719/HRmor goes where HR won't

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HRmor goes where HR won't
Date of Scene: 06 November 2023
Location: Obsidian Tower - Dark Laboratory
Synopsis: Sunbreaker has a meeting with HRmor, Ko-Enshaku. Where she discusses her recent argument with a member of the witches 5. She threatens to maliciously comply, as she wasn't there to begin with.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, 178

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker was listening to 'I can't decide' today, sitting at the desk which was kicked against the wall in the office she'd procured. Her feet were kicked up on it and while the music didn't come out of the room... it was obviously due to magic because it was on a speaker system and it was BLARING!

Her right hand was swirling, enveloped in red magic as... something was going on. Little red spheres of magic were swirling, stopping eventually and turning into small, blue stars/cubes/other random shapes.

Who knew what were, insane magics she was concocting in there? Ted didn't know and Ted didn't want to find out.

Ko-Enshaku (178) has posed:
Some would be surprised to know that Obsidian actually HAS an HR department.

Which probably shouldn't REALLY be too much of a surprise once one thinks about it.

For one, the 'spooky, magical' side of things is covered by a rather large and rather profitable 'front' corporation...which of COURSE would have to have an HR department.

For another...well...some parts of the aforementioned 'spooky, magical' side sometimes have a much more...LITERAL definition of 'human resources' at times.

Still, SOMEONE had a brainwave and decided that there didn't need to be TWO HR departments...so for quite some time, Obsidian struggled with a rather high 'turnover' rate in said department...as the squishy normals that populated the front HR department didn't always fare well when dealing with various researchers with no ethics, few morals, and hopped up on Dark Energy.

Until, that is, they came into possession of the giant, enchanted, sentient suit of armor that is Ko-Enshaku.

There they found a being durable enough to not be overly bothered at random bolts of energy flung at it's head...and what's more...they found that Ko is strangely GOOD at his job...if he does have some odd...quirks.

Thus, when the door to said procured office opens, it's an eight-foot tall suit of armor that steps in.

After a moment of taking in the ambient noise level, it orients itself on Sunbreaker and, in a voice that somehow manages to be even louder than the music, declares, "GREETINGS, RESEARCHER SUNBREAKER! I'M AFRAID I NEED TO HAVE A MOMENT OF YOUR TIME!"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker noticed the door open and glanced over. She then, well. Stared.

Because an eight foot tall suit of armor had stepped into the office. She just blinked a few times before slooooowly reaching over to the mp3 player and pausing the music.

Okay, so she wasn't... always aware of what her magic did. But she was pretty sure she'd have known if she'd accidentally enchanted a massive suit of armor. Sure, it was possible that it was a biproduct of something she'd done, but... but she reallllly hoped she was a bit more attentive than... that.

Oh gosh, but what if she WASN'T? What if she'd made this and hadn't even realized it? Ohhhhh. That'd be embarrassing.

"... Hello... there. How can I... help... you?" she asked, staring.

Please don't call me mommy, please don't call me mommy, please don't call me mommy...

Ko-Enshaku (178) has posed:
The giant animated suit of armor fortunately DOESN'T call Sunbreaker 'mommy'.

However, it DOES continue on at the previous level of volume, "I AM KO-ENSHAKU, AND I REP-"

There's a pause as Ko-Enshaku seems to realize that the competing sound is gone.

It brings a massive armored fist to cover the lower half of it's helmet for a moment and makes a sound not unlike a cough before going on in a voice that's much more in a normal register...though it's still one of those deep voices that seems to 'carry' rather naturally, "Apologies. I am Ko-Enshaku, and I am with Obsidan's HR department. I am here about a complaint from the Tomoe Lifesciences Division."

Ko reaches over to grab the side of his left wrist bracer...and apparently lifts it on a hinge like a door before reaching inside, grabbing some papers, then closing it and looking them over, "...Let's see...they seem to be claiming that you interfered in an operation and caused it to fail..."

One gets the impression that, if it HAD them, Ko-Enshaku would be adjusting a pair of glasses as it reads over the paperwork, "...hrm...well, yes. That seems to be the entire gist of it."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker nodded. "Ah, yeah. I was given a heads up. At the time of the incident I was at home and online or watching this cartoon marathon," she said, flipping her fingers around and continuing her work. "It was my day off. Frankly, I'm kind of insulted they even think it was me. Why in the world would I tackle someone? I weigh like a hundred pounds in this form. I couldn't do much damage to a fence, let alone a person."

"If it had actually been me, I'd have lit them on fire. So no, one of the sparkle skirts can apparently imitate us now. Is that everything?" Wow. She was being incredibly dismissive of the whole thing. As if it didn't matter. Rude. Even going back to work as the armor tried to talk to her.

Ko-Enshaku (178) has posed:
Ko-Enshaku looks back up at Sunbreaker, "Do you have any proof to corroborate your claim? Because while what you say makes sense, I'm afraid that higher ups are going to ask for some evidence to back your claim. Sadly, Researcher Sunbreaker, Tomoe Lifesciences has no small amount of weight to throw around if they decide to pursue this."

