1067/Nothing Major

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Nothing Major
Date of Scene: 31 January 2024
Location: Dorms #2
Synopsis: Hinoiri throws a tantrum to Double Trouble over something that TOTALLY isn't her fault. Infecting Adora. NOT her fault. AT ALL!
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Double Trouble

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara came walking into her dorm room, closing the door behind herself. She just leaned back against it for a moment, before taking a few, quick breaths. AHHHHHHH!



Externally, she kept it together. Instead, she made her way towards her room--


Instead, she made her way to her bed and just laid down on it face down, hugged the pillow to her face...

And screamed. Feet kicking wildly from her kneeling/laying position like she was swimming on her bed.


Double Trouble has posed:
Double Trouble chose the single room precisely for moments like this. They're a nosy chameleon and what better way to make sure they can keep tabs on their unicorn than to live and sleep in the same, single room?

They're just lounging on their bed, flipping through the pages of a magazine, when in comes Hinoiri. Not one to interrupt a good angsty tantrum, they just watch as she stomps across the room and muffles her rage in the pillow. Their lips curl into a smirk.

This is going to be good.

They set down the magazine and slide off their bed, zipping across the room in the blink of an eye. They sit down on Hinoiri's bed facing the the opposite direction from her, and place their hand in the small of her back and give her a little pet.

"So what'd you do now?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
"I didn't do anything! This time it ISN'T my fault!" Hinoiri said.

Nope, entirely her fault.

"Okay, right. You know those cookies I made you earlier? Well, I was doing some baking earlier and so I decided to make you some special ones." Of course. "Since I was trying to experiment with dusk water." As you do. "When I drank the dusk zone water I got a massive power boost, even if I went mad for a little bit and didn't... really remember what happened. So I thought, hey, if I dilute it, this'll go much better." Ahhhh, of course. "So I was making cookies with just a drop of dusk water in them, right?"

Oh, this just kept getting better/worse.

"So I made you some nice ones, since I know you like sweet things. No, yours didn't have dusk water. And... okay... so... I kind of made some for Swiftwind too... he's Adora's alicorn." Oh, they could likely feel where this was going.

"Oh, that reminds me, I got you something. I'm not sure if you count as my... secret... boyfriend? Or girlfriend? So, here," She had to use a bit of magic, a bit of dark energy, but just teleported in two of the candy shops valentine's day specials. Which were then pushed into Double Trouble's arms. "So, like. Apparently you get your boyfriend some on valentines day, girlfriend on white day, so this way I can't forget. Right. So, there, I'm making these cookies and... well, I knew if Adora was there she'd just pout at Swiftwind until he gave her some, so I put the rejects that weren't good enough for yours or Swiftwinds aside for her... but ummmm..."

"Apparently... some of mine got mixed in with hers, the ones I made for me... And she... maybe... ate one... or two of them... and uhhhh... had a reaction... and, err. Long story short? Swiftwind is safe, currently. He's relaxing in a cabin. He has cookies. And cable. And is just waiting for all of this to blow over. Like. I give it a day. Two, tops. A week at most. Before Adora calms down and works all of this stuff out of her system. But, ummmm... right now?"

"... I kind of accidentally poisoned Adora and kidnapped Swiftwind. But it's NOT my fault!"

Double Trouble has posed:
Double Trouble just listens, their hand gently petting along Hinoiri's spine. Their tail swishes around and loops around Hinoiri's legs, loosely just holding onto them. They're not trapping her there, they just wrap their tail around her instinctively. Their emotional attachment can be quite literal sometimes.

When she finally finishes, Double Trouble just sits there for a moment looking at her backside as she lays there next to them and then they just laugh. At first it's amused, but then it turns to evil laughter.

"Hinoiri, you magnificent unicorn, this is fantastic," they say with a sinister grin. "It's so perfect, I could kiss you."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara glanced back at Double Trouble like they'd lost their mind. "What? How is this fantastic? I poisoned someone! You don't tamper with people's food like that, it's just so... it's so underhanded! It..."

