he forces himself to face the reality, whatever it may be.

And there she is. Alive. Standing, next to an unfamiliar figure. And they're... kissing?

"Daifuku-senpai?" he asks, voice a tremble. As he takes a first tentative step he sees a blur of white and silver beyond Chiyo's form, a blur that he realizes comes from the tears suddenly in his eyes. They begin to slip down his cheeks as Princess Serenity runs for Chiyo, and then Ren is just a second behind, his arms wrapping around them both before they go tumbling to the floor.

"You're alive too! You're alive! You're alive!"

Phantom has posed:
Before the embrace, Phantom acknowledges Chiyo's gratitude with a nod. "You're safe, as I promis---" His words are cut off abruptly as Chiyo pulls him into a kiss. He lingers, savoring the unexpected yet welcome contact, before slowly breaking away, his eyes lingering on hers.

Chiyo's playful remark about not informing her boyfriend brings a smirk to Phantom's lips. "I will make sure he remains unaware of your infidelity," he replies, his tone light and amused. He shakes his head slightly, still bemused by the turn of events.

"Daifuku-senpai?" Katsumi echoes, his voice filled with confusion as he tries to process Ren's words. His vision remains blurred, still too sensitive to the light. He squints, trying to make out shapes, and then he sees her---Princess Serenity. The sight takes his breath away. "Pretty..." he murmurs, awe-struck by her ethereal beauty. He watches as the three of them embrace, feeling a pang of uncertainty about where he fits into this moment of reunion.

As Ren, Chiyo, and Serenity share their hug, Phantom contemplates his next move. The scene before him feels intimate, almost sacred, and he hesitates, thinking about retreating back into his portal. Yet, he can't help but feel a part of him wants to stay, to see what unfolds next.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Infidelity! There's a word she never would have thought someone would suggest of her! It's Chiyo's own fault for such a tease though, so she can only begin to laugh in response. It was just so... So funny.

Equally funny is the eye-widening realization as Hurricane Serenity sweeps in to tackle her causing her breath to rush from her lungs with a 'WHOOOF' of escaping air.

Recovering quickly she turns her embrace to hug her transformed cousin tight, and when Ren joins in she laughs a she hugs him too. "We're all alright, right? We won?" She asks though she rather guesses she knows the answer to that already. Tears sting at her eyes as she just finds herself smiling hard enough that her cheeks ache from the expression.

"I'm so glad! It's over isn't it? It really is?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"It's over! It's over, it's over, it's over, she's gone -"

Princess Serenity is squeezing Chiyo as tight as she can, and then Ren is there in the hug too, and she's hugging him shamelessly, clinging to her friends, and she's crying a little, because she hasn't processed it entirely and won't, for a while, but it's over -

She sees Katsumi, not too far in the distance, but not in the hug, and that's just not acceptable -

"Shokupan-kun! Come on, come here, I'm so glad, I'm so glad -"

She is making gestures, she is flapping her hand, come here! Join this hug!

They're here, together, alive. The world is still turning, and the night is beautiful, and in the morning, the sun will rise on a world with all of them in it, and Beryl will be nothing but a memory.