Strangely enough, it sounds like this giant, menacing suit of armor seems to care in some odd way as it goes on, "...and while I am glad you are taking necessary breaks and time off, you DO need to properly file the requests for such whenever possible, as it not may help prevent these little conflicts from occuring, as they impair productivity."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker glanced over and cocked an eye. "So... I need to start requesting every weekend off? Even ones where nothing from me is requested? I mean, don't think I won't, I have magic to fill out forms for days but don't think I won't drown this entire company in enough paperwork to make a royal blush. I dealt with royalty all the time back home, I *know* how to wield paperwork as a weapon."

"As for proof... well. Unless you want to pull up my TV watching records from my room, if you can even do that? Not really. I can tell you at one point the mouse dressed up like a little viking. That was cute. But I don't think that really collaborates my story. Even if it did, it wouldn't really prove I was there. Just that the television was on then. And it's not like I post selfies every five minutes of my current location. If you'd like, I could start submitting reports every five minutes of where I am when I'm off the clock."

Yes, she WOULD be maliciously compliant as needed.

Ko-Enshaku (178) has posed:
Oddly enough, Ko-Enshaku doesn't seem all that bothered by Sunbreaker's comeback. In fact, he sounds rather happy at the engagement, "While you most certainly CAN...I would not actually reccomend that. Specifically requesting days off on times when your services aren't being requested would just be needlessly spending your Paid Time Off."

The arm compartment is opened, the papers are replaced, then one of the panels at it's waist opens to reveal it's attatched to a file drawer, from wich Ko-Enshaku retrieves some forms with a level of dexterity that might seem odd when you realize his fingers are each about the diameter of an American quarter.

He hands the form over, "Instead, you can use Standard Form 83-C here to note the days you DID take as Paid Off rather than just ones you weren't requested for and submit them at the end of every other week so that payroll can process them properly."

Then he pauses and tilts his helmet slightly, "...though you DO bring up a point about imitations. We may have to begin implementing some kind of verification in the field going forward. I will make a note of your suggestion and submit it to Security."

Then a nod is given, "Well, that's as much of that as can be dealt with at the moment. Is there anything else I can do for you? Are ytou staying properly hydrated?"

He reaches up, grabs his chestplate and swings it open on a hinge, revealing a refrigerated compartment from which he withdraws a bottle of water and sets it down.

Then he closes it, reaches with the other hand to open the same chestpiece from the OTHER side...and from within he withdraws a warm container of nachos, "Do you require a snack? I note you're rather far from the cafeteria here."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker nodded and, admittedly, was only half listening. It wasn't that he wasn't informative, in fact he was giving her a lot of info. It was that she didn't really care about the bitch who was mad at her. The girl wasn't smart enough to figure out the not-sunbreaker wasn't using fire and wasn't willing to listen when Takashi told her it wasn't her, so why should she care?

Right, because making enemies in EVERY department would just cause her problems. Ugh. Politics.

She took the paper with a small nod. "Uh huh. Thanks for that, I guess," she said. Mental note, submit a lot of PTO right before she returns home. Because it'd be funny.

"Yeah, having shapeshifters can cause a lot of tangles. Who'd have thought being part of something like this with magic flying everywhere could get so complex?" she asked in an amused tone before... welllll... NACHOS! Who didn't like Nachos?! "Well, okay, NOW I'm hungry," she admtited, holding her hands out for them. "And sweet, vegetarian. Heh. So, am I going to have to go to a sensitivity class or something now? Or what?"

Ko-Enshaku (178) has posed:
Ko-Enshaku gladly hands over the nachos. They're actually pretty good, for all that they're just something he carries around in what's apparently some kind of extradimensional pocket to hand out for people that need them, "No, sensitivity class would be if you had ACTUALLY attacked Researcher Tellu...but it's fairly clear that you did NOT, and I will be certain to let her know."

He then opens his wrist compartment, pulls out a paper and consults it for a moment, "...no, that seems to be everything we needed from our side. Was there anything you needed from HR? We want to make sure you are empowered to maintain maximum efficiency so that you may continue to contribute to the End of All That Is."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker shook her head, tossing a chip into her mouth. "Nuh uh..." she mumbled, flipping through the orbs, then paused. She held out a small, blue, oddly shaped triangle. "Does this look like a mermaid tail to you? No? It really doesn't, does it?" she asked.

No, she didn't wait for him to answer. Just answering it for him. It didn't, though. She sighed and started getting back to work. "End all that is, right, right, you're dismissed. Unsummoned. Whatever it is that you... do... are... be?" she said, before shrugging. She didn't know.

Weird suit of armor. Bit creepy. Useful. Creepy, but useful.

Ko-Enshaku (178) has posed:
Ko-Enshaku nods, "Very well. Don't hesitate to contact us in HR if you need any kind of assistance. I am also available for combat ops if necessary."

That said, it nods, puts it's files back in the compartments in it's armor, then turns and exits.

From outside, it's voice can be heard booming, "GREETINGS, EMPLOYEES!"