... Then she blinked and trailed off. "Wait. You... you think it's perfect? You think I'm perfect?" Oh the girl was just so hungry for praise. "Really? You don't... think it's a disaster? Or a bad idea? Or anything like that?"

Leaning a liiiiittle bit into the strokes. Okay, praise made unicorn happy. So happy unicorn brain processes. "What if like... she ummmm... does something bad, though? Or... it's longer lasting? What if it affects Swiftwind?"

Double Trouble has posed:
Double Trouble notices Hinoiri lean into their touch and smiles. "Yes, my sweet, insecure unicorn, you have manufactured the perfect opportunity for me to mess with Adora's head," they say. More pets along her spine as they talk.

"You didn't poison her at all. You just made her ripe for recruitment," they say, as they finally slide off the bed and their form goes inky black before it coalesces into someone considerably more purple.

"HR wants me to encourage all of our budding bad boys and girls to live their best lives and do their worst deeds. And who better for me to egg on than the Princess of Power herself," Glimmer says, her voice scheming and evil. Oh yes. She's definitely a girl gone bad.

"And the best part is it's only temporary, right? She's gonna be devastated when it wears off. Brilliant!"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times, staring down at Double Trouble. "I... have?" she asked gently. The perfect opportunity. She was... helping? This was a good thing?

Aaaaand then Double Trouble kept talking. And... and a part of her felt bad. But she nodded. "I guess... I guess that's true. I mean... it's not... mind control, atleast. It's just some... dark energy. It'll mess with her mind a bit, but it's not like I'm making her do anything bad. So... yeah."

"I guess... I guess this is a good thing. Heh. I'm pretty awesome, aren't I? I didn't even mean to do this and I gave you the ideal opportunity. I truly am the world's greatest employee. OH! Did I ever show you the mug the people at Easter got me?"

... Yes. Like. Five. Times.

Double Trouble has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon claps her hands and bounces on her toes and giggles with a sinister delight. She's a girl unburdened by the duties of ruling, and ridden by the dark compulsions of the only magical energy she can tap into on this earth. She's Bad Girl Glimmer Brightmoon, and she is one hundred and ten percent here for egging on Adora to do bad things.

She leaps back onto the bed, laying on her side and propping up her head as she looks at Hinoiri. Her hand comes up and runs through the other girl's flame-colored hair and she smiles. "Yes, dear, you've shown me," she says with a smirk. "You earned that mug because you are a great employee. You're one of the best Obsidian has." After them, of course.

Glimmer rolls onto her back and brings both of her hands up behind her head of purple hair and she sighs a happy sigh. "You know that feeling when you're about to start something big? The anticipation? I'm vibrating with it."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara grinned a little wider when 'Glimmer' said she was, in fact, the world's best employee. She was the best.

Even though that wasn't actually what they said.

She did lean back and against Glimmer, though. Right. It was a mistake. And it wasn't even HER fault. Adora just... ate too many of the cookies. And it wasn't going to cause any problems, anyway. She had it alllll under control. Yup. It was all... good. Everything was fine.

She had no reason, at all, to feel bad.

"Yeah. The anticipation. Knowing that soon... soon your genius will be recognized. Everything will be right..." she mumbled softly.

Followed by the moments, afterwards, where it still proved to not be enough.

She just moved over and rested her head on Glimmer, looking up at her. "Just... don't go too far, okay? Nothing that'll go back on Swiftwind. But... I did have a feeling you might find a role in this somewhere. I really am the best at creating all kinds of opportunities, aren't I?"

She then closed her eyes and just laid there. Then...

"Did you know that your heart beats differently when you're transformed?" Hinoiri asked, just resting against her. "You really are the best at what you do. Becoming someone else entirely... Better than any spell, even."

Double Trouble has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon just lays there as Hinoiri leans against her and then scoots closer and snuggles up. She listens. And then when the younger girl closes her eyes, she brings down one arm to circle around her shoulders and squeeze her tightly.

"Of course, of course. I'm just going to see if Adora can loosen up now that she's eating from the fun pantry," Glimmer says. "Because she really doesn't know how to have fun usually. Besides, you said Swiftwind's in safe place, so by the time she sees him again, she'll be wracked with guilt, not rage."

