810/School Daze

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School Daze
Date of Scene: 27 November 2023
Location: Radiant Heart Academy
Synopsis: Adrien and Rubi share a brief conversation.
Cast of Characters: Adrien Agreste, Rubi Hanabusa

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Near the gates of the school stood a rather tall behemoth of a man in a suit. His dark hair and heavy eyebrows, as well as perpetual scowl, made most students steer well clear of him. All except for the one blonde student he was currently staring down at while they apparently spoke.

Adrien gestures a bit, offering a shrug and a few other gestures while speaking. None rude or suggestive. It was more as if he were trying to convince the taller man of something.

"Really it'll be fine if I miss just *one* time. If you could just talk to him..." Adrien sighs a moment as the glower continues. His shoulders slump with a defeated sort of nod. "All right. I'll be there, then."

With that Adrien turns to head back into the school grounds proper looking less than happy about something.

Rubi Hanabusa has posed:
Rubi tugs at her school uniform with a hint of annoyance as she crosses the courtyard between buildings. The tomboy is new to the school, and she doesn't really know anyone yet. Also, the uniform is weird and...she has to wear a skirt! Ugh. Forget the fact that she looks quite cute in it.

She slows in her angry walk as she spots the big man and the blonde. She stops and hms. Stupid, intense curiosity! Her wide eyes dart between them, the kid trying to pick up on anything she can from their conversation. Nope. Nada. When Adrien starts heading vaguely in her direction she hurries over.

"Hey! You okay?"

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste frowns while he watches the ground just in front of him. Every step leads him a little further along until his attention is finally torn from his thoughts, and the ground. Lifting his head at Rubi's call he looks momentarily surprised.

"Huh? Oh! Oh, yes," he assures with an easy smile. A hand lifts to comb fingers back through his hair absently. "I'm fine. Just a bit upset that I can't get out of doing something I was hoping to avoid. It's not a big deal," he assures with a chuckle. "Sorry to worry you."

Rubi Hanabusa has posed:
She offers a lopsided grin and nods. "Ooooh. Yeah. Resposibilities suck, don't they?" She glances past Adrien to watch the large man depart before returning her attention to him. "Anything you need help with?," she asks, being too nice for her own good, as usual.

"Oh, ugh. Sorry. I'm Rubi. Rubi Hanabusa," she adds, slapping her forehead, as she forgot to introduce herself.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste smiles a bit softer at the offer of help. It was nice of her to offer even if it was just something she couldn't really help with. "No, but thank you for offering. I just have to go to an event my father wants me to attend to help promote his brand. I was really hoping to avoid going. I've got other things I'd rather do."

That man and he look NOTHING alike. Surely that wasn't his father he was speaking to.

THe introduction is met with a dip of his head. "I'm Adrien Agreste, grade nine. Nice to meet you, Hanabusa-chan." Realizing they're just standing there chatting he blinks a single time. "Ah, I wasn't keeping you from going somewhere, was I? I could walk you there?" At least he's trying to be courteous.

Rubi Hanabusa has posed:
She smiles and nods. "Got it. -My- dad is way up north, sadly. First time being so far from home and it's -weird-." She brushes her fingers back through her hair and sighs, before glancing towards the other buildings.

"Well, I was kinda on my way to the club room to see if anything stood out to me, but was taaaaaking myyyyy tiiiiiiime." She stretches the words out to show how much of a rush she is NOT in, offering that cheeky grin of hers.

"But somebody to walk with would be cool. It's been lonely here, not knowing anyone. My sister is gonna be going here, too, but she won't be here for a few weeks."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"Oh I know that feeling," Adrien responds with a quick chuckle. Being alone did suck. He'd been very lucky. "I transfered from Paris earlier in the semester. I've been really fortunate to meet some great people so far, but it's still a bit odd being not just the 'new kid' but from out of country, too."

Reaching up he grasps the strap of the messenger bag slung over one shoulder to give it a little tug, resettling it in a more comfortable position. Every now and then it would dig into his shoulder a bit too much. Moving it around helped.

"We can head over that way then. I'm not in any clubs myself yet, I missed the sign ups. I'm hoping to join the Fencing Club next quarter though."

Rubi Hanabusa has posed:
"Whooooooa, PARIS? My dad spent time in France before I was born. Well, my mom and dad. But he was doing some kinda...excavation thing on some old church in the south of it. He was an archaeologist before he retired," the girl explains. "I've never left Japan," she pouts softly.

With his agreement she starts the slow trudge in the proper direction. "Fencing club? That's cool! I was considering the auto club, but they mostly work on motorcycles, I think. I wanna work on cars like back home!" She gushes excitement as she says that, offering a big smile. "But...mabye the anime club. Or the cooking club. I dunno..."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"I've visited a few other countries. It can be interesting, but when you're there on work it's less exciting." Adrien grins at her enthusiasm none the less. "Maybe you can go on a trip there at some point? I can suggest places to go. It is a bit of a trip though," he has to admit with a glance skyward as if he were looking up at airplanes going by right this moment.

Talk of the motorcycles versus cars does earn a thoughtful nod. "I can see that. They do try to cut down on emissions here a lot. I know there's a manga club, and a cooking club. Also an Animal Care Club, Gardening Club, Music Club--" He pauses as he's ticking things off on his fingers.

"My father has a list he wants me to join, but I'm just going for the ones I want right now."

Rubi Hanabusa has posed:
"I'd like that. My family is pretty humble, though," the girl explains as they walk along. "Dad working to take care of both my sister and me. Doesn't leave a lot of money for those kinds of things." She doesn't seem exacrlt heartbroken about it, but perhaps a hint wistful.

"Yeah, it's also the whole...teens can ride motorcycles here, but you need to be all old and stuff to drive a car." She grunts. "I want an American Mustang more then anything in the wooooooooorld." She gestures widely, as if to show how big said world is.

"Gardening would rock. I loved working in the one back home..."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste ahs softly when she explains further. "That would make it a bit more difficult. Still, that doesn't mean you can't hope and plan for the future sometime."

The talk of cars and motorcycles causes him some moment of quiet as he loses himself in thought. HE was almost old enough to apply for a motorcycle license. Maybe he should try? Would he be *allowed* to? Usually he was driven everywhere 'for safety' but he'd had a bit more freedom since coming to Japan.

Snapping his thoughts back to the actual conversation he chuckles. "I don't think I could handle a car like that myself. Though they do look pretty great. What sort of things did you grow? Just flowers, or other things? We had a small class garden at my old school we grew carrots in."

Rubi Hanabusa has posed:
"Oh, flowers, sure. But all of our fruits and vegetables, too. We basically have a tiny farm," Rubi admits with a grin. "I miss it. I miss it all." She huffs and goes quiet a moment before she lets her usual cheery attitude seep back in.

"Yeah, I'm gonna join the gardening club. It's decided!"

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste reaches out to lightly pat Rubi's shoulder in an attempt to be consoling. Much as he could with someone he's just met at least. "That sounds like it was a great place to live. I'm sure the gardening club will help a lot, then."

Their path had finally led them to the club building and he stops to glance up at it a moment. "I should get back to my dorm. If you ever want to find me, I'm on the second floor." An amused grin comes and he adds, "Just ask anyone where to get the coffee and they'll point you to me." His voice drops a conspiratorial notch, "I smuggled an espresso machine in."