She lays there and giggles maniacally just under her breath as she squeezes Hinoiri close.

Then, after a moment, she says, "I'll gladly be as many friends as you want, if it gets me more chocolate, darling."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a snort and nodded. "Yeah... yeah. She's not... really the... type to 'loosen up', is she? The girl was so tense when I saw her. Catra isn't any better. They're both so... broken. It's kind of funny, in a way."

She opened her eyes and looked up at her. "Dee... who was your first friend? And... if different... who was your first crush? In Etheria?" She reached up to take on of Glimmer's hands in hers. Rather than lacing their fingers together, though, instead she just kind of massaged it. Feeling the little bones and muscles in the hand, rubbing her thumbs and index fingers from both hands along them.

"... Dee... would you still love me if I wasn't broken?"

Double Trouble has posed:
"Of coursse I would still love you, you silly unicorn," Glimmer says, lifting up the hand that's resting on her shoulder to bop the top of her head gently. She keeps the fact that she probably would not have fallen for her, were it not for her brokenness. She still feels a little bad about the whole Sora incident and she doesn't want to test Hinoiri's ability to withstand the raw truth.

"You're brilliant, you're beautiful, and best of all, you're mine," she says and then gives her shoulders another squeeze. Hinoiri takes her hand and starts massaging it and Glimmer lets out a quiet little sound of approval. "Mm, that feels good."

She relaxes and then shimmers into an inky black blob that reforms into Double Trouble, right there snuggled up to Hinoiri. It certainly didn't feel weird at all. (It did. It felt very weird.)

These aren't Glimmer's stories to tell.

Their tail wraps around Hinoiri's leg again and they say. "Her name was Bitera. We were both from the Crimson Waste. When we were both just hatchlings, we were practically inseparable. Little terrors running around causing trouble," they recall. "I know I've told you it was cuthroat, but I thought I was invincible back then. I could become just about anybody--even if I was not the best at acting the parts--and my best friend was a crocodile girl who could take on half a dozen guys in a fight."

They sigh. "But then Bitera got it in her head that she could do better, and double-crossed me. We had figured out a job. We were going to steal some supplies from one of the local gangs, and then sell it on the market. It was her idea, and it turns out it's because she'd fallen for one of the gang members, and she had to 'prove her loyalty'."

They take a deep breath, and let it out. "That's why I left the Crimson Waste to see the rest of Etheria. After she betrayed me, I didn't have anyone keeping me there, and her gang gave me all kinds of trouble. But a thespian like me can adapt to any stage, and Etheria has so many."

"I met this girl near Elberon named Mothrella," they say. "She was one of the first people to show me any kindness after I left the Waste. She was one of the first people that wasn't immediately suspicious of me."

They shake their head and sigh. "I never told her about my feelings. But years later, when I went to infiltrate Brightmoon, the girl I invented, Flutterina, looked just like she could have been her little sister."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara couldn't help but smile a little bit when she was bopped. Especially when Glimmer gave those little sounds. Hands were fascinating. So much... more delicate than hooves. So maneuverable. Absolutely fascinating.

But feeling Double Trouble shift under her? THAT made her tummy do a little jump and her cheeks to go a little red. It felt oddly... personal. And put butterflies in her stomach.

And it made her smile. That Double Trouble would share this with her. Ever so gently, she pulled the hand closer and put a small, gentle kiss on their fingertips. She listened with rapt attention.

And a small part of her wondered if Double Trouble was making all of this up. But... you know what?

She didn't want to know. Double Trouble was a performer. They could make up anything... But she wanted to trust them. She wanted to believe in them. They...

... Just this once they wanted to believe someone could, would, be loyal to them. A performer who was honest with them. Someone they could be kind for. Generous with. Share... laughter... with...

And then, well. Hinoiri laughed. And it was... a real. Genuine laugh. That kind of laugh that was almost magical. The kind of laugh where you could almost see the clouds part and the sun break through to radiate down on her when she did it. A laugh free of stress and worry.

"... You know... maybe... maybe you're right. What came before won't count anymore..."

"It's only us..."